December 23, 2021
24 min
Timid Tadano is a total wallflower, and that’s just the way he likes it. But all that changes when he finds himself alone in a classroom on the first day of high school with the legendary Komi. He quickly realizes she isn’t aloof—she’s just super awkward. Now he’s made it his mission to help her on her quest to make 100 friends!
(Source: Viz Media)
Shouko Komi
Aoi Koga
Hitohito Tadano
Gakuto Kajiwara
Najimi Osana
Rie Murakawa
Shousuke Komi
Junya Enoki
Nene Onemine
Ruriko Aoki
Omoharu Nakanaka
Rumi Ookubo
Kaede Otori
Yurika Moriyama
Shuuko Komi
Kikuko Inoue
Himiko Agari
Yukiyo Fujii
Ren Yamai
Rina Hidaka
Hitomi Tadano
Maaya Uchida
Masayoshi Komi
Mitsuaki Hoshino
Makeru Yadano
Ami Maeshima
Akira Komi
Kaede Hondo
Chika Netsuno
Megumi Han
Mono Shinobino
Kenshou Ono
Akako Onigashima
Sarah Emi Bridcutt
Nokoko Inaka
Megumi Han
Maki Karisu
Shizuka Itou
Shigeo Chiarai
Kenji Akabane
Kamiko Arai
Rika Nagae
Yuiko Komi
Kumiko Takizawa
Ryouko Komi
Emi Shinohara
Taisei Sonoda
Yuuga Satou
Hoshiko Teshigawara
Live Mukai

Not available on crunchyroll

23/100Nezuko has reincarnated into the modern world as KomiContinue on AniList"Komi-san is no doubt a masterpiece because of its fluid animation."
-not me (but seriously, wut the heck?)This review is about the full season of the anime and so whatever you do, don't get triggered...
Ahhh... SoL. One of the genres that are being discriminated against because they are 'boring'. I like SoL shows, alongside romance and comedy, and one of my favorite genres. At first, I don't believe in others said that SoL shows are 'boring' because for me they are entertaining. Comedy. Comedy is like a dart game, whether it will hit the mark or miss. For me, comedy will be never missed but this? This is the first SoL comedy show that made me feel annoyed.
I will extend and revise my statements from my previous preliminary review.
Komi-san Can't Communicate is one of the anticipated animes by many manga readers that were hyping this show from the first episode. Seriously, this season is more annoying than a weak season from Summer 2021. We got a Symphogear parody Takt Op. Destiny, edgy-wannabe Platinum End, annoying Fruit of Evolution, etc., and this anime is one of them. I have two words to describe this anime; cringe and ridiculous. And it's pain in the ass to say this but this anime is OVERHYPED and OVERRATED.
The initial premise was to find Komi a hundred people who will become her friends, with the help of Tadano. That premise becomes irrelevant when you realize everyone is magically drawn to her. For some reason, everyone in their high school finds her irresistibly crazy attractive. She quickly becomes a passive protagonist shortly after meeting her second friend. Her goal no longer motivates the plot because her goal of having 100 friends is now fulfilled. Instead of making 100 friends, she should’ve filed 100 restraining orders because these students are absolutely insane. To be straightforward, the story is NOTHING. You can describe it as a gag manga because the story is episodic but seriously, the sub-plots are just slightly moving forward. This is a SoL show, right? The story wasn't realistic at all. If Komi wants a hundred friends, did she know that some or many of them will backstab or might be toxic to her? Nothing is interesting happens because it always uses the same formula all over again. Boy meets girl, the boy helps the girl to find friends because she's lonely, she found friends, the plot will back to boy and girl, it became a romance, and the cycle repeats itself. It's like an endless semester. In short, it's just your typical SoL that you can find on other SoL shows. Oh right, the comedy... Tbh, still very missed the mark. The comedy for this anime is for elementary students. No quality of humor, and still the jokes weren't in the right timing. If you tell a joke to your friend or partner, or whatever, timing is always the best thing, even your joke you'll say is dumb. Still, the comedy was so unfunny and it made me cringe and felt annoyed, while watching this show. Even Gintama's poop, dirty, or dumb jokes were funny because it was in the right timing (considering the other dumb gag shows like Saiki K., A Destructive God Sits Next to Me, etc.). And the wholesomeness? I didn’t felt a single wholesomeness factor in this show because the show was trying to be funny but it wasn't.Art:
The more I watch this show, the more I get used to the art and it was fine though. It may be not a masterpiece of art, but the art for this show is decent and suitable for the series. Sometimes, the art sequence or cinematography is like in the Monogatari series. You know, the angles and the frames looked like in Monogatari but no head tilting. I thought they copying that style but whatever. Still looks good though.Characters:
I will say it, the characters are freaking annoying. This is one of the worst characters that I've in my history of watching anime. The craziest part of that is, Komi, which is a waifu bait for the fans, befriends with a cross-dressing trap, a masochist, a violent yandere, a ninja, and a normal guy. I mean, who will befriend that kind of person? Don't get me wrong, I like school animes that have eccentric characters like in School Rumble, but in this anime, they are so ridiculous. The perfect definition of overreacting and cringe. Do you know Teruhashi from Saiki K.? The girl who was always been followed by many guys in her class because of her beauty? Komi is just like that but more on the opposite and quiet. Komi was just a fanservice mascot for the men who want to add her to their waifu list.Sound:
This was pretty fine. Definitely will buy the soundtrack. The OP was pretty catchy and the ED was pretty fine too. I'll say that sound saved the whole anime, even just a little bit of it.Overall, this anime is so overwhelming to watch. The characters and the story are so forgettable as heck. This anime is sort of a guilty pleasure or for those people who want to kill time. After all those good production values, the story, which is the most important factor, is the weakest part of it and I didn't like it that badly. This anime is a shame for me as a SoL comedy stan and maybe I'll believe those others said. A nonsensical story doesn't deserve this kind of production value. For those who love little things, this anime can be for you. But for those who seek pure high-quality comedy and worth of your enjoyment, please don't watch this crap. You will just waste your time and your precious brain cells.
