August 19, 2021
This part will take place in Morioh-Cho (the same town in Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable), but in the alternative universe in which Steel Ball Run takes place.
Following the Great East Japan earthquake, Morioh has been stricken by vast earthen protrusions known by the locals as Wall Eyes. Despite investigation, professional estimations are left empty. Meanwhile, the young girl Yasuho Hirose discovers a man buried within the ground, he possesses a distinctive star-shaped birthmark together with deeply penetrating bite marks. The man, who has contracted a staple case of amnesia is taken in by a local family and given the name Jousuke Higashikata, however mysterious events cannot stop from piling one upon the other and soon that enigma known as stands emerges to complement the great cloud of confusion.
Jousuke Higashikata
Yasuho Hirose
Joubin Higashikata
Rai Mamezuku
Tsurugi Higashikata
Johnny Joestar
Lucy Steel
Yoshikage Kira
Norisuke Higashikata IV
Joushuu Higashikata
Josefumi Kuujou
Daiya Higashikata
Kei Nijimura
Kaato Higashikata
Satoru Akefu
Yotsuyu Yagiyama
Mitsuba Higashikata
Tamaki Damo
Hato Higashikata
Karera Sakunami
Aishou Dainenjiyama
Holly Joestar-Kira
Oujirou Sasame
98/100the hidden masterpiece.Continue on AniListA story about the man has no memory about his own name and his previous life dealing against his own existence, identity and inhuman foe in this series. The plot take place after the __Greatest Masterpiece__ that our __Araki __Sensei made __(Steel Ball Run). __In Morioh, yes, the lovely place that we already watch or read in Part 4 : Diamond is Unbreakable. instead 1999, the story begin around 2011. after Morioh Earthquake and Tsunami (Based on Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami on 2011 in real life). Our another Main Character and Supporting Character, __Hirose Yasuho and Joshu Higashikata__ found a naked man buried in the ground, near Uplifted Vault called _Wall Eyes_, this naked man who have no memories.....has named __Josuke Higashikata__, Joshu father, __Norisuke Higashikata__ decides to adopt him into the Higashikata household until he can find his own home. Jousuke begins to investigate his own previous life, apparently he is no ordinary amnesiac. There is more to his identity than he first suspected, as he is thrust into a series of high-stakes Stand battles, he soon begins unravelling a deadly conspiracy in Morioh. Jojolion have many great aspect just like its predecessor Steel Ball Run and i would say Jojolion is better than Steel Ball Run, the story packed with Mystery and Conspiracy around Josuke and The Higashikata about his existence why he exist in this world, the mystery about his new family The Higashikata Household and many life-threaten threat around Morioh that ready to strikes anytime.
In this series, Araki show us that he can made a blank-amnesiac character like Josuke become arguably "the best" Jojo's in entire series because as soon the stories keep going, our lovely boy Josuke's new character keep improving. and that doesnt end like that. most character in Higashikata Household, have their own individual method how to deal with the problem not......only their own individual problem, but for solving Higashikata Household problem too. EVEN the Antagonist have their own Ideologies how to reach their so called own "Ultimate" Goals.
Another Great aspect in Jojolion is, the main plot never off just like its own Predecessor from First Series to Seventh Series. even the stories have its own arc every x to x Chapter, Jojolion Story always consolidate to its one and original Break the Higashikata Family Curses it is already introduced in first chapter that... the plot will always focused to that point.
Pacing in Jojolion is become a bit slower in late arc due to many things happen at same time, its just like "July 15th" episode in Jojolion Counterpart (Diamond is Unbreakable), it seems Araki Sensei really love something slower yet have so much intense in one Arc or Episode ex : two stories in different place at same time in Series.
Outside Action and Mystery. Jojolion included Relationship and Comedy .....and Most importantly and Araki Sensei always include is the famous Copypasta words that we found everywhere. this four aspect already almost made Jojolion complete. there are so many things that i dont review here because its major spoiler will make Jojolion even better than its Pre-decessor Steel Ball Run. I already reread Jojolion third time, and i really enjoy the Bizarre Journey of Josuke that Araki Sensei created.
i hope many people know this hidden gem because it is greatly written and the enjoyment while reading this, is really high.
