December 24, 2010
24 min
Two years ago, Junichi Tachibana had his heart broken by a girl who stood him up on a date on Christmas Eve. Now a second-year student in high school, Junichi is wary of love because of his past and dislikes celebrating Christmas. However this Christmas, his encounter with one of six girls from his school: Haruka Morishima, Kaoru Tanamachi, Sae Nakata, Ai Nanasaki, Rihoko Sakurai, or Tsukasa Ayatsuji will finally open up his heart to love again.
Kaoru Tanamachi
Rina Satou
Tsukasa Ayatsuji
Kaori Nazuka
Haruka Morishima
Shizuka Itou
Ai Nanasaki
Sae Nakata
Hiromi Konno
Rihoko Sakurai
Ryouko Shintani
Junichi Tachibana
Momoko Saitou
Jouji Nakata
Miya Tachibana
Kana Asumi
Risa Kamizaki
Mai Kadowaki
Hibiki Tsukahara
Yuu Asakawa
Maya Takahashi
Risa Hayamizu
Masayoshi Umehara
Takuma Terashima
Manaka Hiba
Hitomi Harada
Ikuo Nanasaki
Yukari Ayatsuji
Aiko Igarashi
Keiko Tanaka
Mai Kadowaki
American Director
Michael Rivas
Kanae Itou
Yuki Matsuoka
Ruriko Yuzuki
Izumi Satou
Mika Makihara
Hitomi Harada
Mayu Udono

Not available on crunchyroll

84/100A multi-universe "harem" anime almost-entirely done right.Continue on AniList(Note: This review covers both this season and the second season, Amagami SS+ Plus.)
In reality, it's not possible to date multiple girls at once.... at least, not if you don't want to be seen by society in a bad light as a cheater. However, if you're not dating your girlfriend but instead a different girl in an alternate universe, you're not cheating on her, right? This is the case with a man like Junichi Tachibana; in different alternate universes, he's giving a different girl the love she deserves, and if you think about it, everyone's happy that way. A few years ago, I watched an anime called "Photo Kano", and while I can't say I disliked that anime, I was oblivious to the omnibus format it held until it was too late. For that reason, when I found out that this particular anime, which aired years before it, was pretty much the same, I was ready to take it on; however, I wasn't ready for exactly how good it was.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, get ready to hear my thoughts on such an anime, "Amagami SS", which was originally called just "Amagami". (I don't know why the SS was added, but whatever!)
Amagami SS generally follows the romantic misadventures of Junichi Tachibana, a (kind of perverted) high school student. Two years prior, his heart was broken by a girl who never showed up for a date on Christmas Eve; because of that, he is distrustful when it comes to relationships. However, in each arc of this anime, one of six girls manages to change his minds; these six girls are Haruka Morishima (an eccentric senpai), Kaoru Tanamachi (a classmate and good friend), Sae Nakata (a shy underclassman), Ai Nanasaki (an underclassman on the swim team), Rihoko Sakurai (Junichi's childhood friend), and Tsukasa Ayatsuji (the hardworking class rep). In four episodes of season one and two episodes of season two each (making a total of six episodes each), we get to see how the relationship between Junichi and one of these girls develops.
The story arcs of Amagami SS would be either a hit or a miss, but luckily, there's more "hits" than "misses"; even though not all of the arcs are great, it was interesting to see how each of the girls' characters would develop in each arc. There is a great number of enjoyable side characters, with one of my favorites being Umehara, Junichi's best friend; he is a "goofy, pervy friend" kind of character done right, and some of his actions have proved how true of a friend he is to Junichi. However, this series truly wouldn't be as great as it is without its heroines; all of them are fun in their own way, with two of my favorites being Haruka and Tsukasa. Haruka is definitely a favorite, as she has a great personality, great looks (I can't believe I just said that either), and a great arc in both the first and second seasons; on the other hand, while Tsukasa seems like a kind, hardworking girl on the outside.... well, without giving too much away, I'm just going to say I was kind of surprised by her revelation and loved the character development she was given. The only heroine I kind of didn't like was Risa Kamizaki; while I could honestly see her good intentions, it's hard to truly forgive her actions, and I have a hard time believing her relationship with Junichi, with the fact that she only got one episode in the first season not helping.
