July 5, 1994
Yusuke Urameshi was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his life...by ending it. When he died saving a little kid from a speeding car, the afterlife didn't know what to do with him, so it gave him a second chance at life. Now, Yusuke is a ghost with a mission, performing good deeds at the behest of Botan, the ferrywoman of the River Styx, and Koenma, the pacifier-sucking judge of the dead.
(Source: Viz Media)
Note: Volume 7 contains the special story "Yuu Yuu Hakusho Tales: Two Shot" (外伝. TWO SHOTS)
Yuusuke Urameshi
Kazuma Kuwabara
Toguro Otouto
Shinobu Sensui
Keiko Yukimura
Shizuru Kuwabara
Atsuko Urameshi
70/100Review de Yu Yu Hakusho em português.Continue on AniList__A clássica e honesta pancadaria com personagens estilosos e carismáticos que me decepcionou.__ A ousadia, estilo e carisma da série me conquistaram, e algumas lutas são absurdamente empolgantes. No entanto, carece de coerência e algumas partes são completamente mal encaixadas. __Os problemas de seu ritmo__ Chega a ser frustrante o quanto cenas boas não conseguem me tocar por não terem um bom contexto ou sequer necessidade de existir, me tiram do clima principal e quando eu consigo me adaptar à nova história, o mangá parte para outra. O foco de núcleo da narrativa é ruim em boa parte da história. Um exemplo disso é a história do Hiei, que foi um personagem vazio até que sua origem fosse devidamente aprofundada e nós de fato conheçamos o personagem a ponto dele se igualar aos outros protagonistas, e ele foi assim por 80% da história (apesar da revelação ser praticamente um plot twist que teria que acontecer tarde na história, isso não muda o fato de que o Hiei foi completamente desinteressante até lá. De certa forma, mesmo seu passado justificando seu comportamento, isso não faz dele um bom protagonista). Em particular, o epílogo do mangá foi ruim e deslocado a ponto de ser confuso. Apesar do final em si ter sido satisfatório e tematicamente consistente, o pequeno intervalo entre o arco final e ele foi questionável. __Elogios à narrativa__ Falando em núcleo, há bem no mal. Por mais que existam partes que sejam desnecessárias ou alongadas demais, todas respeitam as regras estabelecidas no começo da obra, a ponto de gerarem uma consistência nítida e original que amarram a história e compensam a falta de ritmo com um núcleo principal forte. __Mais problemas__ Outra crítica é sua pool de poderes. Eles são completamente abertos, sem seguir padrão ou regra alguma, fazendo com que existam alguns personagens ex-machina. Eu não gosto tanto do Kurama justamente porque ele pode ter literalmente qualquer planta para qualquer situação em seu portfólio, tirando a graça das lutas dele pra mim. __O pecado do Dark Tournament__ Durante a resenha, eu citei vários "momentos desnecessários" durante a review. Um deles é pelo menos 50% do Dark Tournament, que perde um tempo enorme com lutas completamente inúteis, que não desenvolvem nada. Assim como o resto do cast apresentado (Chuu, Jin, Rinku, etc). Por mais que eu goste das lutas e dos personagens, se eles não existissem, não fariam tanta falta (ou se fossem existir e que realmente lutassem no torneio, que ao menos fossem apenas as suas lutas, o torneio perde tempo demais com figurante) __O coração da história__ E definitivamente a coisa que eu mais adoro em Yu Yu Hakusho é seu quarteto, todos têm gimmicks diferentes e são completamente únicos, gerando uma excelente sinergia entre eles. O Yusuke com sua ironia e personalidade forte, o Kuwabara com seu altruísmo e esforço, o Hiei com sua "aura" intimidadora e pouca reação, e o Kurama, com uma aura tão intimidadora quanto a do Hiei, mas com um viés mais humanizado e piedoso, sem falar que ele é nitidamente o personagem mais inteligente do mangá. Todos os quatro são muito bem estruturados e amadurecem conforme a história se desenrola, de uma maneira consistente, plausível e natural, dando, principalmente no final, a sensação de que eles são personagens completos e individuais. __Conclusão__ Tirando tais ressalvas, Yu Yu Hakusho tem bons personagens e é o shounen com as batalhas mais empolgantes que já li. __Para quem eu recomendo__ Para os interessados na história do battle shounen e para os fãs de Hunter x Hunter, do mesmo autor Yoshihiro Togashi, que sentiram falta de batalhas interessantes no mesmo. Ou simplesmente para quem quer ler uma boa pancadaria! Adendos especiais (completamente fora de ordem).
