June 26, 2015
24 min
The relationship antics continue as Chitoge starts to realize that she is actually in love with Raku. Kosaki's younger sister Haru, who wants to protect her sister from the supposedly-depraved Raku, gets added to the mix. Other highlights include the introductions of Hana (Chitoge's mother) and Paula McCoy (Seishiro's assassin rival) and Kosaki's brief stint as a magical girl.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Kosaki Onodera
Kana Hanazawa
Chitoge Kirisaki
Nao Touyama
Raku Ichijou
Kouki Uchiyama
Seishirou Tsugumi
Mikako Komatsu
Marika Tachibana
Kana Asumi
Shuu Maiko
Yuuki Kaji
Ruri Miyamoto
Yumi Uchiyama
Haru Onodera
Ayane Sakura
Paula McCoy
Manami Numakura
Hana Kirisaki
Megumi Toyoguchi
Suzu Ayakaji
Kotori Koiwai

65/100Nisekoi: A Good Attempt is Still Just an Attempt AfterallContinue on AniListNisekoi: AKA Blue Balls the Anime Season 2
Before I begin, if you don't like the idea of your best girl getting judged; then I recommend to stop reading this review. Your favourite girls will be judged and it may or may not anger you.
I delayed watching Nisekoi: for the longest time, primarily because of the first season being rather bland and it's poor character development. Majority of the characters only had only their established personalities and did not develop at all throughout the entirety of the anime. What was there was only events that only made it seem that there was character development but only made the characters look even more static. In season 2, there was actually character development that felt like it was going somewhere and attempts to tie up loose ends. Unfortunately, all it is is a decent attempt at adapting the manga. The characters have a lot of depth this time around but the anime falls into the same song and dance from the first season.Story
The story is the same as where we left off. Raku still doesn't know who the girl he made the promise with years ago is. The girls all like him but they know that they could well as not be the girl that the promise was made with and they try to make him fall in love with them to avoid a case of unrequited love. The girls end up trying to capture his attention through many crazy antics and this generally causes some funny moments and some awkward/serious moments such as when we're let in on the secret as to why Chitoge loves her bow as much as she does.
The plot itself is rather poor. They managed to create a bit of focus with the plot this time around but because of the way they focus the plot it ends up detracting from all the other moments in the story. Where we would think that some characters would get a bit more screen time because they are part of the main cast; they don’t even get anything besides some scenes that don’t have an impact on their personality and a flashback one off episode.
The anime itself is very short having only 12 episodes. What they chose to do with the 12 episode span was still rely on Nisekoi’s chaotic nature to carry the show and at the same time bring the focus in on something. In the end it falls very short. It doesn’t help develop characters consistently and majority of the arcs that they go through feel very rushed as most of them are only one or two episodes and feel like they were one offs and have no impact to the actual plot. In fact the plot this time around is focused solely on main girl Chitoge. This is fine, but if one were to watch this anime without being told of this they wouldn’t exactly know what the plot was.
Each episode is about a specific girl/minor character and each episode intends to flesh them out slightly for some reason or the other. This only works sometimes, but majority of the time it comes off with almost no weight at all. By that I mean that while the impact may be in the episode it occurs in, the rest of the anime acts like there was no effect at all. There is no weight to the events that occur for majority of the characters, and this occurs for many of the characters and only really changes one or two giving some episodes a self-contained feeling.
It was obvious they wanted Nisekoi’s trademark chaos, but having organized chaos is a harder task to achieve especially the way the anime played out. Despite the nonsensical filler episode that did nothing for the plot they still did try.Is the plot a lot better than the first season? Yes it certainly is a somewhat average plot albeit with all the self-contained arcs. It just stops it from being something actually extremely good and confuses the viewer on what actually they should be focusing on.
With that said, there is still redeeming qualities about the story. Romance is the most obvious theme in the story, but it is well done in this season as opposed to its predecessor. Instead of ‘blue-balling’ people with stereotypical events that do nothing for the plot or characters, Nisekoi: creates really interesting moments of love in its episode. We see real love from some of the characters rather than some of the exaggerated love scenes we saw in the past season. Yes, this is an anime but when you can see someone actually feel conflict with themselves about their love whether it be their older than you like in Shu’s case with his teacher or one that you don’t know how to feel about like in Haru’s situation.
