March 30, 2019
25 min
Natsuo Fuji has a serious crush on one of his teachers, Hina Tachibana, but since he knows he has zero chance of ever being in a relationship with her, he lets his friends talk him into going to a party where he meets Rui. One thing leads to another and then, well, neither of them is a virgin anymore. Unfortunately, it wasn't what they expected, but that's fine. They're just ships passing in the night and they'll never have to see each other again, right? Except when Natsuo's father announces that he's getting married again, Natsuo discovers that he's getting two new step-sisters as well. Now there's a problem, because one is his teacher, Hina, and the other is Rui.
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)
Rui Tachibana
Maaya Uchida
Hina Tachibana
Youko Hikasa
Natsuo Fujii
Taku Yashiro
Momo Kashiwabara
Haruka Yoshimura
Masaki Kobayashi
Kenjirou Tsuda
Miu Ashihara
Konomi Kohara
Reiji Kiriya
Hikaru Midorikawa
Fumiya Kurimoto
Takuya Eguchi
Alex J. Matsukawa
Tasuku Hatanaka
Shuu Hagiwara
Daisuke Hirakawa
Jun Fujii
Mai Nakahara
Akihito Fujii
Nobuo Tobita
Mikako Takahashi
Tsukiko Tachibana
Yurika Hino
Kiriya no Tantou Josei Henshuu-sha
Sayuri Yahagi
Kazuyaki Kine
Gakuto Kajiwara
Atsumi Tanezaki
70/100I really like watching things burn. This one burned quite nicely.Continue on AniListHey you! Yea, person reading this review. I spoil literally everything about Domestic Girlfriend in my review/word dump/incoherent thoughts below. Ya been warned. Domestic Girlfriend is a dumpster fire. A dumpster fire that I enjoyed and has some decent merit but a dumpster fire nonetheless. But to ignore the taboo nature of the relationship between Natsuo, Rui and Hina and focus on anything else is to ignore the show entirely. I have never been so confused trying to figure out if a show is good or bad because a lot of building blocks of the relationships of our main love triangle were set up before they became siblings. Rui and Natsuo bang before they became siblings, Hina and Natsuo started falling for each other around the same time. Its this constant back and forth of these characters trying to follow their hearts but having their desires backfiring usually by having other parties finding out what goes on behind closed doors (although I think these characters don't understand the concept of closed doors).
The whole idea behind Domestic Girlfriend is how these characters deal with their emotions and feelings that began before the remarriage and the falling out after it. This whole concept is equal parts fascinating from a drama perspective and plain bizarre and confusing at times. The amount of times I would scream: "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" was usually met with this insane curiosity to see how the situation falls apart which was always just around the corner. I actually accepted that at a certain point I was just watching it to see these characters get hurt. I was just super into these character dynamics and I don't have much of a reason why I was other than morbid curiosity.
The story is admittedly pretty bland and predictable at least after the halfway mark. Up until that point however was really solid. We see Natsuo thrown into this massive whirlwind of his feelings for Hina and Rui's prior sexing of Natsuo sending her on a massive arc. We see these characters act on these urges that we all know is wrong and struggle with their new relationships and try to move past it. I say try, but the try is more like a 1 foot wall of popsicle sticks against a steamroller. The blandness comes from this formulaic approach to how conflicts goes about in the story. Rui/Hina make some sort of advancement toward Natsuo or vice versa, advancement gets found out, conflict happens. This happens a lot during the latter half of the show and is borderline just lazy writing. When the beginning of this story shows us its very capable of having interesting things develop between our main cast it sucks that they just go for the shock factor taboo incest route. I do want to say just in case my words sound harsh, I really enjoyed this show I just have issues with the decisions made in the writing.
I have issues with how the overall story is played out and written but our main cast is surprisingly grounded for how crazy the premise is. I think that a lot of the decisions Rui, Natsuo and Hina make aren't the biggest leap in logic when you factor in a lot of their decisions are so heavily rooted in their emotions. Natsuo can't just up and let go of his first love Hina. Rui's first sexual experience was with Natsuo and Hina, well Hina I have issues with. A lot of Hina's character is built on this front that she's the adult in this situation and has to make the grown up decisions and try to put an end to Natsuo's advances. But her defenses are so paper thin and waffley until we learn that she started to grow feelings for Natsuo around the same time Natsuo fell for Hina. Which the reveal feels so weak when we consider literally 2 episodes before they start "dating" she proposes the notion that them trying to date would be like committing double suicide, while dragging Natsuo into the ocean with her to further her point. Like she just gives into Natsuo's advances saying that she did have feelings for him all along just felt forced and weak.
