April 1, 2010
24 min
The story centers around Akihisa Yoshii, the "baka" of the title. His academy rigidly divides up the student body into classes based on the results of tests. The prodigies are in the A class with reclining seats complete with air conditioning, but Akihisa is in F class, the lowest rung of the school ladder which is furnished only with low, decrepit tables and worn-out straw tatami mats. A girl named Mizuki Himeji is actually one of the smartest girls in Akihisa's sophomore year, but she had a fever on test day and was pigeonholed into the F class. Besides Mizuki (who Akihisa secretly adores), the F class also has Yuuji Sakamoto, the class president who has been Akihisa's friend and partner-in-crime since the freshman year.
The school happens to have developed experiments to summon fantasy creatures, and Akihisa decides to rally F class to take on the higher-tiered classes and seize their perks. The F class uses the summoned creatures in an all-out battle for school supremacy.
Hideyoshi Kinoshita
Emiri Katou
Akihisa Yoshii
Hiro Shimono
Minami Shimada
Kaori Mizuhashi
Mizuki Himeji
Hitomi Harada
Kouta Tsuchiya
Kouki Miyata
Shouko Kirishima
Tomomi Isomura
Yuuji Sakamoto
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Akira Yoshii
Kikuko Inoue
Aiko Kudou
Yoshino Nanjou
Yuuko Kinoshita
Emiri Katou
Hazuki Shimada
Mana Hirata
Miharu Shimizu
Ayana Taketatsu
Souichi Nishimura
Akio Ootsuka
Toshimitsu Kubo
Takuma Terashima
Hiromi Nakabayashi
Yuuko Takayama
Yuuka Koyama
Hiromi Igarashi
Genji Hiraga
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Yoshiko Mikami
Keiko Manaka
Keiko Manaka
Miho Satou
Mana Hirata
Youko Takahashi
Yumi Kakazu
Kaoru Todo
Kaori Nakamura
Shin Fukuhara
Kenjirou Tsuda
Ryou Sugawa
Keisuke Gotou
Toshinobu Iida
100/100The comedy, plot progression,, and creativity of this anime is amazing, and it's one that should be recommended to all.Continue on AniListBaka and Test was the best comedy I've watched. Despite the cheesiness of it, it was definitely my favourite comedy I've seen. It's one of those anime's one might miss in the scramble, and once picked up, it's impossible to put down. Seriously, I couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun watching an anime.
Reasons it was amazing:
- Despite it's target goal of being a comedy, it also showed its viewers a dramatic side, as we see examples through how it talks about characters backgrounds (I would elaborate on this more, but most of it comes from season 2).
- The overall tone of it was exciting. From its catchy intro, to its entertaining class battles, it never stopped getting better, making every second of it have a feeling that gets the viewer hyped up for more.
- The characters. I was really enveloped on how a comedy such as this one was able to show its viewers the interesting personalities of its characters, since characters is usually a part of anime's like this one that's blown off. It was just amazing to me how it could be both hilarious and interesting, which is something the anime community could use.
- The creativity. The creativity of this anime was simply impeccable, in how it was able to show us many perspectives off all the characters, while also progressing its plot. I felt like not a second of this anime was unnecessary. Either the story contributed to the comedy side of the anime, or to the plot progression of it.
- The action. I know "action" isn't one of the tags listen in this anime, but when watching it, you can't help but feel action dripping down from it. Just watching the battles from each class and how Class F always has a plan, fills the viewer with this feeling of motivation. And before you know it, you find yourself cheering for this underdog class to best the top with their strong wit and tactics, even if it is meant to be a comedy.
From it's creativity, to it's hilarious moments, this is definitely an anime I highly recommend watching if you're fairly new to the anime community, or even if you've been around for a while. I feel like it's one anyone with a soul can enjoy, and it will envelope you in its story and plot progression.
96/100"An imprudently silly anime series yet so good as it will tear your guts due to the laughter."Continue on AniList
I. Opening: "The Bright Insight"
"It has the most vivid and joyful tone."
