June 24, 2019
24 min
A world where fairies possess and reside within animals, granting them special powers. By surgically removing and transplanting the organs of a possessed animal into a human, humans can partially summon the fairy and use it as a weapon. Eventually, such individuals were used for war, and were called "Fairy Soldiers." After a long war, these soldiers lost their purpose, and had to reintegrate into society. From the government, to the mafia, and even becoming terrorists, each tread their own path.
The story begins nine years after the end of the war, and centers on the protagonist Maria. Maria is a fresh recruit of "Dorothea," an organization dedicated to the investigation and suppression of fairy-related crimes and incidents. Even in peacetime, the government is still unstable after the war. Many criminals still have lingering wounds from the previous conflict, and there are terrorist groups bent on revenge. This is the story of Fairy Soldiers seeking their own justice in a chaotic postwar world.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Marlya Noel
Kana Ichinose
Veronica Thorn
Ayaka Fukuhara
Free Underbar
Tomoaki Maeno
Klara Kysenaria
Ayaka Suwa
Serge Tova
Yoshiki Nakajima
Wolfran Row
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Nein Aular
Mie Sonozaki
Bitter Sweet
Minako Kotobuki
Aoi Koga
Beevee Liscar
Hisao Egawa
Ray Dawn
Eizou Tsuda
Lily Heineman
Atsumi Tanezaki
Patricia Pearl
Yuka Iguchi
Axel Laboo
Shinji Kawada
Jet Glaive
Hiroki Touchi
Marco Bellwood
Houchuu Ootsuka
Jonathan Passpierre
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Cain Distarol
Damian Carme
Takehito Koyasu
Shizuka Itou
Oz Mare
Yasuhiro Mamiya
Schwartz Diese
Takaya Hashi
Castal Harol
Yasuhiro Kikuchi

77/100Fairy gone but actually not gone at all.Continue on AniListFairy Gone 1st Cour A Review by NatsumeShido Part of Spring Anime Season 2019 [EN] This Review has two languages available, if you want to read with EN language, please scroll down or use CTRL+F and find [EN]
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Fairy Gone merupakan anime yang dirilis sebagai bagian dari Spring Anime Season 2019, rasanya cukup menyenangkan bisa mengenal anime ini. Bercerita tentang Marlya yang berkelana untuk mencari temannya semasa kecil Veronica. Terpisah karena kejadian penghianatan oleh Ray Dawn demi meningkatkan statusnya.Story Development: 7.5/10
To be honest, untuk setengah musim anime ini konsisten dengan permasalahan utamanya. Namun perlahan namun pasti, anime ini pelan-pelan mengarah ke politik. Cerita yang dibangun perlahan-lahan mempunyai pattern yang sama dengan Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, namun di akhir 1st cour, pattern yang ane maksud pun terpatahkan.
Character: 7.8/10
Saya pribadi cukup menyukai desain karakternya, sifat / behavior, dan lain-lain. Masing-masing dari mereka memiliki cerita masa lalunya sendiri yang tidak terlalu dark. Karna memang ceritanya cerita umum.
Graphic/Visual/Effect 7.9/10
Walaupun Storynya kurang menarik, visual pertempuran yang ditampilkan cukup memanjakan mata. Pemilihan warnanya yang tepat, dan penggambaran suasana pertempuran yang tepat juga menjadi nilai tambah.
Background Music 7.5/10
BGM untuk anime ini tidak begitu menarik alias biasa saja. Tapi Opening Theme dan Ending Theme sangat tepat untuk anime ini. Opening Themenya cukup untuk membangkitkan semangat, karna di anime ini ada kedamaian yang perlu diperjuangkan. Ending Themenya juga pas sebagai penutup cerita.
Rating: 7.7/10
Jadi anime ini akan worth to watch apabila kamu menyukai anime dengan setting setelah perang dengan sedikit racikan monster yang bisa disummon. Tapi jujur saja, saya masih binging menentukan anime ini lebih cocok diperuntukkan oleh siapa, karna di akhir 1st cour, anime ini sudah mengarah ke Politik dan memang menjadi salah satu rintangan bagi Marlya untuk kembali hidup bersama dengan Veronica. Kalau kamu agak bimbang dengan ini, kamu bisa tunggu anime ini selesai (mungkin) pada bulan Desember 2019, mengingat 2nd cour akan dimulai pada Musim Gugur tahun ini.
