February 26, 2003
The story of Joutarou Kuujou's (Part 3) daughter, Jolyne Kuujou. She is framed for a murder and ends up in the Green Dolphin Street Prison. She is given an amulet inherited from her father, which cuts her hand and unlocks her Stand ability, Stone Free, which allows her to unravel her body into living string. The string can form a humanoid Stand within 2 meters of her body, and can extend further as string. In the prison, she soon becomes uneasy allies with fellow convicts and Stand users Hermes (Kiss) and Foo Fighters.
Joutarou Kuujou
Jolyne Kuujou
Weather Report
Enrico Pucci
Foo Fighters
Narciso Annasui
Hermes Costello
Emporio Alnino
Dio Brando
Johngalli A
Donatello Versace
Green Baby
Miuccia Miuller
Thunder McQueen
Yo-Yo Ma
Lang Rangler
Sports Maxx
Dragon's Dream

75/100This review is not spoiler heavy nor is it spoiler free...idkContinue on AniListI do like a lot the set up and the side characters, I do really appreciate the fact that the Stand of the main antagonist is pretty weak (at least at the begining) so he can't just rely on his powers. And for the fights they are very nice fights like Jolyne vs FF or Jolyne vs C-Moon, and at the other side we have like the fights against Dragon's Dream and Jumpin' Jack Flash which seem pretty tedious to me.
If I need to make a detailed examination (WARNING: Mild spoilers! it is difficult to talk about the story or characters without saying something).. I liked parts but disliked others. Most of the time spent in the prison felt like a drag. Jolyne's goal was repeated over and over for the first thirty chapters or so that it became repetetive and annoying.
We got to know the backstories of the side characters, but the only ones I feel I know even a little bit are Annasui and F.F. (because she was very vocal about all the things she knew now, and manifested her will solely to protect Jolyne). As for Weather Report, his backstory really helped him as a character, but his personality is never something I saw in real time, just something I was told through a backstory. It doesn't make Weather Report himself all that interesting to me, just his past that hasn't been a part of him for a very long time. They just weren't really given a lot of time to develop in my opinion. There was just so much going on at any one point and so many stands coming after Jolyne that I never got to see how these people were when they weren't in immediate danger of death.Most of the stands within the prison were kinda forgettable, and Dio's three failures were just a disappointing and unwanted scene after spending all of VA absolutely loving Gio and marvelling over how he encompassed all of the best parts of his father. They just tarnished his name and made me feel upset on his behalf.
Now, what I did appreciate a lot is Jolyne's ability to grow up rather quickly. She spent most of her life vying for her father's attention, and that made her a bitter little girl. But as soon as she heard him say he cared about her, that idea of Hope brought her back around. And then when she learned more about Jotaro's past, she really began to understand that the world is a big place and her dad was a very well-known man.
After the break-out, the story starts to get much more compelling. The backstory of Weather Report and Pucci mostly made me feel for Pucci and understand him better than having much of an impact on Weather Report for me. I barely knew WR, and when he got his memories back, I knew him even less. So whatever. Without the constriction of a one-set story, things began to expand VERY quickly and I was happy for it. The fight at Cape Canaveral was pretty interesting. Pucci as a villain was more successful and intimidating than Dio, and not just because he won in the end. Pucci was the villain from the very beginning, always an active player. And as Weather said, he didn't even know he was evil.
Fastforwarding to the end, I liked Jolyne and Jotaro's final moments. The whole group went down like heroes, and Emporio was a reliable kid. Pucci's demise as a result of his own meddling with fate was enjoyable. Not only did he deserve his brother's hatred and bring it upon himself, his ability gave Weather the chance to get his revenge even after death. GRAVITY. Idk.The new universe thing made me happy, but also slightly ruined it for me. The part of me that loves Jotaro and I guess kind of Jolyne (she was cool, but not a top JoJo) likes that the universe rewarded the Joestar's for their sacrifices and determination to finally bring an end to the curse of Dio. But then...if we assume that even if these aren't the 'same' Jotaro and Jolyne that they still share the same soul as those who fought Pucci, the sacrifice was almost anti-climatctic. The deaths of everyone didn't matter in the end (not that they mattered too much to me to begin with, I barely knew them), not when the universe was going to correct itself anyways.
Jolyne and Jotaro had the good father-daughter relationship they always wanted. Annasui/Annakiss presumably never murdered anyone since he isn't in prison. Hermes's sister was never murdered. Emporio got to leave the prison and start living a normal life. And Weather Report....I am actually kind of interested to know what happened there. Was he born as a twin or not? Was he still kidnapped at birth? Perhaps that dead baby the grieving mother switched out lived after all and the baby to die that day was instead Pucci? GRAVITY.
