June 22, 2019
24 min
Hitori Bocchi suffers from extreme social anxiety, she’s not good at talking to people, takes pretty extreme actions, is surprisingly adept at avoiding people, her legs cramp when she overexerts herself, gets full of herself when alone, will vomit when exposed to extreme tension and often comes up with plans. Now she is entering middle school and her only friend, Yawara Kai, is attending a different school. This leaves Bocchi alone, surrounded by new classmates with whom she must make friends before Kai will talk to her again.
(Source: Doki)
Bocchi Hitori
Chisaki Morishita
Nako Sunao
Minami Tanaka
Aru Honshou
Akari Kitou
Sotoka Rakita
Yuuko Kurose
Kako Kurai
Kana Ichinose
Mayo Ojousa
Saki Miyashita
Teruyo Oshie
Minami Takahashi
Kai Yawara
Konomi Kohara
Rau Minagawa
Live Mukai
Ramu Tatakudo
Ryouko Maekawa
Esu Hikube
Amane Makino
Niwatori A
Hayato Fujii
Niwatori B
Hayato Kimura
94/100A cute and reletable show about a girl with crippling social anxiety.Continue on AniList[
SOL is SOL, There is no spoilers unless you like to go in to shows blind then stay clear of this. ]()
Cute and fun show about a girl who struggles to talk to people.[PREMISE OF THE SHOW:]()
Hitoribocchi is show that focuses on the daily life of Hitori...Bocchi (yep).It is very clear that she has quite strong Social Anxiety.
The whole set up of the show is that before entering Middle School her one and only friend, Kai, has told her that if she doesn't befriend the whole class she is not worthy of being friends with her.
Not the best thing to say to a person who struggles with such a condition but hey this is a fictional piece of work, I'll let that slide.I think the rest of the show should be pretty clear for you, she goes around trying to befriend people in her class. At first she tries to make it so her class disbands but then actually puts in the effort.
There are many moments in the show were Bocchi's Anxiety gets blown out of proportion just for the sake of comedy, but honestly I don't feel like that was that bad.
If I recall correctly I heard multiple individuals say that they didn't like the show as much cause of this reason but as a person who basically is the male Bocchi I'll say that this was a lot of fun.
I watch Anime to escape reality, not to get dragged back into it. I mean it would be cool to see a show that has a deep tone and talks seriously about this but funny is funny. I like funny stuff.[CHARACTERS:]()
Due to the nature of this show we are presented with multiple different characters.
The I'll be focusing on the main cast though since they are all so lovable:Hitori Bocchi - Well I already talked about her quite a bit, she is very anxious and when she gets too happy she faints (or if she gets too anxious she vomits).
She is most often seen overthinking and planning ahead how to do normal human things such as saying "Good Morning".Nako Sunao - She looks tough and acts like it but is a very friendly and nice person. She is the first friend Bocchi makes. She tries to make Bocchi feel calm and make more friends which is so nice.
Aru Honshou - The ultimate human form, there is no other human like Aru. She always shines bright, she doesn't lose. ARU!!! Unless she activates her normal mode and becomes the most unfortunate person on the whole planet.
She is quite calm but can get upset when people call her unfortunate.Sotoka Rakita - Her sole reason for coming to Japan was because she wanted to see Ninjas. Yep, I shit you not. She thinks Bocchi is a master ninja cause she always hides from everyone else.
Sotoka is quite lively and energetic, always eager to play. She is also from another country and lives by her self which saddens me :([ART/ANIMATION:]()
This show has some really cute art style, really fits well with the show and our saviour Bocchi.
The animation on the other hand feels more average, it can be really smooth and great at times but mostly its the same ol' we got used to in pretty much every SOL.Not to say its bad but nothing new or groundbreaking like Nichijou and K-On.
The OP, oh lawd is it catchy. I'm even humming and listening to it as I'm writing this review, its cute, catchy, and fits well with the show. What more can you ask for?The ED, is also not bad, I mean the OP is much more catchy and I don't really go back listening to the ED but its not bad. After all of the anxious chaos that occured in the episode we are presented with a calm and relaxing tune. Not bad.
