April 7, 1992
In a Japanese jail sits 17-year-old Jotaro Kujo: punk, fighter, delinquent...and possessed by a force beyond his control! Around the world, evil spirits are awakening: "Stands," monstrous invisible creatures which give their bearers incredible powers. To save his mother's life, Jotaro must tame his dark forces and travel around the world to Cairo, Egypt, where a hundred-year-old vampire thirsts for the blood of his family. But the road is long, and an army of evil Stand Users waits to kill JoJo and his friends...
(Source: Viz Media)
Joseph Joestar
Joutarou Kuujou
Dio Brando
Noriaki Kakyouin
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
Mohammed Avdol
Hol Horse
Suzie Q
Daniel D'Arby
Holly Kuujou
Vanilla Ice
Terence D'Arby
Steely Dan
Pet Shop
Enya Geil
Rubber Soul

85/100A great and entertaining adventure full of laughs, tears, lessons and MILFsContinue on AniListJojo Part 3 Stardust Crusader is probably the most popular and critically acclaimed Jojo part. There are people who absolutely love it, and people who hate it and want it to see BURN. So here is a review which may put you on either side. Please consider on messaging me toward your opinion in my review so yeah...
BATTLES BATTLES BATTLES/10Jojo and his buddies Old man Joseph, MILF Hunter Kakyoin, Proud Indian Avdol, everyone’s favorite Polnareff and scary dog Iggy are on a quest to go to Egypt were DIO is located to save Jotaro’s MILF mom. DIO however knows of this scheme and decides to send out about 50 minions to beat the team! Jojo Part 3 has no shortage of action and fight scenes whatsoever! Every chapter is full of them! With a hot chick who has the power of magnetism to a gorilla with a humongous ship as a stand. You name it, ITS PROBABLY AN ENEMY STAND!!! (It gets annoying on some points to be honest but that’s what I think).
HOT MUSCULAR MEN/10This is probably Part 3’s best aspect. First our main character, Jotaro Kujo, he is the leader of the group, he is a stoic and very muscular man with the hopes to cure his mom and defeat DIO once and for all! The main cast is cool too! With everyone’s favorite Joseph Joestar with his antics, Iggy being a tsundere dog, Kakyoin being the MILF hunter that he is, Advol who is one of the most underrated JoBros and Polnareff, who is probably the most relatable one of the group. You will truly get attached to them after reading this manga! As for the villians, only DIO and Hol Horse actually have a defined character; For DIO he is really a boring and generic villain bent on WORLD DOMINATION. He’s pretty overrated in my opinion. With Hol Horse, I really loved his character and he is probably the best Jojo villain from parts 1-3! That’s really saying alot!
CLASSIC JOJO/10Araki’s art style improved majorly during the making of this part. With part 1 & 2 being very disjointed and ugly in my personal opinion. But this time he is back better than ever! I love his art in this part! This art is the epitome of Araki’s art style! Everything is well drawn and clear, the fight scenes look great the characters look unique and distinguishable. So no complaints toward this category!
I LOVE ME SOME PART 3/10If you are a Jojo fan. You will surely love this manga, for other newcomers this is a great, thrilling and lovable adventure for the ages, an experience you will never forget! But at some points, I admit it really gets boring with the overhaul of fights! That is all thank you!