Fairy Gone is an anime released as part of Spring Anime Season 2019, it is quite fun to get to know this anime. Tells the story of Marlya who traveled to find his friend as a child Veronica. Separated because of the event of betrayal by Ray Dawn in order to improve its status.Story Development: 7.5 / 10
To be honest, for half a season this anime is consistent with its main problems. But slowly but surely, this anime slowly leads to politics. The story that was built slowly has the same pattern as Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, but at the end of 1st cour, the pattern I mean is broken.
Character: 7.8 / 10
I personally like the design of the character, nature / behavior, etc. Each of them has a story of his own past that is not too dark. Because the story is indeed a general story.
Graphic / Visual / Effect 7.9 / 10
Even though the story is less interesting, the visuals of the battle shown are enough to spoil the eyes. The selection of the right color, and how they animated the right battle atmosphere is also an added value.
Background Music 7.5 / 10
The BGM for this anime is not so attractive or ordinary. But the Opening Theme and Ending Theme is perfect for this anime. The opening session is enough to arouse enthusiasm, because in this anime there is peace that needs to be fought for. Themenya Ending also fits the closing story.
Rating: 7.7 / 10
So this anime will be worth to watch if you like anime with a postwar setting with a little monster mix that can be summoned. But to be honest, I still think that this anime is more suitable for whom, because at the end of the 1st cour, this anime has led to Politics and indeed is one of the obstacles for Marlya to return to live with Veronica. If you are a little hesitant about this, you can wait for this anime to finish (maybe) in December 2019, considering that 2nd cour will begin in Muslim this year.
3/100Name of this show should have been "enjoyment gone"Continue on AniListhaven't written a review in a long time. However, I felt the need to do so after watching this.
a big fan of P.A works, and have been amazed by some of the things that came out of their studio. However, for Fairy Gone.. I was appalled, as the show felt like a torment to watch past episode 1. Bland characters, bad cgi that they tried to cover up with rock music that eventually became annoying to the ears as well. The show tried to be deep with flashbacks, but in the end I didn't care about anyone in this show and had to drop it like a rock.
Story: it's simply all over the place. Trying to be complicated with flashbacks, location, events only made it messier.
Art the main characters are at least nicely animated. With rich backgrounds as well, giving you the feel of post WW1 era europe. Although not enough to save this wreck from sinking to the bottom of the dirt pile.
Characters some of the blandest characters I've ever encountered. They try to make use of flashbacks to try and flesh out character histories, but for some reason it just does not make me care about the characters at all.
Sound decent enough., but why do they have to insert annoying rock music into almost every fight? Trying to copy Digimon? Nice try though.
Cgi shows the lack of budget with the terrible cgi faeries. You can judge just by watching them in action even on the first episodes, they are just not that good.
Enjoyment almost zero enjoyment beyond the first episode. Perhaps the enjoyment might rise if I watched a few more episodes? But it really felt like a chore to watch, and had to drop. If you like to have monster beast fighting each other, then I recommend you try watching Katsute Kami Datta instead. Katsute is not perfect, and has boring moments of it's own, but it is still more watchable compared to Fairy Gone.
Had high expectations from the show, as I thought it might be another success story for P.A Works. Was sorely disappointed after just two whole episodes.
I do recommend you try it, to see if this anime is good enough for you. This anime had mostly negative reviews on other sites. However, there are still a handful of people who liked it. So again, it won't hurt to try one or two episodes from this thing. Or you could just watch it all the way to end of the first cour, before giving a review.. some people like to finish a show first before giving a final overall opinion. Sadly, I just couldn't stay until episode 3 of the first season of this unfortunate show.