There is of course the ED2 (Wa Ha Ha one), my goodness, this is the one that really stuck in my head. Its just perfection. Its like the Chika ED. Catchy for all eternity.[OVERALL OPINION:]()
This show is just filled with cute.
My heart melted every time I watched this show. If you like SOL and just cute things then go ahead, watch this show.I could relate to almost everything Bocchi did or thought which is always great, I think.
There were also sad moments, they weren't that strong to make me cry but I did shed few tears in the part about Sotoka living alone and feeling lonely.raichudoggy
98/100Hitori Bocchi is a Very Precious Cinnamon Roll with Very Precious FriendsContinue on AniList[I'd like to believe this isn't important, but this show was watched as it was released week by week, then for this review it was watched at 1 episode per day.]
Genre: Comedy / Slice-of-Life
Also: Cute Girls Doing Cute Things (CGDCT), 4-Koma__A Perfect Gateway into CGDCT__ Hitoribocchi no Marumaruseikatsu is a simple to understand story. After finishing elementary school, Our titular character, Hitori Bocchi, and her only childhood friend, Kai end up going to different middle schools. Kai gives Hitori Bocchi a very difficult task: Become friends with everyone in her class by the end of middle school, or they will no longer be friends.
Hitori Bocchi, whose name literally means "All Alone", is a socially awkward, anxious, and loveable dork. So naturally, the thought of making so many friends frightens her, but she'll try her hardest for Kai!
The Show immediately starts going at the 4-koma comedy pace, setting a constant flow of jokes with set-ups and pay-offs and never really letting off the gas except for it's most emotional moments. Each Punchline made me at the very least Smile or Grin, while others made me go "What!?", "How!?, or actually made me laugh.
The Comedy has a rather perfect mixture of unpredictability, speed, and style, all done while bocchi tries to accomplish her main goal of making friends, or while she is interacting with her existing ones. This show's Running Gags have just enough variation with time to be endearing and add to the show's charm a lot.
The Tone of the show is unrealistically optimistic, but it needs to be. There are no bullies in Bocchi's Class, and most people in bocchi's class are actually rather well-adjusted and nice to her. The enemy of this show instead is Bocchi herself, whose mind often drifts off into worst-case scenarios or things that thwart her goals. While Making new friends comes naturally to many, it's a mountain for Bocchi.
To many, the fact that something so mundane is actually so hard will likely resonate with a lot of people, especially others with no or only a few friends, or those that suffer from social anxiety, extreme or not. This show will be enjoyed dramatically more by people that can put themselves in Bocchi's shoes easily, I think. And Again, this is why this show is Optimistic and needs to be.
The Optimistic nature also means it has no intense action, is light on Drama, and has almost no stakes, making it so easily fall into the CGDCT category that I can't delay talking about that anymore.
This show is actually a very typical CGDCT. This is a category of show typically aimed at an older, working-class demographic that prefers their entertainment chill them out and relax rather than amaze, scare, or extract a lot of feelings from them. The only difference with Bocchi is that using a socially anxious protagonist actually lowers the age of the demographic, since this trait is very common in Teenagers.
So Unlike most CGDCT, where you will definitely not get the appeal if all you watch are the most common action and dramatic-heavy shows, I think teenagers and kids can also get something out of Bocchi, even if it's just a few chuckles and smiles on their faces. The Main way you're going to find out, is by watching it. You'll know what you're getting out of this show in 1 episode, so watch it and find out how you feel about it.
__The Technical Stuff__ I actually never really care about "The Technical Stuff", and none of the Technical stuff ever affects my score unless it's egregious. If a show looks good enough, then that's good. If a show looks animated enough, then it is animated enough. The things I look at most closely are the Characters, how they interact, what they do, and how they all make me feel. Those are what's most important to me in a show, and this show delivers the best in all of those respects.
So, Show Looks good, Show animates well, Soundtrack is great with a nice brazillian influence. Nothing looks out of place or weird and there is nice opportunities to see attention to detail in places, including the soundtrack at specific moments.
So, as mentioned at the very beginning, I actually already watched this show twice with a very large gap between watching weekly as it aired and watching daily 8 Months Later. The Rewatch Value is the last thing I put into account when scoring a show, and I must say I enjoyed re-watching Bocchi the second time as I did the first time. This is a very big strength, of course, but the better your memory is, the more time you should give it before re-watching, as it is a comedy.
