March 22, 2024
24 min
The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about. Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the land. But Frieren will long outlive the rest of her former party. How will she come to understand what life means to the people around her? Decades after their victory, the funeral of one her friends confronts Frieren with her own near immortality. Frieren sets out to fulfill the last wishes of her comrades and finds herself beginning a new adventure…
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Atsumi Tanezaki
Kana Ichinose
Chiaki Kobayashi
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Ikumi Hasegawa
Youji Ueda
Hiroki Touchi
Yuuichi Nakamura
Atsuko Tanaka
Jirou Saitou
Mariya Ise
Haruka Terui
Sayumi Suzushiro
Kishou Taniyama
Shouhei Komatsu
Azumi Waki
Ayana Taketatsu
Reina Ueda
Shizuka Ishigami
Manaka Iwami
Takehito Koyasu
Takuya Eguchi
Junichi Suwabe
Kanae Itou
Eiji Hanawa

100/100Fascinating, fulfilling, and full of feelings—a trek where every step matters.Continue on AniListThis review is spoiler-free.
(Note: If "Frieren" is italicised, I am talking about the series. Otherwise, I am referring to the main character.)
**〈 𝘈 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯... 〉**
Have you ever felt you are way too cautious when it comes to interacting with art, which, in turn, may have caused you to hesitate or even avoid starting books, movies, or shows that piqued your interest? Have you ever set your expectations rock-bottom low because you were worried the latest popular product would not be worthy of its acclaim, thus leaving you sorely disappointed? Have you ever given said trendy new thing a shot, only to view it with a ton of bias, which utterly doomed your first impression beyond repair? I have been there and done that, and one of the best examples of this bizarre predicament is Frieren.
But fret not, my dear reader, because my wild and turbulent experience with this anime ends on a surprisingly positive note. This review will not be yet another cynical rant where I trash-talk a show for a couple of paragraphs. **Well, not this time.**
I will not beat around the bush or pretend to be holier than thou... **I was initially super sceptical about _Frieren_, with heaps of negativity flowing through my veins.** I kept doubting if it could live up to the hype, and, worse yet, I tried to avoid the show like the plague. After watching the first episode, though my opinion became more favourable, I was not entirely sold on any of its ideas and struggled to see the appeal. __But as I dove deeper into its episodes, the show, slowly but surely, started growing on me.__ Now, having watched all of its twenty-eight episodes, I can confidently say it is one of the greatest anime I have ever encountered, and I feel silly for not taking it seriously from the get-go.
First things first, we have to give credit where credit is due: **the team behind this project has truly outdone themselves in terms of visuals and sound, and they deserve all the praise they can get.** Hell, I am more than happy to continue complimenting their work till I can no longer breathe or the sun no longer emits light. [Keiichirou Saitou]( and [his crew]( poured their hearts into this, and their passion for the craft and the medium itself shines through in every single frame, still image, second of animation, and note of the soundtrack—like a kid who was given a flashy new toy, I cannot stop gawking at their work in complete and unadulterated amazement. **But all of this commendation is very ambiguous and general, so we need to get down to the nitty-gritty.**
The colour palette was one of the first components I criticised when the show aired its first episode because I was not particularly impressed by it. Yet, as time went on, I finally came to my senses and concluded that my critique was unsubstantiated and narrow-sighted, as these seemingly commonplace colours consistently and relentlessly demonstrate how vibrant they are. **Every scene, scenery and scenario is bright and full of life, yet the hues that inhabit them are not excessively saturated or unnaturally radiant to the point of causing eye strain or discomfort.** In some weird fashion, despite the setting being anything but grounded in reality, everything on display teems with energy in an incredibly lifelike sense—thanks to these no-frills colours, the show is able to immerse the viewer in its vast, glamorous world and its countless distinct lands effectively and thoroughly. While you may see them as [just another generic collection of tints already seen a thousand times before in other shows with similar art styles](, when combined with other elements that constitute the visuals, __they infuse _Frieren_ with intense vigour and immediately make it stand out from the crowd.__
Speaking of the art style, it is undeniably straightforward, **yet that very simplicity is its most prominent strength.** Owing to the usage of brisk, crisp and quirky lines, designs and hues, the art style emerges as delightful to look at and spellbinding all the way through. By dint of its inherent beauty, the background art can easily blossom and become an exceptional sight to behold. You can almost smell and breathe the world the characters exist in. **You feel like you are a part of it, and, by extension, you get this tingling sensation of wanting to embark on a grand journey filled with numerous adventures, random encounters and memorable happenings.** The cities the characters visit along the way look grand in scope, yet the manner in which they are drawn makes them feel cosy and lived-in. Unlike [other fantasy tales]( that merely aim for a fantasy-like look without much substance, the anime actually populates its villages with town life and makes the buildings, roads and architecture look like they were developed and used by actual human beings. Rural areas are gorgeously serene and peaceful, while forests, mountains, plains and whatnot evoke a sense of medieval realism and enchanting fantasy. In the same vein, the character designs are memorable and full of personality, considering they bring out the unique traits of each person donning them with simple ornaments, lovely outfits and distinctive body features. **Altogether, the art style and everything surrounding it brim with this indescribable sense of wonder and magic, which perfectly captures the personality of the series.**