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89/100Stardust Crusaders GoContinue on AniList<img width='220' src=''> Stardust Crusaders (ス タ ー ダ ス ト ク ル セ イ ダ ー ス Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu?) is the third series of the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki. <img width='220' src=''> <img width='220' src=''> The story begins in 1988 with an unpleasant surprise: Dio Brando is still alive. In the final confrontation with Jonathan Joestar his head, detached from his body, in the last moments before the explosion of the ship on which they were traveling, managed to appropriate the body of his rival, and then lock himself in a trunk and sink into the depths of the sea. After a little over a hundred years, the coffin is recovered and brought to the surface by a group of unwary sailors; it will then be up to the new JoJo, Jotaro Kujo, to face the powerful enemy. This is the Japanese grandson of Joseph Joestar (Jonathan's grandson), who discovers that he possesses, like his grandfather, a Stand: an extrasensory perception capacity that is realized in a different spiritual body from person to person. This power is awakened in the Joestar family by the danger signals sent by the body of Jonathan which Dio has taken possession of after he himself has activated his Stand; but if Jotaro and Joseph manage to control the incredible new ability, the same cannot be said for Holly Joestar, Jotaro's mother and daughter of Joseph, in serious danger of life. To save her, her only remedy is to kill Dio, who is in Cairo; thus begins an adventurous journey from Japan to Egypt, touching several stops in Asia, in which Jotaro and his grandfather, together with other allies carrying Stand, namely Mohammed Abdul, Noriaki Kakyoin and Jean Pierre Polnareff, face numerous sent enemies from Dio, all equipped with Stands. <img width='220' src=''> The first feature in which Stardust Crusaders stands out is certainly the adventurous component. Structuring the story as a long journey from Japan to Egypt was Hiroiko Araki's first brilliant idea. This gave the events a more heroic and intense flavor, making each chapter easily understandable when traveling, giving the impression that there is never any downtime and useless moments. It also allowed the author to let off steam in the citations and geo-historical notions of each place visited by the protagonists, without ever being overly verbose or boring. This "step-by-step" scheme has guaranteed an excellent variety of situations, but at the same time, it never distracts the reader from the main objective of the characters which represents another point definitely in favor of the work. <img width='220' src=''> <img width='220' src=''> As in "Phantom Blood", once again the best character is the antagonist, who always reveals himself as Dio Brando. Having recycled it in this story was a great choice, but it would not have worked fully if it had been used in the same way. Hence, the author has given him a more mysterious aura, a precious figure to be shown only on rare occasions and keeping its secrets until the last fight. A final boss, obviously preceded by a succession of servants all quite successful. The protagonists of this adventure have been worthily characterized, but curiously, the less interesting one is the new "JoJo". Jotaro Kujo is definitely a recognizable and iconic character. However, I think that his character ends up highlighting the most original and "noisy" companions. First of all the old "JoJo" Joseph Joestar, always fit and ready for action. Probably the one that gives rise to the most comical situations. He is accompanied in this by Jean-Pierre Polnareff, perhaps the most successful among the new characters. Also, quite a valid Abdul and Kakyoin who complete the human team of the "Crusaders". <img width='220' src=''> This part is also rightly remembered for being the one that launched the "Stands", the spiritual projections that accompany the characters on which the power-up of the manga is based also for many of the subsequent series. The imagination and ingenuity that Araki has put in place to exploit these spirits in the battles is surprising and pushes even more on the "intelligence" factor already appreciable in the previous series. It is no coincidence that many of the battles that the protagonists will have to face will be challenges of nerves. <img width='220' src=''> "Stardust Crusaders" is the worthy crowning of a trio of exceptional and sublime chapters, capable of gaining a position of privilege over the others to the point of making the detachment clear with its continuation. As far as I'm concerned, the search for Dio Brando throughout Asia and all the related events are a perfect example of what an action and adventure manga requires. Ultimately "Stardust Crusaders" is the perfect mix of action and adventure. that values what preceded it and what it represents. An ambitious and innovative work, but with its feet firmly on the ground that never ceases to entertain and excite. Destined to become a yardstick not only for the subsequent parts of the manga, but also for the other shonen of the same genre.</center>
70/1007/10. I descend into insanity over the worst JoJo part.Continue on AniListBecause I can’t be bothered to analyze part 3 in any sort of depth, I will rank arcs on whether they should be kept or cut if I was rewriting part 3 in [current year]. Because I don’t want to put “imo” after everything I say, keep in mind that all of this is my opinion. Also spoilers, obviously.
Intro: Keep. Pretty iconic and an effective introduction to Stands, Star Platinum range-ignoring bullshit aside. This Avdol guy seems pretty sick. I wonder what he’ll do later on…
Hierophant Green: Keep. Sizable amount of bullshit in this arc, but it introduces Kakyoin and the fleshbuds.
