September 19, 2017
13 min
To those of you out there who never could say "I love you"— This story is about ordinary highschoolers and how love makes them fired up, shaken, laugh, cry, and hurt. Whether things go well or not, this story of adolescence and romance will show you how they spend their precious youth. Every character is the main character here, and you're sure to find one you can sympathize with.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Ryouko Kaji
Ayane Sakura
Masafumi Akagi
Kenshou Ono
Yuki Minagawa
Kana Hanazawa
Chizuru Takano
Inori Minase
Shinichi Katori
Daisuke Namikawa
Ayaka Kamine
Yui Ogura
Kana Ijima
Akari Kitou
Takeru Gouda
Tomoaki Maeno
Takuro Sugawara
Kaito Ishikawa
Chiaki Uchimura
Seiichirou Yamashita
Jun Furuya
Kouhei Amasaki
Haruhiko Takase
Kentarou Kumagai
Takao Yamane
Hiro Shimono
Chiyo Kurihara
Ai Kakuma
Kazuko Hosogawa
Rie Murakawa
Tomomichi Motoyama
Souichirou Hoshi
Saki Kanda
Haruka Miyake
Hotaru Furuya
Haruka Tomatsu
Satsuki Sasahara
Maaya Uchida
Yuuki Kaga
Yuki Hashimoto
Kaoru Nanase
Nana Inami
Hideki Yukawa
Daisuke Ono
Noriko Yoshinaga
Kaede Yuasa
Youichi Kirihara
Noriaki Sugiyama
Erika Shibasaki

83/100It's like getting a highlight reel of all the best shoujo anime moments.Continue on AniListAs someone who plays the love confession and any doki-doki parts of shoujo anime on repeat, Tsurezure Children was like a dream come true. Watching the first episode was like getting a highlight reel of all the best moments in shoujo anime (without most of the typical shoujo tropes), and the rest of the anime did not disappoint.
Tsurezure Children is a 12-episode short that features an ensemble cast and follows the relationships of ten different couples from the same high school, some of which get together, some of which don’t, and some of which end on a high note that had me crying about a season two. While the anime is based on a 4-koma manga, it is not necessary to have read it before watching.
Though the idea of keeping up with ten couples may seem daunting, each of the characters in the anime have very different personalities and distinct character designs, so it’s extremely easy to remember them, their relationships, and pick up each of their storylines no matter how many scenes (or episodes) may have been in between. The combinations of interesting personalities and characters in the relationships make the show engaging no matter what couple is on screen. And though I had my favorites, I was never tempted to tune out or even skip the scenes with couples I was less invested in.
Each of the relationships have their own distinct dynamic, and I think the anime did a great job of balancing out humorous scenes with actually very sweet and heartwarming ones. The development of these couple is also surprisingly realistic and not only did it give me many, many, many scenes to squeal over and play on repeat, the anime also managed to capture the awkwardness of being a high school couple, the nerves of confessing, and the build-up of a first kiss in a very real but entertaining way.
One of my favorite relationships was between a shy girl, Kamine, and an oblivious but sincere guy, Gouda. They start dating early on, and their relationship is one that felt the most real and also deserved, because instead of everything being super perfect and working out for them, we see the two of them put in work and slowly open up to each other while dating.
My only gripe with the anime is that it focuses more heavily on four couples out of the possible ten, especially towards the second half of the season. These few couples get more scenes and also appear more frequently throughout the anime. This leads to some great relationship development and wrap ups for these couples in particular, which I loved, but it left some other couples in the dust.
Some of the couples established early on in the series are just dropped and don’t get any kind of resolution. And I’m not talking about couples that never get together, as that was actually a part of the anime that I liked: it wasn’t a given that all couples would be endgame. However, there are couples that just completely disappear from the anime, with no sort of resolution at all.
While I understand that this had to be done to try to balance out multiple relationships on top of being a short, I wish the studio either would have been less ambitious with the number of couples they tried to show (as I know they already omitted quite a few couples from the manga, so why not a few more) or at least allowed for a quick one to two minute scene that at least gave us some sort of wrap up.
The couples that it spends more time on are some of my favorites though, and I think it’s definitely worth it to watch the anime even just for those couples. Overall, I would recommend this anime to anyone who is a fan of romance, but does not want to sit through 10+ episodes of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and general avoidance before having the series end when the main couple finally get together. As Tsurezure Children is a short, it’s a fairly quick watch, so if you have a couple free hours, I definitely recommend checking this out.
81/100This 'Cute Couples Doing Cute Things' show is a heartwarming glimpse into the many ways love can affect young people.Continue on AniListSee, the thing about young love is that it brings out our inexperienced selves. Many of us turn into an awkward, flustered, and cringey bundle of foolishness because we have no idea how to initially go on about a relationship, but despite the embarrassments, lovebirds will try to make their relationship work together. That's the part that touches me the most and Tsurezure Children shows us just how endearing that quality is.
A simple change on a fluffy anime genre is all you need to describe the heart of the show: Cute Couples Doing Cute Things.