Highly Recommended.
90/100(SPOILERS) Almost better than Steel Ball RunContinue on AniListJojolion is a very very strange part, and this aspect brings good and bad things.
What I liked -
JoJolion is really really good with themes and underlying philosophy. Josuke's character, for example. is made to be a contradiction to Yoshikage Kira's philosophy of being either "a man of the land or a man of the sea". Josuke wears sailor's clothes yet never enters a boat, he is born of the fusion of a man of the land and a man of the sea. Yet, he is not an indecisive pretender as Kira would have said. Ojiro sasame, is an indecisive pretender not because of his oscillation between land and sea, it is quite the opposite, he oscillates because he is indecisive, he stands in the line not only between land and sea, but also in the line of normal citizen and criminal, for he does criminal acts but wants to live a normal life. Josuke is not like that, he is decisive in nature and is up to face the consequences of his actions face front. He may not be a man of the land nor of the sea, but he is a man of the shore, and stands firmly and proudly on it. And it also ties with his stand's ability to use bubbles, since bubbles are what you find in the beach, at the water's edge. Also really liked the motherhood theme of this part, that is a direct continuation of Steel Ball Run's theme of fatherhood. There are many other examples, principally involving miracles, curses and calamities, but I wont extend myself here.Characters:
There were a few characters I didn't like, and what I did like I REALLY liked. Jojolion is really good in creating these relatable and real yet bizarre characters, for the part is a bit more grounded and less fantastic than the others, characters have real motivations and you can see that (at least for the humans part) no one is as evil as the previous villains. The antagonists commit evil acts, and are assholes sometimes, but it's reasonable once you see their sides. And you can also say no one is really good in nature in JoJolion, no one makes good acts without waiting for something in return or having some objective in mind. My personal favorites were Jobin and Norisuke.Stands and Battles:
Some of the most creative and fun stands in all of JoJo's, since the powerscale is tuned down a little, Araki had the chance to introduce a lot of bizarre ideas that result in a lot of unique battles. Speed King, for example, had this creepy aspect to its design, and has one of the simplest yet versatile abilities of the part, it is one of my favorites. My favorite battle was probably against Wonder of U, it is the most menacing, ominous and mysterious stand ever.Rock Humans:
Are really strange yet exciting to read. They have unique motifs to their personalities that adds some flavor to them. Also, JoJolion has the best minor antagonists of the entire series. They all have not only personality, but interesting backstories and motivations and that creates more entertaining fights. Tamaki Damo and Yotsuyu are the ones I liked the most with a honorable mention to Doctor Wu. I will talk about tooru later.Other antagonists:
Jobin is my favorite antagonist in all of JoJo's, a thing that made me really like him is how he can suddenly change his approachable and amicable personality to an absolutely despicable and determined villain. He doesn't stop for anything in his way and absolutely stomps over rules and morals to get to his goals. Yet, is really reluctant to abandon and hurt his family, the thing he values the most. His philosophy of "weakness and strength" and "everyone starts at zero and must climb up no matter what" feels real for a person like him for he was born in a position of power, and is not really empathetic with anyone outside his family, which gives another layer of reality to his character. I found him the most enjoyable and relatable antagonist yet. The higashikatas as antagonists in the start, principally daiya and tsurugi, are really cool for their mysterious nature, and it makes all really interesting to read. Ojiro Sasame is a really good character for reasons I already cited in the philosophy section, and not only him, but a lot of elements coming back way after their presentation in the part is one of my favorite things. I will talk about Kaato later.Locacaca:
Really good Mc'Guffin and I think it's way better than the stand arrow, I think it fits nicely not only with the themes of the part but with the story in general, it doesn't feel like something that came out of nowhere, like the stand arrow kind of felt.What I didn't like:
The flash forward: I hate how the flash forward is presented and how it mislead the readers for 2 years without a clear reason. We all thought the first part, with the happy family setting, was part of the flash forward, and it made sense, since tsurugi has a illusory stand and daiya has a memory controlling stand, PMK is even given a lot of focus in the Flash Forward, yet, the first part is a flashback and the focus on PMK and the countdown to the locacaca is only to mislead us. But this misdirect is not smart at all and does not change our perspective of the story, just makes things kind of boring. Also tsurugi's monologue in the FF doesn't make any sense once you realize he did nothing wrong. He could be talking about his father, but it really still doesn't make sense.