Rui on the other hand got so much more development throughout this shows run time and was overall a much more fleshed out and interesting character than her older sister. We see her go through this entire emotional arc from her trying to keep these dormant feelings for Natsuo away and eventually giving in. The thing is she probably would've been able to move on if it weren't for her discovering Natsuo's feelings for Hina and catching them in the act a few times. She starts off when the remarriage happens going: "what happened between us never happened and i'm moving past this" and putting up walls around these dormant feelings. Only for her discovery of Hina and Natsuo showing her that she does in fact, miss that anime protagonist dick and wants her cut of the action. What makes a lot of the decisions Rui makes hit a bit harder in terms of her character is that she's always been confident when going after what she wants. From her making the move on Natsuo for them to have sex to her wanting secret make out sessions, she understands that the relationship she wants is only weird because society tells them that it's weird and doesn't want that to stop her heart. Little side note but her giving Hina the big No-Chromo when Hina finds out is one of the truest moments to her character and just flat out funny from a memes perspective.
In a way Hina and Rui represent two different mind sets towards incest and how society treats it and plays with those ideas interchangeably and is probably one of the strongest things about Domestic Girlfriend.
Now onto our main man. The absolute Chad that gets both the imouto and the onee-san: Natsuo. He.... is.... an alright character. A lot of his character is just a nice guy trying to follow his heart but not understanding the potential consequences following his heart brings. We get a small cast of other characters he interacts with to try and sell that he's a nice guy who wants nothing more than to live on his novels he wants to write and bang his teacher. It's weird that our protagonist is also the series antagonist because every single one of his actions sets every conflict in motion. His attempts at Hina get found out by Rui and sends her off onto her arc and vice versa. It's his constant attempts at trying to get his first love to reciprocate feelings that causes everyone involved to get hurt in one way or another. But I can't fault him for trying to do his thing in trying to be with Hina. It's been stated in the show and shown that giving up is not something he wants to do and it takes Hina having to leave the school and move away with no one knowing where she is for him to start to understand that it's never gonna be a real thing between them.
Outside of our main trio we have a smattering of side character that serve some function and others little to no function and really is a waste of them existing in the world and potential. The club president and Natsuo's "bros" serve little to no purpose other than adding extra characters I guess? Which is bizarre cause the club president is featured in the OP which one would think would mean she has some sort of impact (also I can't be fucked to look up her name cause she's so useless). Momo on the other while she also had no real impact on the story and also appeared on the OP struck a very weird chord with me specifically. At the end of her episode we learn she has a hard home life and is often alone and depressed which is why she sleeps around a lot and self harms. Critically she only served to be another girl for Natsuo to be nice to but Momo has a weird place in my heart. When I was a bit younger there was a girl I dated with who also self harmed and I discovered that also in a kind of intimate situation. To this day I have a very hard time seeing any sort of self harm and especially cutting in particular and seeing how Natsuo navigated a situation I was just not emotionally equipped to deal with was weirdly therapeutic and is something I won't forget about from Domestic Girlfriend.
Just a side note to those who have a hard time in life and also struggle with depression and use self harming as a means to cope: you are loved, you deserve love and I love you. Don't ruin yourself because you think you're not worth it because to someone out there you are way more than worth it. From someone who also used those means as a way to deal with life to anyone who is struggling and needs to know they are worth it.
Back on track, some of the highlight side characters that just stole all of my attention whenever they were on screen. The manager of L'amant (idk how to do the thing over the a). A gay ex-yakuza second in command who is everyone's muse. I love this guy he's just so wholesome and funny and anytime he was onscreen all of my attention was just purely on him. Then we hop over to my personal best boi: Alex. From the first line he delivered to the last time we get to see him on screen I was always rolling in laughter whenever he just blurts out random things in English and just had so much charm I love him. Fumiya, Natsuo's best friend who is honestly more of a self insert that Natsuo is was just a solid rock for Natsuo whenever he needed some help from a 3rd party. A lot of these characters got way more screen time and time to develop into their own characters way more than club president girl and Momo and is just a shame.
A lot of the auxiliary production is pretty bog standard for most anime. The direction was passable, animation was passable a lot of its qualities were just passable. The warm lighting that was used in a lot of the more intense scenes was about the only thing that really caught my eye but by the end of this show I was largely over it.
