December 11, 2010
50 min
Yasuri Shichika, seventh successor of the Kyotouryuu (bladeless) sword art, lives on an isolated island with his older sister, Nanami.
One day Shichika is visited by a woman named Togame, who requests his aid in her quest to find and collect the final twelve swords forged by the legendary master swordsmith, Shikizaki Kiki. Shichika and Togame begin their odyssey by leaving the island he called home for over 20 years. They will face twelve individuals who possess and protect Shikizaki's legendary swords.
Join Shichika and Togame on an exciting, epic adventure that defies reality as they discover the true potential of the Kyoutoryuu sword style!
(Source: NIS America)
Yukari Tamura
Shichika Yasuri
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Masako Ikeda
Nanami Yasuri
Mai Nakahara
Haruka Tomatsu
Meisai Tsuruga
Atsuko Yuya
Emonzaemon Souda
Rikiya Koyama
Houou Maniwa
Ryoutarou Okiayu
Rinne Higaki
Miyako Itou
Konayuki Itezora
Rina Hidaka
Zanki Kiguchi
Shizuka Itou
Ginkaku Uneri
Mitsuru Miyamoto
Pengin Maniwa
Ryou Hirohashi
Hakuhei Sabi
Hikaru Midorikawa
Oshidori Maniwa
Kaori Yamagata
Koumori Maniwa
Chihiro Suzuki
Kousha Saraba
Saori Hayami
Kyouken Maniwa
Michiko Neya
Shirasagi Maniwa
Wataru Hatano
Mitsubachi Maniwa
Hiroaki Miura
Kamakiri Maniwa
Makoto Yasumura
Chouchou Maniwa
Daisuke Sakaguchi
Takahito Hida
Tokuyoshi Kawashima
Kiki Shikizaki
Katsuji Mori
Kanara Azekura
Tsuyoshi Koyama

Not available on crunchyroll

86/100La estética y animación de Katanagatari complementan muy bien su guión, convirtiéndolo en una joya poco comentadaContinue on AniListOpinión sin Spoiler "Katanagatari", como su propio nombre indica, es una historia acerca de katanas. Sichika, un guerrero extremadamente habilidoso en la lucha sin armas, es convencido por Togame para recolectar las doce espadas forjadas por un herrero legendario. En este sentido, esta serie es un anime poco convencional. Cuenta con doce episodios de 50 minutos de duración, autoconclusivos y que se pueden ver casi como pequeñas historias independientes. Creo que esta serie es una pequeña joya oculta de la que no se habla mucho, que destaca por su estilo visual diferente, sus animaciones, y algún que otro giro de guión bastante travieso. La estética de los personajes y la serie me parece loable, y el desarrollo de la historia muy correcto. Con tiempo, verlo en pequeñas dosis es satisfactorio y el final de la historia no dejará indiferente a nadie. </center><center> </center><img width='220' src='https://lecturonauta.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/15695katanagatari.jpg?w=768&h=480'> <center> </center><center> </center><center> #</center>__Opinión con Spoiler__<center> </center>~~~ En primer lugar, recuerdo con mucho énfasis la impresión que me dejó la serie al empezar a verla. En el primer capítulo se deja ver una animación muy fluida y trabajada, sobre todo con las formas marciales que usa Sichika, y que combinada con el ambiente general otoñal en el que se desenvuelve la acción deja una estética característica y muy agradable. Son muy característicos los ojos de los personajes, que les dan casi un toque dulce y hace que te esperes una serie sin sobresaltos. Nada más lejos de la realidad. A pesar de estar dividida casi por capítulos independientes, se sigue una línea principal de trama que avanza casi sin darte cuenta, y que trae momentos en los que la ilusión de ser la típica serie en la que ningún personaje muere se va al traste. Por ejemplo, Nanami y Tsuruga. Pero, la palma se la lleva Togame, en una escena extremadamente dramática en la que toda la hablidad de Sichika es incapaz de evitar su final. Me parece muy importante la injusticia de su muerte, al ser ese asesinato una posibilidad que ni siquiera se contemplaría en circunstancias normales, ya que no existían armas como Ju, la espada llameante. El que en plena ambientación feudal se asesine a un personaje principal con unas pistolas es un giro totalmente inesperado y que provoca un profundo cambio en Sichika como personaje. En este punto de la historia fue donde Katanagatari dejó una huella profunda en mí, pero todavía se guardaba una última sorpresa en la manga. Tras tan trágica muerte, Sichika crece, dando las peleas más impresionantes de la serie y mostrando lo que provoca la ausencia de literalmente tu motivo para avanzar y la sensación de que todo lo hecho no haya servido para nada. Pero, tras la venganza llega la redención, y me gusta mucho que la serie acabe con la nota positiva de pasar página y empezar una nueva vida. Fuera de la historia, la banda sonora es muy adecuada, la animación en general sobresale, y en las peleas destaca mucho. La evolución de los personajes es mínima excepto en el caso de Sichika y no recuerdo apenas fanservice. Los poderes de las espadas son interesantes, y me gusta la asociación entre la personalidad de los portadores y las armas. Creo que merece la pena por la estética tan especial que tiene, los giros de guión, los momentos trágicos y su animación. La recomiendo a aquellos que quieran ver algo un poco distinto de lo habitual, de estilo casi shonen y de mucha calidad. Dicho esto, siempre me ha parecido una serie muy especial por su formato de capítulos diferente, el impacto de la muerte de Togame y el hecho de apenas haberla visto comentada en ningún lado. ¡Gracias por llegar hasta aquí! Un saludo de SiegmAer, de Catarina.