So, before I come up with my usual review, what was the first thing has come into your brain when you read the title? Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, was it pretty clear? Yes, it's all about the idiots who do the test and summoning the beasts, pretty simple and somewhat cliche for your brain to remember it, isn't it? Yet, with those basic premises, Baka to Test can make somewhat an exceptional series of it's kind. And also, with a lot of anime series bring to school as the main environment, Baka to Test is fresh and somewhat genuine in a lot of aspects and must say it's one of the kind. As they bring something usual but somewhat unique to soothe the audiences of watching the series scene-by-scene from a serious and shounen kind of like terms into unexpected events which has delivered the waves of laughter. The ridiculous, funny, stupid, unexpected, and also joys and tears fulfil the anime into its most vivid tone. It's humorously a rainbow kind of show! And before I continue, hopefully, you'll enjoy my effortful review.
"It has the most basic premises yet leads into something unusual."
As I stated in the preliminary section, it has the most fundamental premises that typical in any anime series. Yes, school. The question is, what are the difference? "Well, people can't just give a damn to a boring slice of life with the school as the background, right? How about if we add the idiot students, the hierarchy of classes, from the most impoverished to the most glamourous and some monsters to summon?" These ideas are somewhat unrelatable but it made it! I can tell from a way of the story narrates itself, it's just exceptional. There are not many anime series which rely on the narration to progress throughout the story, let alone the comedy genre, there are some, but it's not such plenty. At that time, there is no kind of narrative series that very popular (until people discovered Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai which also spans into the comedy-romance narrative as its premise). So, Baka to Test was different as a whole in the comedy genre. This narrative kind of premise also advances with the absurd kind of comedy whereas a lot of illogical but purposely entertaining made the series fills out the laughter in every episode. Another premise that people might notice or not is the slice of life. Yes, I know it's not that obvious but can't say it's vague as the background had taken from a school which primarily based on real-life, so it's (still) a slice of life anime series. The other "background" that I've noticed was the romance. Yes, even though it's not the main point of this series but this series still has it. I can't tell anything about the romance but it's a triangle kind of like relationship in general. At last, Baka to Test has some sub-genres which not mentioned above as it's not the main theme of this series.
**Well, the next is the spoilers part.**
**III. Third: "The Plot & Narration"**
> "School, test, and summoning beasts which focused on the idiots." The story towards Akihisa Yoshii or Aki, the "Baka" student whose stupidity has associated all over the city. The plot itself had started when he was about to submit his academy 2nd class placement test. He shooked as there was a female student who was fainted then fell off from her desk. He tried to help her then he stopped once the class watchman said that she'd get disqualified as she hadn't done her test. Aki was furious and said that the decision was unfair as he had known that she was the smartest student in the academy. Story aside, his academy had made the rigid way to rule over the class. They had divided into classes with a wide variety of facilities and privileges. There are A-F class, each of them has an insane level of diversity, A class is the best with glamorous facilities and concepts, hence F class is the most impoverished with none of the facilities are sufficient enough to likewise study in that class. From this, the story will be directed to the F class (it's more interesting to know about them, right?") whereas they have doubted that "intelligence is everything on this world" and want to prove that the principal and the teachers of the academy are wrong. And how lucky, Mizuki Himeji who had failed at the test due to illness is in the class so they had a chance to prove it to them. Thus, that's where the story rises to fulfil you with a full of enjoyment and laughter, but also some tears in every event.**IV. The Introductory Insight: "The Characters and Developments"**
> "They are good characters. Satisfy enough to blend with the story." ~!Aki as the main character had a lot of development. His life might be ironic and somewhat ridiculous, but it still had an impact on the story. A boy that titled as that "Baka" person on his city, who likes ~~insulting the flat-chested Minami then got a lot of advanced technique lessons of wrestling from her. And also has been the best friend of Yuuki in terms of crime since their first year in the academy. Next, we have Yuuji Sakamoto, as it's foretold before, the best friend of Aki and a childhood friend of ~~a masochistic yandere,~~ Nishimiya Shouko who is from the executive A class and also the president of that class too. It had happened that Yuuji is also the President of the F class, with Akihisa as his ~~slave of shoujo romance~~ Vice President as well. Next, we have Mizuki Himeji and Minami Shimada, two of them are the only smart students in that class and also had a crush on Aki, with each of them showing a different sign of attitude, "hobbies", and jealousy. Then, we have Mutsurini or Tsuchiya Kouta and Hideyoshi Kinoshita and I might say they are "the wings" of the F class due to their good insights of school and bright ideas. There are some interesting characters which can't be mentioned as well (it's more like I don't want to increase the abundance of spoilers)!~**V. The Opinions: "The Roles and Voice Actors"**
