March 27, 2020
Okazaki Miku is a “gal”: a fun-loving high school student who expresses herself through bleached hair, sexy clothes, and heaps of accessories. Unfortunately, she’s also flunking every class. When she asks her Home Economics teacher, Yabe Shinji, to help her bake bribery cookies for her disappointed teachers, she finds a new excitement in that small success–and Shinji is moved by her enthusiasm. Shinji decides to start a cooking club to better connect with his students, and Miku is first in line to join!
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)
Includes 1 bonus chapter.
Miku Okazaki
Koharu Fujiwara
Shinji Yabe
85/100"An adorable romantic comedy with just the right ingredients."Continue on AniListWe've seen no shortage of gyaru manga in the last few years, and that train doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon - series such as "My Dress-Up Darling" are seeing resounding successes in the form of an anime adaptation and rocketing sales figures. But just next door comes "Gal Gohan", a heartwarming romantic comedy about Okazaki Miku, a gyaru discovering her passion for cooking, and Yabe "Yabecchi" Shinji , a high school teacher struggling to distill some top tier culinary wisdom and some common sense into his student. When Okazaki's disappointing academic performance sets her on the path of making some baked goods to soothe the tempers of her exhausted instructors, a cooking lesson from the school's Home EC teacher is just what she needed. Keeping her head high through various failures, and armed with the unwavering support of caring friends, Okazaki begins to discover herself through her newfound passion, while Yabe tries his hardest to keep her on track.
Gal Gohan does a lot of things right, but immediately the most recognizable aspect of the manga is the superb art style. Author and artist Marii Taiyou puts an astounding amount of detail into both the main characters and background panels, making each page a joy to read. The artwork is charmingly cute and captures this nice fluffy slice of life atmosphere, bolstered by its vibrant and expressive cast. I really have to slow myself down in order to "take in the scenery". However, the manga definitely can be a little risqué at times, though I don't think that detracts from the experience at all, but rather emphasizes some of the characteristics displayed by the cast.
In Gal Gohan, characters feel much more true to life rather than generic archetypes. Behind the ditzy gyaru girl, the straight-laced Home EC instructor, and the levelheaded student council president lies a whole host of raw, human emotions that just makes every character feel so real and believable. Characters develop in a natural manner that doesn't feel forced or out of place - instead, characters extend deep bonds through timely coincidences or lewd misunderstandings, which pushes them even closer. It's really nice seeing the contrast between two completely opposing characters, but it works so well. Rarely do I read something where I'm cheering for everyone at once, but this one is an exception I'm more than happy to have.
At its heart, Gal Gohan isn't "just another gyaru manga". It's a little bit of everything - a little lewd, a little cliché, and a little predictable. But it's also incredibly wholesome and bittersweet and heartwarming and sincere. Gal Gohan explores the notion that just a little bit of encouragement from those who you love will be enough to change your world - and for hopeless romantics like me, that's all I need.
I usually never write reviews because I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words or spend the time to create a good one. But even so, I just really wanted to share my thoughts about this manga with anyone who might be interested. Gal Gohan is too good of a series not to at least check out, so please do!
60/100Gayru, comida y romance (reseña en ESP y ENG)Continue on AniListLa siguiente reseña está en Español e Inglés (traducida con el apoyo de DeepL)
La versión leída es la traducción al español por 6ianfranc9 perteneciente a “Nightow Scanlations x Rebellion Scans”
Definir un origen exacto para la aparición de las Gals en el manganime es una labor compleja, requiere investigación, consulta, definición conceptual y práctica, por conveniencia definamos a Gals! del estudio Pierrot como su comienzo reconocido (nuevamente, por facilidad, no factibilidad). Por lo tanto, las gyarus han existido al menos 25 años en el medio; durante su cuarto de siglo de existencia han ocupado todo tipo de roles en diversas historias, especialmente como secundarias en las tipo harem aunque cada vez tienen una mayor presencia protagónica. En ese contexto se ubica esta obra de la autora Marii Tayou.
A partir de la sinopsis podrás hacerte la idea sobre qué va está historia, la única sopresa serán las identidades y personalidades de las secundarias que irán apareciendo para conseguir esa “incertidumbre certidumbre” sobre quién será la novia del protagonista. Aún así, en la mayoría de lectores la pareja principal ocupará la mayoría del recuerdo, más tampoco implica que las demás sean simples o aburridas, están lo suficientemente caracterizadas para aportar a las situaciones donde estén involucradas y temáticamente tienen un desarrollo con mensaje inherente.