Overall, I liked part 6, but it is currently on the bottom of my list, right before Phantom Blood. Though, I liked certain parts of it better than some of my favorite parts. The ending was pretty awesome, which ranks it my second favorite ending after Battle Tendency, since I feel that those two did the absolute best with the feeling that what was going on was truly important AND exciting. If only Jolyne would have left prison earlier and had some time on the run to get to know her crew, to do something besides draw people in who wanted to protect her for one reason or another - to prove she was WORTH protecting by anyone.
I did particularly like her stand and it's capabilities. Very different for a JoJo and quite imaginative. At the end it definitely worked as a metaphor for the unravelling of the universe/fate.
The last thing I want to say... The art in 'Stone Ocean' is amazing and exactly the level of quality you would expect from Hirohiko Araki.
80/100Jolyne is my GOAT and still the best Jojo to this day. Not everything was great, but I still loved it!.Continue on AniListCharacters
Part 6 is one of the most enjoyable JJBA parts, and a lot of that can be attributed to the characters. Jolyne is the best Jojo yet! The side characters are also pretty good too, such as F.F, Anasui and Weather Report. I will say some of the twists were quite weird (mainly near the end), however, Araki did not fail to deliver on his bizarre cast, rivalling the cast of the previous parts with ease. Especially with Jolyne being my favourite Jojo so far. Jolyne adds to the humour a lot with some of the funniest moments featuring her.
Part 6 was similar to part 5 as it did not have the best villains lol. Pucci was cool and his arc added much more depth to Dio, however he did not grab my attention in the way Dio and Kira did. I feel like there was something lacking and rushed with him, however, I did hear stories about how Araki was having a tough time with his publishers and wanted to get this done as fast as possible. And Dio's sons were kinda mid too I didn't really care about them lol.
One thing I really wanna highlight is the art. GOD DAMN DID ARAKI GO OFF. Especially with the officially coloured edition. There was so much life in the drawings when you look at how colour and lighting used. Araki just keeps getting better and better with his artwork and I can't wait to see it evolve with part 7 and 8. I literally have nothing negative to say about the art. Araki is a legend.
Simply put, this is the best the choreography has been in any JJBA part. With some of wildest abilities the series has offered yet. (like Planet Waves). Araki continues to come up with even crazier stands, leading to some of the best and most brutal fights in the series. The amount of damage Jolyne would take and still continue to fight reminded me of Luffy from One Piece from some reason.
Pacing & the Ending
The pacing of the story was quite typical of Jojo’s. It was strongest at the start and mid portion, but some of the fights dragged, and the ending was kinda rushed in typical Jojo’s fashion. I previously mentioned the rushed nature and how it may be attributed to Araki's circumstances at the time, however, I can't just overlook it. The ending of Jojo's parts has always been slightly weird to me.
However, even with my typical distaste with Jojo's endings, this one was certainly the biggest risk Araki has taking, and I can see how it may be the most controversial aspect of the story. I respect Araki for taking the risk, but it was a bit sudden. Even in part 6, just like every other Jojo’s part I still feel that the endings are not very strong.
Overall, this is definitely one of the best JJBA parts with some of the best action, art and my favourite main character in the JJBA series yet. It is not my favourite JJBA part, but it is top 2, only beaten out by part 4. If only Pucci and the other villains were better lol.
90/100A bittersweet ending but nevertheless a compelling Jojo's journey which is carried by Araki's sole female protagonist.Continue on AniList(__this review does contain some spoilers, mostly from the earlier stages of the manga) __ Given the current climate of the JJBA universe, taking the upcoming anime adaptation of Stone Ocean into account, I feel that it would be of good use for me to provide my unsolicited impressions on the manga. I, myself, am rather fond of it. Though I cannot say it with absolute certainty, it seems as though Part 6 is one of the lesser enjoyed/touted within the Jojo's universe. I say this based off of what little I know about the community's consensus through my interactions on a variety of different sites, discords, forums, etc. Though I could be mistaken in this feeling, I do feel like taking a closer look at Part 6 and examining why this may or may not be the case.
It is difficult for me to figure out where to start with Stone Ocean. I guess it would bid well for me to state that this was uncharted territory for Araki, with Jolyne being his first female protagonist (and only thus far). Who other for this dame to be than the daughter of Jotaro Kujo. I think this is telling and quite fitting.