The animation for Amagami SS isn't the best, but it's definitely serene animation with solid character designs. I know that I keep saying this, but I'll say it again; AIC did a great job with the animation with this anime. There are also some solid voice actors working on this anime, and they did a great job, as always. The three opening themes, "i Love", "Kimi no Mama de", and "Check My Soul" all by azusa, are catchy, upbeat songs that I really liked. The first season had a variety of different ending themes for each girl, with most of them being great and my favorite being "Koi wa Aserazu", the ending theme for Rihoko's arc. However, in the second season, there is instead only one ending theme for the whole season, "Kokuhaku" by azusa; the fact that the different ending theme per arc thing isn't done again is a bit disheartening, but the song itself is quite serene.
It's not just the huge majority of ending themes that makes Amagami SS enjoyable, though; it's everything I have just mentioned. If you're tired of your "best girl" not winning the heart of the protagonist in harem anime, I'd recommend you to watch this. After all, this is one anime where everyone wins!
90/100Ever wanted a romance where all the girls win? Well here it is!Continue on AniListI myself am not a very big fan of romances. To be frank, there are not a lot of romances that even appeal to me anymore. After a couple episodes, most romances get branded as bland, boring, plain and cliche. Amagami SS is an exception. After watching countless romances, I've lost that feeling and excitement you get when watching your first ever romance anime. That weird jittery feeling that makes your stomach feel like it's on a rollercoaster. How you toss and turn hugging a pillow after your best girl has a cute scene. Amagami SS somehow made me feel like that once again and I'm grateful for that. Look I know the show isn't perfect, there are flaws that you can point out to me and I won't turn a blind eye to it, I'll probably even agree with you. But here's to why I think it's one of a kind and stands to be one of my favorite shows of all time.
What stands out to me the most about this series is how it's structured. Based off a PS2 dating sim, you get a 4 episode arc for each of the girls. At the beginning of each arc you reset to where Junichi is stood up on Christmas Day which scars him from trying to find love once again. Each arc explores the girls personalities, how they come to love Junichi and how Junichi is able to open up his scared heart once again to try to find love.
I myself haven't played very many VNs or dating sims, only really ever watching anime. So to me, I found this concept to be alien-like and a really nice twist to the romance genre. Made in 2010, it's crazy to me how this show isn't very recognized and how there aren't very much shows like this. I think this is one of the only shows that takes the dating sim concept and turns it into an anime format. The fact I haven't seen anything like this nowadays and is able to execute all the romance well in a not too cliche way to point it hurts, makes it one hell of a gem in my opinion.
Again made in 2010, just by looking at the cover art or the first couple seconds of the first episode you can tell it was made during that time. Usually this kind of art style would be grating and unappealing to the eye, but after giving it a bit of a chance I grew to love it. I think the art style fits all the cliche romance scenes perfectly and really captures that 2000s anime aura without making my head and eyes hurt.
All the VAs fit perfectly into the characters they were cast into. The VAs were able to perfectly convey what kind of personalities the characters had during the whole show. As a little bonus during each arc's ED contained the VAs version of the song and I found it to be very pleasant to the ear. Both OPs sang by azusa were amazing and also very pleasant to the ear.
The characters are what make up this show. They are what shaped and helped me enjoy the show as much as I did. With the exception of Sae and Rihoko (though they do make up for the Rihoko's in SS+), all the character arcs were amazing and were what gave me that jittery feeling once again. The 3 episodes leading up to that amazing finale where each of the girls get their special moment during Christmas with Junichi, was like a cake. You eat up the middle of that cake (the first 3 episodes) and then you wrap it all up perfectly together with that cherry (the final episode). Makes me jealous thinking about it, damn you Junichi!
As I said before, this show made me feel feelings I haven't felt in ages. The pure enjoyment and satisfaction I got off of this show was truly amazing and I can't thank enough all the people who contributed to the making of this wonderful series.
If you're looking for a pretty unique twist on the romance genre, with arguable harem elements, this is the show for you! I can't recommend this show enough! Trust me it'll be worth every second of your time!
