June 30, 2013
24 min
The second season of Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Kirino is back from her trip to America, but the fun doesn't stop here! In the second season of Oreimo, Kyousuke continues to give Kirino life consultations. This time, romance lurks on the horizon for both siblings...
Ruri Gokou
Kana Hanazawa
Kirino Kousaka
Ayana Taketatsu
Kyousuke Kousaka
Yuuichi Nakamura
Ayase Aragaki
Saori Hayami
Saori Makishima
Hitomi Nabatame
Manami Tamura
Satomi Satou
Kanako Kurusu
Yukari Tamura
Bridget Evans
Misaki Kuno
Yukari Tamura
Hinata Gokou
Kana Hanazawa
Kanata Kurusu
Rie Kugimiya
Tamaki Gokou
Yui Ogura
Ria Hagry
Ibuki Kido
Yoshino Kousaka
Akeno Watanabe
Daisuke Kousaka
Fumihiko Tachiki
Sena Akagi
Mariya Ise
Gennosuke Miura
Gou Inoue
Kirara Hoshino
Yukari Tamura
Kaori Makishima
Houko Kuwashima
Kouhei Akagi
Junji Majima
Ran Miyamoto
Aya Suzaki
Mitsuo Iwata
Kouki Mikagami
Yuuichi Iguchi
Kaede Makabe
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Shinya Sanada
Masayuki Katou
60/100Even if it isn't that good, Oreimo stands in a league of its own. It's one of the most absurd and memorable anime ever.Continue on AniList(Before I start, I implore you to watch the Season 1 specials before starting this season if you didn’t already. Certain events at the beginning of this season will not make sense if you don’t watch them first! Also, watch the specials, even if they hurt to watch!)
If you made it this far, congratulations, you’re about to go through the ride of a lifetime! Not to be outdone by season one, this season only ups the ante and doubles down on what made it stand out in the first season.
There are slight differences with this season, with A-1 Pictures being the studio that made this season (AIC Studio made the first season). There isn’t much difference in animation quality between both seasons, with character designs staying the same and animation improving somewhat. The only big difference between both seasons production-wise is that this season has fewer arcs and more standalone episodes.
This season focuses more on Kyousuke himself, while the first season focused more Kyousuke helping Kirino. After getting her to come back to Japan, Kirino still acts as similar as to she did in the first season but has more ‘dere’ moments. Kyousuke has more interaction with Kirino’s friends, Ayase, and Kuroneko in particular. Characters like Kanako and Saori, who didn’t get much air-time in the first season, get more time this season, although still not that much.
The best thing about Oreimo and one of the main reasons that it’s so gripping is its characters. The second season tries to develop side characters more, Side characters that would normally not get much air-time, like Ayase or Saori, each gets an episode dedicated to them. They’re both great characters, so it’s awesome to see them both get their own episode. As good as that is, it does sacrifice from the actual plot, which was more erratic this season.
While the first season was a more one-to-one adaption of the light novels it was based on, this season cuts way more source material and is selective in what it adapts. While there are external circumstances for why the studio decided to go this way, I still have to judge this season as it is presented. The last half of the anime was rushed, even skipping most of a full volume of the light novel. The result is that we end up seeing major plot events sneak up to us, without little preparation or context for why it’s happening. This is the case especially with Minami, whose childhood arc with Kyousuke was for the most part cut, which in turn makes her less likable in the anime.
For a typical anime, this would be an instant turn-off, but for an anime like Oreimo, there is almost a bitter-sweetness to witnessing this. It creates a whole new monster from what it intended to be. It taunts the viewer, hurting its feelings and punishing them for being emotionally invested into certain characters. Its effacement causes the viewers to fill in the gaps for what they didn’t see, and then get upset about it. Oreimo is the only anime that I’ve seen do that. I won’t give points for it, but Oreimo is one of the most memorable anime that I have ever watched, for this reason among others.
(The good thing for us is that the Light Novel fills in those gaps. They’re all translated into English, so you can find them and download the PDFs online if you’re interested.)
Oreimo is a one of a kind anime. I will never forget it as long as I live. Hell, this is my fifth time re-watching it, if that gives you any idea how insanely memorable it is. Does that make it a good anime though? Not really. While making it memorable, the rushed pacing of the second half of this season creates unnecessary drama and makes certain parts forgettable. The first quarter, while having a few good episodes, is totally bland compared to the second half, and doesn’t progress the anime that far.
Even if it isn’t that good, and the plot of the anime is unapproachable to many (for good reason), I think everyone should watch Oreimo at least once. It is an emotional journey that will leave you empty as a whole, wondering what you are doing with life. It may make you take up smoking cigarettes as a hobby, but I think it’s worth it.
As the late Jim Valvano said, “If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special.” Oreimo will make you do all three. It’s hard to explain my affinity for it, especially since I’m not into other anime of the same nature. Oreimo has something special about it, it just is in a league of its own. Even if the score I give it is mediocre, and if its contents are disgusting, and if it’s a rushed product, I would recommend it.
