September 24, 2024
24 min
Lawrence is a traveling merchant selling various goods from a horse-drawn cart. One day, he arrives at a village and meets a beautiful girl with the ears and tail of an animal! Her name is Holo the Wisewolf and she brings bountiful harvests. She wishes to return to her homeland, and Lawrence offers to take her. Now, the once-lonely merchant and the once-lonely wisewolf begin their journey north.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Ami Koshimizu
Kraft Lawrence
Jun Fukuyama
Elsa Schtingheim
Nora Arendt
Mai Nakahara
Rikiya Koyama
Dian Rubens
Akeno Watanabe
Fermi Amarty
Saeko Chiba
Marhait Liechten
Houchuu Ootsuka
Evan Gyoam
Atsushi Abe
Daisuke Namikawa
Gi Batos
Susumu Akagi
Marten Liebert
Kenyuu Horiuchi
Eu Lant
Kaoru Sasajima
Tomokazu Sugita
Iima Ranel
Toa Yukinari
Jacob Tarantino
Shinpachi Tsuji
Eiji Hanawa
Diana no Tsukai
Haruna Terada
Mie Sonozaki
Adelle Cole
Mayumi Yanagisawa
Hans Remelio
Hozumi Gouda
Yousuke Akimoto
Aimi Tanaka

65/100More wolf than spice to be found hereContinue on AniList*This review contains spoilers for the entire anime.* >*Chief Director: Takeo Takahashi* *Director: Hijiri Sanpei* *Series Composition: Tatsuhiko Urahata* Spice and Wolf is a show of a time that predated my entry into anime. Even more so it was interesting to see that a remake was made. As someone who hadn’t heard even once of Holo, the beloved deuteragonist of the series, until this remake was announced, I was very curious to jump into this and experience this story for myself. # Holo and Loneliness ___ Unsurprisingly, Holo herself is probably one of the best things to come out of this show. And that’s a very good thing given that she has the second-most screen time in the show and is even in the title itself. Not only does she have a good amount of charisma (I commend the voice actor heavily here) but I also like the idea of her being lonely because she outlived her friends and got abandoned by a culture that used to worship her. It humanizes her and gives her a certain amount of vulnerability that makes her relationship with Lawrence believable. They don’t travel together just because the plot demands but because both are lonely people and appreciate the company while pursuing their goals. And as I mentioned already she’s simply charming and I like her cheeky and flirty attitude towards Lawrence. I have to heavily commend her voice actor, Ami Koshimizu, for that. Loneliness seems to be one of the central themes regarding the characterization of both Lawrence and Holo. However, I found Holo to be much more compelling than Lawrence. And it may be because Holo has a prominent screen presence outside her emotional moments, so when it gets emotional it provides a nice contrast to her usual behavior and we see a new side to a character we already find fun to watch. Lawrence on the other hand, showcases a much smaller range of emotion and expression than Holo. He does feel static throughout the show and is mostly just a nice person. And there are moments where it feels like he steps outside that comfort zone, but the show doesn’t do anything with it. For instance when he was willing to lay down his life to protect Holo in episode 6. That’s not normal behavior. Even for someone you feel attracted to, you wouldn’t risk your life like that. But the show doesn’t take up the opportunity to explore why he’s willing to risk his life for Holo. Maybe it’s not just attraction and he’s developed emotional dependency because she’s the first friendship in a long time which is not based on business. However, the relationship between the two of them still is enjoyable and there are a lot of moments that are simply cute and/or wholesome. It feels straight to the point as the two of them spend a lot of time with each other and are self-aware enough to recognize their attraction toward the other, even if they don’t strongly label their relationship as such. But they have a strong mutual bond which is wholesome to witness. Just like Lawrence however, it feels like the show sometimes misses the opportunity to explore that dynamic further. A particular sour note for me was the story arc surrounding Amati and the pyrite deal. Not only was the arc much longer than it should be and it’s based on a misunderstanding that could’ve been cleared up much more easily, but it also resolved on an unsatisfying note. It feels the arc only served to make Lawrence realize how much Holo means to him, but the arc showcased such a disconnect between the communication expectations between Holo and Lawrence, that it was disappointing to not have them explore that. Especially given that the arc opens the question if a relationship between a mythical being and a human can work in the first place. I wouldn’t even have minded as much the misunderstanding and the length of the arc if it had been an entry point for both of them to reflect on their relationship and how they communicate with each other, but as it is it felt merely like an instrument to drag the drama for a bit longer. Now there are still gradual developments in their relationship as I mentioned briefly with Lawrence realizing his feelings for instance, and I still appreciate those. On the other hand, the way we get there feels clunky and sometimes frustrating. But I still appreciate it as it is. #
