January 29, 2025
Timid Tadano is a total wallflower, and that’s just the way he likes it. But all that changes when he finds himself alone in a classroom on the first day of high school with the legendary Komi. He quickly realizes she isn’t aloof—she’s just super awkward. Now he’s made it his mission to help her on her quest to make 100 friends!
(Source: Viz Media)
- Winner of the 67th Shogakukan Manga Award in the Shounen Category in 2021.
- Chapter count includes 37 extra chapters.
Shouko Komi
Hitohito Tadano
Rumiko Manbagi
Najimi Osana
Shousuke Komi
Nene Onemine
Omoharu Nakanaka
Kaede Otori
Shuuko Komi
Makoto Katai
Chusaku Kometani
Himiko Agari
Ren Yamai
Hitomi Tadano
Masayoshi Komi
Makeru Yadano
Shisuto Naruse
Ayami Sasaki
Akira Komi
Chika Netsuno
Mono Shinobino
Mikuni Katou
Shibuki Ase
Amami Satou
Akako Onigashima
90/100A fun, wholesome story that all started with the words: "Could it be that... you're bad at talking to people?"Continue on AniList古見さんは、コミュ症です Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu Written by [Razovy](https://anilist.co/user/Razovy/) Slice of life, a genre in both manga and anime that is dear to my heart! Although I've been able to find entertainment in various other genres, it is the SoL genre that has been tickling my fancy ever since I discovered the wonderful medium called manga 4 years ago. A couple of weeks ago I decided to buy volume 1 of Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu as I had some money to spare and wanted to give a series that had such a high rating on Anilist a try.
When I see a manga is already more than 5 volumes in though I tend not to get involved, mainly because it'll cost me quite the sum (gotta love them import taxes) and I find it quite hard to get invested into a series that is already going for quite some time. For example I'm a huge fan of Shinryaku! Ika Musume, but I just know that once I read volume 1 I WILL buy the other 21 volumes as well... Same thing with Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu: I bought volume 1, and a week later I had already ordered the other 10 volumes on cdjapan... イエーイもしかして、人と話すのが苦手なんですか。
Could it be that... you're bad at talking to people?The story starts out with our main character Tadano who joins a fancy new school. He explains that his survival in life completely depends on a skill he calls 'reading the air'. This basically means Tadano is talented in reading both the situation as the people around him. His first day at this new school will challenge his confidence in this ability though, as he meets a new girl at the lockers. He introduces himself to her, hoping to make a new friend, but instead of a greeting she responds with an icy stare.
Hoping never having to deal with her again, he soon realizes that they're not only in the same class, but he's sitting next to her!
Although everyone seems to be in love with this new ice queen, Tadano is trying his hardest not to get involved with her. This turns out to be quite impossible as every guy in his class wants to kill him and take his place sitting next to the 'Madonna' of the school (as Tadano describes her): Shouko Komi.
After everyone has left the classroom and by coincidence our 2 main characters are left alone, Tadano figures out that Shouko isn't the ice queen others claim her to be. It's not like she doesn't want to communicate with others, she simply can't communicate with the people around her. This revelation makes the 2 warm up to each other and Shouko reveals that she has a dream of making a 100 friends. Tadano, being the awesome bloke he is decides to help her out in this cute quest of hers!
The good
Since I'm quite the positive guy let's start with the positives shall we?- Our 2 main characters are very relatable! - All of us have been Tadano once or twice in our lives and I'm certain that we've all experienced the troubles that Shouko is undergoing. I can't say this for the side characters, but the protagonists are written well, which is incredibly important for a slice of life manga.
- The story events are comedic, yet relatable and make sense in the context they're placed in. - Just because a manga has a comedy tag doesn't mean that the story shouldn't make any sense or that the author should be able to have a lacking plotline for the sake of comedy. I can't believe how many times I have read a comedy manga only to get bored after the second volume because the actual plotline doesn't make any sense. For those who have experienced this too please rest assured, the plotline in this manga might not be mindblowing, but at least there is progression. Furthermore the author makes sure to put our main characters in fun, yet logic situations where their quirks truly shine.
- This manga gives a great insight in the daily lives of (Japanese) teenagers, what keeps them occupied and the troubles they face everyday. - I love foreign cultures, and reading native material like Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu gives a great insight in the Japanese culture. For both those still in their teenage years and those like me who are drifting further and further away from that wonderful/awful time, I truly believe this is a manga for both parties.