Jojolion has a lot of inconsistencies, which I will list:- Josefumi's birthmark was never drawn again after it's first appearance, making some people thing it was a mistake.
- Kei Nijimura vanishes from the family photo.
- The number of grafted locacaca branches changes from 2 to 1, suddenly.
- Rai's backstory is first said to be about his family secrets leaking out, yet afterwards is shown to be about a wind disaster or something.
- The new locacaca does not make any changes to neither tsurugi, nor yasuho, nor joshu's stand, when it did change Josefumi's Soft & Wet.
Unsolved mysteries:
There are a lot of things that went unexplained in JoJolion, which I will list:- What are the origins of the wall eyes
- Who is the mysterious baby at the shore (I think this one doesn't necessarily need an explanation but still)
- Who is the flashback man and why was he at the wall eyes with Josuke
- When Karera will come back and what did she do with the Locacaca tree at kira's house
- What was that random injury on Daiya's leg in her arc
- What is the origin of the Higashikata's Disease
- What are the bite marks
There are probably others I forgot to point out but you get the point. It is not like the stand arrow or the stone mask that are introduced but explained in later parts, since the mysteries in JoJolion are introduced, never have any utility and are never explained, unlike the stone mask and stand arrow that have influence and importance in their respective parts. Some of the things I said have importance and play their part but most don't. And considering JoJolion is a mystery manga it having a lot of things that are introduced and never explained or used is kind of bullshit in my opinion.
Tooru and Caato:
Tooru is a boring character, the head doctor isn't, but tooru is just an asshole that declares himself main villain out of nowhere and dies. I don't think it is poorly written, I just don't like it. (Although I do like his monologue about memories and "the rock that sits on top")
Caato, on the other hand, was introduced right after the first major antagonist was defeated, had a stand and design similar to valentine's, said she didn't like josuke, and went against the higashikata tradition of sacrificing herself for her child, she was contrary to the ideals of the family josuke was trying to be a part of. All of the requirements are met. Yet... She appears for 2 chapters and dies immediately after. It is a misdirection, but it's not clever and it completely wastes her huge set up.The end of Wonder of You and Endless calamity:
Despite being my favorite arcs, they have a shit ending. The entire arc is about Jobin waiting for the fucking locacaca to get ripe so he can save Tsurugi. Yet, Caato just shoves some tree sap up Tsurugi's ass and he's healed, the curse is broken. It makes it all feel pointless to me, it just feels really strange and rushed.Unused Potential:
Considering all of the hanging mysteries, unused or unexplored characters (kaato, holly, karera, flashback man, etc.) and a second locacaca branch that didn't need to be EXCLUDED from the universe, I think JoJolion could be a longer part with more content, more depth to certain characters and a better ending.Does it really hurt the part tho?
Not that much, I believe. I can understand JoJolion being shorter since there will be a ninth part that will use and solve all of its loose ends and hanging mysteries. And the end is really satisfying in my opinion (save for chapter 108 I hate that chapter). And despite appearing and immediately dying, Caato was a good character for what she did. The only thing that really stains JoJolion for me is the end of wonder of you and the flash forward. I think JoJolion's rights far outdo its wrongs and that makes it a great part.Tjomionias
100/100This is a story about breaking a curseContinue on AniList__Jojolion, a story about breaking a curse__ After 10 years of publishing, part 8 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jojolion, has come to an end. This is the piece where Araki really showed the world how good he is in writing stories. While there were inconsistencies in the story, I think Araki did a great job. I just wanted to quickly point out before starting the review that a monthly schedule is a lot to handle in terms of consistencies, because there is a long time between chapters and Jojolion has been published for over 10 years straight, to remember everything correctly would need a super brain. So I will not take inconistencies into account when reviewing Jojolion.
