June 20, 2015
23 min
The students of class 3-E have a mission: kill their teacher before graduation. He has already destroyed the moon, and has promised to destroy the Earth if he can not be killed within a year. But how can this class of misfits kill a tentacled monster, capable of reaching Mach 20 speed, who may be the best teacher any of them have ever had?
Jun Fukuyama
Nagisa Shiota
Mai Fuchigami
Karma Akabane
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Tadaomi Karasuma
Tomokazu Sugita
Irina Jelavic
Shizuka Itou
Kaede Kayano
Aya Suzaki
Rio Nakamura
Manami Numakura
Itona Horibe
Megumi Ogata
Yuma Isogai
Ryouta Oosaka
Saki Fujita
Gakushuu Asano
Mamoru Miyano
Hiroto Maehara
Shintarou Asanuma
Yukiko Kanzaki
Satomi Satou
Tomohito Sugino
Yoshitaka Yamaya
Ryuunosuke Chiba
Junji Majima
Rinka Hayami
Shiho Kawaragi
Manami Okuda
Sayuri Yahagi
Ryouma Terasaka
Subaru Kimura
Gakuhou Asano
Shou Hayami
Hinano Kurahashi
Hisako Kanemoto
Kirara Hazama
Fuuko Saitou
Megu Kataoka
Chie Matsuura
Touka Yada
Ayaka Suwa
Takuya Muramatsu
Kouki Harasawa
Yuzuki Fuwa
Kana Ueda
55/100"Assassination Classroom is a funny joke that drags on for about 15 episodes too long."Continue on AniListAnsatsu Kyoushitsu, AKA Assassination Classroom, has the sort of fun and silly premise that anime tends to become known for. It features on a classroom full of academically backwards students who are trying to kill their teacher--who is also a yellow smiley face with the body of a tentacle monster--before he destroys the earth at the end of the year. He can do it, too. He's already proved that by blowing a hole in the moon.
Assassination Classroom certainly has some fun moments, mostly related to Koro-sensei's personality and how his body functions. But these moments tend to get repetitive fairly quickly, and the flaws of the series threaten to outweigh them. The rest of the cast is fairly lackluster. This is likely a side effect of its Too-Many-Characters Syndrome. There is an entire classroom worth of students, all of them introduced in the OP, but only one or two are memorable. I can think of four off the top of my head: Nagisa, Karma, Ritsu, and that one dude who has something close to a character arc but not a good enough one that I can actually remember his name. The rest are just a blur of faces and names that have pretty much no real relevance.
What's more, the story doesn't often go anywhere. It is, as most shounen, deliberately drawn out so that the franchise can be milked for all it's worth. The result is that the plot largely becomes filler. Over the course of twenty-two episodes, we spend a bit of time learning how Koro-sensei functions and what his strengths and weaknesses are. The rest of the show is filled with Koro-sensei doing teacher things and the class combating other villains. These diversions would almost be welcome were they not a distraction from the real story. Sure, it's good that we're getting character development for these professors and students, but there are more pressing concerns. Namely, "why would such a cheerful creature threaten to destroy the Earth?" and "why does this creature want to teach a high school class?" I can ignore that the moon getting a big hole blown through it doesn't mess with gravity or tides. I can ignore that Koro-sensei can fly at mach 20 and is basically a giant emoji. But I can't ignore that the entire premise of the series is built on unanswered questions. The longer it continues, the more it seems like it's simply an excuse to create this specific situation. But instead of addressing these questions, we get a vague comment about Koro-sensei being a man-made biological weapon, then shrug off any other answers in favor of adding new villains so that we don't have to kill of Koro-sensei until sales start declining.
Assassination Classroom is a funny joke that drags on for about 15 episodes too long. Sure, the concept is fun, but a concept can't carry a show. There are too many characters for them to get fleshed out and the plot refuses to progress. What we're left with is a series with glaring questions that only become more frustrating the longer they go unanswered. And the worst part is that the show gives no indication that they're considering addressing them anywhere in the near future. Three stars.
91/100A being who has promised to destroy the world, but not before he has taught a certain middle-school class for a year..?Continue on AniListThe weird part is, I can’t exactly pinpoint exactly what I enjoyed so much about this show. It wasn’t like each element was outstanding; more like the whole was much greater than the sum of its parts.
The story was utterly absurd – there’s no way round this. The premise of a being who has promised to destroy the world, but not before he has taught a particular middle-school class for a year? Pure nonsense. Illogical. Irrational. And yet the story took itself so seriously, treating this nonsense for all the world like it was totally reasonable. Most plot points in the anime were thought out in a realistic way (like all the possible ways to kill their teacher, how to keep his identity under wraps, compensation from the government etc.) while ignoring the fact that the entire premise completely defies logic itself. Not in a fantasy way either; this story is set in real life. It was almost like the anime itself was the straight man in a comedy duo, a very specific type of humour that I personally found hilarious. Fascinating to watch, and exciting to boot.
Although you basically know how the anime’s gonna end from the get go (simply because it’s that type of anime), there are plenty of twists and turns to keep you entertained, along with some cool fights and a few suspenseful moments. Who knew that a bunch of kids taking midterms and finals could be so much fun to watch? I certainly didn’t feel that way when I was taking mine. Something as ordinary as exams can be turned into a battle of minds. It reminded me a little of Light and L’s mental battles in Death Note.