(If you’re looking into the meaning of the ending of the anime, I would recommend you to google it. The Oreimo subreddit explains a lot about it and clears things up. Also, read the Light Novels if you’re that interested.)
80/100There's no way I can have a new fetish!Continue on AniListYo. Did I get your attention? Well I think I did if you're reading this. You're probably a little confused and a bit weirded out at just the title of this review, but hear me out, will ya?
Incest, dating your own sister in OreImo's case, in real life is looked down upon heavily in society and some would even consider it morally wrong. Some believe that it's gross, disgusting and creepy. Others think that it's ok. Obviously I'm not here to tell you my bias or position on this topic, this theme is just presented in this medium. So as this may forever be on the internet, I wanted to clear some things up before I start: I'm just some figure on the internet who wants to write a review for a show they enjoyed and tell others why they enjoyed it. That's it. OreImo's second season ONA is a completely different story though cough cough.
There will be major spoilers present in this review, so I advise you to watch the series entirely before reading this review. Of course that is unless you'd like to hear an individual on the internet ramble on why they liked this show, then by all means, continue reading.
OreImo needs little to no introduction. Its infamous in this community for very obvious reasons, but that's what makes it memorable. OreImo's second season takes place right after the events of the first season's ONA. Through a fitting first episode, it shows us the still-awkward relationship Kirino and Kyousuke have even after Kyousuke brings her back from America. It shows us that we have even more life counseling to come in this season!
Just from the look of OreImo's title, "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute," I'm sure many would be turned off just by the sight of it. I'm that one individual who ended up diving head first into this series regardless. What is the first thing that comes to mind when reading this title, I ask. Yes, a siscon, incest, whatever you can think of relating to this. I won't argue with you that there are some really generic harem/rom-com elements in this show, but I don't think this title serves the show enough justice. This is what I believe the story is about: It's an accurate depiction of otaku culture, the daily life of people surrounded by this medium and a relatable developing brother-sister relationship. Kirino, an otaku schoolgirl struggling keep this side hidden from everyone else, but at the same time wants to become friends with others who share a common interest with her. Kyousuke, an average guy, but a brother who is giving it his all to try to protect and amend his broken relationship with his sister. That's not all though, it's a real depiction and a story of friends who grow and develop as people through the help of each other. They laugh, cry and even argue with each other and that's what really defines OreImo.
I'm a bit biased and I totally understand why you wouldn't like this season or this series in general. I won't deny it and point out some of the obvious flaws this season had. Some of the episodes and scenes in this season felt a bit rushed, out of nowhere, sometimes even plain stupid. Who do you think I'm looking at, stupid and pointless Kanako confession? Though I won't deny it, a part of me actually enjoyed that scene . . . teehee. Some of the scenes are a bit exaggerated, but of course that has to do with almost all anime. The absolute manslaughter of best-girl is present in this season and it hurt to watch. The added in harem element of the show may be considered a flaw through some people's eyes, so I'll add that on here too. But again, I'm a very biased individual and I won't say no to a harem that is done decently well, especially after getting invested to a series that I watched 16 episodes of. Again though, it was a bit random seeing every girl confess to Kyousuke left and right.
One of the things I think all people who watched this show can appreciate, is its animation. Done by A-1 Pictures, they do a splendid job animating this squeal and there's really nothing else about it to say. There are no flaws or complaints I have with the animation in this season whatsoever.
The same can be said about the sound. The soundtrack produced and used for this series in general is iconic and I would be able to name it straight away if you were to play it for me right at this second. The wide variety and amazing VAs used in this series is a real treat. All the VAs fit their role amazingly well and I wouldn't replace any of them for another. The opening, made again by ClairS, is the perfect choice. Their new OP is catchy and a real pleasant tune to the ear that will get you up and dancing in no time. Having a different ED every episode again, like the first season, was something new that I haven't experience in a while and was a real treat as well. All of the EDs were done by one of the episodes focused character's VA(s) and were all real catchy with an added in LN drawings for the visuals.
All the characters and their interactions with each other are done well. Some of the complaints I have against this section would be a select few characters being under developed or being developed out of nowhere without any prior warning. Saori's backstory was indeed random and out of nowhere, but it had a purpose to play during her arc to explain what was going on and why she formed this group of friends in the first place. Ayase's confession was a treat, don't get me wrong, but it was rushed. I wish they could've expanded more on her month stay with Kyousuke, giving me more of a reason to root for her. But again, fitting a whole volume worth of content into one episode is one hard task to pull off. As I mentioned before, Kanako's whole confession was out of nowhere too. Her only attribute was that she was a hot-headed loli, who suddenly started bring Kyousuke bento's. I wish they could've expanded on her character a little more, but again speed running a whole volume worth of content is hard to pull off.