__!WARNING! There will be spoilers in this review!__ So let's start with the story itself.
At the beginning of Jojolion we are greeted by our two main protagonists, Josuke Higashikata and Yasuho Hirose. Yasuho finds Josuke in the ground, naked and Josuke doesn't know who he is. He is taken out of the ground and gets adopted by the Higashikata family. When trying to find the answer to who he is, the owner of the hat shop that Yasuho and Josuke are in says that he is Kira Yoshikage, the man who ordered a sailors hat at the store. This is our first and possibly one the most important clues throughout Jojolion. After that Josuke finds more pieces that lead to his true identity. We are introduced to the rockhumans, a mysterious race that serve as the primary antagonists. In the middle of Jojolion, we finally know who Josuke really is. Kira Yoshikage and Josefumi Kujo, who merged with the Rokakaka fruit in the wall eyes. After that, the story shifts from finding Josukes true identity to the mystery of the Rokakaka fruit and the Rock humans. We are being told that the Rock Humans want to sell the Rokakaka fruit as a revolutionary medicine, the so called Rokakaka 6251, a new version of the old Rokakaka. After we see the presentation where Satoru Akefu presents the new Rokakaka, we enter the Wonder of You saga. Which will lead us almost to the end of Jojolion. In this arc Josuke, Yasuho and Rai try to chase the head doctor, The Wonder of You (the stand of Tooru), but our crew is hit by a lot of calamities. In the pursuit of the head doctor a lot happens in the story, I'll list a few of them: The Wonder of You is revealed to be the stand of Tooru (Yasuhos ex-boyfriend), Rai and Kyo die in the fight with Tooru, Jobin tries to save the Higashikata family by helping the rock humans, Josuke unlocks Soft & Wet: GO BEYOND. After the fight with Tooru, we get a flashback for the last 1.5 chapters. The Radio Gaga Incident, in whick Lucy Steel tries to find the Rokakaka fruit. After the flashback we return to modern day Morioh and see Josuke, Yasuho and the rest of the family for the last time. Kyo, Rai and Jobin have died, Norisuke survived and the remaining Higashikata family celebrate the victory.Characters
Jojolion has my number 1 favorite JoJo of all time, Josuke Higashikata. He is in my opinion the best JoJo that Araki has ever created. He has a really unique and beautiful design, I really like his personality and his stand Soft & Wet is my favorite stand design in the series. Yasuho is also a great second protagonist, she helps Josuke so much throughout the story with her stand Paisley Park and is just overall, a really likeable character. Rai Mamezuku, is also easily one of the best character in Jojolion, I love his design, his stand Doggy Style really reminds me of Jolyne with Stone Free which in my opinion is a really nice touch, and is just like so many characters an awesome character.I can go on about Jojolion for so long so I will just list the last thing that I found interesting.
The Tooru problem
Tooru is a name in the JoJo fandom that everyone knows as the hit or miss antagonist from Jojolion. Apart from his amazing design and good flashback, I think Araki wrote himself into a corner. Because with Tooru, Araki could've done two things. 1. Just like how Araki did with Jojolion, introduce him late into the story and don't even mention him for half of the story. Or 2. Araki could've introduces him early into the story, but, if Araki would've done that he would've had to end Jojolion a lot earlier. Because Arakis approach with Jojolion was not the stand of the week format like in Stardust Crusaders and Golden Wind. So Araki couldn't have send an almost unlimited amount of rock humans to Josuke, let them fight for 1/2 chapters and the repeat until they finally arrive at the Morioh Hospital to fight Tooru. It would've simply not worked with the story format of Jojolion. So you can have your own opinions about Tooru, but I absolutely love him.So in the end, Jojolion is an awesome written story. It presents us to a beautiful location, with amazing characters, fantastic stands, interesting and badass fights and amazing story telling, never seen before in JoJo. While Jojolion has his flaws, I just love this part so much and I really want to reread Jojolion someday.
With Part 9 announced, we can look forward to a couple more amazing JoJo years.
MANGA ActionDorohedoro
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MANGA ActionNo Guns Life
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MANGA MysteryKishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai
- (4.2/5)
Ended inAugust 19, 2021
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