June 20, 2015
24 min
After 30 days of travel across the world, plagued with countless battles, Jotaro and his companions have finally arrived in Egypt! Now only the strongest "Stand" users remain to rebuff our heroes' final march on Cairo: The Nine Egyptian Gods, Dio's most zealous servants. Will the Joestar line fall to the monstrous vampire, or can Jotaro defeat Dio and save his mother's life?
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Joseph Joestar
Unshou Ishizuka
Joutarou Kuujou
Daisuke Ono
Dio Brando
Takehito Koyasu
Noriaki Kakyouin
Daisuke Hirakawa
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
Fuminori Komatsu
Mohammed Avdol
Kenta Miyake
Misato Fukuen
Tooru Ookawa
Hol Horse
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Ayahi Takagaki
Daniel D'Arby
Banjou Ginga
Motoko Kumai
Holly Kuujou
Reiko Takagi
Vanilla Ice
Shou Hayami
Kentarou Itou
Terence D'Arby
Junichi Suwabe
Makoto Yasumura
Pet Shop
Yasunori Matsumoto
Enya Geil
Reiko Suzuki
Yuuko Kaida
Motomu Kiyokawa
Masaya Onosaka
Anri Katsu
Hidenari Ugaki

Not available on crunchyroll
83/100An above average ending to the 100 year curseContinue on AniListSwearing and obvious spoilers of Part 3 ahead.
Took me a while, i'm already a good amount of episodes into Part 4 but i'm won't forget to do this review, Part 3, final.
The Egypt Arc definitely was a direct upgrade to the first season, the episodic nature of this part continues, having a new group of Stand users the Crusaders have to face, only this time, they're based off of Egyptian Gods and not the everyday Tarot cards, which shows you how far Stands will go in the series from now on, and not only that, they show how the Stand abilities have no bounds yet again.
Just like with some devil fruits in One Piece, there are Stands that are directly superior to others, as in, direct upgrades, take the D'arby brothers, Younger's D'arby's Stand, Divine Atum, is a direct upgrade to his brother's Stand, Divine Osiris, being able to do much more than stealing souls with his ability, having his own pocket dimensions and being able to read minds to an extent.
But just because we're nearing the end doesn't mean the shits and giggles will stop, every episode with an Oingo Boingo Brother has made me laugh really fucking hard, they're sooo good, the funniest episodes of the entirety of Part 3, honestly.
Now, let's talk about something that's a little more of a bummer, the amount of death.
Some of the deaths i knew about, some others not really, Part 3 is the last part i actually know anything about, which means i'm going blind into Part 4.
Anywho, Abdul's second and actual death was so sudden, some people would be mad but, it shows how dire the situation is and how fast everything happens, in 1 second Abdul pushes Polnareff out of the way, the next second, he's nothing but his arms, it was a fast and sudden death but, i think it did the trick. And then Iggy dies, also saving Polnareff from Vanilla Ice, who is really cool btw, i love his design and everything. Polnareff is probably one of the characters if not THE character with most development and cool moments throughout Part 3, someone who's not into the series would say he's the god damn main character, he's got his fair share of fuck ups but you can't hate Pol Pol. But the one character who got the most noticeable character development would be Iggy, he was kidnapped and brought to Egypt to fight Dio by force, and yet, in the end, he gave his life for Polnareff, the one Crusader he had the shittiest relationship with, and was happy about it, he soul moved his Stand to save him, the most pure and truest of actions, hell he even saved that one kid and ended up getting into a fight and losing a limb because of it before.
And Kakyoin, his death was seen coming, tbh, and i think he really needed to have way more screentime and episodes dedicated to him, but i'm for sure can relate to this guy, i'm not as far as anti-social as he was but, hell i love videogames and shit, and i get easily attached to my friends, which he really did over the course of this journey, the Stardust Crusaders were his best friends, and in the end, he died during the month he was the happiest, and helped them even after death, giving the hint for Dio's ability, Kakyion is pretty awesome.
Now, the ending, i wasn't expecting much of the final battle but, it was pleasantly good and entertaining, more than i expected, i went in expecting to be disappointed but that only helped me appreciate the final showdown more, Dio's character is, well, i'm gonna say that i love his design, personality and just, so much stuff about him, he's pretty damn cool and cocky, as a villain though, there's stuff left to wish.
But overall, it was a good ending, and a good Part. Part 3 was entertaining from beginning to end, it had its low points but it was able to make up for most of it, Jojo to its finest for sure, or should i say, for now?Thank you for reading, and i'll be seeing ya for when i'm done with Part 4, POOF!
