February 13, 2015
Futaba Yoshioka thought all boys were loud and obnoxious until she met Kou Tanaka in junior high. But as soon as she realized she really liked him, he had already moved away because of family issues. Now, in high school, Kou has reappeared, but is he still the same boy she fell in love with?
(Source: Viz Media)
Includes two side stories and two oneshots.
Kou Mabuchi
Futaba Yoshioka
Shuuko Murao
Youichi Tanaka
Touma Kikuchi
Aya Kominato
Yuuri Makita
Yui Narumi
Ren Ichinose
Ninako Kinoshita

70/100Review de Ao Haru Ride em português.Continue on AniList__Uma obra rica em sentimentos e paixão!__ Eu fui completamente pego na tempestade de emoções positivas e negativas que é Ao Haru Ride. É uma obra divertida e afável, mantendo a simplicidade. Por mais que as resoluções dos dramas não sejam tão catárticas quanto poderiam, a história consegue intensificar suas emoções a um nível surreal. Não se apegar aos personagens ou sentir o que eles sentem foi uma tarefa impossível para mim! __Como o elenco é aproveitado.__ O resto de seu elenco pode ser simples, pouco aprofundado e consideravelmente apagado conforme a obra avança, mas todos os personagens são vivos têm ótimas sinergias. Isto se deve ao bom ritmo do mangá. Quando algo muda na história, é pela decisão de algum personagem, pois são eles que fazem a história, dando mais força a eles. Mesmo que escassas, as cenas dos coadjuvantes são completas o suficiente para que eles se sustentem bem apenas com elas, ao menos a ponto de identificação e relevância (como o Tanaka, que é um dos personagens mais vivos e completos da obra, estando quase sempre em plano de fundo). __Como o elenco não é aproveitado.__ Porém, apenas por serem eles. O elenco em sua essência é divertido e funcional, mas não é identificável a níveis humanos. No geral, o drama é simples demais, pouco explorado. As cenas que exploram sentimentalmente os personagens são boas, mas não o suficiente. A impressão que eu tenho é que o drama principal é apenas uma fachada para que o romance aconteça. É o maior defeito de Ao Haru Ride pra mim. Uma vez que ele se foca nos contrastes e dicotomias do romance, seus dramas são qualquer coisa (com exceção do drama da Murao). Digo, a carência de cenas mais ínfimas dos personagens faz com que os mesmos percam parte do potencial que tinham para cativar, diminuindo a qualidade da obra no geral. __Exceção digna de nota.__ As críticas acima são feitas baseadas na série como um todo. Que existem personagens bem aproveitados com dramas minimalistas. Esta área será dedicada para uma auto refutação. Por mais que seja consideravelmente forçado, o Kou é um personagem com uma construção progressiva. É definitivamente o personagem mais completo e interessante da obra. É charmoso e chistosamente sarcástico, por mais que idealizadas, suas ações são plausíveis e seu desenvolvimento cativante, justamente porque sua mentalidade foi trabalhada, seu passado influencia em suas decisões e a sua reação à Futaba é perfeitamente plausível. __O que ficará comigo de Ao Haru Ride.__ A ressalva suprema para Ao Haru Ride é sua atmosfera. Os garotos principais são incríveis e a maneira como eu fiquei tenso por eles é inesquecível. A densidade das páginas literalmente tiram o fôlego, me obrigaram a me colocar no lugar dos personagens. Acredito que o que mais tenha me marcado em Ao Haru Ride seja a dicotomia Kou-Touma. Uma vez que você torce pelos dois, mas um tem que perder, é um contraste sensacional. A autora conseguiu fazer personagens opostos interessantíssimos cujo você realmente torce para. __Conclusão.__ Ao Haru Ride é uma história divertida, eu ri em inúmeras cenas e chorei em outras, os personagens são inesquecíveis para mim, sem falar na arte simples e agradável! HidamariSeashore
95/100A real pleasure to read.Continue on AniListDo you remember your first love? If you do, did you ever get a relationship started with that first love, and if you did, has it survived to this day? If you didn't.... have you ever wondered if you still have a chance? I first heard about Ao Haru Ride through its anime adaptation; it caught my attention before it started airing because of its beautiful artwork, so I decided to watch it. Needless to say, I loved it enough to want to read its manga adaptation, and.... well, I still loved it! In fact, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that it got a bit better past the point the anime ended at, is it?
Ao Haru Ride, known as Blue Spring Ride in English, is about a girl named Futaba Yoshioka, who, in middle school, had a hatred for all boys save one, Kou Tanaka. However, she couldn't get her feelings across to him, and soon enough, he moved away. Now, in high school, she acts as unladylike as possible, as her previous popularity among boys has caused the girls to hate her. Soon enough, however, she ends up running into the one boy she ever liked, except not only has his name changed to Kou Mabuchi, but his personality has also taken a drastic change. He says that he had returned Futaba's feelings in middle school, but things between them can never be the same.... Thus, the story starts....
