August 1, 2016
As a child, Raku Ichijou made a secret promise with his childhood sweetheart, keeping a pendant as a memento while his love took the key. He dreams of one day meeting his past love, but years later, reality smashes his hopes when Chitoge Kirisaki accidentally knees him in the face...
Though Raku’s a normal high schooler, his family heads the notorious yakuza gang the Shuei-Gumi faction! And he’s dragged into family affairs when he’s forced into a relationship with Chitoge, the daughter of a rival gang’s boss!
Despite their constant spats, the two somehow fool everyone with their false relationship. Raku then discovers that Chitoge has a mysterious key from her past, which she can’t remember... Plus, two other girls appear with keys as well—Kosaki Onodera and Marika Tachibana!
Caught in the midst of this love maelstrom, even more complications arise for Raku when his class decides on Romeo and Juliet as the class’s play for the school festival. Can the two false lovebirds pull off the impossible and make the play a success?
(Source: Viz Media)
Note: Chapter count includes 229 regular chapters and 11 extras.
Kosaki Onodera
Chitoge Kirisaki
Marika Tachibana
Raku Ichijou
Seishirou Tsugumi
Shuu Maiko
Ruri Miyamoto
Haru Onodera
Yui Kanakura
Paula McCoy
Hana Kirisaki
Claude Ringheart
Ryuunosuke Sasaki
Suzu Ayakaji
Nanako Onodera
Kyouko Nichihara
Adelt Wogner Kirisaki
Maruusha Lu Vieh NonBeeri
Mikage Shinohara
Gen Tachibana

80/100A lot better than most harem manga, but still just alright for a regular storyContinue on AniListWhen you talk about a genre as trashy as the harem genre, it's hard to find anything to necessarily praise about it since it is essentially just pandering to the greatest common denominator of people, yet Nisekoi is able to stand out. As someone who has unfortunately read a whole lot more harem manga than I would have liked, there are a few things that I always find lacking in any harem: character development and plot, both of which Nisekoi has a decent amount of. Now I know Nisekoi gets a lot of trash for being a filler filled, bad ending choosing harem bait, but let me try to explain why it's actually not that bad and may even be exceptional in the harem genre.
The setup for this story is a bit complicated: 10 years ago, the MC made a promise with a girl to marry her in the future, and to keep that promise, he has a lock and the girl has a key. Now there are multiple keys throughout the story, which comes into play for the overarching plot and finale, but that's not the most important part. The inciting incident is when the MC, the son of the yakuza, has to pretend to date Chitoge, the daughter of gangsters, in order to prevent all out war. However, he already likes one of his classmates, so that's kind of awkward. This setup is fairly standard in harem manga, and as the story progresses, more and more girls are added to the circle. So then if the plot is both convoluted but also standard at the same time, why is Nisekoi good? That's because with both of these plots developing, there is a sense of progression to the story. We aren't constantly stuck with the feeling of, "Where is this going to go? Is there an end point other than when he chooses a girl at some time?" The story will end when they find out the correct girl with the key, when they don't need to pretend to date anymore, and when he chooses a girl to be with. The constant plot keeps the story going.
That's not all that Nisekoi has to offer though. The more important part is its emphasis on characters. Throughout the story there are pretty much 6 girls in the harem, with a guy and girl as supporting characters. Each one of them has their own motivations and desires, some of which fall outside just getting the guy to get the guy. Some of it is motivated by professional or family matters. This is important because it makes the characters stand out from each other. By giving them individual motivations it makes Nisekoi feel like more of an actual story rather than just harem trash. The way the author decides to show these different motivations is also a lot better than most harems. Each character is devoted a couple of chapters in a row to develop their own stories and history, as well as to build up chemistry with the MC. This works far better than scattering one off stories with no real weight to them throughout the run time of a manga. This allows readers to become more invested in the characters for a longer amount of time. No character simply stands still either: they all grow into more mature people from when they first started out. This means that even if your favorite character isn't chosen, you can still enjoy the series.
It also helps if the character's tropes fit your taste of course, which will always be a hit or miss for most harems.
Another thing that sets Nisekoi apart from a majority of harem manga is that it doesn't rely on ecchi content for its story. Most of its appeal is actual based in comedy and chemistry build up between characters rather than showing off half naked women or unintentional groping every other chapter. In that way, it feels a whole lot more wholesome than most harem.
All in all, Nisekoi does so much more than a traditional harem manga to the point where it stands far above it's contemporaries. Its plot and character driven story feel so refreshing to read in a landscape full of unbelievably bad content, and deserves it's place among the best harem manga, even if that's not the most amazing distinction you could get.