I do be honest, I've got no problem with the characters, must say that they suffice enough to blend with the story. They had played the roles very well. As an anime series that purposely to entertain the audiences, they were lucky to have fascinatingly talented voice actors to play the role of the story. As there were a lot of references to create into the parody, I must say it's just too brilliant to have them in the same story. I doubt if there is an anime series that brings a lot of excitement like this if it wasn't because of the talented voice actors. So well done, it's made Baka to Test into a very good anime with enjoyable entertainment.**VI. The Backgrounds: "The Arts and Music"**
> "It soothes my mind how smooth was the transition in every scene." Actually, I don't want to write this (it never be an important section for me) but I must tell because it's somewhat unprecedented to have this kind of art and animation in the story. First to mention is the character background. Yes, it has their colours which fit into each character's personality (it's not that able to notice but still obvious). And next, it's the self-draw kind of the art style. It makes the anime so childish yet increases the extent of comedy premise to get the attention of the audiences due to the laughter as the animation is just so soft. It's worth mentioning that the animation soothes my mind as it "adapts" with every unprecedented scene and I found it quite funny. There are a lot of references, from both manga and anime series in general (not to mention how many absurd references are there). I'm fond of this kind of animation but it's just hilarious yet somewhat a quality one as the transition in every scene is just so smooth and if they ever read those (like shoujo genre for example) they'd notice it and laugh to it spontaneously in a whim. The violence and nudity parts remain censored but with a quite ridiculous trick (you can see and try it later) as people knew it'd happen (if they've got into the middle) but the way to show it, it's just so funny. Arts aside, the Opening sounds cheerful and child-like just the way how it should be. However, I've never expected to see a different kind of music in the ED, the 1st ED, I might say it fits with the idiotic theme and still good due to the background as they show a beautiful art style in the end. The 2nd ED, it's plain but still expected for a series which has a romance in it. And for the OSTs, it's just good, can say no more as it's somehow fitting themselves into every scene.**VII. Ending: "The Enjoyment, Audiences' Target, and Overall Score"**
> "It's very recommended to who may have been looking for a comedy show. If you've finished it, it's worth a re-watch due to the unexceptional story and comedy. Yes, I highly recommend this show. I must say that I enjoyed it very much in every scene and episode due to the basic but somewhat interesting premises due to the comedy. For further notice, this series is just for the entertainment purpose, so if you found any unwanted scenes that you dislike, I might say you have to make it sounds light-hearted enough for your brain as it's purposely to entertain the audiences. This anime is for you who loves the comedy with the school as the background. If you like romance, you can also watch it, it's not that deep but it's still recommended if you like solely a romance-comedy that has a triangle love story on it but still, don't expect the adventurous kind of slice of life. Trust me, you won't have it here. And yes, it doesn't have the action in general, you can enjoy it but don't expect any seinen or shounen (well, it's just a reference) kind of action battle here. If you've watched it before, then why don't you re-watch it? It can bring you the old memory when you've watched it for the first time and I'm sure it'd be still the same as your first impression of this anime series as well. Ah, so, overall I gave it a very high score. It's a big credit due to a lot of efforts that had been putting to create this series to be very good. Well, here is your "one more chance" and "never never give up" score.WalkureFafner
85/100An anime full of energy and will keep one entertained.Continue on AniListBaka to Test to Shoukanjuu (Winter 2010)
Genres: Comedy, School, Romance
- This anime doesn't offer a whole lot of philosophically and intellectually stimulating topics, but Baka to Test is an anime that I've heard about for the longest time that I haven't started fully until recently. What I ended up getting out of this was a funny, light-hearted, relaxing yet entertaining piece of work and a surprisingly likable main protagonist to make the watching experience even more rewarding.
