March 23, 2013
23 min
Following a sudden outbreak of psychokinesis in 0.1% of the population, a rapid transformation swept the world. The godlike ability to manipulate matter remotely turned many power wielders to violence, inciting a long period of upheaval. Finally, after a chaotic era shaped by the rise and fall of oppressive regimes, the psychic humans were able to achieve a fragile peace by isolating their society, creating a new world bound by complex rules.
In the town of Kamisu 66, 12-year-old Saki Watanabe has just awakened to her powers and is relieved to rejoin her friends—the mischievous Satoru Asahina, the shy Mamoru Itou, the cheerful Maria Akizuki, and Shun Aonuma, a mysterious boy whom Saki admires—at Sage Academy, a special school for psychics. However, unease looms as Saki begins to question the fate of those unable to awaken to their powers, and the children begin to get involved with secretive matters such as the rumored Tainted Cats said to abduct children.
Shinsekai yori tells the unique coming-of-age story of Saki and her friends as they journey to grow into their roles in the supposed utopia. Accepting these roles, however, might not come easy when faced with the dark and shocking truths of society, and the impending havoc born from the new world.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
Saki Watanabe
Risa Taneda
Maria Akizuki
Kana Hanazawa
Shun Aonuma
Mai Toudou
Satoru Asahina
Yuuki Kaji
Mamoru Itou
Haruka Kudou
Daisuke Namikawa
Hiroaki Hirata
Aki Uechi
Tomiko Asahina
Yoshiko Sakakibara
Shisei Kaburagi
Takanori Hoshino
Mizuho Watanabe
Miki Itou
Minoshiro Modoki
Sakiko Tamagawa
Reiko Amano
Yui Horie
Hiromi Torigai
Yuri Amano
Sanae Kobayashi
Kanehira Yamamoto
Takashi Sugiura
Hiroki Touchi
Tomokazu Sugita
Tamio Ooki
Kousuke Toriumi
Koufuu Hino
Kishou Taniyama
Isshin Chiba
Kanehira Yamamoto
Masayuki Katou
Ryou Inaba
Ryouta Oosaka

97/100A long yet precise review to convince anime lovers to watch this anime!Continue on AniListThis anime flew right past me on its original release back in 2012, but I can say I'm so surprised at what
I watched. This anime was marvelous because of its production, animation, and story. This isn't a regular dark/horror anime its a plot driven anime that has a constant dark vibe around it. It showcases many genres spectacularly such as; coming of age, losses and betrayal, romance, drama, comedy, and through all these genres always manages to put a bit of an ominous feel in it. Now this constant ominous feel isn't something that a viewer would get annoyed by because it's not thrown in your face all the time, it is is subtly added in a main point during an episode and eventually it grows into a major point. Now this in turn makes the viewer more interested and suspenseful about this dark theme. However, this anime is a longer one that does progress rather slower but I found that it just made me want to continue more and more because of the suspense at the end of each episode. The story really drives itself through all 25 episodes and makes just grow a relationship with the main character and surprisingly to me a relationship with the protagonist( villain) because I him grow to the state of being the villain. One key trait that this anime made me feel was sympathy for the protagonist side,and you could say in the type of way Tokyo Ghoul makes you feel conflicted about which side was in the right humans or ghouls. Because of all those reasons listed above I found this anime to be one of the best I have ever seen and if you don't think that, that doesn't mean shit then simply go on my account and scroll through the dozens of completed anime's I have seen. This anime is one that not everyone can appreciate to the furthest extent but rather something that you might want to re-watch if you're newer to anime but one that an experienced watcher or an enjoyer of story and character development would totally enjoy.CaninnTurtle
95/100Shinsekai Yori is among the greats of anime with its top-notch narrative and the questions it poses about morality.Continue on AniListI have had the hardest time coming up with writing down articulate thoughts on the subject of Shinsekai Yori. Intrinsically, it's a difficult show to review in an unbiased manner. Either it blew you away with its world building, intrigue, intensity, and suspense or it bored you to death in the first act and you couldn't get back into it. It's a shame if people actually feel like the latter, because I believe that that setup is so necessary to make acts 2 and 3 hit you so much harder. Obviously, I reside in the camp of the former and I'll tell you why. (WARNING: I tried to avoid spoiling anything in the following paragraphs, but I probably slipped up somewhere, so tread lightly if you're worried about spoilers.)
Shinsekai Yori is one of the best, if not the best show, at tackling foreshadowing. Most of the time, it's done in a way so obvious that it's almost painful. The brilliance of Shinsekai Yori is that it is so obvious. I mean, it tells you basically the entire plot in the first 4-7 episodes, but does it in such a way that you never connect the dots until later. It does this so cleverly, by disguising their foreshadowing as plot exposition, diverting your attention so smartly.
