June 25, 2017
24 min
The "new sibling romantic comedy" revolves around Masamune Izumi, a light novel author in high school. Masamune's little sister is Sagiri, a shut-in girl who hasn't left her room for an entire year. She even forces her brother to make and bring her meals when she stomps the floor. Masamune wants his sister to leave her room, because the two of them are each other's only family.
Masamune's novel illustrator, penname “Ero Manga Sensei,” draws extremely perverted drawings, and is very reliable. Masamune had never met his illustrator, and figured he was just a disgusting, perverted otaku. However, the truth is revealed … that his “Ero Manga Sensei” is his own younger sister! To add to the chaos that erupts between the siblings, a beautiful, female, best-selling shoujo manga creator becomes their rival!
(Source: Anime News Network)
Sagiri Izumi
Akane Fujita
Masamune Izumi
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Elf Yamada
Minami Takahashi
Megumi Jinno
Ibuki Kido
Muramasa Senju
Saori Oonishi
Tomoe Takasago
Yui Ishikawa
Sagiri no Haha
Yuka Iguchi
Ayame Kagurazaka
Mikako Komatsu
Chris Yamada
Seiichirou Yamashita
Kunimitsu Shidou
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Kotetsu Izumi
Yuuichi Nakamura
Kazuto Kirigaya
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Ami Koshimizu
Tatsuya Shiba
Yuuichi Nakamura
Ruri Gokou
Kana Hanazawa
Kirino Kousaka
Ayana Taketatsu
Saori Makishima
Hitomi Nabatame
Kyousuke Kousaka
Yuuichi Nakamura
Hinata Gokou
Kana Hanazawa
Ryuuki Kusunagi

38/100Do you want something filled with flavours of all kind? Not here...Continue on AniListAsked a simple question: Did I like this series? I'd say yes it was pretty good. Mild and sweet, just like a millet with too much honey. There was to little bitter in this supposingly bitter-sweet show. Storyline evolving around brother, Masamune taking care of
a hikikomori (and his step-sister Saigiri) isn't maybe the discovery of the year but it had it's moments. For me it wasn't about the story at all - I simply loved this novel-based comunity it showed. I know it isn't much but still - I adore this creative, japanese-work-hard and idealistic peace of 'how to publish a book'.Drawbacks, oh drawbacks - here they come:
Firstly and most annoyingly - tons of tsundere. Too much. Too many. I got tired after first two episodes - I just keep watching and cringing everytime lil' sis or the blonde one kept on talking. Characters were just boring. And not a single one of them stepped out of the scheme.
After that the art style comes - it's just like the whole production; mild. I did enjoy the opening and ending though. But when it comes to animation and looks - bang, here you are yawning again. Another shot - boom, too slow pace, and you are asleep.
There was even a character who was even more boring than the Tsundere duo : the second male character (Kunimitsu Shidou but I had to check it). Why he was even there? The answer is: only for a gag (he thinks that Masamune is gay - HAHAHAHA! Hilarious)
Welp, maybe the main character who made up his mind about what girl he loves - in a bizzare way but still. He was kind of manly - so it's not a typical MC in this kind of anime.
What kind of show is it then?
This kind of show that you watch and it doesn't stare at you back. Anime that won't change you. That won't be remebered.
I'd say - a show that barely exist.
50/100why did i give this a 5 out of 10 again?Continue on AniListWarning this review may contain spoilers
First impressions, so I didn't really now what to expect,
This being written by the some person who did Oreimo.
I didn't have the most high of standards for this.
Based on the premise I expected it to be more incest baity.
Which don't get me wrong it still is,
It just less incest baity than it's predecessor.But that isn't exactly saying much,
When take into account the whole step brother and sister making erotic story's thing.Story, 5/10
So in latest incest bait of the season.
Are story begins with Main character masamune a high school student,
who is above average erotic light novel writter.
Who writes not just As a hobby but also to take care of his step sister sagiri who is a hikikomori.
But things are not looking great for masamune as he is currently in the middle of writers block.
Which is preventing him from coming up with the next flaptastic idea for a light novel.
But not all things are grim as masamune mysterious illustrator ero manga sensei still stands by him even though they never met before.
One day he decides to watch a live stream done by ero manga sensei for the first time ever.
Only to find out that ero manga sensei is actually his step sister.
So after he goes up to her room to confirm it.
The two decide to work together more closely in order to make a great light novel series, Which I expect more than just creative juices flowing I order to make it.So the storyline line is pretty much them working together as a team.
To make the next big hit in the light novel first glance it looks like a very vanilla, copy and paste ,seen it done before multiple times kind of story.
Which don't get me wrong it is exactly as i described.