El transcurso de los sucesos son terreno conocido de ser familiar con el género, con situaciones usualmente candentes teniendo algún giro hacia lo más ardiente o dulce. Momentos que no limitan ni encierran a los personajes, son generados de tal manera que son orgánicos a las acciones de los mismos, en vez de serles impuestos (al menos en la mayoría).
No hay una temática global, sólo corrientes individuales adaptadas a cada quien, sean la incertidumbre sobre el futuro, el enfrentamiento de los sentimientos o exhibir la fuerza inherente a la juventud, típicos de estas historias. Si bien son correctamente ejecutados, tampoco destacan en el conjunto por estar poco profundizados, convirtiéndose más en idealizaciones y sermones, únicamente los relacionados a la pareja protagónica cuentan con mayor empuje de realización.
Un factor destacable es el contexto en sí mismo, hay bastante encanto en subrayar la comida casera, da un toque de cercanía e intimidad a cada plato, además de destacar una característica que suele ser obviada en los desarrollos de las historias románticas. Y se ven muy apetitosos.
Aparte de las flaquezas de las tramas tangentes está la omisión de mayor “desarrollo serio” cada que lo requería la historia, tal como está planteado se siente apresurado, dando por supuesto que sus insinuaciones e ideas son argumentos y demostraciones; provocando que aún el hilo protagonista teniendo las mejores bases y momentos, termine sin conseguir el alcance que podría haber logrado.
Tiene un muy buen dibujo, con variado diseño de personajes, y especialmente, se exhibe afición por las Gals de la dibujante Marii en los atractivos retratos de su protagonista en “esos” momentos o para las diferentes portadas. La composición de paneles es efectiva según los propósitos de la obra, y merecen alabanzas los fondos en según qué capítulos. Aunado con el impacto que consigue en las páginas de dibujo completo.
La obra no consigue que su apartado romántico se consolide como podría a partir de los elementos planteados, más tampoco la arrastra, el resultado sigue siendo suficientemente atractivo y entretenido para disfrutar de su historia, consiguiendo un manga divertido y candente que de seguro gustará a los aficionados de estos arquetipos.
Defining an exact origin for the appearance of the Gals in manganime is a complex task, it requires research, consultation, conceptual and practical definition, for convenience let's define Gals! from the Pierrot studio as its recognized beginning (again, for ease, not feasibility). Therefore, the gyarus have existed for at least 25 years in the medium; during their quarter century of existence they have occupied all kinds of roles in various stories, especially as secondary in harem-type stories, although they have an increasingly greater protagonist presence. This work by author Marii Tayou is set in this context.
From the synopsis you can get the idea of what this story is about, the only surprise will be the identities and personalities of the secondary characters that will appear to get that "uncertainty certainty" about who will be the protagonist's girlfriend. Even so, in most readers the main couple will occupy most of the memory, but it does not imply that the others are simple or boring, they are sufficiently characterized to contribute to the situations where they are involved and thematically they have a development with an inherent message.
The course of events are familiar territory for the genre, with the situations usually hot and having some twist towards the more fiery or sweet. Moments that do not limit or confine the characters are generated in such a way that they are organic to the characters' actions, rather than imposed on them (at least in most).
There is no global theme, only individual currents adapted to each one, be it the uncertainty about the future, the confrontation of feelings or exhibiting the inherent strength of youth, typical of these stories. Although they are correctly executed, they do not stand out in the whole because they are not very deep, becoming more idealizations and sermons, only those related to the protagonist couple have a greater thrust of realization.
A remarkable factor is the context itself, there is enough charm in highlighting the homemade food, it gives a touch of closeness and intimacy to each dish, in addition to highlighting a feature that is often overlooked in the developments of romantic stories. And they look very appetizing.
Aside from the weaknesses of the tangent plots is the omission of more "serious development" every time the story required it, as it is raised it feels rushed, assuming that their insinuations and ideas are arguments and demonstrations; causing that even the protagonist thread having the best bases and moments, ends up without achieving the scope that could have been achieved.
It has a very good drawing, with varied character design, and especially, it exhibits fondness for the Gals of cartoonist Marii in the attractive portraits of its protagonist in "those" moments or for the different covers. The composition of panels is effective according to the purposes of the work, and the backgrounds in certain chapters deserve praise. Coupled with the impact it achieves in the full drawing pages.
The work does not manage to consolidate its romantic section as it could from the elements raised, but neither does it drag it, the result is still attractive and entertaining enough to enjoy its story, achieving a fun and hot manga that will surely please the fans of these archetypes.
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- (3.6/5)
Ended inMarch 27, 2020
Favorited by 494 Users