December 26, 2016
5 min
To the average person, psychic abilities might seem a blessing; for Kusuo Saiki, however, this couldn't be further from the truth. Gifted with a wide assortment of supernatural abilities ranging from telepathy to x-ray vision, he finds this so-called blessing to be nothing but a curse. As all the inconveniences his powers cause constantly pile up, all Kusuo aims for is an ordinary, hassle-free life—a life where ignorance is bliss.
Unfortunately, the life of a psychic is far from quiet. Though Kusuo tries to stay out of the spotlight by keeping his powers a secret from his classmates, he ends up inadvertently attracting the attention of many odd characters, such as the empty-headed Riki Nendou and the delusional Shun Kaidou. Forced to deal with the craziness of the people around him, Kusuo comes to learn that the ordinary life he has been striving for is a lot more difficult to achieve than expected.
Note: Aired in 2 versions, a 120-episode 5-minute short series, and a combined 24-episode 24-minute TV series with the same content.
Kusuo Saiki
Hiroshi Kamiya
Shun Kaidou
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Riki Nendou
Daisuke Ono
Kokomi Teruhashi
Ai Kayano
Makoto Furukawa
Aren Kuboyasu
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Reita Toritsuka
Natsuki Hanae
Kineshi Hairo
Satoshi Hino
Kurumi Saiki
Rikako Aikawa
Kusuke Saiki
Kenji Nojima
Kuniharu Saiki
Mitsuo Iwata
Chiyo Yumehara
Yukari Tamura
Chisato Mera
Maaya Uchida
Metori Saiko
Masaya Matsukaze
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Kumagoro Saiki
Kouichi Yamadera
Kouta Nakanishi
Shoutarou Morikubo
Makoto Teruhashi
Tomoaki Maeno
Yuuta Iridatsu
Yumiko Kobayashi
Kazuya Ikemi
Motomu Kiyokawa
Kumi Saiki
Rie Tanaka
Riki Takeuchi
Daisuke Ono
Tarou Yamaguchi
Midori Nendou
Daisuke Ono
Taishi Murata

80/100The best School Comedy you'll ever seeContinue on AniList"You're just my father, don't give me advice" - Saiki Kusuo
Comedy is a very tough genre to excel at. Why? It's because of the difficulty in knowing what tickles people's funny bone. School comedies are even more tougher to work since the school setting makes it hard to step out and make people laugh. Now there are many supernatural school comedies but none of them made me laugh. Except Saiki Kusuo. Behold, the anime that made a comedy lover like me already decide it's score at a 10 in the middle of watching the show (I decide on ratings after binging a show). This is my review of Saiki Kusuo no PSI Nan. Yare yare, here we go. Original review written March 18, 2018 on MAL.
"JUSTICE KNIGHTS OF THUNDER!!!" Supernatural powers already allow so much more comedy that the folks went overboard and made a 120 episode anime over it, now even though they're 5 mins each they're to be enjoyed in bite sizes, much like coffee jello. Since it's a comedy a plot would be too much too ask (which makes sense) and so the only "plot" we got to see was the introduction of new characters. That and some very loosely tied events showed that the story isn't Saiki's best parts but plot progression isn't the only thing that is calculated in a comedy, it being a slice of life excuses that fact so we judge the scenarios that the characters are put in, and so far maybe around 5 out of the 120 episodes were remotely predictable and maybe kinda meh. The rest? Brilliant scenario making and not to mention brilliant story telling. The 5 minute per scenario focus made it even better since everything just kept a consistency of being fresh again and again. And so despite the fact that plot progression isn't the best of what a SOL (or any SOL for that matter) can offer, it more than made up for it by it's scenarios. The way the independent story moved on was easy-going and a joy to watch, even for J.C Staff who are known for being rushers. What does all this mean? Saiki has got a goddamn epic story telling mangaka being the works.
Arguably the best part of the anime is how lovable all the idiots in the anime are. We've got the main character Saiki who seems like he's the only smart guy in the group but then he gets baited by coffee jello, making him a very relatable character for reasons countless apart from the one I mentioned above. Teruhashi as well is an idiot in her own way and the fun part is how determined she is to make Saiki for "Oh!". Nendou goes without saying, his stupidity was so massive that it was refreshing to see such a baka in a comedy anime. Justice Knight of Thunder as well was as Chuuni as you get and Hairo was the Goku everyone knew him to be. Chiyo as well was a funny love interest although she wasn't too fixated on Saiki as Teruhashi was. That leaves us with a few characters who came a bit later on so I won't be spoiling them for you. The point is, if there's one reason why I hold Saiki Kusuo to such high regard, it's the characters. They are, were and always will be the quintessential part of the anime and a huge reason why it's such a joy to watch. An important thing about an anime is to have memorable characters, but just making them stronger and stronger and giving them multiple Saiyan powers won't do the trick, you have to make them lovable. Needless to say Saiki Kusuo more than managed that. There wasn't a single character I disliked in the anime, and that's saying something because I always have that one character I nitpick on and frankly Saiki Kusuo had me dancing with joy and laughter since it's character were so lovable and so fun to watch and interact with together. If there's one thing you should take away from this (overrating) reviewer, it's that Saiki Kusuo has one of the best casts in anime. Period.