84/100The epitome of slice of life and romcomContinue on AniListTadano Hitohito is a Timid, former chuunibyou yearning for nothing but friends at the weird Itan private high school where he comes across a seemingly menacing madonna that captures his eye but also his suspicion. That same madonna is our female main character, Komi Shouko, whom this show revolves around. After the legendary god Komi fails to respond to an awkward situation despite her tense attempt, the perceptive Tadano quickly realises the menacing aura Komi exudes is in reality her inability to communicate. With a promise of making Komi 100 friends, Tadano and Komi (and friends) gradually explore Itan high and the wacky characters lurking within.
Intro ‘Komi can’t communicate’ aired in fall season 2021 is one of the best slice of life anime to hit the anime community (and I don’t say that because I’m biased.) What makes the anime so incredible is that it is executed as a comedic mockery of a serious issue while simultaneously exploring and expanding on its relevance. You see, Komi struggles with her communication disorder, the anime never mocks her struggles with it. The narrator always emphasis what ‘Communication disorder’ is and how it has impacted the female MC and similarly other characters. The growth shown by overcoming the communication barrier throughout the show is phenomenal. I’ll admit, they do add comedic retorts but only to shift the mood of the scene since the anime is a slice of life (+romcom) and not philosophical.
Let’s talk about the animation itself (visuals+audio). The animation is crisp and very clean. It has an extreme amount of detail positioning it more as a shounen but this slice of life romcom abuses the animation to the extent that not only are scenes flashy but also humorous. The flashy animation is probably done to offset the slow pacing the show faces which is unavoidable and in my opinion, it works very well. Again, very commendable.
Another way the slow pacing is offset is by adding sound effects and OST’s with fast beats and pacing, so if your worry is you’ll doze off halfway, don’t be, the animation and sound will keep you going if the characters and the plot itself don’t quite hit the sweet spot. I will add that the way the animes construction does take some time to get used to, I have my biases since I am a manga fan (source material) but objectively speaking, after 1-2 episodes, you get used to it. The OST’s are appropriate to fit the situation, direct the mood of the anime and string you along. If I had to put it into words it would be “Calming but progressive”. Honestly, the OST’s are crafted well for the mood of the anime, I appreciate whoever composed them.
Everyone needs a Tadano Hitohito in their life Here, I’ll talk about characters. Komi can’t communicate is driven by the interaction of its characters, part of the reason why it doesn’t get boring. The cast is not limited to a few but several characters. Unlike some other slices of life’s, the intensity that Komi comes with remains throughout the show. To get more specific, characters like Tadano Hitohito (literally translating to Ordinary human) are very supportive and engaging. I mean, Tadano is practically an MC seeing how involved he is. Other Characters like Najimi are weird and quite odd making the show more interesting to watch.
Manga Komi is honestly my favourite I really love all the healthy relationship in this series (except Yamai, of course. She NEEDS therapy). I'm not spoiling anything about what was happening in the manga, but I just wanna say the author really has an amazing way to solve the problems in the series. It makes you sigh in relief when the problem is finally solve, yet still feel emotional about it. Here’s a bit of a contrast, the nanga has a more wholesome and sweet note whereas the anime is more comical and emphasises on the comedy part of it, both work for me but I still prefer the manga. I’m not discouraging you from the anime, just mentioning that if the anime doesn’t work for you, the manga is a wonderful alternative.
Yes, she does make more friends To conclude, Komi can’t communicate is an enjoyable anime that I have portrayed to be very mature but despite my review of it, as watchers you will enjoy it. 'Komi can’t Communicate' is basically about the story of a girl who moves past her communication disorder little by little and eventually finds peace in the comfort of her friends. It has its flaws, no denial there, yet it also has a certain uniqueness that I believe is very enjoyable. The over the top exclamations may not be for everyone, perhaps you find it cringy and off-putting. In that case, don’t bother with the anime. I mean it, go read the manga instead, you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience without being over-engaged but I strongly suggest the anime, it may take an episode or two (maybe even three) but it does get good.