100/100An Anime that Stands Out From The Norm, Katanagatari is a Once In A Lifetime Rollercoaster You Shouldn't MissContinue on AniListKatanagatari Review (No Spoilers)
Nishio Ishin Light Novels are considered impossible to adapt, since his light novels run a mockery of the readers with his cheeky wordplay and the level of depth he gives to the world and to the people is unfathomable, but the anime adaptation of Katanagatari is one of the few proper adaptations of Nisio's works, being on the coveted list of top tier anime adaptations like the Monogatari series.Plot
The show takes place during Ancient Japan, where the Shogunate's self proclaimed 'Strategist' Togame searches for the Kyoutouryuu, the No Sword style's present head, Shichika Yasuri, who has been exiled to a remote island because of his father committing treason. Togame's goal was to collect the master swordsmith, Kiki Shikizaki's 12 legendary swords, called the 'Deviant Blades' which were scattered all around Japan. Togame and Shichika proceeds on a journey which would change their lives forever.The plot of this anime is Nisio Ishin level, which means beyond top tier. Simple premise, but with plenty of plot twists, heart touching moments and plenty of moments to laugh, plenty of moments to feel bad, and a plenty of moments to cry, Katanagatari's plot was truly a roller coaster ride at its finest. Fast paced and long conversation, monologues, and dialogues, which are a staple of Nisio's works, are very prominent here as well.
This show introduces a new character every episode, and all the characters are unique in their own way. Each one have their perks, their motives and their goals. But the most noticable character had to be the protagonist himself, Shichika, a man who went from being a sword who lacked a resolve and fought whenever his 'owner' said so to a human who felt remorse, happiness, and love.
Togame's character also has to be one of the best in the anime. Her charming and cunning personality making this duo very co-dependant. Shichika being the brawns and Togame being the brains. Katanagatari's most biggest feature is the level of depth every character is given and how lovable every character is. The owners of the Deviant Blades aren't truly evil, but very human. They want to fulfill their wishes, their goals and their dreams and the blades becomes the catalyst for them to achieve it. But everytime one of them is killed/defeated, you feel hurt, you feel pain (if you have a soul that is), and there are no characters that'll make you hate.Animation
There isn't much to talk about the animation. Simple use of animation at fast pace, making the fights quite short as it should be, mocking overexaggerated long, over the top fights. The fluid and fast paces movement of the characters during the fight goes well with the dynamic non existent camera angles, helping the fights being thrilling and exciting.Art Work
The art work in Katanagatari is unique and pretty to look at. A blend of Ancient Japanese Sculpture art and modern anime character designs, Katanagatari's minimalistic yet complex artwork, which stays true to the premise/time period of the show, complements the fast paced yet short fights of the anime. The character designs, with the minor details, showing the biggest characterists of that certain character, for example, Kiguchi, one of the owners of the Deviant Blade, who has a shogi shaped like figure in her eyes and a blade like hair, showing us what she devotes her life on, both shogi and a life with swords. Many characters follow this example, making each of them colourful, unique and attaractive.Soundtrack
The anime blends in plenty of modern music during the fights and blends in traditional Japanese music in between to stay true to its premise. The music really complements what happens on screen, completing a perfect audio-visual pairing. The ops, however, the first one being a bop, the second one aint a favourite. The ed's of the anime changes every ep, complementing the tone of how every ep ends. But the OST might be one of the best I've heard in anime.Verdict
Katanagatari is an underrated masterpiece. A diamond in the rough road of Light Novel adaptations. I must say, this show truly does deliver. Each episode is based on a certain topic and each episodes delivers to its fullest potential, keeping you on edge and the last 2 eps being the best of the anime. If you have nothing to watch, watch Katanagatari, it is truly a ride you shouldn't miss.Scores
Plot: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Animation: 9/10
OST: 9.5/10
Enjoyment: 10/10Overall: 10/10
70/100A mix of Samurai Champloo and Kimetsu no Yaiba.Continue on AniListSummary
This review may contain spoilers.