Pagan gods and religion ___ The second thing that I feel underlines the whole show is the world-building regarding mystical beings like Holo and how the world deals with them. We are in a medieval setting where the church is at the peak of its power, but instead of establishing some kind of holy power through its fantasy elements which validate the existence of a church, Spice and Wolf chooses to highlight other “gods” instead. These “gods”, like Holo, are seemingly otherworldly beings who are not only very big but have special powers like granting a good harvest. They are worshipped by small communities and treated like gods, even if they aren’t inherently gods, but only called that way by humans. As such Spice and Wolf explores the concept of religion by highlighting that a lot of ideas regarding gods are man-made and not based on universal truths. The rather ugly application of religion here is showcased in the form of the church, which exploits and takes advantage of smaller communities, branding their objects of worship as pagan gods (false gods). They also profit extensively through taxes from their members, justifying it all by pointing to one almighty god who very well may not exist. Now, apart from whether someone believes in god or not (I think it’s fine to believe in god, as for me, I don’t) I did find the approach this series took rather fresh for a medieval fantasy setting. Even if it could use more indulgement into the fantastical side of things for my taste. Generally, the series has a more economical lens given that our protagonist Lawrence is a travel merchant. I found the economic side of it to be less interesting, even if it’s fine for what it is. It’s more or less a plot vehicle to provide Lawrence with a challenge for each story arc when a trade doesn’t go as planned. Granted, it’s satisfying at the end of each story arc to have Lawrence figure out a deal that benefits him. #
Visually it kinda sucks ___ Now to be blunt, one aspect that drags the series down generally is the visual side of things. Visually, it doesn’t look good. While I find the world-building regarding religion, the folklore regarding the pagan gods, and such interesting, I am very disinterested in the rest of the world of Spice and Wolf because it looks very boring. The backgrounds are largely unremarkable, and the series also has a very washed-out color palette which is not doing the overall aesthetic any favors. It doesn’t seem to serve any artistic intent either, it just looks bad. I would like to say that Studio Passione simply copied and pasted the post-processing workflow they use for other shows on here, but even their other shows aren’t as grey so I’m not sure what the decision-making was here. The quality of the animation and the drawings are pretty average to mediocre, which is sadly the standard for a lot of anime nowadays. However, I felt that better drawings could’ve served this series very well by making the character interactions more interesting and adding nuance to how the characters feel in more emotional story beats. Instead, the heavyweight was left on the voice actors when it came to conveying the characters' emotions. I will say though that I was surprised that the staff at studio horny, sorry, studio Passione, were very successful at holding themselves back. Having watched for instance [Mieruko-chan](https://anilist.co/anime/131083/Mierukochan/) from them, I know that they like fanservice, even if they have to add it themselves when the source material doesn't have much. Spice and Wolf however felt very tasteful even for the scenes with nudity. The only time where Spice and Wolf manages to jump out of its shadow is when Holo transforms. Creature animation is not to be taken for granted, and I was very positively surprised to see that they managed to pull it off in 2D and to have it move to the extent they did. I wasn’t able to find out who is in charge of the creature animation but they did a very good job, even if the rest of the show wasn’t able to keep up. I think the creature animation also helps with selling the idea of how otherworldly or intimidating mythical beings like Holo seem from the perspective of a normal person in this universe. # Conclusion ____ Overall, apart from one specific story arc that I talked plenty about already, Spice and Wolf was enjoyable. Mostly because I like the dynamic Holo and Lawrence have, and it’s just enjoyable to see them interact with each other and gradually grow closer through the course of the series. I also think that despite being a medieval setting with little fantasy it has some interesting elements which I found interesting. However, the worldbuilding still feels overall stale, especially so because even some of the interesting stuff like the mythical beasts like Holo are largely underexplored as of now. I would’ve loved to see more stuff like the tunnel dug by the snake where you can see how these giant beasts shaped, even in small ways, the world we currently see. That also factors in with the second major complaint, as a visual medium Spice and Wolf sadly doesn’t do a good job at showcasing the world and it also never manages to scratch that edge in portraying emotional character moments. I’m not sure if I will check out the second season, I may also check the source material which most likely at least resolves some of the issues I have with the anime. Thank you for reading thus far, if you have any feedback feel free to leave it [here](https://anilist.co/activity/791741740) :) CShell
84/100A Worthy Successor To The Original Series.Continue on AniList#__Spice And Wolf (2024) Review.__ ____ ___
As the first season of the new adaptation comes to a close it becomes time to ponder on we have experienced. Over the last three and a half months we watched and discussed what we thought about it. Many questions have been long since asked and answered, but one still remains: Was it worth it?
I'd say so.
I'll admit, it's been a while since I watched the original series. However, I do fondly remember it as one of my favorite animated series of the 2000's. From the world building and to the foil between the two leads, The 2008 adaptation very quickly became a cult classic. However, the cliffhanger ending at the end of the second season left many watchers (your truly included) wanting for more. When the new project was announced I believe we all were excited to see the journey we loved continue. Coming from this, I was a little scared when it was announced that this was going to be a different adaptation of the light novels, and became even more so when it was revealed that Studio Passione (of high school DXD 2018 and Higurashi: Gou infamy) would be leading the reigns.