Nonetheless, as beautiful and majestic as these images can be, their charm will hastily fade away once the animation fails to match their quality and struggles to bring them to life. **An anime without proper animation is not going to cut it.** After all, a contemporary show is neither [a slideshow]( nor [a trip to a museum.](
Luckily, there is no need to worry about that because _Frieren_'s animation does what is expected of it with flying colours. It does not settle for mediocrity or reeks of half-assery but instead executes everything flawlessly and constantly produces awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping scenes. **Simply put, it is fluid and stellar, and it never runs out of gas despite the exhaustive number of high-quality and constantly impressive episodes.** Whether it be a sombre moment where the characters converse with each other and contemplate their lives or a moment of high-octane and intense magical battle which involves countless blinding spells and objects flying left and right, the animation never stutters and always manages to deliver a mesmerising spectacle you can feast your eyes on. It is further complemented by the camerawork that makes sure the action is smooth, zappy and easy to follow, the lightning that enhances the ambience of every situation, and the editing that is not only sharp but also lets the scenes linger just enough for the emotions to settle in and take effect.
But a sincerely impactful moment is not just about what you can see; **it is also about what you can hear.** For a scene to deeply resonate with the viewer, their ears need to be treated to beautiful melodies that will strike them to their core. __Yet again, we do not have to worry about that because the music the series boasts is absolutely wonderful at every step.__ Both [the opening theme]( by [YOASOBI]( and [the one]( composed by [Yorushika]( fit amazingly into the atmosphere the show erects—they have a lingering feeling of melancholy within, yet are full of energy and positivity. [The ending theme]( by [milet]( embraces the other side of _Frieren_'s narrative as its saddening, delicate tone elicits a sense of sadness related to departure or loss, which is an ideal fit as the closure to every episode. **In conjunction, these songs will make you feel the urge to click on another episode, as you do not want these feelings to fade away.** You want to cherish every moment you have with the show by your side for as long as possible.
Tying it all together is the soundtrack by [Evan Call]( Through tracks like ["Journey of a Lifetime,"]( ["One Last Adventure,"]( ["Where the Blue-Moon Weed Grows,"]( and many, many more, the composer truly cements _Frieren_'s score as one of the most impressive and gorgeous ones in recent memory. **Tender, heartfelt, sorrowful, heartwarming and overflowing with a satisfying fantasy vibe all at once—these tracks feel grand yet so personal, majestic yet grounded, and sad yet hopeful**, and I feel my heart crumbling to dust just by listening to them.
**With an extensive description like that, you could easily get the idea that pretty looks and catchy songs are all there is to _Frieren_.** Frankly, I would not blame you for thinking this way one bit. Whether we like it or not, [the medium]( is populated by a constantly increasing number of [anime that value a single moment of visual brilliance over having a coherent, well-put-together, well-crafted and ingenious story and authentic, multi-dimensional characters worth rooting for.]( But let me assure you that _Frieren_ is not one of those shows that present the audience with plenty of eye candy but nothing to chew on narrative-wise; **it is much, much more than meets the eye.**
**However, before I really dig into the narrative, I need to mention something that may not be so obvious but is definitely worth bringing attention to.** Though many, after witnessing the first few episodes, deem the story to be an emotional tale that will pull your heartstrings at every opportunity, I believe that approaching _Frieren_ with such expectations can and most likely will be extremely detrimental to not only your enjoyment but also your opinion about the show as a whole since you will expect such scenes to play first fiddle all the time. **While, at the start, the emotionality of the content is painfully apparent, these emotionally charged moments are not so chokingly defining and dominant that everything revolves around them. They are a part of the narrative and not the narrative itself.** The anime sights' are not set on merely being an evocative and meditative tearjerker that will force you to bawl your eyes out at every turn. Yes, the series is more than capable of doing that, which I experienced firsthand on too many occasions. Still, _Frieren_ is, first and foremost, about the adventures, making memories, random encounters, and various detours the characters encounter along their trek; **the emotions are a sweet and much-needed bonus.**
Now with that out of the way, we can finally get down to business and see what the narrative is about. As I said earlier, the production values are made with so much passion and love that it is nigh impossible to resist their allure. However, as top-notch as they are, **it is the combination of story, characters and themes that sets the show apart, puts it on the map and ultimately wins you over.** These three components are the driving force behind its success and the reason why so many folks, myself included, have utterly fallen head over heels in love with it.