Personal note - I quite enjoyed writing this one. I love ‘Komi can’t communicate’ so I’m very biased. Stuff literally flowed into my head as I wrote this review. Maybe my writer’s block is inversely proportional to my interest. Btw, if you have any suggestion or improvements you would like to share, please do! You can message me, I’m always open to criticism. Also huge thanks to @Harthlock for allowing me to use his assets to make my review more aesthetically engaging. Click here to use his assets. Again, thanks for your permission!
94/100A cute slice of life that is able to live up to the manga and even excell from itContinue on AniListKomi-san is a manga that I have been reading since 2018. This cute slice of life manga featuring a socially awkward girl has really grabbed me for three years straight, even if the manga started to stutter more in quality the longer it went on. Since the lead didn't talk that much and most of the manga was text, it was thought that this manga could never be adapted right. So years went by with constant rumors and speculation, but no anime announcement. But then, finally it came, the announcement, and my jaw must have gone through several floors of how well it was being adapted. It did have that one annoying visual glitch in which it displayed that it was being hosted on Netflix but other then that I was excited. And did it live up to hype?... yeah pretty much.
Tadano is just an average guy. He aimes to have a normal life at school, but that changes when he bumps into Komi-san, the prettiest girl in class. In fact, the entire school worships her beauty to an almost scary degree. Through Tadano's power of picking up context clues, he finds out that Komi-san beauty doesn't stem from how she is deliberately quiet, but because she has a communication disorder. Through her whole life she wasn't able to speak to other people due to her social awkwardness, which manifested in thinking that everyone hates her (despite the exact opposite being true. Through coincidences, Tadano's becomes her first friend, and both go on a quest to make as many friends as possible.
It is pretty easy to see how the premise has captured the hearts of so many people: Social anxiety is something that all people have, and taking that concept to a "realistically" extreme degree only highlights the relatable parts of being socially awkward. And we don't just see Komi-san's silent form of social awkwardness, but we also see chuuni social awkwardness, being from a different side of the country social awkwardness, or social outkast akwardness. No matter who you are, there will be a character you will see yourself in and relate to how they act.
And let's talk about those characters, shall we. Probably the biggest highlight and downside of this anime are the characters. Ofcourse we have our name-in-the-title character Komi. Komi-san seems like a good ol' Mary Sue at first with how beautiful she looks and acts, asome people might still consider her one now, but her social flaws is what makes her so human. Her communication disorder might be a bit silly at first, but the way how she struggles with the most basic things is highly relatable. It really makes you want to root for her to develop her social skills and get more friends.
Tadano is a fun character, often the straight man. He may be average, but he is still someone who thinks of his own and genuinely tries to help others, even if he can be kinda dense at times. Najimi unspecified gender is often a punchline which can be a bit much at times, but most of the time he is a fun, bold character that brings a bit of chaos in the anime. A lot of the sidecharacters are fun, especially Onemine-san is enjoyable. But then you have Yamai... Yamai, Yamai, Yamai. A popular cute girl on the outside, but an obsessive stalker of Komi-san on the inside. Her psychopathic tendencies are often joked about, and.... it sometimes works. I have to praise the anime for toning down her creepiness... but I can't deny that she still makes the anime awkward to watch at times. There is a reason she is considered the worst character in Komi-san.
Since I brung up the manga, how does the anime compare to the manga? I actually think it is an improvement. I mean, animation, music and voice acting is always better then a piece of paper, but often the direction the anime takes can screw up the source material. Luckily, that doesn't happen here. The voice actors are chosen well, the music is really good (banger OP and ED), and the animation is surprisingly the highlight of the anime. The manga contained a lot of text, which seems difficult to translate over to an anime, but they pulled it of by variation of how the text is presented. The animation itself is gorgeous, with flued movement, great expressions, tons of visual gags and great direction.
One sticky point that of the anime/manga is its humor, and there is no denying in that it can be pretty one note. The amount of wacky characters are fun, but they then also just have one character trait and thus one joke. While this isn't that different from other comedy anime, this is especially notable in Komi-san for how each character is presented as a character trait. Still, I think the anime is really funny because of how they pair up characters really well and how well they are able to lean on the relatability without going as far as pandering.
Now for the most important part (besides the score): Is this anime worth watching on its own? Being a good adaptation is all and well, but is it worth checking out on its own... if it isn't obvious by know, it is absolutely worth checking out. It is very funny anime that is really cute. It is really relatable and the colorful cast constantly bring tons of fun chaos. The jokes might get one note and some of the characters might get on your nerves, but if you can look past them it is tons of fun.
As for how I enjoyed it, I thought it was amazing. It is everything I would have wanted out of an adaptation of one of my favorite mangas and thensome. The improvements in almost every category also makes it an improvements of the manga (at least the early parts) and I can't wait for season 2.
Check this one out! It is really good!
TV SHORT ComedySenryuu Shoujo
ANIME ComedyIsshuukan Friends.
MOVIE DramaKoe no Katachi
ANIME ComedyMaou-jou de Oyasumi
- (3.85/5)
Ended inDecember 23, 2021
Main Studio OLM
Trending Level 7
Favorited by 7,441 Users
Hashtag #古見さん #KOMISAN