The bad
- The side characters, with the exception of Najimi, seem to be only there for comedic relief and serve no other purpose. - I love a good side character just as much as the next person. Guess what: this manga has tons of them! The problem is that out of all the quirky side characters, I can name only 1 that I truly consider adding anything useful to the story, this being Najimi. Najimi could've easily been a main character if that cheeky romance tag wasn't part of this manga. Nonetheless, I do like some of the side characters, but I'd have preferred to see this manga with less side characters that had more personality, than a ton of them with only one quirk or purpose.
- Some of the interaction between the characters and their thought processes might be considered childish by some - I sincerely doubt that when a teenager reads this manga he / she will have any problems with this, but I do believe that if an adult would pick up this manga he / she might feel like this manga is not for them. In my opinion this is completely understandable, as Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu is aimed at a teenage audience. From time to time I also felt like some of the situations were rather childish. Fortunately this isn't a problem for me, but I can imagine this would bother some of you out there.
So, is this bad boy worth a read? OF COURSE!!! In fact I would go as far as to say that this manga is one of my favorites! If you want to sit down with a coffee and have a relaxing read I'd definitely recommend Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu! However, if you're looking for a ton of action, ecchi situations or a manga aimed at an adult audience I'd advice you to look elsewhere.Thank you so much for reading my review! I hope it was useful :3
85/100Teenager's struggles and communication disorder shown in a wholesome way: Komi's story.Continue on AniListIntroduction
Komi-San Can’t Communicate (from now on Komi-San) is going to have an adaptation on October 2021, so I decided to spit my thoughts about its manga source and how I received its (so far) 301 chapters.
As a little summary I’d say that Komi-San is a fun and wholesome manga that can be easily enjoyable, that portraits in a sweet way how teenagers struggle with their social struggles. Even though if you are expecting a lot of romance, evolution and a lot of things happening, well, this might not be your best read. I’m gonna deepen a little bit more about all of this in their respective categories but, in general, I could say that Komi-San can get relatively easily repetitive. That being said, let’s start talking about Komi-San parts!
The plot: Does it's job, but not a deep one
The plot isn’t a strong point in this manga (so far) and it’s made on purpose: the story is centered towards our main protagonist: Shouko Komi. It’s, in fact, the definition of a slice of life. And don’t get me wrong, that’s not a bad thing, it simply makes the plot not as important as it could be in another shows.
As I said, the plot in Komi-San is simple but still does its work. It consists on Komi’s view of life (most of the time) and how she tries to make friends while she has to fight herself and her communication disorder. This all starts with her meeting the other main protagonist, Hitohito Tadano. Since this point we’re living the daily lives of Komi (and sometimes of some other character) with not too much twists on it.
Little twists occur, and to comment them I have to spoil a little bit. First spoiler is related to first part of the manga:Those twists are obvious if you have read Komi-San but are, of course, the romantic feelings she develops for Tadano. I can empathize with Komi and she being shy with her crush, having not enough guts to confess either to try to make him confess. I can say that’s an absolutely relatable situation, even more if you have some serious communication disorder beyond being shy.
Now, the next one is about chapters, approximately, 170 – 301 (chapters so far released when I’m writing this!):
I said that the plot develops slowly, and a prove of this is the late introduction of our third most important character on this manga: Rumiko Manbagi. She starts distant to the other characters but easily gets along with them. She’s the most outgoing of the three of them (Manbagi, Tadano and Komi) and ends up developing feelings for Tadano (and confesses in chapter 301!).
I don’t really know how it’s gonna finish the triangle but I think that it will be very difficult to have a satisfactory ending (having in mind I like both Manbagi and Komi). I have to trust Tomohito on doing it well…In general plot is okay and does its work, but lacks some development and fresh new ideas. I like it, but it’s not the strong point of this manga.