In the beginning, we are introduced to [the hero]('s party, as they gear up to and eventually succeed in taking down the Demon King. Sounds quite familiar, does it not? Of course, it does since we have seen [stories with such a premise so many times before that it has become something of a cliche.]( **As we quickly learn, in the case of this anime, this is nothing more than a setup or a prologue to what is to come.** The quest is instantly taken care of off-screen, and time begins to blur as, in the wake of the constant utilisation of time skips, the years fly by in rapid succession. Before we know it, the group ceases to exist, and its leader passes away. What follows his death are tears, not only shed by those whom they helped throughout their numerous adventures but also by [the titular protagonist](, as she realises that what seemed like insignificant, trivial moments to her meant the world to others due to them being a huge chunk of their life. __With the realisation that she will long outlive everyone around her, and her apathy and indifference towards the world will not make her existence whole, she begins travelling in search of answers, yearning to understand humans and how to treasure the memories she made and will make.__ Along the way, she revisits the lands she stopped by in the past, meets and befriends other people and enjoys the presence of her newfound companions.
**This is such a simplistic yet phenomenal setup that I am genuinely shocked I did not notice and appreciate it earlier.** Taking the tired cliche of a party of warriors, mages and priests that aims to defeat the generic demonic overlord and completely flipping it on its head is such a refreshing and satisfying sight, and the way the whole quest is depicted is nothing short of ingenious. You see, [Frieren]( is an elf, which means she is basically immortal. Even though the quest spanned about ten years, to her (and, consequently, the viewers) it was merely a fleeting moment, like a gust of wind that comes and goes without leaving any signs of its presence. However, this skewed perception of time is not a one-time gimmick; **it constantly evolves and changes throughout the show's and the protagonist's development**, and it originates from one of the main motifs of the series: the preciousness of time.
**Time is a finite resource that we must use wisely.** If you wander aimlessly through life, you will soon find yourself running short of it. Before you know it, you have used it all up, and it is only a matter of, well, time, before you have to bid goodbye to everything you own and everyone you know. The immortality of an elf stands in stark contrast to the frailty of human life, seeing that elves can live for thousands upon thousands of years, and still look like they are in their twenties. Yet, their careless management of time can very easily be applied to humans or human-related activities such as memory-making. __Whether you have twenty, sixty or one thousand years, there is always the possibility that you are not focusing on the present and instead being completely oblivious to how fast and unrelenting the passage of time can be.__ _Frieren_ perfectly encapsulates the importance of learning to appreciate each little thing, moment and uneventful day and understanding the fleeting nature of it all. **It turns this incredibly straightforward idea/theme into one of the many important lessons it teaches not only its characters but also the viewers.**
The same applies to the concept of memories; they, much like the passage of time discussed above, constitute the heart and soul of _Frieren_. These snippets of the past kick off the protagonist's tale, drive most if not all of the characters' actions and are responsible for some of the most emotional, poignant and powerful moments in the whole series. **Just as they are essential to the narrative, memories are intrinsic to all of us.** While they do not entirely define our existence, as we can still carry on even if we were to lose them all, they are extremely instrumental in shaping who we are. **With them lingering in the recesses of our minds, we find solace in previous experiences, reflect on the present with the insight the past provides, and discover what makes us who we are.**
__However, what is head-scratchingly problematic about memories is the fact that what seems to be nothing more than an ordinary and everyday moment may become a vital, cherished recollection down the road.__ This notion is reflected throughout the series, as remembrances influence every character in one way or another. Although these simple moments might characterise these individuals, they do not restrain or torment them like shackles. Instead, as time goes on, the cast learns to use them as stepping stones toward personal growth and self-realisation. And therein is the reason why this show is so touching and relatable. **The theme is universal and easily applicable to anyone, yet it is the process of witnessing the characters uncover how to deal with their past and try to use it as a learning experience that makes it all extremely personal, heartwarming and therapeutic.**
Naturally, these two motifs are not the only ones that _Frieren_ wears on its sleeves. Grief, loss, regret, the importance of human relationships and connections, morality, death and its ramifications, the search for meaning, mentorship, friendship, familial bonds, heroism, good vs. evil, embracing life, accepting oneself and many, many more themes are vividly portrayed within the anime, and **are given just the right amount of attention and care to pack a really hefty punch.**