I ragged a lot on this show but at it's core its got a lot of solid and good pieces that just weren't executed to the best of their abilities and my morbid curiosity of how things were gonna shake out got me through the latter half of the show. That's not to say this show is bad it has issues no doubt, but its not bad. I feel like anyone that says that this show is bad is mainly saying that because it focuses on such a taboo subject. Which I agree with to an extent. Anime that shoehorn's incest in as a weird fetish thing is flat out disgusting and is one of the main issues I have when admitting that I care about anime as a storytelling medium. As a show where its the forefront of the plot I think Domestic Girlfriend is entertaining as hell and a roller coaster of a ride and is a show I poured way too much energy into thinking and writing about.
90/100Wciągający i przyjemny romans, który z początku jest całkiem niepozorny...Continue on AniListWstęp
Muszę przyznać że ten tytuł pozytywnie mnie zaskoczył. Spodziewałem się kolejnego nudnego, oklepanego i sztucznie napompowanego anime. Jednak na szczęście te obawy okazały się tylko moim uprzedzeniem, o którym szybko zapomniałem.
Co my tu mamy?
Pierwsze odcinki prezentują nam świetne projekty postaci, dobrą, choć bez większych fajerwerków animację oraz dobre tła i kadry. Poza pierwszym odcinkiem, anime z technicznego punktu wiedzenia wypada rewelacyjnie. W tej kwestii pierwszy odcinek nagrzeszył ogromnym tempem, co poskutkowało sporą ilością nadmiernych przejść oraz zbyt szybkim przechodzeniem pomiędzy wydarzeniami.
Lekko mnie to zniechęciło, ponieważ nie raz bywało tak, że na początku anime władowane jest tyle content'u, że twórcy albo są zmuszeni do sztucznego rozciągania serii, albo zanudzają nas nieciekawymi epizodami przez resztę tytułu. Na szczęście Domestic na Kanojo nie cierpi na ten syndrom.
Fabuła obraca się w okół Natsuo. Młodego chłopaka, który podczas pewnego wypadu z znajomymi poznaje dziewczynę o imieniu Rui. Dziewczyna składa chłopakowi dosyć nietypową propozycję, gdyż prosi nowo poznanego chłopaka o pójście z nią do łóżka. Po całym wydarzeniu Rui chce, aby ten zapomniał o tym wydarzeniu. Jak się możecie domyślić Natsuo będzie miał jeszcze okazję spotkać tą dziewczynę, co będzie prowadziło do różnych niezręcznych, śmiesznych, a także dwuznacznych sytuacji.
Jest to tylko początek, gdyż w ciągu dalszych wydarzeń będzie pojawiać się więcej wątków. Nawet po kilka na raz.
Fabuła Domestic potrafi mocno skojarzyć się z typowymi wątkami, których moglibyśmy uświadczyć w przeciętnym serialu telewizyjnym, gdzie pojawiają się elementy miłosne. A jak wiemy tego typu seriale raczej nie prezentują wysokiej jakości, jeżeli chodzi o całokształt... Dlatego też jestem bardzo pozytywnie zaskoczony, jak Domestic na Kanojo udało się nie wpaść w wir kiepskich wydarzeń, przeciętnie napisanych postaci czy miałkiej fabuły. Tytuł ten oferuje sporo twist'ów, romansu czy nawet zwykłych, przyziemnych okruchów życia. Nie tracąc przy tym uwagi oglądającego!
W mojej opinii jest to nie lada wyczyn. Miałem nieprzyjemność oglądać masę anime, gdzie tego typu wątki były albo zwyczajnie złe, albo potraktowane po macoszemu.
Setting fabuły jest znakomity, gdyż na początku możemy wyjść z mylnego założenia, że mamy do czynienia z kolejnymi oklepanymi okruchami życia, gdzie główny bohater jest nieśmiały i stopniowo będzie się zmieniać pod wpływem wydarzeń. Jednak nie tutaj. Już od początku dostajemy dziwny i dezorientujący zwrot akcji, gdzie bohater otrzymuje intymną propozycję. Tego typu zabiegów, jeszcze w pierwszym odcinku będziemy mieli przynajmniej kilka, co skutecznie zachęca do obejrzenia całej serii.Czy wszystko wyszło tak pięknie?
Niestety nie. Jeżeli miałbym wymienić wady tego tytułu, to wspomniałbym (chyba już trzeci raz) o tępie pierwszego odcinka. Ostatniemu również zdarzyło się pędzić galopem.
