June 28, 2018
24 min
Mitsuyoshi Tada, a boy who has never known love, is taking pictures of the cherry blossoms in full bloom when he meets Teresa Wagner, a transfer student from Luxembourg. Upon arriving in Japan, she got lost, separated from her travel companion. Mitsuyoshi helps her and brings her to his grandfather's coffee shop.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Teresa Wagner
Manaka Iwami
Mitsuyoshi Tada
Yuuichi Nakamura
Kaoru Ijuuin
Mamoru Miyano
Alexandra Magritte
Shino Shimoji
Nyanko Big
Akio Ootsuka
Hinako Hasegawa
Shizuka Ishigami
Hajime Sugimoto
Yuuichirou Umehara
Yui Tada
Inori Minase
Charles de Loire
Takahiro Sakurai
Kentarou Yamashita
Hiro Shimono

Not available on crunchyroll
50/100Beautiful art, great soundtrack, lovely characters but a huge disappointment at the endContinue on AniListWelcome to one of the most generic animes I've ever seen. It could have been a Barbie film and I wouldn't be as disappointed as I am right now.
[Sorry for my bad english! It's just my opinion of this anime and I guess this is one of the opinions not everyone really supports, but if this was an anime which made you happy, then that's fine! For me, it wasn't.]
First of all, let's get to the good points of this anime.
- beautiful art and animation (between photos of cute stones, cherry blossom trees and night star skies and Teresa's cute design with her beautiful eyes everything seemed really great and I couldn't complain about the art at all. I'm a simple person. If I see a cute anime girl, then I like it.)
- catchy opening (I really liked the opening and the catchy music! I didn't really pay attention to the soundtracks, maybe because it did fit these situations and I could just... feel it, you know?)
- realistic characters (of course, there are some exceptions, but hey... it's still an anime and I accept it. I really liked Tada's personality though. He's one of the few male main characters I really like because he seemed really realistic. Teresa is just a sweetheart and a good person, I couldn't complain about that. Alec... well... I liked her. I really liked her but... we didn't really see anything from her besides her protecting Teresa and almost hurting Ijuuin for his comments. It kinda disappointed me because I wanted to know WHY actually she was friends with Teresa. Did she have connections with her family? (Not sure if this was in the anime or not.. maybe I forgot? Or they explained in the manga? Not sure about that fact.))
Now let's get to the last minute of the anime, which disappointed me... so so hard.
I get it that this is a romance comedy anime. I get it that in the most of these romantic animes the protagonists have to get together and everyone is happy about that. But this time, I wasn't happy about this pairing at all.
I actually love cheesy romance stories and if Teresa wasn't a freaking princess in another country, I really would have loved this pairing. They match each other good because of his quiet personality and her sweet and outgoing personality, but... I just... can't...
You get me? She's a princess in another country. She has to become a queen when she's getting eighteen years old. This was decided when she was born and it also was decided that she had to marry Charles.
It was planned for seventeen years but just because she spent one year in another country, she dropped all these plans (well... actually Charles dropped them but just because he noticed her love for him) and just moved to Japan, because... what? A boy?Don't get me wrong. It was actually not really surprising because we kinda knew something like this would happen after we heard that Teresa's a princess. But I had so many expectations for this anime that I just HOPED it wouldn't end this way.
It would have been such a realistic and GOOD anime, that I would have been moved to tears. Reality isn't that easy and you can't always claim these good things just because you want to.
Even Pin-senpai said it after he didn't get into his favourite school and Tada agreed. But why? Why did you have to ruin such a good ending just because it's more romantic? And force that "plot-twist" in the last minute of the episode?I know that a forced marriage isn't really a "happy" ending, but damn... it would have been such a good and realistic ending. Because that is just what happens when you're a princess. You have to think about your country first and not because "her poor heart couldn't take it." I'm sorry, Teresa. I know you're a good girl and I really wanted you to be happy, but that ending just ruined the anime for me. I really regret watching the last minute of the last episode.
I mean it didn't even tell me what happened after they shared a kiss at the end. Did she really move to Japan? Did she just left her country even though her father told her she's the only daughter he has and she HAS to become a queen? Or is she just taking a normal guy to Luxemburg who suddenly becomes a prince? I expect these endings to happen when I'm watching Disney movies. (Or maybe it's explained in the manga? I don't know.)
But anyway... this was it. I know this isn't an opinion for everyone, but I just really wanted to say it. Maybe there are some people who share my opinion.
Thanks for reading! ♥
51/100Lazy writing turning the best of starts into a mediocre show at bestContinue on AniListThere's always that one show you find that starts off excellently and you expect it to go to greater lengths and remain consistent if not become better but then that does not happen every time, partly because a show doesn't bring any originality with it and partly because it doesn't strive to make things even a little unpredictable, that is the case with Tada-kun Never Falls in Love.