The reason why I fell in love with the anime adaptation of this manga is how realistic it is; it's true that people change with time, and the relationship between others can become different if they haven't seen each other for a long time. To a certain degree, that's the same thing for the original manga; I could feel how realistic it is. However, I can't deny the fact that some elements of the story were kind of irritating, but I don't want to say what those elements are because of spoilers. All in all, though, the story of Ao Haru Ride is quite a touching one, and it's got quite a decent amount of character development, especially for Kou.
If we're going to talk about the characters in Ao Haru Ride, we're NOT going to leave out the two main leads, Futaba and Kou. Yes, Futaba can be a bit of an irritating protagonist to follow at times, mostly in the post-anime parts of the manga; she just can't seem to make up her mind. However, I loved her character to a certain degree, and actually, some aspects of her reminded me of myself. As for Kou.... well, I loved this guy through and through! Not only is this guy ABSOLUTELY HANDSOME, I enjoyed seeing him grow as a character, and he had quite a number of funny moments. The relationship between Futaba and Kou was cute as heck; whenever there was a moment between them, I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. Of course, most of the supporting characters were very likable, especially Kominato; I loved his personality, and I rooted for him and his feelings for another character, Murao.
However, perhaps the best part of this manga is its artwork, done by the same person writing this manga, Io Sakisaka. Of course, I've read some of her other manga, like "Strobe Edge", so I know what her style is like; however, the artwork in Ao Haru Ride is just ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. From the scenery to the character designs even to the occasional chibi, it's all just a pleasure to look at. As if the story wasn't already beautiful, the artwork just HAD to add to it; it's definitely one of the most beautiful shoujo manga out there.
Overall, Ao Haru Ride was a real pleasure to read; I got to relive the memories of its anime adaptation and more. If you're looking for an amazing shoujo manga, I'd recommend this one on the spot. After finishing this manga, the tears that come out of your eyes.... well, they're really pouring down, aren't they?
80/100A spoiler-free review of Ao Haru Ride. Shoujo at its best.Continue on AniList════ ⋆★⋆ ════ Considerations ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ ● __This is a spoiler-free review.__ ● 80+ in my rating means really good. ● I've got to read this work on a friend's recommendation. I was aware of it being a really popular romance. With that in mind, I just dived in. ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The Story ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ Yoshioka despises boys and their violent and uncivilized behavior. Everything changes when she meets Tanaka. He's different from the others, as he has a low build and a soothing voice. When they finally get close enough to go on a date, Tanaka disappears. Later, Yoshioka gets to know he has transferred. Years later, in high school, Yoshioka meets Tanaka once again, but now he's a totally different person. The story of Ao Haru Ride is good. It has all the romance and drama that you could ask from a Shoujo manga. The story can seem predictable at times, but that doesn't ruin the development. It's still nice to see how everyone will sort themselves out romantically. A nice point is that the story has a good sense of closure. When it's over, you don't have a lot of loose ends that keep you thinking about what happened to some character. ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The Art Style ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The art style is good. I especially like the tones and effects that are used to represent feelings, especially the warmth effect used when romantic thoughts are being developed. The art screams "Shoujo" with very white panels, fewer shadows, and less detailed background in general. Overall, I think the only thing that I can complain about is the character design. Initially, I had difficulty distinguishing a few characters because they wore similar clothing and had similar hairstyles. Besides that, everything else is okay.
(She's so cute) ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ The Characters ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ There are a moderate number of characters in this manga; Yashioka, Tanaka, their high school friends, and a few other supporting characters. Each character has their own personality and conflicts that add drama to the main story. As I always like to talk about the main character, Yoshioka was average for me. I liked her at the beginning until midway through the manga. Later on, she appeared very indecisive IMO, making it a constant "[Will They or Won't They](" (Click for details). ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ Conclusion ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ If you're like me, you skip everything and read only the conclusion because you don't want to get spoiled with other themes. So I will try to be brief on this point: __Maybe read it__. I know Shoujo mangas aren't for everyone, but if you've never read any of them, Ao Haru Ride is a good introduction to the genre with a nice story, good drama, and nice characters.
MANGA DramaStrobe Edge
MANGA ComedyTonari no Kaibutsu-kun
MANGA ComedyHirunaka no Ryuusei
MANGA ComedyKimi ni Todoke
MANGA RomanceHoukago, Koishita.
MANGA ComedyHeroine Shikkaku
MANGA ComedyKaichou wa Maid-sama!
- (3.9/5)
Ended inFebruary 13, 2015
Favorited by 2,774 Users
Hashtag #アオハライド