1- Por mais que eu tenha achado o Dark Tournament um tédio, eu gosto muito do Toguro mais novo e do Toguro x Yusuke (assim como todo ser lúcido).
2- Eu reclamei do power level, mas a supremacia de Yusuke x Sensui foi sensacional, eu realmente senti como se fosse um duelo dos titãs.
3- O meu personagem favorito de Yu Yu Hakusho é o Kuwabara (Assim como a cerejeira é a flor dentre as flores, Kuwabara é o homem dentre os homens!).
4- O anime é superior em quase tudo o que mudou ou acrescentou no mangá ("quase" porque ele cortou o meu xodó que são os primeiros 18 capítulos ;c).
5- Falando no animê, eu realmente ADORO o quarto encerramento.Yuseistar
60/100Yu Yu Hakusho is an O.G. Shounen was memorable characters and awesome story arcs, but that's not all.Continue on AniListIntroduction Gosh… I really wanted to see Yu Yu Hakusho in good light. For many, Yu Yu Hakusho is a staple in their Shounen catalog. A series that you always bring up when speaking about the O.G. Shounen series of the past. While this was my vision going into this series by the end, the series left me with the biggest set of blue balls known to humankind.
Yu Yu Hakusho follows Yusuke Urameshi, your typical punk who skips school, gets in fights, and smokes. Because of this, the people around Yusuke don’t think very highly of him. Until one day when Yusuke dives into the busy road to save a child from getting killed. Unfortunately for him, that action causes his own death. Floating between ghost and heaven, Yusuke is approached by Botan, the guide to the River Styx. She informs him that he is yet to fully die and can reincarnate if he follows some simple tasks.
Story: 6/10 You know how tootsie pops have that delicious chewy candy in the middle, and you have to spend a good amount of time licking before getting to that? Well… Yu Yu Hakusho is like that, except that there ain’t shit in the middle. You lick and lick and when you get to the middle you’re not greeted with a yummy chewy candy, instead you’re met with sadness and disappointment. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I want to focus on the good first.
The beginning of Yu Yu Hakusho takes a while to lift off, specifically 2 volumes. I didn’t mind that though as Yu Yu Hakusho actually had the most entertaining start than any Shounen in recent memory. The first 2 volumes feel more akin to a Slice of Life story rather than a Shounen one and it’s a breath of fresh air for this genre. You get a good amount of development of the characters and the relationship right off the bat, and it makes you feel connected to the characters and story immediately.
After the story kicks off, it really takes off running and is filled with exciting story progression, interesting characters, and a unique world. Basically everything you want to see in a Shounen series. They ride this wave all the way until the end of the Dark Tournament arc. Everything to love about Yu Yu Hakusho comes during this time, its story progression is smooth, the fights are entertaining, you feel connected not only to the story from the hero’s side but also the villain’s side. But after the Dark Tournament arc… everything starts falling apart. The latter half of the series is just a shell of its former half. The Sensui arc is alright but the very last arc is just pain. You accompany Yusuke and his friends as they set out to complete their quest throughout the entire series, so you’d like a satisfying end to the story, right? Well, that’s right when Togashi reverse unos every reader out there. The last arc that’s supposed to put an end to this amazing adventure the reader’s been on is anything but. It feels like a cheap ending that’ll leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.
