September 26, 2006
23 min
Everything about him is shrouded in mystery. The mask he can't remove. The past he can't unravel. And the very survival of the people who have chosen him as their leader. But what Hakuoro does know is this: he was gravely injured and left for dead in a forest. A kind young girl named Eluluu found him and nursed him back to health. He was welcomed into a barren land where strange creatures roam, an angry god seeks vengeance, an oppressive government slaughters the innocent, and a bloody war looms on the horizon. Will the masked hero liberate the people who saved him? Can he unlock the memories that elude him? Or will he remain a stranger even to himself?
(Source: Funimation)
Ryouka Yuzuki
Atsuko Tanaka
Rikiya Koyama
Miyuki Sawashiro
Kaya Miyake
Rie Kugimiya
Daisuke Namikawa
Daisuke Kirii
Mai Nakahara
Sayaka Oohara
Tsuyoshi Koyama
Akeno Watanabe
Akeno Watanabe
Yoshimitsu Shimoyama
Kuya Amururineuruka
Akira Tomisaka
Kaori Mizuhashi
Satsuki Yukino
Hiroaki Ishikawa
Tooru Ookawa
Rie Kugimiya
Tooru Ookawa
Hisako Kyouda
Shuuichi Ikeda
Ryouka Yuzuki
Akeno Watanabe
62/100discount romance of the 3 kingdomsContinue on AniListWarning this review may contain spoilers.
First impression, so my first impressions where along the lines of ok so this is about some guy with amnesia who gets involved in the civil war to overthrow the current emperor so this going to be some sort of war epic sounds promising enough.
Story, 6/10.
So the premise of Utawarerumomo.
starts off pretty simple With the protagonist haku who is found badly injured by a local village girl and is taken in by the local villagers while he recovers from his injuries and also amnesia. While under the care of the local villagers a local "noble" causes some big trouble for the villages which in turn though a series of events helps kick start a massive rebellion against the local emperor with the main character leading this rebellion and eventually he becomes the new emperor with him now Running this country and dealing with the problems of those who bear the role of leader have to deal with.So the story of utawareumomo is basically a slice of life how to run a kingdom/ war drama / harem because this is based of an hentai game.
And your now probably asking please explain so very well I will explain.Now the reason I say slice of life is because about half the time it is basically that.
There are literally parts of this show where people are basically doing jack shit nothing except doing paper work, Having meetings, getting drunk and Other madame things.
And to me these parts did get a bit tedious at times. But in retrospect it dose help with the setup of the the war drama aspects because when I think about it these nothing really is happening moments are used to make you and the characters drop their guard and then out of nowhere there is an attack and your like oh crap.The war dama parts are for the most part taken very seriously.
Which I can always appreciate when a story take the concept of war with the kind of seriousness it needs.
There is tactics involved, there is also lots of death that they actually show you, there are parts where villagers are getting pillaged and burned to the ground.These parts are kind of used to help learn about the world this takes place in and more about the main character past.
Where we find out that this isn't a fantasy world. but is in actually a post apocalyptic earth in the future where humanity fuck up to point where thay couldn't live on earth any more and that the main character is a God like being.
Which begs the question of how did humans end up in that state like this and how come we have magic in a world that seems it was made by science but at the same time is a fantasy world with I shit you not angel like being that can do magic and the main character who has god like abilities. That make little to no sense of how this all connected.
So what I am trying to say in that thay never really expands on it and it's just comes out disjointed.Now last and not least is the reason why a say there is a harem element in the show.
Now some of you are probably going to say or think the that the harem aspect of the story kind of brings down the serious nature of this story.
But to my shock it didn't do that really.
Because for one it really doesn't much of a prescience. its kind of just there for you to enjoy and easy going.
Aesthetically it kind of fits because this world that the live in is lightly based of medieval Japan and if you read any history books you would probably know that emperors in history getting harems happen quite a lot So it more of a favoring than any thing else.Also if you where looking for fan service there really isn't that much of it.
Now the ending kind of came out of nowhere but it was fore shadowed enough that could have it not bother me that much. Even though it did kind of end open.
Characters, 5/10
The main character haku was some what interesting.
he is a naturally good leader who also likes women which kind makes interesting a bit.
But the problem is that he has amnesia and it kind of makes him a little bland at times. But at the same time it dose lead him to deal with a lot of issues like who he was or what has he done in life and what not.The side characters are pretty one note.
Because I can pretty much sum up most of the characters in sentence.Becuse most of the characters are mostly defined though only a few personally trats.