Romantic love is multifaceted as there is virtually a limitless number of ways two people can fall in love with each other. It's the reason why love is such a complex thing, and Tsurezure Children manages to explore the diversity of this powerful emotion in a very heartwarming way. Rather than focusing solely on one couple, we are quickly introduced to several ones. It might have been a recipe for disaster to have a large variety of pairings in a short anime, but thankfully, the show understands how to treat every relationship with light care. Each episode delves right into the many ways romance can affect different couples, and because of this constant switching of perspectives, the wide assortment of lovey-dovey exchanges leads to an engaging story. Really, it's a simple show, but the fact it knows how to keep itself dynamic and fresh at all times—with a healthy dose of cuteness—makes it easy to indulge in its light-hearted atmosphere.
As playful as the show is, there are also some angst and mild drama to be found here. Remember, young love can be a constant struggle because of this thing we call inexperience, so it's obvious not every relationship will be smooth sailing. It might be frustrating to see some of the couples seemingly return back to their status quo when you know their infatuation for each other is strong enough they should just get married already, but it's all part of the reality the show wants to communicate to us; the things that love can entail to young people including the problematic sides. Setbacks can happen in a relationship and Tsurezure Children is not afraid to show that, which makes the experience even better when the characters learn from their mistakes to develop further. For the most part though, the show is like a velvety wedding cake with a great comedic flavor and enough sweet personality to die for—all of which are the ingredients of enjoyment.
And just like the simple narrative elements, the audiovisual lies in the same basic spectrum too—but it works for a show like this. You can easily distinguish every character even with their straightforward designs and the visual is fluid enough to capture the feelings of being love-struck. The soundtracks, on the other hand, are really light they're honestly forgettable, but the voice-acting is a lovely accompaniment to the vast amount of personality, whether it's for the comically flamboyant or the awkwardly shy.
So, all things considered, Tsurezure Children is an ideal anime for those looking to enjoy some young love appeal in the form of a short rom-com. It's heartwarming yet believable at the same time, and the diverse range of relationships works to unite the complex feeling we call romantic love into a simple heart-shaped sweetness. Seeing all the affection bloom in this show has definitely been a pleasant experience.
77/100Good idea but lacking executionContinue on AniListI feel like this show has a great idea with loveable characters but falls short when it comes to conveying the story.
The story is made up by a bunch of smaller stories that revolve around a love interest or a couple. Whilst the stories are all connected by the fact that the characters are in the same school and have small interactions with each other it's mostly a bunch of stand alone stories. Whilst this concept works on paper and most likely in practice the way that they've executed the concept in this anime feels a bit lackluster. They have chosen to portray the different stories by splitting the already short 12 minute episodes into four or five segments relating to one or in a single case two of the couples that have theit own story in this anime.
This creates the problem of making all the characters have very little screentime in each episode which in itself isn't a problem. The problem is how they have structured these small mini episodes within each TV-short. Each little mini episode revolves around a small thing for example a test or a kiss. This creates a issue as the thing the mini episode is based around either has to be really small or rushed. This can be especially in the scene were on of the characters is taking a test. We are given a lot of information in a small amount of time but the information doesn't really tie back into the mini episode but instead is given and forgotten.
The best part of this series is without a doubt the characters. The series have a bunch of lovable characters and some less lovable ones. The characters aren't very deep or fleshed out but you still find yourself liking and rooting for them. One of the characters which have less screentime than a single anime openings have become one of my favorite characters in anime. Tomomomichi Motoyama is the epitome of a great best friend. Acting as a wingman for his friend and putting his friends best interests before himself or stupid ideas that have come from a lack of female attention. Even though Motoyama only has one scene in which he is relevant we can see how much he cares for his best friend. Whilst none of the other characters stand out as much to me as Motoyama does they are still very lovable characters. I say most because if come to dislike two of the main characters a lot. These two characters are Shinichi Katori and Chiaki Uchimura. Katori is a self centered narcissistic playboy with wierdly expresive movements and a douchey attitude which i find really unlikeable. Uchimura however is much worse for me as he embodies the thing I dislike the most about romance anime. He is unable to move the relationship forward which makes the relationchip boring and static not really having any benefit for any part involved.
The story in this anime is a bit lacking but I feel like it works out fine with how the anime is made. The anime isn't about a bigger story but rather about moments from a bunch of stories. Even though we only get moments we can see how the characters and relationships grow and change from mini episode to mini episode. Most of these small moments are about being akward with someone a character likes or is dating. This feels very relatable for me as a socially akward teenager. Even though I'm lacking in the relationship experience department I feel like i can relate to both the characters in and outside of relationships. One thing I really enjoyed whilst watching this is that they afraid to move the relationships forward as many other romance animes are.
Overall this anime was pretty enjoyable and I'd recommend it to anyone who has a evening to spare. It's not a very big commitment as it's a short series totaling around 2 and a half hours and I would say it's worth a try for anyone especially those that enjoy romantic animes. It's a great casual watch that doesn't require a lot of thinking as the characters do all the overthinking for you.
Concept: 9/10
Excecution: 6/10
Characters: 9.5/10
Story: 6/10
Artstyle: 8/10
Animation: 7/10
ONA RomanceYeonae Haru Jeon
ANIME ComedyHatsukoi Limited
TV SHORT RomanceHonobono Log
ANIME DramaTsuki ga Kirei
- (3.7/5)
Ended inSeptember 19, 2017
Main Studio Studio Gokumi
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 2,602 Users
Hashtag #徒然チルドレン