Because a story about two siblings who where kind of distance from each other and then they slowly start developing a closer bond with one another though a hobby or etc.
Is not original or thought provoking in the slightest.
In fact I can list off at lest 10 shows I have seen with a similar concept.And if I am being completely honest I don't think that this show as the ability or writing behind it to push it beyond a vanilla story, at lest for me.
Because it doesn't have the maturity like for example koi kaze dose or the sexualized over the top nature like kissxsis dose.
It pretty much dips it toes in the water with out making much a splash.Which on the plus or negative side Depending on your preference.
we probably won't get a incest is wincest ending,
Which I couldn't care less about if they go down that route or not.
But being a brain child from the person who oreimo, I won't hold my breath.
If they do.
But enough an there relationship together we will dive into later.I think the whole light novel industry backdrop is interesting and it cool the see some of the work that goes behind making light novels.
Kinda like bakuman except in this context it was for manga.
But unlike bakuman which did some sort of a criticism on the manga industry,
Ero manga sensei doesn't want to even though it could.In fact it kinda praises it a bit to much, Which I feel is a little dishonest.
Considering some of the Shade that happens from time to time.Now I know I kinda Been bitching about what this story could have been instead of talking about what it is and how dose it fair with others of it kind.
And for what it is its very average.
So it's a vanilla show,
the whole brother and sister team making a light novel together is cute and slightly endearing.
And a whole lot better to watch than Oreimo sibling duo being assholes to One another. Because that shit becomes a boring very quickly.So it's not exactly braking any new ground in any way,
But at the same time it's not done in a way where my critic side would rip it to sunder and send it to review hell.I think my positives story wise is that.
It's simple and straightforward, and it honest with what it is.It's also pretty tame fan service wise,
Well tame for me I guess because from what I have heard though the grapevine that some people think the fan service is a little to much.But for me personally watching the likes of high school dxd and hentai has pretty much made me mostly immune to most levels of fan service to the point it's doesn't seem the phase me much any more.
So take the fan service thing with a grain of salt.
It's a positive and a negative for me.
But this is just word to the wise.But the big negative I have with the story is that it has elements that could make it a little better,
If it wanted to use them.
It's one of those cases where a show on it own it fine but has ideas and elements that could make it a whole lot better than it already is.
Which is the main problem I have with quite a few slice of life series in general.Most slice of life series on paper have some interesting ideas ,
but in practice is very lack laster at best.Because most of the time they relay on the common tropes for there plot beat. instead of going outside the box a little.
So Eromamga sensei for me is It's like meat lovers pizza but it forgot the meat.
Characters, 5/10
Main character masamune is very cookie cutter personality wise,
There really isn't much of a personality there.
From what I seen he seems like a normal high schooler who has a passion for writing light novels.
his passion for light novels gives him a little depth, but he still cardboard cutout character who I have seen many times before.
But he's a lot better than the main character from oreimo I say the lest.
Which isn't really saying much, but when it comes to basic characters like him there not much to work with.His step sister sagiri is a lot better than I thought she would be,
Personally wise she just the shy girl who stays inside way to much for her own good.Which is something I have seen meay times before, so I wasn't exactly hyped for her character type.
But I thought her whole ero manga sensei was slightly interesting.
Because at first look you wouldn't exactly picture her as a person who would be involved in ecchi and hentai related things.
It's funny to see this shy girl drew erotic art work.
And I find that difference between her real life and online life really interesting and relatable.Because everyone has a online and real life persona that are slightly different form each other and i think that pretty relatable especially for the younger generations who are online quite a bit and have these online personas.
Which I am just a sucker for.Now before I talk about the side characters,
I would like to mention that the relationship between masamune and sagiri is way better than the relationship in oreimo,
Because there actually good reasons for why masamune actually give a shit or care about his step sister.
Unlike in oreimo where they just live together and they slightly share common interests and for most part have this love/hate relationship and the main character just gets involved in shit because he has nothing else better to do.But in Eromamga for example,
Main character parents are dead so he doesn't have much of family except his step sister.
Some one needs to pay those bills and they share a common interest together.So they have a better reason to have this closer relationship together and it actually has a objective which is to make light novels together.
Unlike oreimo which was mostly episodic crap.So side character are also kinda cookie cutter was well.
There also cardboard cutouts as well.
But there not as bland as I expected them to be.
They have some slight quirks about them which makes them stand out a bit more,
But it still feels very one note.
Like for example there a girl who dresses up like a elf and plays piano naked and another girl who's in middle school who likes dick or something along those lines.
If you take away those quirks they become the usual tsudare and genki girl.One character that slightly broke this mold was another character who writes light novels like are main character dose,
Except she more extreme in her passion of reading and writing than are main character is.
In fact when they first meet she kinda comes off like she hates the main character guts and they kind of come into conflict.
