September 26, 2020
24 min
Kinoshita Kazuya is a 20-year-old failure of a college student. He managed to kiss his girlfriend once, but was dumped after a month. "Ugh... Damn it. I never want to go through that again."
Completely spiteful, Kazuya uses a certain method to date a girl. He goes to their meeting place and suddenly hears, "You're Kazuya-kun, right?" A beautiful girl brushing her long, black hair behind her ear was there, smiling at him. Her name was Mizuhara Chizuru. Something real is born after just a single rental! A reckless rom-com filled with love and excitement is about to begin!
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Chizuru Ichinose
Sora Amamiya
Kazuya Kinoshita
Shun Horie
Mami Nanami
Aoi Yuuki
Sumi Sakurasawa
Rie Takahashi
Ruka Sarashina
Nao Touyama
Yoshiaki Kibe
Masayuki Akasaka
Nagomi Kinoshita
Yukari Nozawa
Shun Kuribayashi
Gakuto Kajiwara
Sayuri Ichinose
Sayuri Sadaoka
Miharu Imai
Hisako Toujou
100/100Namora alugada kk Animação: 10 Personagens: 10 Trilha Sonora: 10 Opening: 10 História / Plot: 10Continue on AniListReview - Kanojo, Okarishimasu Anime da namorada de aluguel!
Esse anime ... ele ... vou lembrar dele muitooo, ele provavelmente vai ter uma segunda temporada. Esse anime é perfeito com um final surreal, lembre-se se for ver até final ... aprenda como cantar a opening. Ele faz o assunto sobre 1 protagonista totalmente inútil com garotas que você com certeza vai gostar de quase todas ... nem todas.
Os personagens começam sua relação desdo zero, o encontro de todos é realmente incrível e não tem o que eu reclamar, eles são vivos e parecem pessoas do mundo real com sentimentos, eu não mudaria nenhum personagem e nem mesmo o protagonista pois foi por causa dele que o anime é o que se tornou.O protagonista é inútil e totalmente sem coragem mas ainda assim você ainda pode gostar dele, ele se desenvolve de pouco em pouco mas tenho certeza que na segunda temporada, ele será alguém além do esperado.
A história não tem futuros e é sempre foda, ela sempre surpreende você até o final do anime. A história abrange como vai ser o relacionamento dos personagens mas a cada episódio é um momento mais marcante que o outro.
Nota 10! Sinceramente, eu to emocionado, eu com ctz irei ver esse anime de novo com alguém. 2020 era um ano ruim mas ver esse anime conseguiu me deixar animado pra segunda temporada que talvez seja daqui 1 ano... Espero que o anime prossiga de um jeito bastante surreal como foi nessa temporada.A opening é uma opening de deixar você a mil, a pessoa que fez essa sincronização de opening merece meu parabéns pois ela é marcante e ficará no meu coração, espero que a próxima opening seja melhor que essa... Esse anime vai entrar na lista dos melhores não irônico! Foi realmente uma experiência boa e eu recomendaria sim para algum amigo, não tenho nada a criticar pois parece que o anime foi realmente bem planejado e espero que a temporada 2 seja nessa pegada onde o protagonista resolva os conflitos e solucione da melhor forma até por que digamos que ... ele não arrumou a situação mas acho que o autor deixou assim para na segunda temporada conter ep que com certeza farão ele ter uma decisão final. Ele realmente chegou bem perto dessa vez mas ele acabou desviando com uma mentirinha. Se tem uma coisa que eu posso dizer que me deixou com a vontade de ver esse anime até agora foi por causa do assunto de se apaixonar por uma namorada de aluguel, bem se você quer saber olhe e descubra, foi realmente um anime original e que tenho um certo amor por ele.
67/100Lively RomCom with a Mad Simping MC Loves Monologing a Girl's Features and is Shameless and Useless in Every Other WayContinue on AniListKanojo, Okarishmasu centers around Kazuya. He gets dumped a month or less into his relationship. To drown his sorrows away, he goes back to his room and cries his eyes out. Then in the process, he gets so damn horny that he goes about masturbating as he envisions his short-term girlfriend, Mami. Yeah, that actually happened and more than once did we have a montage about it in a bit richer details. Upon an accident, he finds out about a service to rent a girlfriend, which he decides to give it a try. Not even seconds into the date when he meets the girl. Kazuya starts without holding back, hopelessly simping her nice looks, delicate legs, and the cute style she going on in his head. Upon a ridiculous misunderstanding, he brought it upon himself, and possibly intentionally, Chizuru is forced to act like Kazuya's girlfriend. This is to ease the nerves of Kazuya's awesome grandma and to show he won't die all lonely and miserable. It's something that can easily be resolved by a conversation. Still, it's the core part that keeps this show running. Of course, as that's the case, we will live through all kinds of delusions until we eventually reach the end.