Nisekoi: handles love to the point where when it is shown, you can’t help but feeling something towards that character at that point; even Kosaki and backstory have some sort of charm to it. Nisekoi: has its comedy which can make you giggle from time to time. But as a romance anime it does its job decently, you can genuinely feel that emotion from the characters which allows for some of the one off episodes of Nisekoi: to be bearable. It’s charming, amusing and even sometimes very sad, Nisekoi: certainly did the romance part of its story very well.Characters
The characters in Nisekoi are the focal point of the anime. The story takes a sideline as each character gets a sub story inside the main story so as to develop their characters through one off or two episode arcs which is fine. However out of the main characters, only one of them gets any real serious development and that girl is Chitoge. There are some other glaring issues with Nisekoi: especially in the character department besides this.
When we see Tsugumi again in this season, she still is the same awkward girl from last time and still likes Raku. The episode in question takes place to allow her to solidify her stance with where she is in the weird love triangle Nisekoi has created. In this we see her acknowledge that she loves Raku but she understands that Chitoge likes him as well and chooses to put aside her selfish desires and just be friends with Raku. This is a great way to change her character and make her into a companion of sorts for Raku on his misadventures. Unfortunately, this change isn’t exactly shown anywhere in the later episodes and in fact the only time it is even remotely shown is when Raku asks for advice from her. This of course is something a friend would do, but Tsugumi doesn’t seem to have changed whatsoever from that previous episode. This not only ruins her character, but makes having that episode illogical and irrelevant.
Another example of these situations are Kosaki , Paula and Haru.
Marika’s development is weirdly treated but the unlike with Tsugumi it works for her. The episodes of her are mainly for comic relief and showing just how crazy she can get. This fits with her character as a headstrong nutcase as nothing really can change her mind about who she loves and who she wants to marry, that being Raku. However, they do decide to touch on her personality and she is very aware of the blossoming relationship between Chitoge and Raku. This is a very nice moment because it shows how aware Marika is of the people around her. As a result of this, she creates a scheme to sabotage Raku’s relationship with every girl. This ignoring of events fits her character, but also acknowledges her selfishness. This change fits Marika while it doesn’t fit Tsugumi.Kosaki, Paula and Haru are some of the worst characters because they are almost all sideline characters who get not even a smidge of development, yes even Kosaki who is supposed to be a main girl gets treated like this. Both Onodera sisters end up falling for Raku but the major issue with this is how both of them get treated differently. Kosaki gets an even worse arc than even her sister who isn’t even supposed to be a main character. The events of their result in Haru falling in love with Raku and her seeing him for the gentle and kind guy that he is, but does almost nothing for Kosaki and only makes her seem even more static that she already is. At least Haru gets some development and we can see her conflicting emotions, should she trust this guy who could be a player? Should she just fall in love with him? Or should she just leave him alone and let her sister make her moves on him?
This is a wonderful conflict as it makes Haru look more human and more likeable than her sister, which is sad because Kosaki ends up having nothing truly significant to call it development rather than a flashback to show why she fell in love with Raku and that’s about it which is just a reason and that’s about it.
Paula has almost no relevancy in the anime other than Tsugumi’s little arc. She provides almost nothing like Ruri and Shu to the story. Whilst Ruri and Shu are developed to deeply caring about their friends and know that they can only do so much; Paula is there simply for pandering purproses. There isn’t anything wrong with pandering, but if that’s her entire character, then what is the point of having her there in the first place?
While this is the case, this not the biggest flaw with the characters of Nisekoi: the greatest strength and flaw of Nisekoi: is Chitoge. While all the other characters are sidelined or not paid much attention to, we see Chitoge being the focal point for the entire season. Which is great, the series has finally learnt how to focus on one thing. We see Chitoge change from her brutish and gorilla-like behavior to an actual person with feelings and worries and fears. We see her actually cry and wonder about her part in Raku’s life.
This is her greatest fault however, because she is the only developed character like this and because of the magnitude of the development it overshadows Raku and all the other main characters. This means that you have lopsided character development for everybody. With only Chitoge really getting any spotlight everyone else really falls into the background even Raku himself as his only development is really realizing his partial feelings for Chitoge. As I’ve stated before with these main characters falling behind Chitoge it makes the anime more about her than about Raku and his quest for love. And ultimately causes majority of the characters to feel underdeveloped or almost not important, which for the main cast to feel like, isn’t a good thing at all.Visuals and Sound
Nisekoi:’s was certainly a big one as a lot of the visuals in the anime are superb. The character’s motions, facial reactions and flow of motion. With all the outrageous action that occurs in Nisekoi: it really does help give fluidity to the characters’ personalities. It isn’t just the visuals themselves that evoke emotions; the sound as well is the final puzzle piece to create the whole picture. It’s not just the voice actors emoting, but how the scenery looks and the sound that will inevitably suggest to you what you should be feeling at that moment.