For example there one character who I can sum up as the lawful good warrior type of character. So yah they can be pretty much be summarized pretty quickly.
So the characters are kind of written poorly.
But I do believe that the character interaction helps make up with it.
Because I did find the character interaction enjoyable to watch.Art, 6/10
The animation is kind of average even when I compare it to other shows that came out that same year. But at the Same time it dose add some grit to it which kind of works because this is a show about war so I give it a pass for that.
It's art style is kind of generic
Nothing really special here.Now the character designs where Kind of different but still generic.
Like it kind of fun to see all these animal people designs.
But it still has the problem of being dated.Sound, 5/10
Now the op and ending themes were catchy but I am afraid that is all they are is catchy.
And the ost is kind of forgettable. Like for the life of me I can't really remember much of it.
So if your looking for a ost you should definitely pass on this you won't get my much out of it.Enjoyment, 6/10
Now when it came to the enjoyment of this show I guess I can mention a few things.
One thing I quite like about this show is how serious it was and how ambitious it was for a hentai game story.which did find make it a pretty interesting ride over all.Overall, 6/10
If your looking a for above average war drama then utawarumono will be a pretty good ride.
But if the lack of characters and art and sound bothers your the you should probably go watch something else.GiantR
35/100A horrible show, with mediocre animation, bad characters and laughable story. Cute girls doe.Continue on AniListI started the show with the intent of reading the Visual Novels, but after this goddamn travesty of a show, I am no longer certain I’d do that. Some [SPOILERS] Ahead.
The show is from the mid-2000s so it should be given some slack. But on the flip side, the story elements should still be done well. As it stands, not a single character in the show is fleshed out or has any modicum of nuance. The Villains in particular are the worst in that regard. Literally all of them are hysterically laughing madmen with not an ounce of good in them. They murder, pillage, and destroy even their own people without ANY reason, just because they are Evil and "Do Evil" was on ever time slot on their calendar.
The protagonist is just as much of a blank slate. He is said to be good at tactics, has some knowledge of agriculture, and is a good person to a fault. In short he is a Gary Stu that is said to become a "Monster" from time to time. That's supposed to be the main conflict of the show, but it doesn't fucking matter at any point, it just is decided to be resolved at the end. Some people die and Boom we are in the end game, without any payoff or meaning. The MCs interactions with the cast are shown to be one sided at best, and yet he just does shit and it works.
Which leads me into the main point. In a show about War, I personally look for several things
- The politics of the conflict
- The tactic and strategy of the conflict
- The ideologies and character of the people behind the conflict.
The politics are laughable, because there isn't a single person other than the protagonist with a goal that isn't utterly self-centered and based around destruction. The tactical side of the conflict is hand waived by saying that the MC is good at that, and then he just goes and murders the enemy King. And the characters are cardboard cutouts. No one has strong convictions in anything that isn't absolute bullshit.
The show constantly tries to tell poignant stuff about "War", but it always falls hilariously short, because it's just not a smart show. Everyone just goes genocides several villages, and that's just hand waived as a minor detail, while also saying how big, bad and important it is. At one point a small Nation is attacked by several bigger ones. Due to some magical mechs the small nation destroys both the invading armies and their homes. And yet like a week later someone else attacks them again!!!? The show has no internal consistency, things just happen and we are supposed to accept it.
The world of the show is shallow. Nothing is explained too much, and honestly nothing even matters. When I compare it to shows with similar worlds that are (Japan/China but not) like Twelve Kingdoms, or even Escaflowne. The holes of the world building become apparent and numerous. Armies just get magically made from countries as the world is nothing more than an RTS game, and the units are just produced at barracks. The ending "tries" to rectify this, and yet it still fails by just handwaiving a lot of the things that happen.
The art is ok, but the animation suffers a lot. There isn't a moment that isn't reused, and it's done super blatantly. The music is forgettable. Overall the show isn't even a pleasant romp to look at. The direction is another point that’s super meh, even bad at times. The way some scenes are portrayed makes it difficult to understand what’s exactly happening. Very low points from me on that regard.
So I said numerous bad things about the show. Are there any positives? Yes some of the waifus are cute, Eruruu must the treasured and protected. That said, i'd never recommend the show to anyone for any reason. Even the waifus.
Maybe the VNs are better, but if I had to base them on the "merits" of the show I'll pass. I had to force myself to finish the show as it is.
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- (3.65/5)
Ended inSeptember 26, 2006
Main Studio OLM
Favorited by 352 Users