Not in my wildest dream did I expect to be writing a review for Kanokari. This is so damn last minute. But I wanted to share my true feelings, and I felt like this could be an interesting write-up. Let's be honest; it's nothing groundbreaking. There are countless other stories of the same nature out there. It wouldn't be weird to label it as waste since the story really does not go anywhere. More accurately, Kazuya always stays the same place, never growing, learning, adapting. Otherwise, it's really not that bad. I have seen far worse and Kanokari ain't one of them. It's also a bit unique since instead of taking place in the traditional high school or middle school, it's actually a university this time around. But the biggest reason most of us where watching Kanokari was cause the waifu's are so quirky-dorky and lovable. Excluding Mami, she a total thot belongs on the street even if she is hot. Not gonna lie tho. She is nice as a villain that is more than doing the job she is meant to do. I ironically enjoy Kanokari more when she is on screen.
Regardless all of the females are real eye-candy on top of being unique. I remember those days in the past. I literally watched anything that had a cute girl plastered on it. Even if the anime was awful and a total waste of time. I somehow was able to get through it and get a ton of enjoyment value. Kanokari, while being similar to many of them, is not quite like it and could be valuable depending on how you decide to go into it. For one, Kazuya acts very realistic, says whatever on his mind like a doofus, or is egoistic and lacks an ounce of moral fibre to do the right things. Don't lie, many of us have been there. It doesn't have to be ultimately the same, but parts of his behavior to personality could be oddly distinguishable. I think that might one of the biggest reasons we audience just never seem to give Kazuya a damn break and is always throwing a roast here and there. Not like he is doing anything to avoid it either, it's all his fault we are forced to facepalm several times over into a brick wall.
Kazuya, as a character, shows us humans are very fragile and delicate. We hurt others without meaning to. We are selfish and want everything to go our way. Our personality can change at the drop of a hat. But that's where Kazuya stops being realistic. Instead of growing and learning from his past actions and it's consequences. He keeps on making the same awful decisions without thinking twice. Not only does he stalk Chizuru for an entire day and blows his fantasy out of proportion. He gets caught red-handed and spills the beans making a total fool of himself publicly. The worst thing is he acts like he is the right place, not even remotely being embarrassed goes on about spilling his excessive pent-up feelings. Kazuya has many so-called "bruh" moments that make you cringe the life outta you. Kazuya is so damn egoistic and self-centered and wants the whole world to be revolved around him. He still bears feeling for the thot Mami who roasted him into oblivion, while at the same time nurturing a love for another, Chizuru. Then at some point when Ruka confesses to him, he actually tries to use it as a convenience tool to not bother or think about Chizuru anymore. But what about poor Ruka's feeling? Does she not matter?
After we do something terrible in the real world, we tend to reflect on it, we cry if it's that bad. But above all, we learn and move forward even if we never grow to be perfect. But that's the thing about humans; flaws are a strong identifier for who we are and are a core part of us that keeps us growing over repeating the same shit like a certain someone. Kazuya would be a good protagonist if he actually grew and not repeated the same mistakes. But since that's not the case, he is just so damn infuriating and very offensive. He lacks will, is afraid to take chances, easily gets manipulated, and lets others. Such as Mami walk all over him without talking back—the total opposite of Chizuru. She is so understanding-caring, brimming with confidence, and is very easy on the eyes. It's been shown that despite Mami being Kazuya's first girlfriend, he doesn't act like himself and is a total mess around her. That's not the case for Chizuru. Kazuya is shown to act a bit calmer, albeit having restrictions on place. He does not seem to get suffocated with Chizuru or even flustered easily.
For that reason, I believe the creator, Reiji Miyajima, was trying to write Kazuya to grow through being with Chizuru. Even if that point does not hit the nail on the coffin, it's commendable he tried, and I won't fault him for that. Hey, who knows? The manga might be actually making progress on Kazuya pea-sized brain. But this what I have seen from the anime so far, and it's nada from our main idiot of a protagonist. All things considered, I'd be a liar if I said I don't find Kanokari fun regardless. Plus, Chizuru, Ruka, Sumi, yes, even Mami is fun got some interesting personalities that spices the show up. They don't bore you easily, either. Plus, most of the female has shown to reflect and grow in subtle manners. If only Kazuya did the same. Kazuya has a lot to learn, which he can get from the girls who make him just take everything they throw at him for granted. Sumi could teach him indirectly to make sure he never give up. She could be a sort of motivational booster as she has a problem with being around people, feeling insecure, and shy but is trying her hardest to take on step into the future. By looking at her example, Kazuya could be motivated to try harder. To actually grow into a person that deserves one of these girls. Mami can just throw all and every kind of shit at Kazuya without him biting back. Plus, he is indirectly getting manipulated by her, his dense beyond belief to see that.