Art: 5/10 I’ll give Yu Yu Hakusho this, the expressions on the character’s faces are absolutely fantastic. You won’t find an expression that’s similar to the one before it. This makes those special moments in the series all that more special, when you can easily tell what the characters are thinking or feeling. Outside of that though, the art is average at best. There are those moments where a character takes up an entire panel and are drawn in such a fashion that you could feel the character’s intensity coming off the page, sending chills down your spine. However, those moments are far from common, and most of the art is pretty basic even down to the backgrounds.
Characters: 8/10 I just think the characters in Yu Yu Hakusho are fantastic. It’s rare for me to like the main character, the typical edgy character, and the villain all at once. I love the fact that Yusuke is this lovable doofus that gets a bad rep. I love the fact that Hiei is your typically edgy character but is designed so well as to make him feel more real rather than a 2000’s wannabe emo boy. I love that Toguro is more than just a villain who wants to fight and fight all the time, and actually has depth to his character.
Each of the main cast get their time in the spotlight, they each get their time to develop. We see Toguro as this violence loving demon turn into something more as his past gets revealed. All the character development feels that same way. Not only do we see them evolve, we get to see why they are the way they are and how they change as the story progresses. This also goes hand in hand with how the relationships develop. Simply put, the relationships feel normal. They feel as if it could happen in real life to anyone. All these things coming together just makes the entire cast of Yu Yu Hakusho that much lovable.
Enjoyment: 7/10 The ending did indeed leave a sour taste in my mouth, but I really don’t want that to take away that much for the earlier events in the series. The Dark Tournament arc and everything before that was amazing. The Sensui arc was mediocre but still had some shining moments that I won’t forget. I love the 90s vibe to the character art designs. I love the cast of colorful characters in the series and the bonds they form throughout their adventures together. Despite the bad ending, I still thoroughly enjoyed my time reading.
Verdict Yu Yu Hakusho has some very entertaining story arcs that’ll leave you on the edge of your seat, as well as a wide array of characters that you’ll no doubt fall head over heels for. Even though it has its downfalls, Yu Yu Hakusho was still a very enjoyable series that I’d recommend to my friends or anyone out there that loves Shounen as much as I do.
100/100Yuu Yuu Hakusho: The Best Battle Shounen Out ThereContinue on AniList__SPOILERS AHEAD__ I decided to start Yuu Yuu Hakusho one day when, by chance, I found it in the library and had heard good things from my friends and the community. I was just expecting some typical battle shounen that would pass the time during boring classes, but it was so much more in every way. Because Yuu Yuu Hakusho is written by the same mangaka as Hunter x Hunter and they are both battle shounens, the two are often compared heavily, which I understand. However, the more I think about it for myself, the more I think that Yuu Yuu Hakusho is better in nearly every way. This is due to the extremely well written characters, great art with unique character design, and such an intriguing plot.
Obviously, the plot of any story is the most important part, and this holds true for Yuu Yuu Hakusho. The main goal of Yuusuke Urameshi changes throughout the story, but it begins with literally regaining his life and proving his worthiness in the Spirit Detective arc. This arc was probably a weak point within the story for me just because of how disconnected it feels from the rest of the manga, but it was a great way to get me hooked on the characters, and by proxy the story as a whole. This arc showed how Yuusuke would do his best to help strangers despite not being the nicest person at a glance, like how he helped the boy get over his dog’s death and stand up to the bullies by playing the villain himself. It also created solid side characters like Kazuma Kuwabara, who had to go through a whole week of getting beaten badly without retaliating against corruption just so his friend could put food on the table for his family. The next arcs only get better, the Dark Tournament had even better fight scenes and a cool antagonist with interesting plot twists (such as Toguro killing Genkai), and then we get the Black Chapter arc. The Black Chapter arc is, in my opinion, the best battle shounen arc I have ever seen in any manga or anime. This is where the best fight of the whole series comes in, which is between the single best antagonist of the series and Yuusuke himself. I can barely even begin to explain why I love this arc so much, but the best I can sum it up is: this arc begins to show how well each character has grown from when they first appeared in the story and how everyone acts as one group united by friendship, despite them each being their own individuals with their own interests. Finally the last arc (and most controversial arc) is the Three Kings arc. This arc probably ranked as #3 for me, behind Black Chapter and the Dark Tournament, but it definitely wasn’t bad. It felt somewhat unrealistic when it brought in Yuusuke’s demon father, which left me feeling uneasy, but it quickly made up for itself when the whole arc turned into a massive tournament. The thing I like most about this arc was how Yuusuke didn’t even come close to winning the largest, and final tournament of the manga, which caught me extremely off guard because of how unusual that is in most shounens. After his loss, the story focused on everyone’s lives outside of the spirit or demon worlds and briefly reminded me that the story is more focused on the characters than it is on Yuusuke’s strength. As a romance manga addict, the only part of this arc that disappointed me was how I never got to see Yuusuke and Keiko or Kuwabara and Yukina’s romantic lives, but this is a minor drawback of course.