Poza tym, o ile kreska jak i większość rysunków jest świetna, tak czasami widać spadek jakości, co nikogo nie powinno dziwić. Na szczęście nie jest to mocno widoczne, dzięki czemu niektórzy z was mogą tego nawet nie zauważyć. Animacje stoi na dobrym poziomie, choć (a jakże) mogłaby być lepsza.
Poza tym... to anime aż prosi się o więcej odcinków! Nieee, nie drugi sezon, ale o więcej odcinków! I nie mam na myśli OVA czy innych special'i.
Większa ilość odcinków pozwoliłaby na zmieszczenie większej ilości wątków fabularnych, które na samym początku oraz końcu zostały szybko przeleciane. Można by również rozwinąć ciekawe historie pobocznych bohaterów, którzy oczywiście są nieźle napisani, ale brak im większej głębi.Podsumowanko
Domestic na Kanojo to bardzo ciekawe, wciągające i przyjemne anime. Szkoda tylko, że jest takie krótkie!
Praktycznie wszystkie problemy, a może raczej "problemiki" nie są duże. To jedynie drobne potknięcia, które tak na dobrą sprawę można sobie uświadomić dopiero po obejrzeniu.Z czystym sumieniem mogę polecić to anime każdemu, kto zaczyna swoją przygodę z motywem romansu w anime, ale chciałby zacząć od czegoś mocniejszego. Nie zawiedziecie się!
69/100I hate to be that guy, but just read the mangaContinue on AniListBuckle up, weebs and normies, because this ride might end in a car crash
- Every DomeKano review
Domestic Na Kanojo - what's the deal?
Now, you have probably heard of this show at some point. Either read a review somewhere, or watched a YouTube video. And things you've probably heard are "dumpster fire", "how is this not hentai", "lmao alabama". My response to that?
Well, yeah, but actually no
Let me elaborate.
There is no doubt that the premise sounds like a car crash. And in certain ways, it is. You can't expect a story about a guy having affairs with his step-sisters to end in any good way whatsoever. And not only because it is weird to bang your sisters, even if they are not blood related, but also because it actually poses problems beyond just the weird factor.You see, Natsuo (our protagonist-kun) isn't just any normal harem anime protagonist. He isn't dense, he isn't asexual, he isn't 2D-sexual - none of that. He is just a normal guy, with normal problems, who cares about people around him. As such, any time something weird happens between him and his sisters, Natsuo is always worried about the consequences of such actions - what will this do to his family, how will this affect him and people close to him, etc.
But.. that's it?
Looking at Domestic Girlfriend from a purely critical point of view - that's about how deep this show gets. The story doesn't really move far, and some characters feel really shallow, as they aren't given much screen time and attention in general. It just feels that some of them are there just to create an impression of a harem anime, no more, no less. Throughout 12 episodes we don't really get strong developments, even for the main cast. And there's a reason for that - this show isn't a full story.
You see, DomeKano is actually a pretty long manga series, and anime covers just about one arc of it. As a result, we don't see significant development of about anything in the anime, which doesn't really help it. The manga takes its time to flesh out the characters and relationships and justify decisions taken by the characters - something anime.. can't.. really do because of how short it is. The premises for relationships pop in and out of existence which creates the sense of spice in the show, there is always a turn, and sometimes they are really forced. This is until you read the manga, which actually has content that explains the circumstances. The camping arc was cut from anime completely, and it set a strong foundation for Natsuo and Rui, as well as Natsuo and Hina as possible couples.
Subjective opinion
In my personal opinion, this show is a good watch if you just wanna fall back and enjoy the memes that happen on screen. You can't really expect anything deep and sensible from a story that is basically 20% of the full story. I'd say that DomeKano the anime series is a nice way to figure out for yourself whether you will like the manga or not, but if you are here for the story, you should read the manga. Do not, I repeat, do NOT expect the anime to have a story you will remember and characters you will connect to. This just doesn't happen. I hate to repeat myself, but the amount of development you will get from the anime series is miniscule.
It has good visuals and music though, so if you are a fan of that, you will enjoy it.
TL;DR: The anime is adapting only a small part of the manga, which doesn't really present a strong development for the characters, and because of lack thereof, the anime has to constantly keep the viewer's attention by only showing the moments of spice from the first manga arc.
Overall: 69/100, anime is a dumpster fire, but manga is a nice read.
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- (3.2/5)
Ended inMarch 30, 2019
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