Tower of Gray: Keep. Hear me out — absolutely garbage arc, but necessary to explain why the Crusaders can’t just fly to Egypt. Also Kakyoin rips an old man apart, which is based.
Dark Blue Moon: Cut. Bullshit, but the stupid kind. Anne is the worst JoJo child character.
Strength: Cut. I hate boats only slightly less than I hate apes.
Silver Chariot: Keep. The real MC of part 3 had a sick introduction, and I like the Stand battle — especially the burning ankhs.
Ebony Devil: Cut. Garbage Stand, boring arc. I liked Devo in the fridge, though.
Yellow Temperance: Cut. Only valuable part is the card foreshadowing at the end and the “rero rero” joke that the fucking SPC users ruined.
Emperor: Keep. Hol Horse, along with Polnareff, is my favorite part 3 character, and I liked seeing them shitpost against each other. Also, the Hol subplot is the funniest thing in part 3.
Hanged Man: Keep. Sick fight, sick stand, sick beatdown. Character development for Polnareff, too.
Empress: Cut. Worst in the franchise. The Sun is bad in the anime because the pacing was fucked to hell, but it was basically a 2-chapter joke fight in the manga. Dragon’s Dream and Yo-Yo Ma are fine fights, just overhated because >Stone Ocean. Hell, even part 5 and 8’s final arcs had some cool moments. Empress is just lame. And the worst thing is that it’s one of Joseph’s only fights. Poor guy fell off hard.
Wheel of Fortune: Cut. No Pat Sajak here, only bullshit and that decently funny “Part 3 is over!” fourth wall break. But the joke isn’t funny enough to justify the filler.
Justice: Keep. Hol content, Pol content, an actually plot relevant antagonist. Remove the weird shit-licking scene and the bullshit ending and whabam, a decent arc.
Lovers: Eeeeeeeeeeeeh fuck it, keep. The Stand-shrinking bullshit is stupid, but Steely Dan is a really effective asshole villain and the beatdown is iconic.
The Sun: Cut. I know I said it’s only two chapters earlier, but no one likes this arc. It serves literally no purpose. The fight is won by throwing a fucking rock.
Death 13: Keep. I have an unreasonable bias towards scenes of Kakyoin being an asshole, and this fight has some great nightmare fuel. “BABY STAND” has been memed to shit because >part 3 but it’s goddamn iconic.
Judgement: Keep. “B-B-But Fizzy, are you really gonna keep this arc solely because of Avdol and the piss scene? The antagonist is l-lame, and the fight action is b-boring. B-Before Avdol arrives, it’s barely even a fight. You’re r-r-r-really keeping it?” “Yes! I am!”
High Priestess: Cut. This fight has nothing, and the Obligatory Jotaro Cool Scene is mogged to death by the next arc anyway.
(laughs) The Fool Iggy and Geb N’Doul: Keep. My god, this arc fucking slaps. The final confrontation and Jotaro throwing Iggy alone are sick enough to justify a keep. I don’t even mind Kakyoin being put on a bus — he was doing fuckall already.
Khnum Oingo and Thoth Boingo: Keep. Hear me out. This arc is the funniest filler arc in the series. It is pure bullshit and it’s great. Hell, Boingo is a weirdly well written character for a part 3 minor antagonist, and it’s technically part of the Hol Horse subplot. This stuff is radical.
Anubis: Cut. Lmao black polnareff funi
Bastet: Cut. This arc is trying to be shenanigans like Oingo and Boingo but it just kinda falls flat. The kinda neat beatdown doesn’t redeem it.
Sethan: Cut. Once again, beatdown can’t save this arc. Also it’s outright uncomfortable to read at points. Hard pass
D’Arby the Gambler: Keep. Genuinely one of the best arcs in the franchise. The original (to that point) Stand ability, the members of the group being picked off one by one, and the subtle tricks and psychological elements make this arc tense and thrilling. This is one of the instances where Jotaro being a stoic silent badass is to the outright benefit of an arc.