But it turns out she like a super fan of the main character light novel series and wishes it would continue.
Because it was a book series that she enjoyed to her very core.I thought that was interesting,
It didn't last for long though and it didn't have much build up.
But I thought it was nice to have this.Another thing I want to meanion that some of the characters seem a little to innocent especially those who are involved in erotic shit.
Art, 6/10
Animation is alright it's very smooth and well polished.
Backgrounds are Average at best, some scenes they look like they been painted on.Artwork looks good, lots of pretty colors which I liked.
Because it not in your face about it.
Even though in some scene it was a little to bright.
They could tone down on the color filters a bit.Art style is generic light novel shit.
Character designs are fine.
There less sexualized than I thought they would be,
But it would just be that the person who did these character designs hasn't got much of an idea for erotic art.Sound,6/10
Shockingly I actually like both the opening and ending song,
There very happy go lucky tunes.
Which go well with the show and I enjoy listening to them.
But there not music that I would look for or download on my computer to listen to them bye themselves.Sadly there not much of an ost.
In fact the ost is the opting and ending sougs.So probably not worth mentioning who did it anyway.
Voice acting for sub was fine for the most part.
Don't have anything positive or negative to say about it.Enjoyment, 5/10
I liked the whole idea behind it and some of the characters are slightly funny.
And some scenes made me lol a bit.
But it didn't really go beyond just a time passer for me.I will probably forget it in a week after finishing it.
And that all she wrote.
Overall, 5/10
If you liked oreimo you will probably like this.
Because it pretty similar to it in almost every way except it isn't trying to go for the lets Not label all otaku culture as a bad thing.Any well experienced anime fan will probably forget it in a week,
Because at the end of the day it isn't do much that hasn't been done before.EmiChance
100/100God's gift to mankind - little sisters. Man's gift to God - Eromanga SenseiContinue on AniListHello and welcome to my review of the greatest thing mankind has accomplished - Eromanga Sensei. In this review I will tell you everything you need to know about this masterpiece and why it's such a piece of art that deserves wide recognition everywhere around the world.
Story 10/10
First is the story. What can be said about the story except that it's masterfully written. I have never seen or read anything with this level of detail and writing before ever in my life. The story has it all - sadness, jealousy, heartbreak but also happiness, excitement, fun and more. It truly has everything.In short the story is about a brother who writes light novels and his little sister who is a shut in NEET. What the brother doesn't know is that his little sister is actually his illustrator. The story begins with the brother finding out who her little sister really is and after that the story really picks up.
Characters 10/10
The characters are nothing short of wonderful. All of them have their own distinct personalities and they all feel very much like normal people.
Take for example the male MC - Masamune Izumi. He likes to write Light Novels, make food for his little sister and loves to wash her underwear.
As you can see from that one example, the characters here are all very realistic and relatable. I mean what older brother wouldn't want to wash his little sisters panties. This is why I believe this anime has the most relatable characters ever.Art 9/10
The animations and the art are all very well done. Except for one thing, all the lewd parts are censored. If they weren't censored then I would have no problems giving this 10/10.Sound 10/10
The voice actors are all really good. You could definitely tell a lot of effort was put into every line. Especially when Megumi says she loves dicks. Absolutely the best work of voice acting I have ever seen.
The OP/ED both sound amazing with quality visuals and great singing.
The soundtrack for this anime really fits in with all the great moments.Enjoyment 10000/10
This anime is so good that I have watched it a 100 times. Yes, a 100 times. And even after watching it a 100 times, I still like it just as much as I did during the first time I watched it. With every rewatch I find more small details and all of it really makes me appreciate just how much effort was put into every scene.
Final Score ∞/10
This anime is the greatest thing that humanity has made. We have truly peaked as a species. When aliens visit us, all we need to do is show them Eromanga Sensei and they will know that we have far surpassed them in every way possible. Eromanga Sensei is the crowning achievement that humanity will be known for. It's the anime that every person or being in the universe has to watch because nothing will ever surpass it and nothing will ever dethrone it. For Eromanga Sensei is greater than the universe itself. It is the god of everything. Nothing before it truly existed because it was Eromanga Sensei that brought the universe into existence.
Thanks to everyone who read it this far, I hope you now know the wonder that is Eromanga Sensei. For those who skipped all the text, please watch the anime. Watching it will truly be a unique experience that you will never forget. So make sure to watch it and then come back and read this review.
ANIME ComedyImouto sae Ireba Ii.
ANIME ComedyHimouto! Umaru-chan
- (3/5)
Ended inJune 25, 2017
Main Studio A-1 Pictures
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 1,866 Users
Hashtag #Eマンガ先生 #EROMANGA_SENSEI