Characters next. Assassination Classroom has a big cast, and in just 22 episodes there’s obviously not enough time to cover every character in depth. We barely see any backstory from anyone. That doesn’t matter though, as these aren’t your normal anime protagonists. There aren’t any tragic backstories, absent parents, and they don’t have the endless power of nakama or unexplainable likeableness to rely upon. They’re basically a bunch of relatively normal middle-school kids. Each of them has their own little set of mannerisms, likes and dislikes. They’re a group, and they grow as a group.
That isn’t to say that they’re all vanilla by any means. Nagisa, Karma, and Terasaka are all superb characters whose personalities change as they face various challenges in and out of the classroom (especially Nagisa, but that’s to be expected as the MC and all). Even the one-dimensional characters were fun to watch, because they all contributed something. Each student was an important part of the class, and this made the sense of camaraderie between everyone all the more heart-warming and believable. The only character I was confused about was Kayano. She appears on the front cover and a lot in the op themes, so I expected her to have a big part, but she was one of the least developed characters in the series. She could have done with a lot more screen-time, or at the very least have been featured in some more character interactions.
Karasuma and Irina were good characters who were both interesting themselves (or comic relief, in Irina’s case), and able to act as plot devices when needed. So too the students in other classes, they spiced things up nicely during the exam arc in particular.
But the best character by far is Koro-sensei. He just steals the show. Respect to Jun Fukuyama for a magnificent performance as his seiyuu. Koro-sensei’s incredibly volatile, switching from smug to angry to embarrassed within the blink of an eye. His sudden and frequent changes in mood keep the tone light, and keep you guessing what he’ll do next. He’s also a phenomenal teacher; he knows exactly what to say and when and how to say it. You could actually attribute the entire class’ growth to him. Most real-life teachers dream about being able to make a difference to their students’ lives the way Koro-sensei does in the anime. So many important and profound messages are hidden in this series. Don’t be fooled by the comedy aspect; the lessons Koro-sensei gives apply equally in the real world, and to all different areas of life. Even if you don’t like the anime as a whole, it’s still worthwhile to take the lessons from it.
The music was catchy, lively, and although a bit too cheerful for some of the later episodes, it really did get me pumped up each time I heard it.
The art was unusual, lots of strong lines and bright colours. It looked great, and the animation similarly so. All strong positives for the anime.
Well, you can probably tell that I very much enjoyed this. I’ve seen a lot of school anime, and this is definitely one of the best. It has all the components a good show needs, and the assassination aspect was unique and refreshing. It does stray quite far from the original goal in the final arc and become much more like your standard shounen, but even those parts were immensely enjoyable because it felt like they actually built on the plot and characters that had been developed the rest of the series. I couldn’t wait to watch each new episode.
I’d recommend to fans of…well, basically anything. Comedy’s a given, but there are a lot of other things to love in this anime too. Just don’t go in expecting a horror, romance, or thriller/mystery. XD
93/100Comical yet extremely witty. The ultimate anime!!Continue on AniListWhen I discovered the manga version of this book and was then inspired to learn about the mysterious and yet slightly creepy smile on the front cover, the short summary did prompt me to watch the anime. The simply hilarious idea that in a classroom full of assassins the goal is to kill your teacher. While one would first consider this anime to fall into the category of mystery/thriller, this preconception is contrasted by the personality of this teacher. Koro-Sensei (the unkillable teacher) is the best teacher the class ever had. The 3E that Koro-Sensei teaches is a class full of those who were considered too bad to continue on the main campus and were thus sent away to a smaller, older and secluded school campus. Before Koro-Sensei's arrival they seemingly had no chance of ever returning to the main campus as there was basically no suitable teacher wishing to help them. Koro-Sensei, on the other hand, is a teacher who takes it up as a challenge to change and help the students.
Now comes the question: Why should they try to kill Koro-Sensei if he is such a good teacher? Well the answer is quite as hilarious as the act by itself. He is a supernatural being who after the moon exploded claims to have caused it to do so and threatens to destroy the Earth in one year's time. For some reason (later revealed in the 2nd season) he wishes to teach the 3E of this school. The next question that of course arises at this point: Why don't they simply kill him? Well, he can travel at Mach 20 and thus so fast that no assassin so far was able to kill him. Using the children at the school might at least give the government the chance of keeping an eye on him.
And thus, coming from this comical and awkward background a wonderful story that demonstrates much more than the simple setting implies. Not only does the series creatively shows how this teacher may be their assassination target, but also their friend. The characters of the series evolve as well creating a spirit of community and hope within the students. Koro-Sensei on the other helps people to get better in their thinking and appears almost human with all of his faults. His superhuman nature on the other not only becomes visible when seeing his physical make, but also the extreme devotion with which he treats his students.
Overall, the setting allows for a very entertaining, comical and also fun storyline to evolve from there. The anime is able to make the best from all of this making the anime effectively not only about assassination techniques, but essentially about how this community is able to work together when they are set against discrimination and harassment from the main campus. This anime has become one of my favourite anime because it exhibits how communities can work together and how individuals can advance themselves by trusting their own talent. Besides the hilariousness of the situation, the anime thus also gains a serious message that can be taken as a life motto.
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- (3.95/5)
Ended inJune 20, 2015
Main Studio Lerche
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