May 13, 2019
Fast friends Yuna and Akari are complete opposites—Yuna is an idealist, while Akari is a realist. When lady-killer Rio and the oblivious Kazuomi join their ranks, love and friendship become quite complicated!
(Source: Viz Media)
Yuna Ichihara
Rio Yamamoto
Akari Yamamoto
Kazuomi Inui
90/100Lovely romance shoujo that is almost a 10/10 (with just ~one~ counterpoint)Continue on AniListAs much as I loved FuriFura (a lot!!), it didn't get a 10/10 from me. I'll get to its weak points in a bit, but first let me praise it:
The Good
The characters (3/4 of them, at least...)
FuriFura is about the relationships of four characters: Yuna, Akari, Rio and Kazuomi.
Yuna is a sweet girl, the perfect "pure" type for a shoujo heroine. Daydreaming, she thinks she'll find a fairytale prince (spoiler-ish: she does??), but along the way she finds... a friend!!
Akari is her complete opposite. Grounded, more mature. But still nice in her own way.
The two become friends very quickly and their friendship is one of the best parts of the story.
Rio is
a princeAkari's stepbrother and this is actually important for the plot (lol). They move in Yuna's apartment building and become her new neighbours and friends. And yes, naturally, Yuna falls in love with him.These 3 characters are what moves the plot of the story and what keeps it so interesting. They're not the only MCs, but to me, all 3 of them were evenly written and had enough "screentime". They also had enough character development, something that sadly, the fourth and last MC didn't have... but I'm getting ahead of myself
The Romance (1/2 of it, anyway...)
As a character-driven story and especially focused on the romantic aspect (also dramatic), FuriFura definitely delivers. Yuna likes Rio, who likes Akari (yeah I know!!), who likes Kazuomi.
I know the face you made when I said Rio likes Akari, but let me explain: Rio and Akari knew each other from middle school before their parents got married and they became stepsiblings. He had feelings for Akari for a very long time, and the day he decided to tell her unfortunately happened to be the day their parents called both of them to tell them about their new family affair.
So Rio had no choice but to shut those feelings away inside his heart and accept his new "sister".
Akari doesn't seem to notice this (and if she did, she would pretend she didn't suspect a thing) and she worked really hard for everyone to see her and Rio as "real" siblings. Along the way, she meets with Kazuomi, who is Yuna's childhood friend and one of her new neighbours. She soon falls in love with his carefree, spontaneous way of living.
Yuna finds out about Rio's feelings for Akari and Akari's feelings for Kazuomi, and as the good friend and great person she is, she supports her friend and acts like a confidant to her crush. She actually feels sorry for him too and is very empathetic with the whole situation, which just made me like her more as a character.
When Rio finds out about Yuna's feelings for him, at first he feels sorry for her because he doesn't feel the same way and there he was talking about his stepsister and his crush on her to the girl that likes him. The story has a big amount of angst and drama and a lot of character growth, every character has their moment to shine.
Except for KazuomiEvery couple ends up together. This might be a spoiler, but I'm not telling you how-when it happens, plus: I think it's good to know. Some manga don't make the couples end up together and, quite honestly, that's bullshit. So this is a plus!
The couples' moments are cute and romantic, it feels good to see them finally get together. At least for one of them, they get together at the right moment and we get to see them actually together enough times.
The Friendships
Naturally, the girls became best friends while the boys also became best friends. They're all friends with each other and with other characters, but their main bro/sis is them. Sometimes a manga has great friendship building but lacks in the romance department, other times it's the opposite. This one is one of those that has a great balance between those.
With all that said, let me get to the part that is not exactly "bad", but not as great as what I previously mentioned.
The Not-So-Good
It all comes down to Kazuomi...
Kazuomi is Yuna's childhood friend who quickly becomes friends with Rio and Akari. In the beginning of the story (and for quite some time), he had ZERO conflicts. He had zero development. He was just the cool guy who seemed carefree and spontaneous, the guy who we'd pair up with Akari so we could have two couples instead of just one.
And really, my main complaint is because Io Sakisaka took way too long to start developing Kazuomi. He seemed like a pretty cardboard cutout of a character, not much of a "real" person. But then a little over halfway through, we finally got to see his side of things. And honestly... it was kind of underwhelming.
The reasons that "stop" him from pursuing Akari are dumb. His conflicts with his family, while real, aren't resolved in a realistic way. The only friend he talks with extensively is Rio, and while I understand that a friendship of the same gender as you is different (and sometimes "better") than a friendship of the opposite gender, it's like he's not friends with Yuna >at all<. He never goes to her for advice, confides in her, listens to her side of the story... nothing at all.
It's like his only friend is Rio. Then how come he was presented as Yuna's childhood friend??
In his romantic part of the story, it's like Akari does all the "work" for them to be together. He doesn't pull his weight, even when there's plenty of evidence that they both like each other and should be together. It's to the point that his rival has to tell him: "you either make a move or I will".
And that's when he FINALLY gets up his butt and goes after her. After an indecent amount of chapters.
While Kazu-kun isn't my favorite character of all 4 and anything involving him could have been better worked with, I still loved this story and I still think it's a good read. Hence, 9 stars out of 10.