In this scene we hear a very slow and sweet piano piece along with the blooming of flowers and cherry blossoms. This is how we meet Haru. What this scene shows to us is a beginning as cherry blossoms can bloom in January; the start of a new year. The flowers blooming show us this too. The music gives us a very sleepy and relaxing vibe; as if this is a very happy and joyful time. The petals dance about in the air as the song grows more complex as if dancing along with the music. Then our character in the scene starts speaking. She’s a very young girl and as she’s going into a new school she herself is new to the experience at high school bringing in the entire feeling of new. Everything is new in this scene. As her excitement rises for the new experiences so does the song and in response the petals flow crazily matching the ‘rhythm’ of the scene. As the Haru’s excitement increases, so does the beauty and motion of the scenery and so does the song itself. This scene is essentially giving to us her hopes and dreams and her desires at the very end where the petals forming into a heart showing her hope for a new love or the love of her life.
In this scene we see a different feeling; for context, this pastry is to be for the season of autumn and it is supposed to encompass the feeling of that season. So as it begins we see the screen completely dark with only someone’s hands reaching and grabbing this strange orb and it turns out to be a sweet. After Onodera bites into and consumes the sweet her eyes begin to open, at that same moment a very energetic and light hearted violin begins to play. Sparkles are being heard as the camera zooms outwards to show her floating in the middle of the darkness; a strange light suddenly gets brighter and brighter around her as she is teleported into a new world. The song of autumn surrounding just as the falling leaves and wind twirls her around. This shows the events that usually occurs during the season; Kosaki is obviously enjoying it as soon she twirls around and faces the camera her arms outstretched as if trying to fly and laughing. This expresses how one might feel during this month where you can jump into piles of leaves and enjoy the slightly cold air as it slowly turns into winter. As quickly as this feeling comes it leaves her smiling again with the black backdrop symbolizing how quickly autumn comes and goes.
The expressive and symbolic nature of the visuals is what makes Nisekoi a joy to watch. Shaft understands how to have their characters emote and as well have their scenery express emotion itself. The animation alone could not do this, yes we can see the leaves twirling, but to hear the music along with it is what shows us feelings of autumn; the feelings they want us to feel. This is what makes a lot of Nisekoi:’s scenes because how would we know how to feel if not for the music and the lighting and flow of the animation? Without it, the show is nothing more than a manga slideshow.Conclusion
Yes Nisekoi: certainly has faults as an anime plotwise and characterwise. The plot tries to be organized but ends up being just as disorganized as the first season and the characters are easily overshadowed by Chitoge herself leaving much to be desired from the other characters. What makes the anime worth a watch is seeing Chitoge grow as a character and seeing actual romance in Nisekoi that isn’t outrageous or unbelievable. There are some outlandish moments of course; but there is still a suspension of belief this time around. Coupled with the beautiful visuals and lovely sound it is well worth if you’re looking to finish up the rest of the adaptations or just want something you can make your guilty pleasure that isn’t that bad and isn’t that good either.
77/100Dominated by amusing interactions, it left behind a hollow enjoyment with the lack of the promised plot from before.Continue on AniListThe fire may have slowly died down in Nisekoi: but the lingering warmth and erratic flickering of the flames are enough to awaken my comedic spirits. Observing the characters in this season is laugh-inducing. On the other hand, the lack of a story could define it as a time-waster.
Continuing from its prequel, the charming cast is back with their romantic stresses close by. This time, rather than having an underlying plot with the pendant and the promised girl that we've gotten from before, it shifted more towards everyday activities. Episodic and digestible, everything is given off with a comedic spray full of love issues. In short, comedy has become a dominant replacement. Misunderstandings, inconveniences, and exaggerations are scattered throughout. Repetitions are present and some of the jokes are too forced to get any laughs out of me but overall, it has a great chemistry with various personalities reacting in entertaining manners. All that said, a few episodes are actually dedicated to short story lines that feature the main characters' history, giving each some spotlight. Other than unlocking more aspects with their characterization, from childhood memories to family ties, it also shows how they handled romance at their own pace. New characters are introduced to highlight them as well although the lack of screen time means that any chances of investment are erased with the exception of Kosaki's sister, Haru Onodera. Witnessing her contradictions and ever-growing awareness towards Raku is a really fun high point for this season.