70/100This is not great, but it is also not as bad as a bunch of people make it seem, 70/100Continue on AniList-
Don’t Worry There Are NO Plot Spoilers In This ReviewPrefix:
So recently I decided to start watching Fairy Gone despite what the entire anime community was saying about it and I caught all the way up with the show in a single day, and I honestly don’t understand all the hate for this show. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it is amazing but it isn’t the “Worst Anime of the Season” that a lot of people were making it out to be. Also from what I can tell from the posts and comments I have read about this show, a lot of people disdain for the show originated from a few points.-
The CGI:
Look, I’m not saying the CG is perfect, but it is significantly better than the CG in other shows that are much more favored in the community then this show. Like did people forget the bear in Golden Kamuy, or the horrendous goblin army in Overlord season 3, heck even the Colossal Titan in season 2 of Attack on Titan looks pretty choppy compared to the CG in this show. I mean I get that the community just doesn’t like CG as whole in anime, to the point that it is basically a meme in the anime community at this point to not like CG, but honestly guys this really doesn’t look that bad, like this is no Berserk 2016, so if that is your only gripe calm down.-
The Story:
Okay so there are two levels of complaints I have seen regarding the story in this show, the first is the information dump that is the first episode. Honestly the fact that the first episode is a giant information dump really didn’t bother me, because there are many other popular shows that do a major information dumped at the beginning of the show, that are still widely seen as good shows. The most infamous of which that come to mind right now is the giant 50-minute first episode prologue for Fate Zero that is literally just 50 minutes of expedition before we even start the show. So I get it, if you do not like expedition as a whole, meaning you didn’t like Fate Zero as well for the same reason, then that is fine. But if you like one and not the other to me that comes off as kind of hypocritical.The second issue many people have with the story is that it kind of feels mediocre, which to me I don’t actually understand what does that mean. Like this show’s story doesn’t feel any more mediocre than other popular shows from just the past year like Sirius the Jaeger, The Rising of the Shield Hero, Goblin Slayer, The Seven Deadly Sins, etc. And that’s not even taking into account anime that I thought were actual trash, that people still seem to have a better opinion of that this show, like B: The Beginning or Tokyo Ghoul: re season 2. Idk, maybe my taste it’s just different compared to other people, but this show feels just as mediocre as other popular shows, and that’s not really a diss on the popular shows (since I still watch them too) my point is just that this show isn’t that bad by comparison.
The Animation:
Okay so this point makes even less sense to me then the story point, but apparently, for a lot of people they feel the animation is lackluster at best, and I personally don’t see what they mean. The fact that the avatars are the only part of the show that are CG (other than background elements that at this point are CG in many anime i.e. the crowds of people) tell me that it was most likely a creative decision to showcase how otherworldly the avatars are compared to the humans. 2nd the animation overall I feel really fits the show and isn’t necessarily bad at all, Maybe I feel that way just because I have actually seen what bad animation looks like in anime COUGH Black Clover COUGH COUGH, or instead of beating a dead horse, If I were to compare this to the animation of One Punch Man season 2, and I honestly would prefer this.This at least feels fluid and complements the material the show portrays, not to mention they actually show you the fight scenes in this show, instead of just a couple still’s that they zoom in and out of as if to show motion instead of actually animating it, yes I am throwing shade, seriously I don’t like season 2 of One Punch Man. The only other aspect of the animation I could conceivably see people disliking is the lack of colors, which I completely understand. because this show is aiming for that gritty feel, they basically have a single color palette they use for literally everything, which I could conceivably see getting annoying for some people who want more color in their animation. But for me personally, since this is just the show’s aesthetic, meaning it was a creative choice from the beginning, it really doesn’t bother me overall.
The Soundtrack:
Okay now this is the only point I have seen that I actually semi-agree with, I mean other than the fact that the OP is pretty good, most of the music in the show feels kind of out of place. It’s not that the individual songs are necessarily bad, they just come either at completely the wrong time, or the song itself does not match the tone of the scene it is in. This happens enough in the show that it is definitely noticeable (which is why I understand if it bothers some people, it bothers me as well) but it is not bad enough to tank an entire show for me.The World:
This is the main redeeming factor for this show for me, the world this show set’s up is so fundamentally interesting to me that I can overlook certain story problems when they happen in the moment. The setting for this show feels to me like a cross between Princess Principal and Serpents of the End and I am 100% down for that. Not to mention (and I mean this in the best way possible) the weird creative decisions within the entire world are teetering on Ghibli level weird creative decisions. Like on episode 2 you see a truck that has four arms in the front compartment that comes out from the sides to pull the car, even though it could just have an engine to move. Shit like this is the weird shit that is in this word and it does not matter if I like it or not, I just appreciate that this kind of weird shit is in this world.-
In Conclusion:
So overall my point here is that if you originally wrote off this show because of the immense amount of negative criticism surrounding it when it first started. I highly recommend you actually give the show a shot, because you never know, this might just be the kind of weird dumb shit you need in your life. Granted this is only the first half of the show, so who knows, down the line, this show may completely tank. But as of right now, I like what I am seeing enough to continue the show. 70/100, I am looking forward to season 2😉
ANIME ActionShuumatsu no Izetta
ANIME ActionShingeki no Kyojin
- (2.6/5)
Ended inJune 24, 2019
Main Studio P.A.WORKS
Favorited by 222 Users
Hashtag #フェアリーゴーン