However good a story is, the quality can often be boosted or ruined by the quality of the characters. For me, the part of Yuu Yuu Hakusho that kept me hooked the best was the well-written characters. The main character, Yuusuke Urameshi, is probably the best example of this. He starts off as a typical shounen protagonist (similar to Naruto or Asta), but shows subtle characteristics that differentiate him from other shounen protagonists throughout the Spirit Detective arc. As I explained earlier, the Spirit Detective arc showed just how deep of a character he is. I could spend a very long time talking about Yuusuke, but in reality he’s the tip of the iceberg of character depth in Yuu Yuu Hakusho. Kuwabara is one of the less deep characters in Yuu Yuu Hakusho and is more similar to a shounen protagonist than Yuusuke despite being a side character. He acts well as a rival to Yuusuke for a while, but eventually falls so far behind in skill, he diverts his attention to other things like school instead of high level fights. He’s still a good character despite being more simple. Next up, Kurama is one of the most interesting characters in the manga; a fox demon who got stuck in a child’s body and learned to live and love as a human feels very unique and creates interesting situations in the plot. Unlike most demons, he has a family that he cares to defend instead of having nothing to lose. His plant-based powers are also really cool because of how he utilizes them skillfully and turns the tide of a conflict without any warning. Finally for the main four, Hiei is probably my favorite character in the manga. This is due to him probably being the character with the most depth and most understandable conflict of any main character. To oversimplify him, you could say he’s similar to Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan, which is true, but doesn’t capture his full image. He puts up a badass front where he doesn’t seem to care about anything besides fighting and gaining strength, but you find out later that he does it all for his sister, Yukina, who doesn’t even know Hiei is her brother. Later in the manga, you learn that Hiei was thrown out of his tribe and family at birth because of supposed wrongdoings of his mother, and because of this, all he wants is to take revenge and massacre his whole tribe, but he sees their poor lives and spares them, resolving just to find and save his sister. He even entered a contract that would allow him to find his sister, but it somewhat tragically prevented him from revealing his identity to his sister. Complicated plot points like these are what solidify Hiei as my favorite character in this manga. The last character I want to mention briefly is Shinobu Senseui, the main antagonist of the Black Chapter arc. He was overall an above-average antagonist, but what made me come to love him was the large reveal of him being a former spirit detective that creates the thought that Yuusuke might follow the same path to nihilism.
Usually when I rate any anime or manga, I decide based on plot and characters, with art and music as bonus points. The plot and characters were covered thoroughly above and manga doesn’t have any music, so all that’s left is the art. Overall, the art in Yuu Yuu Hakusho was pretty average with a few detailed panels here and there (like after Kurama was tragically forced to kill Amanuma), but what I love most is the character design. The best example of this is Botan, who has a relatively simple design, but the design looks amazing in the manga with the wide selection of clothes.
I haven’t seen the anime for Yuu Yuu Hakusho, but speaking for the manga, the characters, the plot, and art come together to create something amazing that is only matched by very few manga, and no other shounen. The thing that makes me feel most confident about my rating of this manga is how I’m usually extremely negative and critical towards shounen series, yet somehow it came through to earn itself a striking 10/10 in my books.
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- (4/5)
Ended inJuly 5, 1994
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