Coating the surface of their everyday lives, the art remains as dazzling as ever. Playing around with lighting and mixing in geometric backgrounds creates a highly-spirited ambience. It's sparkly and glimmers about with rainbow colors. With the above average animation exaggerating many visual gags, entertainment is there to tickle you at every corner. The presence of Shaft's distinct style, including prolonged close-up shots, achieves personal connections with the characters. Feeling their cuteness and embarrassments, their emotions are expressed as an appealing factor for your best girl of choice. Moe and chibi comedy captivates me while the jolly kind of soundtracks playing in the background click with the fun vibes. They are gentle on every scene. If the characters' attractive appearances aren't enough for you, the voice acting serves as a delightful personality enhancer. They bring out a matching quality to let their persona shine through. From Chitoge's more-dere-less-tsun attitude and Kosaki's adorable endearment to Marika's clingy obsession or even Seishirou's tomboy coolness, despite the differences, they all have a similar feminine quality that is alluring and entertaining to listen to. Haru's voice seems like she is about to lose her voice though but nevertheless, it is definitely cute.
Nisekoi: manages to operate with its still strong hilarities although the faded plot progression signifies a lower glamor compared to before. It's a season of laughter with small hints for the promised girl. And if you don't mind that, it's a nice bundle of fun to enjoy in your free time.
77/100Haru made this sequel a joy to watch.Continue on AniListThere have been a few sequels to anime that have been shameless filler in recent months. None of them were worth the hype that initially sprouted upon announcement. However, they were story-driven narratives that people took very seriously and wanted to know how the story and world would continue with the following season. One that didn’t fit into this category was the sequel to the popular harem anime from 2014 called Nisekoi. An anime that doesn’t take its story or characters too seriously and has a sequel that is mostly comedic filler is just a continuation from the start.
Let’s not pretend that we thought the story in Nisekoi was something to be held in regard as outstanding because even the show dispels that notion. It wanted to be a dumb romantic comedy that, in some places, satirizes the genre with Shaft’s over-the-top artistry and nothing more. So, what the 2nd season brings to the table for fans of the series is simply a continuation of those hilarious and cute moments that made them adore the characters. If filler was to be seen primarily on seasons based on purely comedic anime, such as Nisekoi, I think people wouldn’t be as annoyed by them as they did with, say, the 2nd season of Psycho Pass.
With that out of the way, Nisekoi: as it is called, is, like I mentioned before, just more Nisekoi in that it just gives us more comedy and cutesy scenes involving the girls and our main protagonist. They are more or less the same in terms of the quality of the jokes coming from season one to season two. However, some set the bar up high than season one did with the hilarious dialogue between the characters. Thanks to the new characters they introduce in this season, which I’ll expound upon later, that opens up a ton of fresh possibilities they throw out to create even more crazy scenes.
Shaft’s animation still boosts these jokes up a notch with the vibrant character expressions that pop up every minute. They are every bit as pleasant as they were in the first season. I’d say it’s about the same quality of humor from the animation tricks when comparing the two of them. Great would be the right word to describe the quality itself, not excellent, as there are a few jokes that flow off and taper off to nowhere.
What minor changes there are in Nisekoi:, they introduced two new characters that are noteworthy to mention. Chitoge’s mother, Hana Kirisaki, has a decent arc in the middle of the season with Chitoge. It is formulaic as one could get, but Nisekoi knows how to turn something formulaic into comedy gold through and through. Finally, there is Onodera’s little sister, Haru Onodera. Haru’s brand of sisterly love antics of protecting her sister against Ichijou is always hilarious and adorable to see. Everything about Haru in Nisekoi has made this season worth the wait after only seeing a little of her in the OVA.
Did I enjoy my time with this new season of Nisekoi? Indeed I did. Did it satisfy my endless curiosity about how the romantic development between our hero and his love posse? No, because I never had any, to begin with. The matter is that Nisekoi has never fully taken itself seriously once you do the math of how often they’ve delved into the sillier moments than the serious tearjerkers that rarely happen. Comedy comes first in the world of Nisekoi, and seriousness comes 2nd, and that’s fine as long as you do it right. Nisekoi happens to be in that category, and its 2nd season further proves that sentiment.
Grade: A-
ANIME DramaKoi to Uso
ANIME ComedyGo-toubun no Hanayome ∬
ANIME ComedyMasamune-kun no Revenge
ANIME ComedyFutakoi Alternative
- (3.55/5)
Ended inJune 26, 2015
Main Studio Shaft
Favorited by 1,678 Users
Hashtag #NISEKOI