The anime is a mix of Samurai Champloo and Kimetsu no Yaiba.
The first half of the series feels a bit slow and boring, but it gets interesting in the second half when the main character, Shichika, voices his opnions more and feels more like a human being instead of just a weapon.
The characters are okay and their design is unique.
The animation is good and sometimes does things you don't typically see in anime.
The sound is okay and has two soundtracks which stand out.
The goal in the anime is to gather 12 swords. Each of the 12 episodes concludes with the main characters, Shichika and Togame, getting the sword they were searching for and setting out for the next one, so it's easy for someone who doesn't binge the anime to remember what happened. Each episode is also around 48 minutes, so they have enough time to do the things they have to.
The narration in the beginning and end of the episode gives the feeling that we're listening to a story.
Not every sword owner is evil and therefore doesn't have to get killed.
Shichika continues Togame's dream to travel Japan and create a map of it.
The ending of the show is conclusive. There should be no second season and there are no hints to it being so.
In the episode where Shichika 's sister fights some enemies, the Shichika's battle against the owner of a sword is skipped. Instead, Shichika and Togame talk about how good the fight went around a campfire.
The 'falsifying' history stuff at the end of the series was confusing and I still don't fully get it.
The battles where the fight ends after a single special move by Shichika are boring.
The main character, Shichika, starts of as someone who's detached from the world, but as he travels with Togame he learns more about the world and different perspectives by the owners of the swords and starts being attached to it. In the end it feels like with each oponent he faces he is overcomming a weakness within himself.
Shichika starts of as someone who's strong, but not overpowered, and really has to listen to Togame's strategy to win.
Shichika and Togame have good synergy. Shichika is calm and collected and Togame is a cheeky brat who's sometimes overconfident which leads to comical moments. They complement each other.
The character designs were unique. I can look at the show and say: 'yes, that's a character from Katanagatari'. The eyes for each character were distinctively different too. Also, Togame was adorable with her hair short.
The Maniwani corps felt like they were there just to get killed each episode.
The art style and animation are good.
There are moments were characters are running, but the viewer gets a side-view of it, which reminds me of some areas in NieR: Automata.
The ending video changes each episode.
The ending song changes each episode.
Sometimes hip-hop is played softly. Often in moments where Shichika and Togame are chilling or at the end off an episode when they give their concluding thoughts about what happened in the adventure of that episode. It gives of Samurai Champloo vibes. Here's the soundtrack: https://youtu.be/wZ1UZf-aqc0
Sometimes during a fight, a vocal soundtrack is played, which fits the situation. It's clear Kimetsu no Yaiba got inspired by it and used something similar. Here the soundtrack: https://youtu.be/GNtzmOliIos
ANIME ComedyBakemonogatari
ANIME AdventureOokami to Koushinryou
ANIME ActionGolden Kamuy
ANIME ActionSamurai Champloo
MOVIE ActionBakemono no Ko
ANIME ActionKimetsu no Yaiba
ANIME ComedyYojouhan Shinwa Taikei
ANIME ActionSeikai no Monshou
ANIME ActionHitsugi no Chaika
- (4.05/5)
Ended inDecember 11, 2010
Main Studio WHITE FOX
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