Right around the first and second episodes I felt it was amazing since it started off so well, showing a bright artstyle not unlike Doga Kobo’s other more popular (and obviously better) anime, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. The characters felt cheerful and the whole anime gave you a cheerful vibe, now this vibe was obviously continued in the rest of the anime but the differing point is that it was cliched to the extreme. Don't get me wrong, cliches aren't bad, but they have to be handled properly to make the show watchable and not lazily copy over cliches and skin them with your colour and post it as your anime, this is unfortunately what Tada-kun continued to do and it certainly was heartbreaking for me to see that the show I loved in episode one became a cliche machine by the 5th episode (and I'm talking about myself here, others may have started seeing effects way earlier than me).
Being a Slice of Life meant that a concrete plot wasn't exactly on the list of priorities for any anime studio for that matter, so it comes by no surprise that this show as well didn't have one, and since this is very normal and common with most Slice of Life shows in general, I'll make this the one step I'll forgive. But what comes is the rest. One problem only, cliches. Each episode was filled to the brim with cliches, be it a situation, a backstory (not Tada’s), the characters, and unfortunately, the romance.
A cliched romance isn't exactly something I'll throw over to the Lions for, but when it's not even trying to add a dash of originality things start to get messy. I mostly went “Oh so in the next episode preview this is going to happen? Then this cliche will be followed” and it killed my enjoyment in the anime as compared to the first episode. And this isn't a hot springs episode thing, sudden bumps, blushes at the same words, a situation being ruined by the characters’ actions, are all examples of cliches that the show followed (forgive me for being vague, as of the time of writing I've been watching a lot of anime this season so my memory is slightly hazy). “Why is this guy focusing so much on the cliches?” you might be asking. To me, cliches were the one biggest problem the show had, if this was fixed, I doubt the show would disappoint me, but then again, improving cliches is very much easier said than done. And fixing them is important because to keep a Slice of Life fun, especially a romance, you need fresh ideas, Tada had none of that.
Tada-kun’s characters weren't the most unique of ones but I'll have to give credit, they were cheerful but their personalities were once again riddled by the C word (pretty sure you're as tired of reading it as I am writing it, but then again, this was the biggest problem of the show anyway). Although fans were gleefully picking out the ships right from the first episode going “Alec x Ijuuin” and the like it kinda felt a bit boring. I mean, not trying to act nitpicky but a little bit of a surprise is always welcome in a romance isn't it? “No” according to this anime. Although not having a surprise isn't 100% bad per se but yet again, Tada-kun didn't try to make it work. At best this can remind me that the show felt lazy. Doga Kobo tried to make something fun but a little different but didn't want to make the effort for it and got itself trapped within its own plans. Apart from the cat, every single romance in the show was horribly implemented. Tada X Teresa has got to be one of the most irritating romances I've ever seen because both of them acted so stupidly and their shyness for normal things like talking to each other (especially when they first met) has got to be a pathetic way to go about the “falling in love” step of romances. I mean, I despise the “love at first sight” view and Tada didn't help make it better at all. Pin-head and Representative-san’s romance as well wasn't explored and was left shallow. But then again it in itself was shallow from the start. Him not knowing that his childhood friend is the idol he idolises so much? Could you be any more cliche? Before you answer that, Tada already did. Yamashita Dog and Tada’s sister as well were just a one blush game as well. Coming back to Tada, his “romance” with Teresa was random, pretty much non-existent except for the last 3 episodes maybe if you don't count stupid “Oh I saw you look at me and I don't know what to say” crap as “love”... I'm not saying shy romances are bad, but Tada and Teresa made them look pathetic with their random shyness. Sometimes they're super shy and the other second they're pretty much flirting?
People went memeing around saying that the cats had the best romance but funnily enough that turned out to be very much true, until that happened. On the other hand the other romances felt average and not out of the box. At many times I found myself predicting what the next situation could be for the characters and when and how the blushes would happen. Perhaps the one romance I could like was of Ijuuin and our secretary Tsundere, Alec (since it is of a cliche I could say I don't have a problem with). The rest meanwhile, were… average like I said. It seemed as if the writers wanted to do something different, they wanted to try to make the show enjoyable in episode one, but the sad contrast in the later episode showed that they were the teenager who after getting bad grades thinks “I'm going to work hard from tomorrow onwards” and right the next day get caught in their usual routine, without any thought or apology for not doing what they promised themselves they'd do.