_Adorable_ ___
However, I was pleasantly surprised. This show, though maybe not at exactly on the level of the first adaptation, was still perfectly enjoyable in its own right. The story followed the original Light Novels very closely, sticking even more accurately to the books than the originals. This not only kept the story from veering off into stupidity, but also sets up for future seasons better than how the originals (With their changed continuity) did. Along with preserving the story the same, the characters also kept their wonderful foil that made them so enjoyable, and with the Original VA's coming back they feel nearly identical to their first roles.
One big change that the series had was the hiring of Kevin Penkin as the score composer. Kevin, if you did not know, was the composer for both Made in Abyss and The Rising of The Shield Hero, along with co-writing the soundtrack for The Apothecary Diaries. Through his works, he has won several awards and is regarded as one of the best composers in the Anime Industry, and with this series he bring his A game. Though the original soundtrack was amazing in its own right, no-one can beat Kevin.
___ ___
However, I will day that the opening and ending of this season (though perfectly serviceable in their own rights) pale In comparison to Tabi no Tochuu and Jitsu no Yoake. Though I like the new ones, a part of me wishes that they just did a cover of the originals due to how freaking good they are. This is a pretty small issue overall, but still kind of irks me.
Last thing I want to talk about is the animation and artwork style. Despite my worries, I feel like Studio Passione did a serviceable job updating the original works to a modern style. Being perfectly honest, the animation of the original was not one of its strong suits, especially given that Studio imagin was a small and irrelevant studio that immediately went belly up after finishing season 2. Studio Passione also successfully made the art style more faithful to the original novels, which I believe is generally a good thing. However, as to be expected, the art style (in my personal opinion) was significantly less passionate compared to the original, and had a glossy and corporate feel that many Passione projects have. Additionally, the increased use of CGI in some scenes broke my immersion a little. Overall, though it did pass my approval (For what little that's worth) it did not leave me wowed.
___ ___
To sum up, I think this project was a good attempt at adapting the original VN's. Though I may not have liked as much as the originals in some aspects, I think it was a good Anime regardless. Overall, I am quite happy with this and I can't wait for season 2.
#__84/100__ fckmal
32/100Strahng boss-lady and henchman simpleton vs. christianityContinue on AniListI'll criticise this anime pretty harshly so if you're a fan or you just can't take criticism in general (even if it doesn't concern you), don't even bother hate-reading and feel free to abuse that dislike button in order to assert dominance.
In all seriosity, this was way worse than I expected since the original show seemed to be relatively decent but then again it's 2024 and shows are probably supposed to be bad these days.
Let's start with the positive things about this anime: the music, or at least part of it. Now that we're done with that, we can talk about the bad part of SaW.
The show takes place in a historical fantasy setting (with an emphasis on historical rather than fantasy) but make no mistake: It's an anime so the historical "research" was probably done in five minutes and it would be a wild understatement to say that they took as much "creative liberty" as they could. It's not like any anime fan in the world seems to be interested in historical accuracy anyway.
The problem, however, is that this show has some kind of obsessive and weird anti-religious undertone and when I say "anti-religious", I obviously mean anti-christian. No anime or non-anime show ever criticised Judaism, Islam, Shintoism or any kind of religion or sect, nor will they ever do that. SaW explicitly criticises christianity which wouldn't be a problem per se (especially for me as an atheist) but the superficial and self-satisfied way they do it is what makes this so bad.Other than that, there is not much to say about SaW since the story is often times pretty much non-existent and most characters besides the 2 mc's aren't that important anyway and just act as plot devices or mirrors for the mc's insecurities and problems.
And this is where we get to the main problem of the show: The main characters. You would expect them to be interesting/sympathetic/deep in a show that is so focused on just two characters and their "romance" over the course of many episode. But nope, they are terrible.This is one of the many many MANY anime (and non-anime) where the male mc is basically a socially awkward, bland, lame and weak guy who can never stand his ground and has terrible communication skills for a man whose job it is to communicate.
The female mc, on the other hand, is mostly careless, smug, self-condescending, kinda mean and basically everything every normal person hate about tsunderes.
As so many anime (and non-anime), the people who are in charge of this seem to have a very toxic and childish view on romance in which one person has to dominate the other one constantly (but it's okay bro, it's the woman anyway, so it's cool!!!!!111) and people can't be allowed to like each other from the beginning.
They first have to go through endless episodes of senseless teasing and unnecessary arguing before they actually recognize that they "love" each other.I'm anything but a romance fan and if I happen to watch "romance", I don't expect everything to go well throughout the show without the characters having any kind of development but let me tell you something groundbreaking: Having characters bitch around all the time and then having them falling in love at last is anything but smooth and elegant character development.
To summ it up: This show smells like 2020's and it stinks. Not that the original anime was great by any means (or even good) but it's another one of so many proves as to why modern reboots of anything in the world shouldn't be allowed.
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- (3.95/5)
Ended inSeptember 24, 2024
Main Studio Passione
Trending Level 4
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Hashtag #狼と香辛料 #SPICEANDWOLF