Characters: Lights and shadows
Characters on Komi-San are, in my opinion, very unbalanced. While most of them are enjoyable (hmm hmm Yamai Ren), the vast majority are pretty much the same through all the 301 chapters I've read. The best example of this is Najimi, pretty much the same as the beginning. Having this said I'm gonna highlight the characters with most development (oh, surprise, they are the protagonists!) and why I like them better or worse:
1- Shouko Komi: The absolute protagonist and proabably best character of the manga. She has a communication disorder and we can see how she struggles to overcome it. In the very first chapter she can only communicate via a chalkboard and with time we can see her big little steps on this. She's absoultely kind, friend-caring and honest, and one of the characters with better development. I can really understand her and watching her progression makes me happy. The spoiler ahead is for chapters 200-301:
I, at this point, don't know what is she gonna do with Tadano's possible confession, but her development in this last 100 chapters is pretty impressive. She talked with Manbagi about their feelings, and both have been pretty mature and nice friends. It surely has been very difficult for Komi, but she evolved to achieve it and it's a very good point of this manga
2- Hitohito Tadano: The main male protagonist of the series, a total wallflower. He hasn't evolved pretty much like Komi has done, but still has a fair amount of development and it's a pretty relatable character. He wants to get unnoticed but at the same time wants his friends (aka Komi) to be happy and comfortable. He's pretty much the only one who can understand Komi in this manga (with Manbagi's permission) and he makes a good tandem with her. Again, the spoilers ahead are for chapters 200-301:
Yes, he falls in love with her. But he's so insecure about himself that he's not really aware of it until chapter 301. Manbagi makes him realize that sacrifizing herself (he accepted to go out with her!) because she love his two friends. That chapter is the one withj Tadano making the biggest step he has made in years with Manbagi's help. He doesn't develop very much until this moment, but it really demonstrates the struggles he has with his self-steem
3- Manbagi Rumiko: He appears late in the show but easily gets better and more important than most characters, showing it's evolution from a stereotypical Manba Gyaru to a pretty relatable person with the need of expressing herself but at the same time with lots of fears and unsecurities. She's the character who appears the last but still one of best evolved in the manga. Of course, the spoilers ahead are for chapters 200-301:
I pretty much commented why I like her, but I'm gonna repeat it. She falls in love with Tadano, gathers the courage to confess to him and, when he has accepted his confession, she makes him realize that he loves Komi. It's a pretty difficult situation for her, but still her pure heart overcomes any other feeling and worries more about her friends than about herself. Her evolution is portrayed in this 100 chapters and, again, is understandable but, maybe, too wholesome. At the end of the day the protagonist of this show is Komi-San and, probably, Manbagi is a catalyst for both Komi and Tadano. I really like Manbagi, but personally, I love Komi. It kinda makes me sad she's so kind that makes this last move, but I think that's the best for her.
4- Other Characters: I put the spoiler tag because it would be difficult to talk about more characters without mentioning details. Again it's for chapters 200-301:
Ase and Naruse are, probably, the best chartacters outside the big three protagonists. They both grow together casually, being the one with more development Naruse. He's self-centered but with Ase's presence he slightly puts his feet on the ground. Not a lot more to comment about them.
Nakanaka is another character who, limitedly, does a little progression opening a litte bit to her friends and covering (sometimes) her chuunibyou side. Also a little mention to Tadano's sister, she's the real room-reader here!In conclusion the cast is fun and enjoyable but beyond the main characters they are pretty much one-dimensional. This being said I like the protagonists a lot and they're the ones making this manga as wholesome and funny as it is!
Art: Appealing and clean
I'm not an expert on art (especially having read little manga) but I think that it appeals the show. It's clean art with the capability of doing little changes when it's necessary. I think it's perfectly adapted to the manga without making nothing outstanding.
Conlusion: My enjoyment
Concluding, I really liked this manga as a whole but lacks some details that could make it even better. The read is really, really fun if you're aware of its little general progress and development but want to chill a bit (or don't know anything about it and dive into it, like I did!).
Also I'd like to comment how this manga focuses in communication disorders and struggles. It's not a harsh one (like I heard Inio Asano does) because it does not try to do it that way. The definition of it is wholesome but even so portraying it in a decent way.
Personally, I think it's a good read if you have time and want to laugh and make simper smiles. Be aware of its little repetitive side, but I'd recommend it if you like slices of life!
Thank you for your time, and hope you enjoyed my review!