Now, this show isn't filth, far from it, it's not FranXX, but it's average, it's mediocre. Why? It doesn't ruin everything and burn everything to the ground. It is still an anime you could watch in small increments (perhaps once a week to you binge watchers who are going to watch the show after it airs). It's still an anime that can leave most with a normal face, since it's charm is still present, only drastically reduced from what it could have been, perhaps a mere shadow of itself. Is Tada-kun the show I like to call “wasted potential”? Definitely. Although it didn't go it's own way it didn't veer off into the abyss either, therefore putting it in the middle. What wasn't in the middle would be the artstyle, which I've iterated thrice here was cheerful, bright and very much like Doga Kobo. Apart from reminding me about Gekkan Shoujo, it made it's characters look cute and attractive. Be it Hinako, Teresa or Tada-kun himself, everyone looked cute, and that's not to say about the colourful backgrounds and eye-catching scenery either, those were fabulous and my favourite part about the anime. But then again, cute characters and a great artstyle don't make for a good romance.
Now something that was almost decent was the voice acting. Although it felt bad in terms of the female voice actors the male actors made up for it. I can forgive the female voice acting only on the grounds that Alec and Teresa’s voice actors aren't as experienced in the field as the males were (but I must admit, Teresa’s high pitched voice was VERY IRRITATING) and to be honest, apart from these two, on the male side I found Ijuuin a bit irritating with his voice, I was absolutely shocked to discover that Miyano Mamoru voiced him as a result. But in the end it boils down to how much you enjoyed the show. I for one don't hate the show (NANI), it's just that I felt let down because again, I wanted the show to continue the direction it had in episode one, if it did, it would be an 8 today or maybe even a 9. But not everything goes your way.
There's always that one show that clearly shows the idea the writers had in mind in the beginning but lazy writing can turn the best of starts into an average okay-ish show AT BEST, and it's sad to say but, Tada-kun stays as an example of that. I do hope that we see some improvement in Doga Kobo’s next show, but as of now, I doubt a sequel to this show could carve out something better like Nozaki-kun, although I'd love to be proven wrong. Amaze me Doga Kobo.
Story: 4
Animation: 7
Sound: 5.5
Character: 4
Enjoyment: 5Overall: 5.1
64/100God, the title suck balls.Continue on AniListTada Doesn't Fall in Love Review
"Spoilers" Synopsis:
A student by the name of Mitsuyoshi Tada who likes photography stumbled across a good-looking foreign girl, who somehow manages to speak fluent Japanese and was able to allow Tada to take an incredibly beautiful shot by accident. Hence, their romance commenced._"Yea, thats the shot boi, so cute, my gawd"_ Story:
Yeah, it's your typical love story where the main protagonist meets the love of his life by accident, and their only obstacle between them is one of them has a bloodline of a royal family. Damn, how original can this anime be. At first, when I heard the director of Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun will be directing this series, I was quite hyped for it because that series was one of my favorite comedy series of all time. Yet, this anime totally falls flat in this category. At first, I was led to believe this series would be about photography and love story, but it ends up being another high school romance drama, with little to none photography. Despite its strong first episode, the next few episodes kinda felt uneventful and flat-out tedious.There are way too many filler episodes that are irrelevant to the plot for me to actually care about all those side characters. For example, that episode where it focuses on the cat is interesting to me, but it never really helps the story progress or anything. Another example will be their senpai, who is totally obsessed with an idol that he crazed about her 24/7, but never realizing that idol is not just her childhood friend, but is also his current club associates. Both of these stories were actually interesting enough to make a side story about, but none of them makes the main story relevant nor compelling. Even though the fillers that literally goes nowhere really sucked the enjoyment out of me, I'd still say the chemistry between two main characters makes the show much more likable than it actually is. Also, the title suck balls.
Let me get this straight, almost every single one of these characters is goody two shoes and one dimensional. There is no such thing as complex in any of these characters, which is why there is not an actual conflict in this story. Let's begin with Mitsuyoshi Tada, the main protagonist of the story. He is tall, good-looking and expressionless, but deep down he is a kind-hearted person who always puts his friends over himself. Is what his typical overly excited childhood friend describes him. However, we never really seen him actually do anything that puts himself at risk in favor of others. Thus, I feel like the writers were uncertain about their own characters.Whereas his significant other, Teresa, Firstborn of House Wagner, First of Her Name, the Obvious Love Interest, Future Khaleesi of Luxembourg, Breaker of Tadazone, and the Mother of Tada's Children. In short, she's a princess. In my opinion, Teresa is probably one of the cutest characters of this season and every time she smiles it warms my frozen heart. Although, with her complicating background, she is as generic as the writer wants her to be! She is outgoing, adventurous, ambitious, amiable, sympathetic and she's so damn cute.