75/100This is when JoJo truly becomes JoJo.Continue on AniListIt might sound dumb to write a review for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - Battle in Egypt when I've already link written a review about the first half of the 2014-2015 adaptation of the arc. Why not just cover both of them with one review? Well, because not only are the two split into two different seasons on the site, but because I think that there's a marked shift about halfway through Stardust Crusaders that lends itself to critiquing the two halves separately.
The way I described the first half of Stardust Crusaders is that it "takes one step forward, one step back, and two steps sideways." In other words, the series went through a massive shift at this point that resulted in some growing pains. It's only after the characters arrive in Egypt that Stardust Crusaders really starts hitting its stride. The first half planted the seeds for the new direction the series took, but the second half is when JoJo truly becomes JoJo.
Battle in Egypt suffers from many of the same issues that the second half does in that it's a very episodic show. However, in the first half, many of the fights were a single episode, with a few broken into two parts. This made the individual episodes feel less important and the longer episodes drag. While some of this remains in the second half, due to either Araki getting better at writing Stand-based fights or David Productions figuring out the sweet spot for pacing, those issues are mainly alleviated. All but one of the fights in this half are split into two episodes (barring the final battles) and feel like they all deserve the time they get.
The battles themselves also begin getting more creative in this part. In the first half, many fights felt like they boiled down to which person's punchghost could fight better. While there were a few interesting concepts, many still boiled down to a straight fight in the end. In the second half, that Stands and fights start to get a bit more varied, and many enemy Stands in this half can't be directly beaten by the protagonist's Stands. This half features, for example, a sword that possesses whoever holds it, a comic book that can see the future, and a game of poker with souls as the wager. Ironically, while many of these Stands in are weaker on paper, they're implemented in ways that make them more interesting. In addition, the Stand users themselves have more personality and are more interesting as characters. The result is that the season as a whole feels more fun.
Despite feeling more fun, the stakes of this season also feel higher. In the first season, fights felt like inconvenient pit stops as characters traveled from place to place. Once they arrive in Egypt, however, that changes. They've reached their destination, and now it's just a matter of finding where Dio is hiding. The villains aren't random lackeys sent against them, but Dio's final line of defense, and the Stand names switching from tarot cards to Egyptian gods (and then later musical references, which would go on to become the standard) reflects that. The frivolity is majorly stripped from the final 9-11 episodes, making it feel like the climax lasts roughly a third to half of the season. And, of course, these final battles start having consequences.
This is not to say that this second season of Stardust Crusaders doesn't add any new problems the first season didn't have. There's a big one in the case of how it handles its characters. The group is split up for most of the encounters, leading to some characters getting sidelined in favor of more focus on Polnareff, whose character arc had already concluded near the end of the previous half. By the end of the show, it could just as easily be called "Polnareff's Bizarre Adventure," and whether or not it gets tedious depends entirely on how much you like Polnareff as a character. What's worse is that this imbalance in character focus leads to many characters being absent. Joseph remains largely a supporting character, Avdol is lucky to get that much, and Kakyoin is flat-out absent for the majority of the season, and even when he returns he never gets a fight where he has a victory. And then there's Iggy, a dog who joins the main team but is ultimately just obnoxious and irrelevant. Beyond the initial battle in which he's introduced, he exists primarily to be grumpy and fart in Polnareff's face until he gets a few moments in the final battles.
The final point that really needs bringing up is the climax, which is one of the most iconic in anime and manga history. As mentioned before, it takes up almost a full quarter of Stardust Crusaders, and is well worth it. It is at this point in the show that the levity almost entirely drops out in favor of creative fights with incredibly high stakes. Up to this point, the main cast had had tough fights where they were injured, but in the climax they start to become more grievous, and since they've reached the final battles, there's no time to let them heal. You truly get a sense you didn't before that death is a very real possibility.
Then there's the final battle with Dio, consisting of a chase through Cairo at night. This is the battle that the long, exhausting journey in the previous 44 episodes in the series has been building up to. In fact, this is not just the culmination of Stardust Crusaders, but of Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency as well, as Jonathan's fight against Dio has been passed on to his ancestors in Joseph and Jotaro. Without giving the details of the fight away, the payoff is ultimately very satisfying.