Something else that Shinsekai Yori does masterfully is the time skips that occur throughout the story. There are 3 distinct acts in total, of which the later two are time skips, the first being two years and the second being twelve. The first skip is done more smoothly than the second, but that can be expected, since there's a lot less time to fill in with either exposition or inference. The way that they're handled within the story is so well done that you barely even recognize that there's a sudden gap in time. Usually, that'd be a bad thing, but in such an wordy work, it's somewhat helpful to not be bogged down with irrelevant plot lines, like them going through 3 years of school with amnesia. As an aside, the first ending, Wareta Ringo, is among the best songs I've ever heard. In fact, the entire soundtrack is incredible.
Perhaps the greatest feat of Shinsekai Yori, however, is its skill at showing and rarely telling you forthright. There are many instances of this happening throughout the show, where something happens and sometimes you're never told, you're just supposed to have gathered that it has happened. And like I said with the time skips, usually that would be a negative, but in the case of Shinsekai Yori, it's absolutely perfect for the mood of the show. After all, it's a show about intrigue, growing up, and moral ambiguity.
Probably the only negative that I've really seen regarding Shinsekai Yori, is how dull it is to get into. And it's a fair argument. If you aren't really interested in the deep world building and complex ideas being presented, it can become hard to maintain the level attention that Shinsekai Yori demands. For me, I was absolutely engrossed in the world from episode one, but I understand that that's not how it works for everyone, in which case, this is not the show for you. You have to be prepared to not see much action, but rather, a lot of puzzle pieces to fit together.
I'm not going to touch on the moral questions that Shinsekai Yori raises, since I'd have to delve deep into spoiler territory to discuss, so let it be said that by the end, you won't know who's side you should be on. One thing I will say, is that Shinsekai Yori does a fantastic job at constantly changing who you perceive as the villain of the story, you'll notice that the people who you thought were evil at first are not really all that different from Saki and her friends, only the methods of their approach differ. Shinsekai Yori weaves a wonderful narrative throughout twenty-five episodes, keeping you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Anyone who appreciates philosophical, mysterious, thrilling, and coming of age stories will love Shinsekai Yori and perhaps, even if you don't like any of those things, you can still appreciate the narrative greatness of Shinsekai Yori.
95/100Uma verdadeira obra de arte em suas ideias e execuções!Continue on AniListUma obra verdadeira complexa que tenta dizer coisas interessantes e mensagens que em sua época, animes haviam se desprendido. A Sensação de estarmos nos perdendo em uma sociedade que nos força a se desprender do que verdadeiramente sentimos para viver a seu bel prazer. Apesar de uma forte mensagem, o anime não tenta te explicar isso nos detalhes, mas sim no famoso “mostre, não fale”, personagens vestindo seus respectivos temas e papéis apresentados, enganam o telespectador pela filosofia narrativa de que nada do que está acontecendo possa ser interpretado como literal, mas sim parte de uma ideia. Ideia essa que as vezes, infelizmente, o anime acaba falhando em passar, mas que não acaba sendo um empecilho que vá impedir o telespectador de assisti-la. Uma animação verdadeiramente brilhante com ideias fenomenais de direção em trabalho rítmico com uma trilha sonora empolgante e verdadeiramente “desconfortante”.
Seus personagens são incrivelmente bem escritos, trabalham bem nos seus respectivos papéis e nas suas ideias. Seguem os seus papéis e, principalmente, não contribuem para uma simples desconstrução de gênero e temática, mas também com seus diálogos humanos e bem escritos eles conseguem contribuir para uma boa passagem de tempo que, em minha perspectiva ao menos, nunca entrou no caminho do entendimento dessa obra. Muito pelo contrário, dentro de cada palavra deles, estavam parte de suas personalidades e ideais, sendo fiéis as suas criações e propósitos, quase como uma orquestra. Emendado a isso, a direção de câmera e os foques escolhidos pela direção para encaixá-los dentro de uma cena, são tão bem realizados e idealizados que tudo parece quase como uma peça de teatro feita para você consumir uma passagem de ideia, do que um anime propriamente dito.
Algumas cenas acabam não conseguindo ser tão bem executadas, quando entramos em quesitos de uma possível inserção de romance na história. Alguns personagens parecem que não foram tão bem dirigidos e escritos para comporem o que parece ser uma tentativa de romance para mim, decepcionando um pouco e as vezes se afastando da temática principal do anime, mas que felizmente, em momento nenhum acaba me afastando de sentir tudo que estava sendo passado. Apesar curtos desperdícios de escolhas narrativas sendo inseridos. Shin Sekai Yori prima em conseguir dizer com poucas palavras e muitas cenas a sua ideia, mas que no fim das contas, está aberto a inúmeras interpretações que possam contribuir para a sua principal. É definitivamente uma atenção e carinho a detalhes que eu não assistia desde animes como Berserk, para a sua época.
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- (4/5)
Ended inMarch 23, 2013
Main Studio A-1 Pictures
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