EDIT (updates on chapters after 301): Well, this shit is going serious now. What they didn't do in all the 300 chapters is going on right now. Manbagi is a little piece of heaven, Tadano is finally having a clearer mind and developing guts and Komi is as cute as always but pushing herself a little bit. THEY'RE FUCKING DATING!!! I wanna see how is this gonna continue, but it's improving step by step. I felt their reactions so according to their personalities and I was fucking trembling. Gonna update my score, this manga is reaching its peak, and it's being better-written than I'd expect!
90/100a mundane plot carried by beautiful main characters and a unique reading experienceContinue on AniListIntroduction
Komi-san wa komyushou desu, translated as Komi can't communicate, is a manga i came by on youtube, thanks to the second trailer of the anime popping up on my recommendations.
Having always been a fan of the Romance and Slice of life genres, the trailer immediately interested me, and so i decided to give a better look, and so I was pleasantly surprised.Komi-san is an extremely wholesome manga that mostly doesn't take itself too seriously and can be a source of a good light-hearted laugh, but it can also delve into deeper water, exploring more serious problems that can hit close to home for the average reader. And it does all of this in it's very unique, very down to earth way.
I would like to warn the reader that this review will contain heavy spoilers, and also, it's my first one ever, so tell me where i can fix or better it!
The weak points
The plot is creative and can be (and sometime is) used ingeniously both to a comedic effect and also in a more serious way, but other than that, it's nothing special, i would dare to say that the writing, from that point of view, is mediocre.
It moves slowly, only after circa 200 chapters do you start to see noticeable character development, and only at Chapter 300 are we finally gifted a confession, which is not even the right one(and we'll talk about this in a moment).This is mostly due to an overly-sized cast, having more than 30 side characters, most of which have little to no actual personality and are only used as jokes once or twice. A good 50/60% of all chapters are filler and don't really contribute to the overarching plot, but i think this actually is not strictly a bad thing, as it does lead to a pretty light reading experience which helped me, an extremely slow reader, finish this manga in less than a week.
__part__ _of the cast present in komi-san_ The strong points
Komi-san has a beautiful feel about it, untill today i wasn't actually able to put my finger on why i loved it so much, but i now think i understand:
Simply said, it's simple, it's realistic, it's down to earth. The characters which are developed to a deeper level are beautifully written, showing many facets of their personality, small quirks about them are revealed, like kometani chusaku being a smash bros' pro, and him being insecure about his teaching abilities.
Small but entertaining sub-plots and recurring gags are constantly introduced, and after chapter 200 Tomohito Oda challenges himself by introducing deep, three-dimensional characters, that are able to make you burst in tears even after only a few chapters of knowing them.But what i love the most about this manga is the normality of it all; the main character, Tadano Hitohito, "simply a person", is the perfect summarization of this entire manga. Even though a character might seem to be facing an insurmountable problem, often it's revealed that it can be fixed with just a bit of common sense, a shoulder to cry on, a handkerchief to clean yourself on.
And even the most important part of the entire manga, ch. 280-315, is treated in the same way:
the tension is building up, Manbagi, who likes tadano, is going to confess, Tadano doesn't yet fully understand that he likes Komi, and he isn't sure if Manbagi likes him, and when Manbagi does actually confess:he reacts like this, dispelling any kind of epicness the scene had, because it didn't need to be epic. Even then, when he seems completely calm, we learn that he himself is insecure, not knowing if he's actually deserving of Manbagi's love.
But, nontheless, he accepts Manbagi confession, only to have Komi's face flash in his mind, making him look contradicted for a split second, enough for Manbagi to understand.
In chapter 302 we finally get the real confession, Tadano goes to see Komi and, after a bit of comic relief, we see this
no special effects, no dramatic pause, no extreme tension, just the facts, how any awkward teenager would say it, and this is enough to fluster both Komi and Tadano, along with making the reader's heart Explode.
Komi-san is a beautiful work, a light, even if long, read, with nicely developed main characters and tons of side ones, that sadly do sometimes weigh down the manga as a whole along with its almost missing plot. If you are looking for a down to earth, not too serious but able to make you feel deep emotions manga, you came to the right place.
MANGA ComedySenryuu Shoujo
MANGA DramaKoe no Katachi
MANGA ComedyAharen-san wa Hakarenai
MANGA ComedySaeki-san wa Nemutteru
- (3.85/5)
Ended inJanuary 29, 2025
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