Hoingo: Keep. The perfect end to the subplot, blending two antagonists who each work as second in a pair and taking that combo to its natural conclusion. This is filler, but the best kind of filler, and it features my favorite minor antagonists. I love this damn arc unjustifiably and it’s my review, dammit, so I’m choosing what arcs to keep.
Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop: Keep. Iggy has some charm, and the action is pretty sick. It’s a worthwhile beginning to the great mansion sequence.
D’Arby the Player: Cut. So much for “great mansion sequence.” Daniel was a hard act to follow — Terence can’t keep up. Only valuable for the beatdown and the games’ Engrish in the anime.
Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice: Hardest possible keep. While Kakyoin, Joseph, and Jotaro are fighting against Tyler Fortnite Ninja Blevins, Polnareff, Iggy, and Avdol (for about five seconds) are locked in an incredibly tense battle against an egregiously overpowered Stand. In JoJo, overpowered abilities often make for great fights, which I’ve always believed is why parts 5 and 6 have such strong fights while part 3 mostly doesn’t. And honestly, VIce drove the protagonists to the brink — if he wasn’t such a fucking dumbass, he would’ve finished off Polnareff too, but there’s gotta be some limit on his bustedness. This fight is Polnareff’s third big character arc after Judgement and Hanged Man, and it really serves to make him the most sympathetic main character of part 3. The ending hits, dammit.
DIO’s World: Keep. Look, I don’t think Dio or this arc are as great as anyone says they are. Both are nonstop hammy bullshit, which I’m iffy on. But I gotta give it credit — the hammy bullshit works ungodly well in this arc. Everything from the magnet trick to the books to Polnareff coming in randomly to Dio miraculously reaching Joseph to the motherfucking road roller is bullshit to the highest order, but it’s so goddamn compelling you can’t help but continue reading. The ending is so satisfying because of how utterly fucking frustrating Dio’s timestop is throughout the entire fight — I get an ungodly visceral reaction when Jotaro enters the final timestop. It’s like the manga version of the Koloktos fight from Skyward Sword — the frustration makes the end so much more satisfying.
Honestly, I can’t help but wonder if that statement holds true for the entirety of part 3 itself. I mean, think about it — part 3 drags. Dark Blue Moon-Strength-Ebony Devil and Empress-Wheel of Fortune-Justice are the weakest arc lineups in the entire franchise. The first half is a slog to get through, and the Egypt arc isn’t really spectacular either. But D’Arby, VIce, and Dio have three of the best arcs in the entire series, which I think is due in no small part to the overwhelming presence of boring villain-of-the-week arcs in part 3. Even though I’ve been critical of them, these arcs serve at least some purpose. They familiarize us with the main cast, giving us an emotional connection with them even though they’re not well developed, which makes shit like Avdol returning, Vanilla Ice’s fight, and le ebin humorous Kakyoin death scene hit all the harder. And their boring nature paradoxically increases the reader’s hype for the final fight, which has been foreshadowed since the beginning. “This arc is pretty boring… but Dio’s fight has to be great, so I guess it’s worth continuing.” This effect has only been accentuated by the shitpostification of the final fight, which gives viewers an even bigger incentive to read the funny Jotaro and Dio walking page or watch the funny donut. In the end, my question of which part 3 arcs I’d cut is moot. They may suck, but I can’t change that. Reviewing a piece of media by saying what I’d do to change it is pointless. In the end, it’s more productive and effective to analyze it for what it is. Though part 3 hasn’t aged well, and though it may not be the deepest part thematically, and though most of its arcs may be kind of lackluster, it is what it is. And for what it is, being a shonen battle manga from the 80s, it’s decent. It’s not the best — especially not for a JoJo part — but it has some damn good bits, and those good bits alone justify the slog of the journey. Just like Jotaro and crew fight a bunch of minor antagonists to save his mother and take revenge on Dio, so too must the reader outlast the lackluster parts for the promise of something better. And the reader, like Jotaro, is rewarded by a gem of a final fight and a satisfying conclusion.
Overall rating: 7/10. Not great, but deserves a read.
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- (3.9/5)
Ended inApril 7, 1992
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