Once he confessed to Mami, she neglected him, not paying any mind to his words or feelings. It's time to get over that thot already and look at the person that's making you consider trying to change. Chizuru is that person for him. Ruka is a hard case, but she is a clingy person who drags Kazuya wherever he wants. It causes drama when there is a better approach. Even so, Ruka has become better over the past of the show. Now that I think about it. Through Ruka, he should learn self-control. Not jump at any chances when he already has deep romantic feelings for Chizuru. Not being delicate can hurt Ruka. That could be the thing he has to overcome. To summarize, Chizuru's role in nurturing his heart and will. Sumi to never gives up, Mami, to learn to defend yourself in time of need, of course, only if Kazuya takes action. Then there is Ruka, where he has to learn to control his intimate frustrations. He can mature through each of them, but sadly, none of that happened in the first season. Kazuya is still a dumpster fire, which not even a trash bucket can hold onto his stupidity. It just spits it all out cause his stupidity is overwhelming and that bad. He's still madly obsessed with Mami and contemplating going out with Ruka for the wrong and infuriating reasons.
Then there's Chizuru. She's actually the better written character so far looking at the first season. She is a grounded that feels a bit realistic in how she is portrayed. She can easily change into a tsundere at the drop of a dime, someone you can count on in your most demanding time when you need a friend or a savage that roasts you if you deserve it. Chizuru exhibits many traits over just repeating the same overused cliche. But In some ways, she is unrealistic, like not being bothered of getting stalked by one douchebag Kazuya and even growing feels for him. How? In a real way scenario, our useless main would be on his way to jail for a long time. But otherwise, she's good, even a bit complex, got her dreams and hopes, a future she got her eyes set on, worries she has to overcome, doubts for not reaching her goal, etc. Then she is drop-dead gorgeous on top of that. Why does she exist in a show where scum like Kazuya lives is beyond me. Not to mention, she is my best girl of Kanokari no question.
If there is an absolute saving grace about Kanokari, it has to be that unbelievably catchy and addicting opening song. I gotta say that "The Peggies" outdone themselves again. I simply can't stop blasting it on high volume and bop my head to the catchy tunes. Visual-wise, it's simply adorable. I love that moment when the girls are dancing together in a Tik-Tok manner. While those vivid and energetic colors just add to the charm for me. We even got a Ruka-centric ending song. I really enjoyed it. I find it interesting and unique how they told her backstory through it. It's a technique I have not seen before. Even the voice actress is top-notch and soothing for the ears. Mami especially got such a distinct and creepy tone to her voice that complements her whole character. It's a voice that reflects her personality so clearly. It's scary, really. While the others are all soothing and a sure blessing to my ears. Kanokari went all out when it came to getting quality voice actress. The animation is good for a RomCom, and the art is cute. It's so vibrant and oozes of energy. I quite adore it. But only if the characters didn't act for the sake of cheap drama. This could be som much more than just entertaining. As it stands now Kanokari is executing the concepts of cliche, generic and overly cringe so damn well. But there is room for an actual worthwhile and good story direction here.
I wanna confess this is the first time I don't want the main protag to end up with anyone. Unless Kazuya actually gets himself together. All of the girls, including Chizuru, is wasted on him. Kazuya needs to grow some moral fiber, then brain-cells, actually grow as a person to me being a-okay with him getting together with one. Kanokari is by not a must-watch, not even close. But if you feel like killing some brain cells for some reason or want fun for a few hours. Then this is one of the shows you can't go wrong with. It's a guilty pleasure of mine if I am to be completely frank. It baffles me I am even doing this review, but hey. I am not afraid to say I did have a blast even if Kazuya made me jump off a skyscraper countless times. Kanokari, despite its issues, got a charming cast of waifu with flavors and spice, a total banger from the Peggies, and is unusually addictive with a cute and flavory art-style. Truth be told, I will watch that Kanokari sequel and eat the shit like it's cake. Overall, If you're like me who can enjoy your silliness from time to time, give Kanokari a shot. It will more than likely entertain you if you go in with your brain turned off and or by having the right mindset.
20/100Rent-a-Girlfriend is a harem where the MC makes it impossible to believe any girl would ever fall in love with him.Continue on AniListI think Rent-a-Girlfriend does three things well. It has a nice presentation, it looks good, and it has the honor of having The Peggies do its OP. I'll get to the other parts it does well later. I'm going to refer to Rent-a-Girlfriend as Rag for now on because it's easier and seems like an appropriate nickname for it.