As mentioned numerous times throughout the review, _Frieren_ is all about the journey the characters set off on that can be equated to a collection of sidequests with plenty of goofing around, fighting, talking and exploring connected with surprising cohesion and creativity. __On account of that, the series could have easily stuck to these adventures for the entirety of its run, never going beyond its excellent worldbuilding, captivating magic system, believable setting, exciting battle scenes, charming character interactions or quirky personages.__ But, it decided to embrace and embody both sides of the idea of travelling, combining literally moving from one place to another with attempts to find your true self and become a better person, and the themes above are why it all successfully comes together to create this nearly perfect package. **The adventures are at the forefront of the plot as they entertain your eyes, ears and mind while the intriguing ideas that reside deep within the show's body touch your heart and make _Frieren_ an unforgettable experience.**
Nonetheless, every potent and contemplation-arousing subject needs to be conveyed and presented in an easy-to-digest manner. This is where [the characters]( come in, as they are the ideal vehicles for these ideas. **But do not mistake them for mere carriers of the various concepts; they are fully fleshed-out people with their own interesting stories to tell.** Whether you look at the protagonists or the supporting characters, everyone brings something to the table and fulfils a concrete and important role in the story, no matter how much screen time they get. Surely, [some of them may be seen as generic and one-dimensional](, but that is merely a surface-level observation that hardly applies to any of these folks; **even the most seemingly insignificant supporting characters are exciting, authentic, full of depth and flesh and blood.**
Yet, as is the case with every single story to have ever been written, it is the main group who are in the constant limelight. **Frieren and her companions, both old and new, are a diverse, sympathetic and charismatic bunch of goofballs.** They all possess distinct personalities, easily understandable and relatable motivations, and dreams that strike a chord with the audience. It is very hard not to root for them, appreciate their wonderful chemistry, enjoy their quirky interactions/banters/conversations, feel happy when they achieve their goals, and feel down when they encounter any sort of hardship. The way they develop and mature as individuals as the show progresses is extremely impressive on account of the subtle, small yet noticeable changes in their attitudes, outlooks and dispositions. __Not a single moment of character development is rushed, and the show allocates just the right amount of time to give these guys all the breathing room they need to grow, glow, and become great.__ And that is precisely what they become when the final credits roll around—a fun, organic yet deeply human cast of memorable characters, whose antics and adventures are charming beyond belief.
All right, it is high time to wrap up this incomprehensible wall of text masquerading as a thoughtful review. **I want to end it by simply encouraging anyone who has yet to see _Frieren_ to cave in and give it a shot.** In the worst-case scenario, you will not be wowed by what it has to offer, and you will either power through its episodes as a reluctant passenger or abandon ship entirely. __However, if it is your cup of tea and clicks with you, it will be an experience unlike any other.__
In any case, I sincerely think _Frieren_ deserves our attention and adoration and must be treasured for years to come. **It is a nearly flawless and intensely special anime that, I kid you not, excels in every aspect.** I feel fortunate to have been part of this joyful and adventurous journey for so long, and my love for it is as vast and endless as its world.
**Farewell, _Frieren_.**
**〈 ...𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺. 〉**
99/100A journey to heaven.Continue on AniListWhat do people want when they watch anime?
Some might view it for entertainment, some for escapism, some for good battles, some for philosophy or projection and some for vibrant worlds… In short the reasons are numerous but rarely does a story balances most of these aspects and creates a tale that speaks to the hearts of the viewers. However Frieren beyond journey’s end is such a tale. If there is a media piece that is the materialization of the word balance, it’s Frieren.