47/100Myślałem że będzie fajne, a nie jest :(((Continue on AniListDziwny tytuł z jeszcze dziwniejszymi zabiegami. Niezwykle irytujący główny bohater, który szczęście interpretuje poprzez obowiązkowe posiadanie dziewczyny, w czym nie pomaga ogólna narracja fabuły. Do tego z czasem dochodzą dziwaczne zabiegi, pokroju narratora, który przy bodajże trzecim wątku miłosnym nagle pojawia się znikąd. Czyżby twórcy uznali, że akcja zawraca koło, staje się powtarzalna i przez to trzeba jakoś sztucznie utrzymać uwagę widza?
Brakuje tutaj życia poza wątkami miłosnymi; szkolne sprawy, wydarzenia w życiu głównego bohatera, czy jakieś większe lub mniejsze dramaty. Tego tutaj nie ma, a bardzo by się przydało. Zamiast tego dostajemy średniej jakości romansidła, które do tego trwają maksymalnie 5 odcinków, po czym następuje restart linii czasowej i główny bohater doznaje efektu motyla. Zmienia się jakaś drobna rzecz w jego historii, która sprawia, że ostatecznie będzie w związku z inną dziewczyną.
Może i by ten motyw mnie jakoś kupił, gdyby chociaż rozwinięto konsekwencje fabularne. Na przykład historie poboczne innych postaci, które adekwatnie reagowałyby na aktualny stan wydarzeń, lub po prostu których śledzilibyśmy fabułę.Niezwykle irytujące są również różne, bardzo dziwne... zabiegi. W każdym wątku musi być przynajmniej jeden taki moment, gdzie główny bohater wykazuje swoje zapędy seksualne w stronę danej dziewczyny. Tutaj podnieca się czyimś ubiorem, tam całuje jedną dziewczynę za kolanem, a w innym przypadku twórcy wpadają na pomysł, aby jedna z partnerek Junichi'ego wydawała dźwięki rozkoszy przez ryby obgryzające jej naskórek na stopach. Kurwa. To jest po prostu momentami ohydne! Bardzo trudno się to ogląda...
I żeby była jasność - ludzie są różni, w życiu mogą się dziać najróżniejsze scenariusze, jednak z uwagi na ilość takowych zabiegów nie mogę odtrącić od siebie wrażenia, iż twórcy wprowadzili takowy motyw aby celowo przyciągnąć odpowiednią grupę widzów. Ba. Nie raz, nie dwa zdarzają się nawet kadry w których nie dzieje się nic ciekawego, jednakże abyśmy przypadkiem nie usnęli, to dostajemy rzut kamery na różne części ciała bohaterek. Scenki są ładnie narysowane, to fakt, jednak osobiście wolę, gdy anime przyciąga mnie do siebie czymś głębszym i bardziej rozmaitym. Trudno jest mi nawet traktować ten tytuł jako luźną, rozrywkową serię, albowiem zwyczajnie nudzę się przy oglądaniu.Opening jest... denny. Ni to fajne w odsłuchu, ni to ciekawie zmontowane. No ale właśnie, trudno się czepiać ów czołówki. W końcu anime to samo w sobie ma poronione zabiegi, które koniec końców sprawiły, ze nie dałem rady obejrzeć więcej niż 12 odcinków, bo po prostu szkoda mi już czasu na słabe tytuły, a zatem jakkolwiek autorzy by się nie wygimnastykowali by uatrakcyjnić opening, tak będzie on po prostu nie ciekawy z racji słabej narracji fabularnej oraz dobranej muzyki.
Dlaczego to w ogóle obejrzałem? Ponieważ jest to gatunek "romans" oraz "slice of life" oraz w tytule jest "SS", a jako wybitny znawca historii XX wieku dostaję elektrycznego pobudzenia na sam widok tych dwóch liter.
Mam nadzieję że jestem w błędzie i źle na to wszystko patrzę. W końcu po to oglądamy anime - żeby dobrze się bawić. Dlatego mam nadzieję, że przynajmniej wy wyciągacie więcej przyjemności z Amagami SS.
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- (3.45/5)
Ended inDecember 24, 2010
Main Studio AIC
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 861 Users