Story: 8/10
- Baka to Test takes place in Fumizuki Academy, which uses a system where basically the best students receive the most privileges, while the worst ones are treated the crappiest. In an A-F ranking, A Class is treated with luxury, while F Class's classrooms and facilities are shoddy, poor, and neglected. Akihisa, our main character who's not very bright, yet always comes up with a unexpectedly funny idea that he literally pulls from the back of his head, finds himself in F Class, alongside clever strategist Yuuji, the questionably perverted cameraman Muttsulini, Hideyoshi, a boy with strongly feminine features yet with a polite personality that usually enables him to avoid trouble, Minami, a hot-headed transfer student with a body complex, and Himeji, a timid yet talented girl who winds up in F Class due to a fever that limited her skills during a test. It gives off a similar vibe to Classroom of the Elite, though this anime came out way before it. Fumizuki also utilizes a unique "Summoner Battle System", where the characters summon Avatars (chibi versions of themselves, reminiscent of JoJo stands) with power levels equivalent to their test scores. The characters engage in these fights throughout the series, though most of the charm comes from the various gags and predicaments they land themselves into.
Art/Animation: 9/10
- I am personally fond of the character designs, they are slender, yet colorful. The frequent comedic moments show them making all sorts of funny faces (especially when they reference other anime) which leave me catching my breath after dying of laughter. The animation is surprisingly fluid, especially with the Summoner fight sequences. It hardly looks like SILVER LINK's cut corners on this one. There's also an interesting usage of background colors with polka dot flairs.
Sound: 7/10
- Musically, the soundtrack doesn't really do anything out of the ordinary, and I am personally not fond of Asou Natsuko's opening. milktub's ending theme is a lot more engaging, but the cast ending theme is forgettable. Hiro Shimono does an excellent job of fleshing out Akihisa's energetic personality, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, the OLDCODEX vocalist, also is a fitting voice for Yuuji and is personally irreplaceable for the role. Overall, I think the voice cast is very fitting, the main characters don't really sound too old. Hitomi Harada's impression of Himeji may sound the most forced in comparison, but I find it funny whenever she talks, so it doesn't bother me that much. Akio Ohtsuka, who we hear a LOT in anime, does a great job at belting out the rigid teacher Mr. Nishimura, AKA Iron Man's dominating lines.
Characters: 8/10
- Again, I am fond of the character designs. Akihisa's charm comes from not the fact that what he does makes a lot of logical sense, but it's that randomness that just makes me go "He's out of line, but he's right." The many hilarious predicaments he lands himself into makes me want to see more. It also helps that he's not a jerk- he actually has a very friendly personality. The chemistry he has with Yuuji is worth a ton of giggles with every moment seen together. As I am not fond of perversion, I think the series could do without Muttsulini. Aside from Muttsulini, I also dislike Shouko. She's way too obsessive around Yuuji. Her way of forcing Yuuji to be around her and never letting him get a chance to breathe can come off as definitely funny, but as a character, I'm not convinced that she herself is likable. It's funny to see Himeji and Minami literally engage in a tug of war with Akihisa, in order to win his feelings for them, but his airheadedness just keeps the series going. It's a pity for them.
Enjoyment: 8.5/10
- The concept of Summoner Test Wars is interesting, and while the comedy can get suggestive at times, the interactions with the main characters make up for all of that. I also cracked up consistently with the many other anime they reference, such as JoJo and Code Geass. I have heard that the female cast is nowhere near as engaging as the male cast, and I agree to an extent. Also, this series is quite harmless. It doesn't get crude that often- and its fanservice moments didn't last as long as I thought.
Pros: Summoner Test War is a unique aspect of the series; Akihisa makes for a likable and energy-filled protagonist who'll make one go "He's out of line, but he's right"; Funny references loaded throughout
Cons: Fanservice mainly derives the series of its energy; tired clichés and tropes that lean to the suggestive side are especially off putting
ANIME ComedySchool Rumble
ANIME ActionAnsatsu Kyoushitsu
TV SHORT ComedySaiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan
ANIME ComedyGrand Blue
- (3.55/5)
Ended inApril 1, 2010
Main Studio SILVER LINK.
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