Frieren is about a journey taking place when the greatest threat of the world is subjugated with Tolkien inspired elf who goes on a mere 10 year journey, a blink of an eye for their race and how those mere 10 years are the ones which inspired, changed and shaped her.
Her present adventure is too filled with issues but whether its demon subjugation or getting lost in a winter blizzard, it’s all presented very intricately.
We as viewers constantly learn about the world and the different mechanics or how our protagonist feels or thinks or how she is a different person from the past. In short there are 2 stories that are taking place simultaneously. The past and the present and the connection between the 2 is made. The anime illustrates all these events with consistent and aesthetically pleasing visuals which rival the best in the industry. However apart from the well-directed action, great visuals and overall pleasant ost, the biggest strength of this story lies in the subtle yet impactful portrayal of human relationships and the theme regarding the passage of time.
Apart from this many multitude of themes such as friendship, parental love, honour, pride, humbleness, the progression of civilizations, learning and overall the importance of peace itself or why being in the rush doesn’t exactly matter in the long run are presented and the story goes way beyond in illustrating how the relationships we form along the way can still stand the passage of time. Either in memories or the legacies. In addition the way this storyline executes different philosophies without being jarring is the first I have personally seen since in most cases, its pretentious or actually pretty basic. Not to mention the world just draws you in.
Some general quotes to ilustrate my point further.
“Nobody who tries desperately to live would want to end up as nothing. This, would it not be better to believe that they would live in extravagance up in Heaven?”
“The purpose of life is to be known and remembered. Only a little. You just need to change someone’s life. That’s all, I’m sure.”
“Nobody sacrifices their life for things that don’t matter”
“People won’t know how you feel unless you tell them”
The anime also lays emphasis on patience and appreciating the mundane nature of life itself. From Fern who in the beginning is constantly in a rush to Sein who delays his decisions for to long, this story teaches its audience a certain balance with which to approach life and doing what you love. It also garners towards how if given proper time every problem is solvable( which is explained by the development of magic itself.)
The action simply put is detailed, colourful, fast, technical and very easy to follow and appreciate, the characters are vibrant and entertaining with each having distinct traits.
In short Frieren beyond journey’s end is a story that has almost everything that a person would want. And hence why it’s an anime that deserves all the praise it has gotten.
Thanks for readingMagenta
94/100A saga for the ages that will be remembered for years, decades, centuries, millennia, and all that comes after.Continue on AniListThis review contains minor spoilers.
Before any discussion (or praise) of Sousou no Frieren can start, it’s important to establish that it is fundamentally derivative. It's a fantasy, and it comes with all of the concepts that have been ingrained in pop culture since Tolkien published The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. While derivation is typically looked down upon, it isn’t necessarily bad. It has its benefits, like the audience already having a working knowledge of its tropes. That knowledge can be played off to pedal emotions and themes not originally expected of the genre. In Frieren’s case, it is used to convey how the human condition is affected by the passage of time.
But we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Yeah, of course, I can say what the story does that makes it so unique, but those who haven’t experienced it for themselves can’t exactly understand it. So how does Frieren utilize the fantasy genre in such a unique faction, and more importantly, why?
To start with the “how”, Sousou no Frieren firstly sets a massive scope for itself. This comes in the form of an expansive world akin to most other fantasy sagas, but more importantly, the timeframe of its story is incomprehensibly large. While long sagas of years or decades are common, Frieren takes it to an extreme. This saga instead encompasses centuries, and at times millennia. Frieren’s titular protagonist is an elf, whose lifespan is exponentially longer than anything else can live. Frieren is effectively immortal given what humans can understand. This one specific trait of this archetype ends up being the primary narrative framing device. The story starts with an 80-year time skip, and every time skip afterward tells how much time has passed since Himmel’s death at the end of Episode 1. The first season alone takes place over the course of 109 years. The audience is continually reminded of the sheer length of time that has passed since Frieren's original journey ended through story, dialogue, visuals, etc. And in all of that, we see most of it through Frieren’s perspective, as an elf who looks the same through the season’s 28 episodes.