Casts remind me of something very important that should definitely not be missed out here, the staff who worked on this beautiful anime. The highlight would of course be our leading man Saiki Kusuo, played by legendary VA Kamiya Hiroshi. You all may know him as Ararararararararagi if you watch the Monogatari series to name just one of the many award winning roles he's played. The rest of the cast isn't an A-Lister but to push them away would be the biggest mistake you'd ever do apart from say Coffee Jello is shit (I WILL end you if you say that), none, I repeat NONE of the characters were bad in their voicing and each of the VAs selected were brilliant. Another important part is the soundtrack. (JUSTICE KNIGHTS OF THUNDER) The OST in this anime is simply breathtaking, I fell in love with the soundtrack early on and that's to say nothing about Natsuki Hanae's oh-so-wonderful voice. His voice graced the first OP and second ED and let's just say it made me go "Oh!". Another thing I went "Oh!" at was (What? You think I'd go "Oh!" at Teruhashi? Bakaka [I'm lying]). balanced out Hanae's soothing voice with some cheerful and playful action. It was reflected in the visual itself. A fun fact is that Hanae also played Reita in the anime apart from the theme songs. This all shows just how wonderful the soundtrack was along with the amazing characters which I'm sure I don't need to mention by now.
I've loved J.C Staff for a long time, but to say that J.C is the sole reason the anime looks good is totally unfair, the mangaka made the characters so beautiful from both the inside and outside that I was shell-shocked. Everyone was unique in their own way, and like I said before, to make an anime memorable you NEED to make them lovable and unique, and the mangaka and J.C Staff for that matter did that job elegantly. My reviews are rated according to my critical analysis of the anime by my point of view, so many times my score rating and my review rating are at odds but sometimes they do match and I'm sure this is one of those times they do. Why am I saying this? I gave Saiki a score of 10. Now I don't know what rating I gave it now (since I'm writing this before actually rating it in it's respective places) but I'm sure they'll be really close. The reasons are very simple. Be it my critical analysis or my personal enjoyment, Saiki Kusuo is an anime that is simple fun. It's an anime you relax to, cheer up to where you're down or just laugh when you're with your Aibos. Even if you don't have friends (Hontoni just find some friends then :P) watching these lovable idiots in action will give your perhaps cold heart some much needed warmth.
Saiki has a lot of things to it's name. It's first and foremost THE most hilarious school comedy I have EVER seen. Then it has some of the most memorable characters. A soundtrack to dance or sleep to (Ah Hanae Natsuki <3). A well constructed MC. A non-flat love interest. A hilarious Chuuni for once. A whole set of lovable idiots and so much more. And if these don't sell you off then I'm sorry but you won't find a school comedy that gets better than this. I'm well aware that I used to overrated anime before but this isn't just me speaking. This is the MAL score speaking, this is the popularity speaking, this is the amount of favorites this anime has that's speaking. I'm constantly rambling on about the good of the anime (ahem no faults here apart from plot progression) but it's all on you the viewer. Saiki Kusuo speaks for itself. Will you try a much praised show? Are you going to lose something by trying a 5 min per ep show? Do you want to laugh? If your answers to all three questions was "Yes!" then dear sir/madam/person, get your funny bone ready, because it's about to be tickled, like REALLY tickled. Say hello to the best school comedy anime!
P.S: Girl Saiki is worth dying for. Yes, Girl Saiki is better than Teruhashi (maybe)
Wait, the review is over already? Yare-yare.