So what I'm trying to say here is that there is absolutely no question how this series is going to end. Still, there are some aspects between their relationships I liked, the parts where they teach and understand each other is the strongest aspect, both have regrets from their past and hope to be stronger to be able to face it, both are able to share their stories and feelings of their current situations and they liked each other! My god, just look at how compatible they are! But, because she's a typical princess trope, she has to return to her country first, so that the protagonist will struggle to live on without her, so he'll decide to fly to where she lives and confess his feelings.Ta-dah! They're together! Yup, it's pretty generic.
_"Gawd, Just too cute, I can't handle this anymore"_ Now to the supporting cast, I'm going to list out every irrelevant character first before we move on to the main supporting cast. Cat, useless. Senpai, hentai. Idol, thot. Dog Guy, pointless. The Sister, needless. Now let's move on to the bro of this series. Tada's overly excited childhood friend, Kaoru Ijuuin. A friend who is always there for Tada, when he needs a talk, when he is sick when he is at his downest, this butt-fucking friend will always be with him. As a matter of fact, he is so gay for Tada, I don't mind if the true route were Tada x Ijuuin. Jokes aside, in spite of his clumsiness and annoyance, he is the brighter spot of the show where he is able to help our protagonist to make progress rather than being an ungrateful shithead.
In the same fashion, Alexandra Magritte, code name Alec is Teresa's personal bodyguard, who is probably the most complex character in the series and is someone who is always there for Teresa. When she needs a talk, when she is unhappy, when she is at her downest, this overly attached bodyguard will always be with her. As a matter of fact, she's so gay for Teresa, I don't mind if the true route were Teresa x Alec. Like I said earlier, Alec is the most complex characters in the series due to her position for not just being an eternal bodyguard, but Teresa's first and best friend. She also has a crush on Teresa's fiancé, but she knows her place and to not let her emotions interfere with traditions. Now, to the fiancé, Charles de Loire. He is the definition of Shirou 2.0, he is so desperate for Teresa's happiness, every time he appears, we know this character ain't a threat to the final route. For this reason, he is the most pointless but relevant character of the series. But wait, when you think about it, isn't he the one who always put others over himself?
Art/ Animation:
Alright, now to the strong category of this anime. The art is spectacular and consistent, from beautiful sceneries to Teresa's smile, I have to say that this anime is appealing to look at. Their art style may not be that interesting, but it doesn't look like shit to me, so I am totally fine with that. It's just a shame that there wasn't that much photography in this anime. As for the opening, it is definitely a runner-up for this year's best opening. The song is catchy, the animations are wild and colorful, but nothing is going to beat Wotaku's unmatched opening for this season.Sound/ Voice Acting/ Music:
Like the previous category, their sound is mostly great and nothing specifically to point out. I guess for Teresa's voice actress, Manaka Iwami, did a decent job while still being a rookie in the industry. Everyone else is vets like Miyano Mamoru, Nakamura Yuuichi, and Minase Inori. They always give their best performance for their roles so nothing of complaints from me, albeit it was nothing we've never seen. As for the soundtracks, it is not something that I'll forever imprint into my mind, but its calm tone fits its story. It works as a device that improvises on the entire cinematography of the series. I'd say that is a good thing. The opening is yet again beaten by Wotaku's much catchier song in my own opinion, while I personally think Manaka Iwami flunked the ending song because it sounded way too cheesy to me.Enjoyment:
I'd be lying if I said I don't like this series one bit, although it being one of the most generic shows I've ever seen, I still manage to finish this series. In conclusion, this series could have been better, it could have explored a deeper human depth like how Toradora did, or it could have been a light-hearted comedy show like Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, but it didn't. Usually, I blasted an anime like these until it no longer has a redeemable quality, this series somehow made me enjoy it with their great cinematography, consistent animation, and likable characters. To sum it up, it's not an anime you'll remember for long. The biggest flaw of the anime still has to be its title. God, the title sucks._"10/10 for Teresa, gawd damn it!"_ TL;DR
Positives:- Teresa sho cuuuuute
- Great Animation and Sound
- Some good character arc
- Fillers
- Wasted or Irrelevant Characters
- generic
- Just.. generic..
Actual Score: 4.6/10
Guilty Pleasure Score: 6.4/10 (I'm using my guilty pleasure score cause Teresa is too cute)
TV SHORT ComedyTsurezure Children
ANIME DramaYesterday wo Utatte
ANIME DramaGolden Time
ANIME ComedyKanojo, Okarishimasu
ANIME DramaTsuki ga Kirei
- (3.65/5)
Ended inJune 28, 2018
Main Studio Doga Kobo
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 1,183 Users
Hashtag #ただこい