__Verdict__ As mentioned earlier in the review, this show will have a lot more emotional and comedic punch if you've ever been in Bocchi's shoes, in at least some respect, before, and the ability to enjoy a show where pretty much nothing happens is required. That said, even if you can't do either, this show should be an excellent starting point for those looking to dip their toes into CGDCT Comedy.
I can recommend this show to anyone who is already in the CGDCT space or is willing to step outside their comfort zone and try it. I definitely don't think this will bore you, as long as you aren't majorly nit-picky or analytical. Just relax and enjoy this one.
For consistently putting a smile on my face with an endearing cast and well-paced comedy, I compare this better than most shows, so I'm proud to score it...
100/100An enjoyable, relatable show about a girl with crippling social anxiety.Continue on AniListFrom the author of Mitsuboshi Colors, Katsuwo, Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu is a comedy anime, often taking place at school. Hitoribocchi, based on a group of middle-school girls, one of them having social anxiety, Hitori Bocchi, (her name meaning "all alone"). Worried of Bocchi's fear in making new friends, Bocchi's only elementary school friend Yawara Kai, (her name meaning "soft"), abandons her until Bocchi manages to befriend the whole class. Hoping she could form the courage to make new friends.
The characters define the series. Each feels distinct, has a dynamic playing off each other in unique ways, how Nako interacts with Bocchi is different from how she interacts with Aru. Which sounds obvious yet, it's imperative to comprehend how many series implement a defining trait upon a character matching their entire personality/punchline. Bocchi is shy. It's challenging for her to converse with new people. Bocchi, however, wants to be able to have fun interacting with friends. She does everyday things in quirky ways, doing things like making scripts for daily conversations, only for it to fail. The first friend Bocchi befriends, the fearsome, tough-looking, Sunao Nako, (her name meaning "honest child"). She is blunt and straightforward. Nako is usually sweet to Bocchi, but sometimes, she teases her. The second friend Bocchi befriends, the unfortunate, class vice-president, Honshou Aru, (her name meaning "having a hidden nature"). Aru displays a facade of her perfect self in front of everyone, but in truth, she's unfortunate, she wears clothes with hangers still attached and mistakenly puts on wrong uniforms. Aru forms a rather fun dynamic with Nako, as she knows Aru's real condition, often making fun of it. Aru, of course, wants to deny it, becoming a running joke throughout the series. The third friend Bocchi befriends, the ninja-loving, foreigner, Sotoka Rakita, (her name meaning "came from outside"). Sotoka is amazed by ninjas and came to follow Bocchi, thinking what Bocchi does is ninja-like.
The framing of Hitoribocchi is notable, a prominent asset for its success. Most 4-koma's have a basic premise, used as a vehicle to tell jokes. The absence of an overarching goal often leaves a series feeling aimless, however. Just because it's about daily life, a show benefits with an endpoint to work towards for narrative structure. Hitoribocchi has an overarching goal, Bocchi needs to befriend everyone in her class, providing the show a driving force, that most other 4-koma's lack.
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu focuses on two parts, the comedy and the heart-warming moments. Regarding comedy, its above average, revolving around Bocchi's awkwardness, Aru being unfortunate, among other things. Hitoribocchi succeeds in creating sweet moments, often relating to Bocchi growing to become more friendly. As Bocchi becomes stronger from gradually making friends, others become influenced by Bocchi. The music does an excellent job, complementing the comedy and sweetness of Hitoribocchi. Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu has light-hearted comedy, keeping you entertained, with sweet scenes, putting smiles on your face. The characters, briefly defined by their names, with personalities extending beyond just names. Hitoribocchi has striking character dynamics coupled with character development in just the right amount. Hitoribocchi is a leading light-hearted show to watch.
ANIME Slice of LifeNon Non Biyori
ANIME ComedyMitsuboshi Colors
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ANIME ComedySlow Start
TV SHORT ComedyWakaba*Girl
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TV SHORT ComedySenryuu Shoujo
- (3.65/5)
Ended inJune 22, 2019
Main Studio C2C
Trending Level 2
Favorited by 1,211 Users
Hashtag #ぼっち生活