Jolyne's Story
In a similar vein to how her father was first introduced earlier on in Stardust Crusaders, Jolyne's first appearance is in a prison cell. Prior to her introduction, the reader is not yet aware of the nature of her appearance in this cell. She is seen banging her head against the wall, lamenting. The reasoning behind her lamentations is unexpected, and this opening scene proves to be...uhhh..interesting -- to say the least. It is ripe to create Joyne simps. I preume that Araki was keenly aware of the effect it would have upon those who read/watch it. I don't wish to be too direct, so I will merely state that the reasoning behind Jolyne's frustration is due her being caught peforming a sussy act. :flooshed:
Within the first few chapters, it is revealed how Jolyne ends up in the Green Dolphin Street Prison in Florida. Head over heels, Jolyne is seen riding around with her boyfriend Romeo in his decked out sports car. Staring into each others' eyes, the car ends up hitting something head on in the road. Mistaken at first for a mountain goat, the two discover a dead body on the side of the road. Recounting the scene, Jolyne remembers beckoning Romeo to alert the authorities and take the dying man to the hospital. Out of fear, her boyfriend begs her not to and that they should instead hide the body. In a similar vein of the typical trust-fund busy body, he worries about his reputation and places priority upon his own comfortable life. Not wanting to take the risk about what may happen to him, Romeo decides to go against the trod; Jolyne complies with her boyfriend, despite it being against her best judgement.
The nature of Jolyne landing in prison follows this happening in her life. This is the primary conflict within the narrative, along with Jolyne trying to come to terms with the absentee father she has in Jotaro. She has never been able to recall a moment where she felt that her dad cared for her. Her parents, being separated for quite some time, she never has been able to form a relationship with her father.
Part 6
Having set the stage for the plot, it would be preferable for me to delve into more of the specifics--primarily what makes Part 6 so good for me.
Stone Ocean demonstrates the evolution of Hirotoki Araki as an artist. Though it would be improper of me to claim that this is his peak, it is not wrong to claim that the manga is demonstrable evidence of master craftsman coming into his own. One only need to look as far as to compare panels from Part 1 to Part 6. Stone Ocean is ripe with intricate detail--so much so that it is often difficult to discern what exactly is taking place in just black and white. The sharpness of his penmanship is incredible. I am not the best with illustrating an artist's ability with my own words, but I do desire to establish that this is a testament to a man's perseverance. It honestly feels like a privilege to be able to consume work like this for my own entertainment.
Jolyne, Jolyne, Jolyne, Jolyneeeee...
Jolyne is hot. There are going to be simps for her, undoubtedly--myself included. Everything about her as a character is formulated in a way that makes her ripe for drawing in simps of varying degrees and different walks of life. From the way she is drawn (i.e. her captivating physical appearance) to her stubbornly headstrong attitude and approach to her daily life, Jolyne Cujoh is a captivating protagonist that makes Part 6 a worthwhile journey. It's almost as if Annasui is a parodied representation of the reader who falls in love with her. Uh, not really, but he just like me frfr
Despite Jolyne being the first (and only, at least thus far) female Jojo mc, she is quintessentially JJBA. Demonstrating her intellect, strength, and overall aptitude for the obstacles she encounters in life; Jolyne calls attention to another former mc who just so happens to be her father.
Like Father, Like Daughter
The nature of Jolyne's filial relationship with Jotaro is something that is hinted at toward the beginning of the manga. There are various allusions toward it, as the reader progresses through the initial chapters. One of the more tell-tale signs is the opening scene, which I have already mentioned previously. This is a blatant insinuation on Araki's part, as he is calling readers back to the introduction of Jotaro in his teenage years during Part 3.
One of the shining lights of Stone Ocean is this aforementioned relationship dynamic. The intricacies that comprise Jolyne and Jotaro's relationship is something that simply cannot be overlooked. In more ways than one, it is the heart and soul of this manga. It is a sorrowfully joyous experience, as Jolyne's world continually unfolds as she begins to realize just her life and this world are something else entirely. Her inner struggle, the one produced by her conflicting feelings toward her father, is palpable for readers. There is pain, in being a part of the audience, with this capability of witnessing how these events unfold and affect Jolyne in turn. The inner turmoil that breeds within the hearts of readers, in situations such as this, is evidence of genuinely solid storytelling.
I feel the need to call attention to Jotaro's nature; it's relevant. One only needs to witness Jolyne's "Yare Yare Dawa" to come to this understanding. One would be right in saying that the apple does not fall far from the tree. Looking into the eyes of Jolyne, one becomes keenly aware of her father as a teenager--akin to a Jotaro remnant. The cold, calculating nature is present within her as well. In addition to this stoically inclined nature, there remains a heart which is ultimately tender and aware of the people who surround them. In the same way that Jotaro cared for his friends during their journey to Egypt, Jolyne demonstrates her caring and selfless nature as she faces the various obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling the promises she has made herself and others.