Though Frieren technically lives at the same time as the rest of the world, the world around her ages far more rapidly than she can reasonably keep up with. This disconnect isn’t something one-off, rather, it is something the series fully commits to showing. It is so committed to it in fact that a sizable portion of the show’s energy is dedicated to depicting it. The first two episodes show the most notable examples of this, due to them having the largest time skips in the series. To put off simple practical plot elements like the deaths of Himmel and Heiter and the initial growth of Fern, Sousou no Frieren put in a lot of work by telling the age of its world through the visuals.
This is something the manga of Frieren already put heavy stock into, but the anime brings it to new heights. It shouldn’t be surprising that the show has the same director as Bocchi the Rock because even if Bocchi is more explicit about its visual detail, they are similarly dense with them. These visual details include locations becoming decrepit decades apart and marks of age like wrinkles appearing on older characters. They are pretty much everywhere, and many of them are so subtle that I doubt even a fraction of the audience would notice them.
My favorite visual detail to show the progression of time is how Fern’s height continually increases as time passes. Aside from the first three episodes where time moves faster compared to the rest of the series, this is a gradual increase, so it may not be initially noticeable. But it is notable enough, that Frieren goes from the one towering in height to Fern being the taller one.
Episode 2 Episode 27 _there is some very strong visual symbolism here that is pretty spoilery, but those who have watched the full season know what i’m talking about_ On the whole, they lend heavy credence to the portrayal of a rapidly changing fantasy world. It is one thing to tell an audience about the passage of time, but it is far more effective to show it more than anything. It's no longer an orally told nebulous theory as it is now a strongly tangible fact.
There is a (somewhat obvious) point of the story committing itself so much to showing an aging world. This whole commitment is the main draw of the show, and it is also probably the strongest part of it. The reason why it constantly flaunts the timespan of its story through the visuals is because it knows that it’s its driving strength. The worst parts of the series, like the First Stage of the Mage Exam arc, are the times when it is showing off the least. Committing to any direction of this nature to this strong a degree usually leads to fruitful results, and Sousou no Frieren is no exception to this. And now that the groundwork has been laid for a story about age, it can now go into the deeper philosophical aspects of its story. Or, the entire “why” of it all.
For as much as the narrative stretches out its timeframe, it never is something that makes itself feel very long. It can go on and on about how time makes the world an ever-changing place and shows the aftereffects of it, but the show never wants to make its audience feel like that same time is progressing. And the feeling is very intentionally omitted.
That is because Sousou no Frieren is a hopeful story. For as much as it shows the degradation that time can have on humans, it never really shows a point in giving up. The passage of time is something that only weighs someone down if they let it weigh them down. But it is never too late to improve oneself.
Frieren experiences the most intense example of this concept in the very first episode due to it being straddled across decades. However, she isn’t the only one to experience it. Although the further supporting cast is made up of humans, mostly everybody who has a minute of screen time and a hint of emotion goes through similar arcs. In a way, Frieren is passing on her wisdom from what she learned in the very first episode.
Even as an individual has turned its back on its advancement, there is no such thing as a point of no return. Even as years and decades pass, everyone is always entitled to become the best versions of themselves up until the point of death. And even past death, the memory of what a person has done can even lead them to improve themselves even posthumously. These concepts also apply to the whole of society as well as the single person.
The emphasis on a large timeframe throughout the whole series leads to a conclusion that the same time does not matter in the grand scheme of things. And that is beautiful.
Sousou no Frieren can come off as conventional fantasy, but it goes off into its realms far beyond the expected capabilities of the genre. It is something that feels like it is made with all of its parts feeding into the singular purpose of conveying the blessing of the true flimsiness of time on human emotions. Because of that, it is far greater than the sum of its parts because of it. For anybody who can breathe, Sousou no Frieren has a message that you can likely relate to. And it can convey it to you in pure grace and beauty.
also with occasional sakuga action scenes too, but you know, those are kinda hard to fit into a review like this. this show is amazing on the macro visual detail as it is on the micro-scale, but although it is more flashy it is also less important. go on sakugabooru if you want to look at them, i’m lazy at this point tbh
_oh and i can’t believe i went through the whole review without saying this_ _but thank you evan call_ _you were already my hero, but now you are my god_
_Thank you for reading to the end of the review if you did. If you have any criticisms of how this review was made, you are free to message me or reply to this activity to critique what I had to say._
Also, please don’t like or dislike the review without reading it.
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- (4.55/5)
Ended inMarch 22, 2024
Main Studio MADHOUSE
Trending Level 37
Favorited by 33,902 Users
Hashtag #フリーレン #FRIEREN