97/100TL;DR: Watch Saiki K. If it's not to your taste, then you can just drop it but otherwise you will love it.Continue on AniListThe Disastrous Life of Saiki K is an extremely funny school/comedy program. It is one of few anime that will actually make you laugh in every episode and its plot is great. The main character, Saiki Kusuo, is a psychic who wants to be normal not stand out. Despite this, he finds himself always being around the most famous and infamous people within his school and they are all exceptionally important to making this anime so great. Saiki is usually a lazy character who just wants to fit into society, and is mainly expressionless. However, whenever something big happens the scene will focus on his face of disgust or shock which adds effect to the comedy. The next character, Nendou Riki, is an idiot and also the only person that Saiki can't read the mind of. This creates some great scenes because Saiki doesn't know what he is going to do next unlike every other character. The next is Kaidou Shun. He refers to himself as 'The Jet Black Wings' and is a chuunibyou. He thinks that an organisation called 'The Dark Reunion' is behind everything and despite him trying to look cool by wearing bandages and contact lenses, he is the shortest and most cowardly person in the class. Finally, the last character I will talk about is Teruhashi Kokomi. She is easily identifiable by her dark blue hair and golden aura around her. Everyone in the world instantly becomes infatuated by her when they see her through the form of saying 'Oh'. The only person to have never taken any interest in her is Saiki so she is determined to make him say 'Oh'. She has powers that rivals Saiki's, in that she pretty much has instant access to slaves wherever she is to do whatever for her, such as in one episode where she calls over an army of men to find Saiki. There are many more characters, but those are the 4 main ones that most episodes are centred around. Episodes always have a problem that Saiki must fix, whether it is a time-loop, a natural disaster or simply visiting his tsundere grandpa's house. The episode is split into 4 5-minute parts on the TV version or one 5 minute short on the TV shorts version, this means the situation is always changing so it doesn't get boring and a variety of characters is used per episode who all form a great dynamic together.
76/100A great TV Short with funny and memorable characters.Continue on AniListA great short series filled with wacky humour and even wackier characters.
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ Nan focuses on...well Saiki Kusuo.Saiki has been gifted with incredible abilities to change anything he wants to his own liking, but for Saiki these abilities are a curse. He can't go anywhere without hearing other peoples thoughts, can't form proper friendship cause he knows the other peoples intentions.
Saiki just wants to live a calm care-free life but he always ends up bringing attention to himself and thus is forced to deal with the insanity of dealing with people. He often is forced to used those cursed powers to help him along the way.
Everything in the show happens at a faster speed so sometimes its hard to keep track of things in the show, but its not as bad as with Teekyuu where the show is at like 200x speed.
Saiki has many great characters:
Saiki Kusuo - He is...well the main character of the show. I already described his purpose in the show so I'll just talk about his personality. He is a calm and collected individual who will go to any length as to avoid using his powers, which doesn't really end up that way.Riki Nendou - A nightmare, Nendou is the only person who's thoughts cannot be read and therefor Saiki cannot tell when he is there or not. Nendou is, well not the brightest person out there but he sure is trying.
Shun Kaidou - A chuunibyou who believes he has powers, you know the usual chuunibyou stuff. Although he is a chuuni he does have his wholesome normal moments which really showcase his personality quite well, behind that mask of lies there is a kind and fragile little dude.
Kokomi Teruhashi - The most popular girl in the school, or to be honest the whole country. Everywhere she goes she brings attention to herself. She emits an aura of perfection around her.
Chiyo Yumehara - A calm and quite normal gal compared to the rest of the cast. She develops a crush on any boy very easily but lands her cross on Kaidou. Oh lawd.
Kineshi Hairo - A super athlete that can fire anyone up with his determination and incredible motivation skills. He is so energetic that not even a big inconvenience can stop him. He is trusted by many people in his group and thus is the representative.
Aren Kuboyasu - The last main member of the friend group that Saiki belongs to. He used to be a member of a gang before joining the School that Saiki attends. He is quite scary looking so people are easily scared of him.
Saiki has many other characters that appear often in the show but these ones are part of the friend group that Saiki is part of. I don't really want to go over every character in the show because the show does manage to make use of every character it introduces, which is actually really nice.
Saiki has decent animation and art style.
It really does feel like proper Full TV Animation, which well everywhere the show can be found in 24 episode batches despite AniList stating it being 120 Episode (5 mins each), dunno if thats the original broadcast way or something.The colours in Saiki are quite...bright, many characters are often seen sporting some colourful hair and many of the effects found in the anime are quite neon-ish.
Saiki's OP is great and so is the ED for it.
OP2 and ED1 are by far the best in this season. Though my absolute favourite of the series are found in Season 2 of the show.[OVERALL OPINION:]()
Saiki Kusuo is a great anime with great humour in it.
It is quite fast and sometimes hard to catch up to but despite that minor set back it still manages to deliver a great experience.
Sometimes I forget the speed of Saiki and go back to an episode (like right now when I had to double check things) and get taken a back when the speed is...speedy.
ANIME ComedyAsobi Asobase
ANIME ActionOne Punch Man
ANIME ComedySakamoto desu ga?
ANIME ActionMob Psycho 100
ANIME ComedyMairimashita! Iruma-kun
ANIME ComedyHinamatsuri
- (4.1/5)
Ended inDecember 26, 2016
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
Trending Level 2
Favorited by 15,196 Users
Hashtag #斉Ψ #SAIKIKUSUO #斉木楠雄のΨ難