A quick plot summary with a few gripes along the way, Rag starts with our MC Kazuya recently getting dumped by his girlfriend of one month, Mami, the seemingly conniving and manipulative type. To get over this, Kazuya masturbates, a lot. Like too much. My god who thought having inner monologues over a dude fapping would be a good idea. The soft colored presentation of the anime really is betrayed by Rag's tendency to implied jerking off scenes and the weakest attempts at ecchi. Then, Kazuya discovers an app that's the Door Dash equivalent of getting an escort. Through this he meets the stunning and charming Chizuru, who through a series of the most nauseating and eye rolling inducing decisions made to hamstring some sort of conflict for the show is now stuck with Kazuya. They have to fake being a couple to their friends and Kazuya's grandma, who desperately wants her grandson to stop being such a loser and introduce the love of his life to her before she dies. In a crazy twist of fate, these two turnout to be neighbors.
As for the characters, the overlying problem with Rag is that no matter how good or best "waifu" material they may seem to you basement dwellers, they are all tied to Kazuya and having to like him because he is a harem MC. Chizuru switches between acting as the perfect girlfriend to an assertive, do anything to keep her job a secret type. Throughout the entire running of the show, Kazuya does nothing beneficial for Chizuru. He stalks her and begs for her to keep up this charade for him. There is no quality Kazuya possesses or action he does for it to be believable that Chizuru can hold any sense of feeling for him outside of pity. Just understand that this is a harem and the ladies need to flock around him because it's easier to do that than to write a competent romcom.
We get introduced to Ruka later on, who is a rented girlfriend for his loser beaver-tooth looking friend. Her shtick is that she has a heart condition and goes on dates to find the one that can make her heartbeat properly or something along the lines of that. Turns out, that man is Kazuya. Yet again, he does nothing to win over the affection of the girl, he is simply given it as they start to date. Ruka's condition is only explained through the ED of her first episode appearance, and honestly I thought it was a nice way to present it, as this is still a secret from everyone else. Ruka's fault is that she is annoying, and she is a cuckold, as Kazuya refuses to stop renting Chizuru, now out of a genuine feeling of love for her. Which was realized during a masturbation sequence. Very cool.
The character who caught my eye the most was Sumi, for having a really cute character design. She shows up at the second to last episode. You see more masturbation in Rag than you do Sumi. Her deal is that she is taking the job to become less shy and she looks up to Chizuru as a role model for the job. She gets set up on a rented date with Kazuya to practice. It's a simple, cute episode of them going on a date, albeit a bit boring. Everything goes well and you just know the seed of affection in the wide, vast fields of loving a harem MC is planted. These girls should have a higher standard. Nonetheless, Mami spots them during their date.
The best part of Rag is Mami. She is voice acted by Aoi Yuuki who does a phenomenal job. Mami is the main antagonizing force of Rag and really brings spicy conflict. She's still possessive over Kazuya for whatever reason. She plays dirty and is manipulative. It is genuinely entertaining to see the other characters wrapped around her finger like they’re her plaything. But, this loops back around to the big problem with Rag. All of these girls are tied to Kazuya.
Kazuya is the biggest loser. It’s okay to be a loser, and he’s not an incel, but he is extremely irredeemable. There is nothing he does that would entice any of these girls to like him. The last thing I think Rag does well is a very small detail. Him and Chizuru’s first date is at the aquarium. A small detail yet plays the only part in Kazuya’s positive character development. You go into his apartment and notice he has posters of fish and a good collection of aquatic creatures he takes care of. It was a nice detail to give Kazuya some dimension of personality of him having an interesting hobby and having it be a background detail. That is literally one of the only things Rag does well. That’s it. The harem fails as the object of everyone’s affection is this contemptable loser. Every plot point is so forced with conflict that could be resolved with just a single conversation. Rag cannot not have Kazuya on screen at all times, as he literally secretly listens into almost every conversation like some creep. Kazuya never improves, he never learns, and does nothing to win over any girl. He simply begs and pines for Chizuru’s affection and masturbates, treating his actual girlfriend like an unwanted side piece because he’s to much of a coward to confess his feelings.
Rag, as a harem romcom, has very little spice, very little humor, terrible romance, and half-assed ecchi. Just watch Nisekoi or Bokuben instead. At best it’s a bit spicy, at worst it’s incredibly boring.
ANIME ComedyGo-toubun no Hanayome
ANIME DramaDomestic na Kanojo
ANIME DramaKoi to Uso
ANIME ComedyKaichou wa Maid-sama!
- (3.3/5)
Ended inSeptember 26, 2020
Main Studio TMS Entertainment
Trending Level 4
Favorited by 4,940 Users
Hashtag #彼女お借りします #かのかり