58/100Arte incrível e diálogos cativantes, mas enredo confuso. Personagens bem desenvolvidos. Nota geral: 6.82.Continue on AniListLove Me, Love Me Not
De inicio quero dizer que eu li esse mangá faz um tempo então não me recordo de muitas coisas, mais não significa que não lembre de nada por conta disso posso afirmar definitivamente que os pontos fortes são a incrível arte do mangá muito bem trabalhada e detalhada e os diálogos dos personagens que dão um choque absurdo de Fofura, já como contra ponto temos uma narrativa extremamente enroalda por razões que até agregam o conteúdo porém são difíceis dê-se engolir.
Após dizer isso daremos inicio a verdadeira avaliação por cada tópico começando pelo enredo e narrativa, que como eu disse anteriormente é ridiculamente arrastara mesmo que isso seja embutido pela obra, mas convenhamos que é extremamente irritante ter tantos motivos chatos que separam os 2 casais principais tantas vezes por conta disso dou uma nota abaixo da média de 4,33.
Falando agora sobre personagens nenhum se destaca tanto quanto o lutro deixando em si os 4 protagonistas alinhados com seus próprios objetivos em si e isso é bom entretanto por este mesmo motivo é dificil se agarrar a um unico personagem como um favorito (mesmo dizendo isso eu tenho uma sim que é a Yuna Ichihara) dito isso darei uma nota levemente acima da media sendo 7.82.
Sobre a arte e estilo pressentes no mangá nem precisso debater tanto sobre, são simplesmente perfeitas, mantendo um estilo de arte meio retrô com uns efeitos de shoujo que foram meio exagerados mas que deixaram bem mais fofo a obra, por conta disso darei a nota maxima de 10.
Falando sobre o mundo e Configuração é apenas um shoujo comum mesmo que bem feito foi seguido apenas um padrão do gênero o que é frustante mesmo feito de uma forma bem mais do qhe decente por conta disso darei uma nota 5.2 para a mundo e configuração do mangá.
Sobre o tema e mensagem da obra não acredito que tenha abordado um em si entretanto esse mangá acabou me ensinando uma lição valiosa de que as vezes você deve depositar confiança no amor e isso é definitivamente uma mensagem linda, porém diversos mangás já mostram essa mensagem e de formas ate mesmo mais explícitas o que faz Love Me, Love Me Not ser definitivamente inferior passando seu tema principal, por conta disso tera uma nota de 4.89.
Sobre o desenvolvimento pacing acredito que tenha sido bem razoável mesmo que enrolado tal como a narrativa ainda sim foi mediano e ao ponto de chamar atenção de leitores com desenrolar da historia por conta disso darei uma nota satisfatoria de 7.9.
Concluindo mesmo que minha avaliacão inteira tenha sido baixa ainda sim eu gostei bastante do mangá é um shoujo super interessante para ler e claro que lindo pra um caralho também então minha Conclusão e Satisfação é sem duvidas uma nota 8.64, sendo assim capculei a nota geral e deu um resultado de 6.82Enredo e Narrativa: 4.33/10
Personagens: 7.82/10
Arte e Estilo: 10/10
Mundo e Configuração: 5.2/10
Tema e Mensagem: 4.89/10
Desenvolvimento Pacing: 7.9/10
Conclusão e Satisfação: 8.64/10
Nota geral: 6.82/10
in english
To start, I must say that I read this manga a while ago, so I don't remember much. However, I can definitely affirm that its strengths lie in the incredible artwork, meticulously detailed, and the characters' dialogues, which provide an absurdly cute touch. On the flip side, the narrative is extremely convoluted for reasons that may enhance the content but are hard to digest. Now, moving on to each aspect, starting with the plot and narrative, which, as mentioned earlier, are ridiculously drawn out, though embedded within the work. Still, it's extremely annoying to have so many tedious reasons that separate the two main couples so often. Hence, I give it a below-average score of 4.33. Speaking of characters, none stand out as much as Lutro, leaving the four protagonists aligned with their own goals, which is good. However, for this very reason, it's hard to cling to a single character as a favorite. That said, I'll give it a slightly above-average score of 7.82. The artwork and style in the manga need little debate—they're simply perfect, maintaining a somewhat retro art style with some exaggerated shoujo effects that make the work even cuter. Therefore, I'll give it a maximum score of 10. As for the world and setting, it's just a typical shoujo, albeit well executed, following a standard genre pattern, which is frustrating. Still, it's done in a more than decent way. Hence, I'll give it a score of 5.2 for the manga's world and setting. Regarding the theme and message of the work, I don't believe it addressed one specifically. However, this manga taught me a valuable lesson that sometimes you should put trust in love, which is definitely a beautiful message. Nonetheless, many other mangas convey this message even more explicitly, making "Love Me, Love Me Not" decidedly inferior in passing its main theme. Therefore, it will have a score of 4.89. As for the pacing development, I believe it was reasonably good, despite being drawn out like the narrative. Still, it was average and managed to catch readers' attention as the story unfolded. Therefore, I'll give it a satisfactory score of 7.9. In conclusion, even though my entire evaluation was low, I still enjoyed the manga quite a bit—it's a very interesting shoujo to read and, of course, beautiful as hell too. So, my Conclusion and Satisfaction are undoubtedly a score of 8.64. Thus, I calculated the overall score, resulting in 6.82.
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- (3.8/5)
Ended inMay 13, 2019
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