92/100False love or rather start of true loveContinue on AniListA few days ago i started reading the manga of Nisekoi in parallel with Gintama . I had seen anime 2 years ago and i like it . Bla Bla Bla let's jump in the review !
Story :
Well here i will comment just about the plot . In the begging they needed to stop the fight between Raku family (Yakuza) and Chitoge family (Gangster) . They fathers agree to make them a false couple to stop the fight between them for 3 years . Raku have a pedant which will open if the girl with the good key will open the pendant and they will married according the promision that Raku made 10 years ago . The girl which he made the promis will remain undiscovered until the conclusion of the manga
__Sorry if i really include my favorite manga in this review but the elements of the forced romance and the false romance are kinda similar eventually they will become to be really a true romance and tho i really like it ............. Deez Nuts I put the spoiler tag because i don't want to destroy someone enjoyment when he or her will read this spectaculos review from me __Characters:
So you have Raku Ichijo a son of a Yakuza boss , Chitoge Kirisaki a daughter of a Gangster boss , Kosaki Onodera an normal girl which is very shy and the true love interest of Raku , Marika Tachibana the daughter of a Police chief , Shuu Maiko the besto friendo of Raku (he act just like a pervert but he is kind ) , Myamoto Ruri a friend of Kosaki Onodera , Tsugumi Seishirou a friend of Chitoge , Haru Onoderea the little sister of Kosaki Onodera , Yui Kanakura the chief of Chinese Mafia and the hometeacher of Raku Ichijo she will eventually appear after chapter 100 and others characters that i will not present here .Raku Ichijo isn't the generic harem protagonist .Chitoge is a tsundere but eventually you will like her or not , Kosaki i already said that she is shy and Marika is great .
How i said in the anime review "The cast of characters is not annoyng or somethink like that .The cast is good or it was good for my taste" .Art:
Bro Bro Bro let's say something , it was not the best art or something i like it and it was good
The covers are good i really like the dinamics of the volume covers especially the dinamic between cover 1 and cover 25 .
HO HO HO .Let's begin ! About this i had some moments when i said fuck you Nisekoi just for fun on discord even it was truly interesting the story and chapters i am really glad that i finished the final of the manga it didn't feels rushed and it feels really goodOverall this series named Nisekoi i gave it 9.2/10
40/100Confusiones y sentimientos en la búsqueda de la Chica de la Promesa (reseña en ESP y ENG)Continue on AniListLa siguiente reseña está en Español e Inglés (traducida con el apoyo de DeepL)
La versión leída es la traducción al español por Shinra-kyun, Haruhi, Dessor y MichiHime perteneciente a “Nisekoi Fansub Scan”Una comedia romántica harem que tuvo especial popularidad sea en su adaptación animada como en la publicación semanal del capítulo en el manga, cuyos puntos fuertes estaba en sus personajes arquetípicos, divertidos de ver e interactuar unos con los otros, junto al misterio de la chica prometida para Raku, el protagonista. Sin embargo, conforme pasó el tiempo decrecía su popularidad, cada vez era más olvidado y actualmente poco se le menciona.
El gran enemigo de Nisekoi fue la duración. En principio son divertidos los arcos y la situación semanal cualquiera con alguna de las chicas, teniendo de vez en cuando algún avance respecto a la misteriosa chica de la promesa, y entonces los capítulos pasan la centena y se diluye el encanto, los sucesos se repiten, arcos decaen de interés y cada nueva revelación es más ridícula que la anterior; se empieza a cuestionar los elementos de la propuesta sea el desarrollo de los personajes o el secreto de la narrativa.
El One Shot es corto y funcional, lo que parecía una propuesta interesante de ser extendida se convierte en la mejor versión de la premisa, y es debido a que en sus pocas páginas llega a la misma conclusión que su contraparte serializada tras más de 200 capítulos. En su día hubo interés en deducir quién podría llegar a ser la desconocida compartiendo teorías y discutiendo las pistas, más una vez finalizó el lector sopesa “¿Hacía falta?” Efectivamente, no hacía falta. Es un agregado para dar un “algo” a la narrativa y ser capaz de extenderla, que podía ratificarse de llegar hacia un objetivo interesante, precisamente lo que no consiguió.
Todos los personajes son sencillos, cada chica es una caracterización de los arquetipos comunes de los 2010s y carece de otro elemento que le distancie en el subgénero, con Raku siendo el típico galán inconsciente de comedia romántica harem. No hay complejidad para un desarrollo de A a Z, más si lo tienen para A a B, un mínimo que podía haber sido utilizado a su favor.
El mejor ejemplo está en el mejor arco de Nisekoi, el primer festival escolar. Hay una demarcada evolución de los personajes en una situación típica con todo lo que ofrecía la obra sea drama, comedia y romance. Al finalizar las cosas cambiaron y sientes que se aproxima hacia una consolidación, desgraciadamente no le faltaban 20 o 40 capítulos, aún quedaban 200.