The harem tag might even turn you off completely. You might think that this show is too simple only touching on the themes of friendship or what not. So why did I enjoy it? Simple. 1. Seeing Kirino and Kyousuke's sibling relationship slowly develop and blossom into a relationship was relatable was a real treat. And seeing the effects of this relationship during this season and the friends they made through it was really heartwarming. 2. It speaks to the audience. Watching and hearing Kirino fangirl over Meruru or some eroges just spoke to me and probably many others who love this medium. I couldn't help, but laugh, giggle and relate to hearing Kirino giggle over seeing one of the heroines in her ergoe say, "Oniichan daisuki!" I could say the same thing during Kuroneko's mini arc. Seeing Kyousuke and Kuroneko hug their pillows and squirm around thinking about each other was really relatable and I couldn't help but get a jittery feeling for them too. OreImo does a great job at speaking and relating to its audience. 3. It built a newfound imouto fetish I never new I would have. OreImo sets a clear distinction between real life and games, and they really like to make that apparent especially with the incest theme in this show. I too, also know my boundaries between real life and the 2D world. I'm sure we all have our own kinks, right? Some fans in this community may like tsunderes, other's may like kuuderes. Being more specific some may like catgirls, darkskin or even futanari, but I diverse as I think you see where I am going with this. After finishing OreImo years ago, I had just realized that lit a fire in me, which has lead me to have the divine imouto taste, OBVIOUSLY NOT IN REAL LIFE (I just want to make that clear). And after realizing this, I came to grow an appreciation for this series lighting this weirdness in me years ago, and I'd like to thank OreImo for that.
Wrapping this up before this review takes any weirder turns, for those who have grown tired of the overused harem/rom-com aspect found within this season, may find this season disappointing. But for those who enjoyed the first season and don't mind this change, will still find that the new OreImo is just as enjoyable as the old.
75/100oreimo is overhated - watch if you like trashy romance!Continue on AniListhonestly man, i don't care that the consensus on this anime is so mixed - i'll confidently say that i enjoyed this anime a lot more than i thought i would! first and foremost, this is the kind of trashy entertainment that we need in our lives - it's good to have something that contributes to the variety in the anime landscape as a whole (not every show can be, or should strive to be, a profound masterpiece). it's possible to find a show to be weird and off-putting and hard to categorize, and still enjoy it despite that - that's the whole concept of a "guilty pleasure", right?
secondly, i love that this anime felt very similar to playing an actual eroge! for example, the first season has an original TV-exclusive ending and the "true" ending (ONA), but both of these work as self-contained stories ("routes"). not only that, but eroge themselves drive the plot forward, along with other phenomena brought in from otaku culture featuring as side-stories (doujins, virtual girlfriend apps, etc.). the environment, populated with these interesting insights into otaku culture, felt believable and immersive. there were not that many episodes that i felt were a "chore" to get through, or redundant (the exception being Saori's backstory, which was quite weak). thanks to the fact each "main series" is 12 episodes, there really wasn't much space for filler to begin with, in my opinion.
i will admit the characters don't have much depth, as most of the series focuses on the trashy romance aspect, but i personally don't think it's as much of a detractor as other people claim. Kyousuke is boring and predictable, and Kirino is a typical tsundere, but that's the entire point of the story: we're here for the romance plotlines, the cringy flirting, the crushes and confessions and rejections - you should be more invested in these aspects of the story rather than the strength of the characters' personalities individually. in my opinion, the story's lax attitude towards the character writing is a respectable choice, because a show that tries too hard to make you care about its characters can fall completely flat if the writing is unconvincing/poorly executed (e.g. Toradora). rather than try and reinvent the wheel, this show is about fairly standard characters living ordinary lives and indulging their otaku hobbies (cosplay, video games, watching anime...) - the plot is driven forward by all the most predictable tropes you've seen many times before (he slips and gropes his sister, uh oh! how quirky!), but they still manage to elicit some reaction from you.
there's no better proof of this being true than the ending. people have very mixed reactions to it, rating it either poorly or positively, but hardly ever neutrally. why? well, i think that since the show manages to execute the romance pretty convincingly, people expect the ending to be something more final and committed to a specific outcome. i would argue that if that was your expectation, the show succeeded in getting you invested. after all, if you viewed this show for what it really was - trashy and light-hearted romance - i think you would see the ending as very fitting, actually. my interpretation is that the show begins with fairly standard characters living ordinary lives, and ends in the same way - but the journey they went on was not just ordinary and gave each character brand new experiences and memories that allowed them to demonstrably grow more mature or courageous as the show progressed. just because the ending wraps things up neatly and presents itself as a "peaceful transition back to the same old shenanigans" (kinda like the ending of the Truman Show), that doesn't mean the story you watched was all for nothing. something extraordinary has happened to these otherwise forgettable characters, and we were there for the ride. it was messy, cringy and sometimes repulsive, but ultimately entertaining - and i think that's why i like the show so much :)
ANIME ComedyEromanga Sensei
ANIME DramaDomestic na Kanojo
ANIME ComedyHi Score Girl II
ANIME ComedyComic Party Revolution
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- (3.25/5)
Ended inJune 30, 2013
Main Studio A-1 Pictures
Favorited by 596 Users