If I plan on comparing this father-daughter pairing, I need to mention the stands as well. Jolyne's Stone Free is similar to Star Platinum, both in terms of speed and strength. There are blatant differences when it comes to the two stands, but they are underlyingly similar nonetheless. What distinguishes Jolyne's stand from her father's is her ability to manipulate both stand and body with strings. Stone Free's, given its agility and string manipulation, is one of the most versatile stands within the JJBA universe. It has its limits, but it would appear as if it did not, as Jolyne effectively uses her stand abilities to her advantage time and time again throughout the manga. This further exemplifies her intellectual prowess, calling attention to the feats her father accomplished with his Star Platinum.
What I had been aware of prior to reading Stone Ocean was how many were not fond of the way it ended. This tends to be common among critics of Part 6. Though I am not exactly fond of the ending myself, for reasons of which I am forbidden to touch base on, I do not think that these reasons warrant the extreme displeasure some tend to possess in regards to the manga. My concerns and dislike of Stone Ocean are rather petty. What I found distasteful was the setting.
For the sake of both brevity and clarity, I will say that I did not like Green Dolphin Street Prison. This is just my personal taste, but I was not fond of the bulk of this story taking place within the confines of the penitentiary. There was a desperate lack and want of compelling scenes, outside of those bleak prison walls. I feel that Araki's work shines when it comes to scenery and worldbuiliding, so I was a bit taken back when so much of the story was confined to the prison. Again, this is nothing more than a petty pet peeve of mine, so I do not feel that it warrants much merit. Though, if anyone does happen to share these same feelings, they will know that they are not alone in this respect. I’m right there with them.
The Big Bad
It would be irresponsible and downright dishonest of me to claim that Stone Ocean has the best villain. Though that is the case, I would feel zero guilt in claiming that Part 6 has one of the more compelling JJBA antagonists to date. Comparing anyone to Kira tends to be demonstrably unfair, as he can legitimately be labeled as a dynamic villain. Though I would not go so far as to say Pucci plays the same position as Kira, I would put Stone Ocean's big bad out on the same playing field as Kira--especially as the manga unfolds to reveal more of his back story. Powerscaling would be a different story though, as there are different ways in which he tends to be superior to Kira. In and of himself as a character, he can come off as being bland. What I appreciate most about his character is how he provides more context and a different perspective of Dio.
As an aside, I would like to point out how fortunate Giorno Giovanna was. Considering that he is his father's son, I would point out that Giorno was lucky. Though it is true that he chose to forge his own path, and he followed his dream which proved to be a faithful and worthy pursuit, it is not wrong to state that he lucked out in the gene department. I mean this sincerely, as there are several other children of Dio who were not as fortunate as Giorno -- neither in terms of physical appearance nor in terms of their moral character.
Bohemian Rhapsody Arc
One of the most bizarre parts of the manga occurs during the Bohemian Rhapsody arc. Without giving too much away, it contains several outlying references to classic characters and tales from the American multimedia conglomerate known as [redacted]. Something I am looking forward to with David Production's upcoming anime adaptation is how they will approach this part of the story. Araki's love of music references, and pop culture in general really, is not a surprise to anyone at this point. Everything else that I have seen him do is pretty tame in comparison, with little to no effect upon the narrative itself. Bohemian Rhapsody is a different story, as it plays a pivotal role. I am not well-versed when it comes to the finer details of copyright laws, so I cannot really anticipate how this part will play out in the anime. Regardless of how they approach it, I feel that it will undoubtedly be censored when it reaches Western audiences.
Concluding Thoughts
To conclude, I feel that Stone Ocean is very deserving of any of the love it gets--and more. Based off of what little that I know, it tends to be overlooked due to its ending. It is undoubtedly a bittersweet ending, one which is shaded in a cloud of mysterious metaphor. I think that this is part of what makes it so distasteful. It did not end the way any of us wanted it to end; it leaves some open-ended questions.
At any rate, regardless of its downsides, Stone Ocean is a compelling read. Following a hypnotically admirable protagonist, paired with side characters and villains who help create an engaging plot, makes for a solid manga. I love this cast of characters. They are honestly great, and Araki's artwork is phenomenal. Though Part 6 it is not without its flaws, I am particularly fond of it. Along with so many others, I will be looking forward to seeing this animated.
MANGA AdventureKarakuri Circus
MANGA ActionArea D: Inou Ryouiki
ONE SHOT AdventureJolyne, GUCCI de Tobu
MANGA ActionChainsaw Man
MANGA ActionHokuto no Ken
MANGA DramaPlatinum End
MANGA ActionShin Seiki Evangelion
- (4.1/5)
Ended inFebruary 26, 2003
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