Hubiera bastado con que cada chica tuviera ese momento dedicado hacia ella, y tampoco era necesario seguir agregando nuevas competidoras, con 4 era más que suficiente. De ahí que mientras avanza, cansa repetir los mismos valores enfrentados, situaciones similares llegando a consecuencias conocidas, Raku llegando a los mismos términos que unos 20 capítulos atrás y etcétera. En la simpleza estaba su mejor carta, más al ser apartado provocó que su final respecto al misterio principal careciera de fuerza, al contrario, lo hizo parecer insignificante e innecesario.
El arte es una genialidad, las doble páginas son especialmente hermosas, una lástima que el diseño de personajes sea un poco simple, otra razón por la que poco han trascendido las chicas protagónicas. Komi sensei tiene un buen ojo, o un buen consejero, en cómo administrar las escenas de acción, en las situaciones normales consigue paneles ampliamente vistosos para los momentos apropiados, y en el ritmo, más allá de la narrativa, es fácil sumergirse en la propuesta semanal.
Nisekoi aún tiene reimpresiones de tanto en tanto aunque se menciona menos, todavía mantiene cierto aura de importancia histórica especialmente porque en lo referido a sus dos personajes principales si hubo una marcada división entre los fanáticos, más a su vez ellos también aceptan y lamentan que tan interesante premisa se fuera diluyendo mientras crecía la cuenta de capítulos. Presenciado como lo que había captado tu atención poco a poco dejar de serlo aunque parece que es lo mismo, o puede que sencillamente de tanto verlo dejó de tener esa forma que creías tenía.
A harem romantic comedy that was especially popular both in its anime adaptation and in the weekly publication of the chapter in the manga, whose strong points were in its archetypal characters, fun to watch and interact with each other, along with the mystery of the girl engaged to Raku, the protagonist. However, as time went by, its popularity declined, it was increasingly forgotten and nowadays it’s rarely mentioned.
The great enemy of Nisekoi was its length. At first the arcs and the weekly situation with any of the girls are fun, having from time to time some progress regarding the mysterious girl of the promise, and then the chapters pass the hundred and the charm is diluted, the events are repeated, arcs decay of interest and each new revelation is more ridiculous than the previous one; it begins to question the elements of the proposal either the development of the characters or the secret of the narrative.
The One Shot is short and functional, what seemed like an interesting proposal to be extended becomes the best version of the premise, and it’s because in its few pages it reaches the same conclusion as its serialized counterpart after more than 200 chapters. At the time there was interest in deducing who might turn out to be the girl of the promise by sharing theories and discussing the clues, but once finished the reader ponders "Was it necessary?" Indeed, it wasn't needed. It’s an addition to give a "something" to the narrative and to be able to extend it, which could be ratified if it reached an interesting goal, precisely what it didn’t achieve.
All the characters are simple, each girl is a characterization of common 2010s archetypes and lacks another element to distance it in the subgenre, with Raku being the typical oblivious harem romantic comedy heartthrob. There is no complexity to an A to Z development, more if they have it for A to B, a minimum that could have been used to its advantage.
The best example is in the best arc of Nisekoi, the first school festival. There's a clear evolution of the characters in a typical situation with all that the drama, comedy and romance had to offer. By the end things changed and you feel that it’s approaching towards a consolidation, unfortunately it didn't have 20 or 40 chapters left, there were still 200 to go.
It would have been enough for each girl to have that moment dedicated to her, and it wasn't necessary to keep adding new competitors, 4 was more than enough. Hence, as it progresses, it gets tired of repeating the same confronted values, similar situations reaching known consequences, Raku reaching the same terms as 20 chapters ago and so on. simplicity was its best card, but being set aside caused that its ending regarding the main mystery lacked strength, on the contrary, it made it seem insignificant and unnecessary.
The art is genius, the double pages are especially beautiful, a pity that the character design is a bit simple, another reason why little has transcended the leading girls. Komi sensei has a good eye, or a good advisor, in how to manage the action scenes, in the normal situations he gets amply showy panels for the appropriate moments, and in the pacing, beyond the narrative, it's easy to dive into the weekly proposal.
Nisekoi still has reprints from time to time although it is less mentioned, it still maintains a certain aura of historical importance especially because regarding its two main characters there was a marked division among fans, but in turn they also accept and regret that such an interesting premise was diluted as the chapter count grew. Witnessing how what had captured your attention gradually ceased to be so, although it seems to be the same, or maybe it simply stopped having the shape you thought it had after so much watching.
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- (3.7/5)
Ended inAugust 1, 2016
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