Overall, Stardust Crusaders as a whole ends up feeling like it creates a conclusion to a trilogy of arcs, and simultaneously plants the seeds for what JoJo ends up becoming in the future. It has plenty of issues, mostly in the pacing, and it often feels lacking in creativity when compared to the arcs that surround it. However, the finale really makes up for a lot of its flaws, and if you like earlier JoJo arcs, Stardust Crusaders ends up feeling like it has the most epic scale of "old JoJo." It's not necessarily the best arc, and there are good arguments that it's actually the weakest, but as the bridge between the older and newer (or at least middle) arcs, it feels like it's probably the most iconic. Will you like it? Who knows? JoJo is hard to rank from anything other than a subjective standpoint because it's so weird and dumb and because the different arcs themselves are so varied. It's JoJo. You either like it or you don't. And whether or not I recommend this arc specifically is going to be irrelevant because if you've reached this point you've probably watched the first two arcs already and have formed your own opinion. Especially since this is a review of specifically the second half of Stardust Crusaders, and if you're planning on jumping into the second half of the third arc of a franchise I think it's safe to say you're doing something wrong.
As for a rating, though? Well...that's still going to be somewhat subjective. I think this is one of the weaker arcs, but I think it's also one of the most important and foundational arcs, and it's worth giving credit for that. Also, it gets way better in this second half and the ending is great. JoJo's always going to be a case of figuring out whether the strengths balance the flaws for you, and in my opinion, the more prominent weaknesses in Stardust Crusaders are balanced by better strengths. Four stars.
100/100The second half to one of the best parts of JoJo.Continue on AniList[
This review WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS for the show! ]()
The second half to Part 3 of JoJo. More fights and DIO![(SPOILER AHEAD) STORY:]()
The second half of my favourite part, we get to see many new enemies, and a new ally.This is season where we get to see an amazing villain DIO.
The whole point of this part was to stop DIO from playing with Stands and to save Holly Kujo (Jotaro's Mother, just in case you forgot) and all of that is now coming to fruition.Before we get to see DIO we get the usual fights we had in the first Season of Part 3. I won't give much detail into them as all of them playout differently (as to be expected). The big difference with these lads is that they are the top guards for DIO and therefore will be much tougher. Especially Vanilla Ice and his OP stand.
I've already covered the main cast in the last JoJo review (this one). I'll just be covering the new additions to the main cast.First up we have Iggy, the new ally. At first he is quite a handful though he gets much more lovable in the later episodes, almost as if Araki forgot his intial design, which I guess he did forget since later on (even in the Manga) Iggy's appearance changes to be more cartoonish and "cute". He personality does change slowly but feels more natural than that design change. As he gets accustomed to the gang he can be quite "nice".
DIO, he is the Main Villain of Part 3. He is much more insane than Dio from Part 1. The power of the Stands got into his head and he insists he that his Stand is the most powerful [BIG SPOILERS AHEAD LADS]() DIO's stand is 「THE WORLD」 which can stop time for few seconds, though DIO later explains he can get more time if his body, which is stolen from Jonathan Joestar, heals.
There pretty much is no other big additions, the stand user Vanilla Ice is quite impactful though.
Vanilla Ice's Stand is a black hole like stand. Even Vanilla Ice doesn't know where things go after they enter the Void.
At first Vanilla Ice dies for DIO but gets a second chance due to the help of DIO's blood healing him. This turns him into a Vampire.
He is quite a big character in my opinion because he is responsible for the death of 2 main characters.[ART/ANIMATION:]()
Well I can't really say anything different than from my last review. The art style is the same.
Here's a recap of what I said before:
Part 3 does try and stay true to Part 1/2 with its big bulky men and square-ish features though it looks much cleaner and more badass (in my opinion).
The Animations though did get quite the oomph especially in fights, we get to experience much more fluid movements which is great.[MUSIC:]()
The soundtrack is, as always, amazing. It packs quite a punch in each scene and overall adds that missing ingredient.
The new OP (end of the WORLD) is amazing, probably my favourite Opening from JoJo. It is incredibly catchy.
The ED (Last Train Home) is quite...well...sad. After such a long journey our heroes get some rest. That's the vibe the song gives off. Which is so heartwarming to be honest.[OVERALL OPINION:]()
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders - Egypt-hen is an amazing second half to an amazing Part of JoJo.
The villains, heroes, and fights worked togehter so well to give us such a great show.The sheer insanity of DIO and the impact of Part 1's decision of Dio is so cool to look at. Such a simple decision as putting on a mask led to all of this. Amazing.
ANIME ActionHokuto no Ken
ANIME ActionShaman King
ANIME ActionDorohedoro
OVA HorrorKishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai
ANIME AdventureGensou Maden Saiyuuki
ANIME ActionFairy Gone
OVA ActionBaoh Raihousha
MOVIE ActionHokuto no Ken Movie
- (4.1/5)
Ended inJune 20, 2015
Main Studio David Production
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