August 21, 2015
Minato Sahashi is a loser who's failed his college placement exams two years running. But just as he's contemplating giving up and moving back in with his mom, a chance encounter changes his life forever! Enter Musubi, a girl who literally falls into Minato's life! Musubi is a Sekirei, a mysterious being caught up in a game in which only one of her kind can be left standing. But in order to be victorious in this contest, she needs to find her fated partner...and guess who fits the bill??
Caught up in a battle he barely understands, can Minato survive the "Sekirei Project" and emerge victorious? Either way, with his buxom new cohort by his side, his life will certainly never be the same!
Together forever. I'll be by your side!
(Source: Yen Press)
Miya Asama
Minato Sahashi
Yukari Sahashi
Takami Sahashi
Hiroto Minaka
Kaoru Seo
Chiho Hidaka
Hayato Mikogami
61/100pokemon with nice tits and boi pussyContinue on AniListWarring this review may contain spoilers.
First impressions, so my first impressions is.
That this is about a bunch of supper powered human looking aliens fighting it out in a city wide battle torment in order to reach paradise with there master.
Sounds fucking cool and I want to see what they do with it.Story, 6/10
One day while two time college entrance exam failure minato is walking in depression from his lastest failure of try's to get into college of his dreams.
While in dispear an extra thick shrine maiden falls from the sky and lands on top of him named musubi.
During this encounter he finds that musubi being chased by a two women dressed in s&m outfits who are shooting lighting out of there hands.
During there escape minato finds out that musubi is something called a sekirei,
Which is are this group of 108 strong super power human like aliens that have been looked after by the local corporation
(which are mostly comprised of hot milfs, thick as fuck school girls, pretty boys that make your hart go doki doki and the odd trap and loli.)Apparently the main character has been chosen against his will to take place in a city wide death torment called the sekirei plan where sekirei and there masters called ashikabi
(which are certain people who attract sekirei almost like a magnet because of reasons I will dive into later)
Fight it out for the ultimate prize.
which minato now finds himself involved in the fight for his life in quest for this ultimate prize so afterwards he can continue his normal life and also live in peace with musubi.So sekirei if you couldn't tell is another one of those battle harems which is quite common especially now a days.
which I haven't got the biggest love for anymore being completely honest here because of how oversaturated the genre has been in recent years.
But battle harem aspect aside I would probably say that sekaikei is probably one of the better battle harems out there not because it's deep, complex or any thing like that.
But more on the line of it has a simple story that's it's wants to tell and it sticks to that story to the every end faults and all.
which is why I wound call it the everyday man of the battle harem genre because it try's to have a few themes about friend ship and comradey which it portrays in quite a straightforward manner and its not a defftive that the main character going to win just because he has a few more sekirei in his team than some of the over contestniceActually when I boil it down its plot to it's most basic stature and think about it sekirei pretty much plays like a Pokemon game except the Pokemon are hot human like aliens.
(Maybe they should have run it by the slogan "gotta to fuck them all")
But I digress.So has far as storyline and content is consured
Sekirei has a basic plot which follows the formula of.
Main character gets involved in drama or some shit while this tournament goes on in the background. which most of the time involves a girl who got problems and after that shit or drama is done.
he gets another sekirei added to his ever growing team which the story will repeat this process about six for times which kind of gets old really fast it's the usual thing In harems there a male lead and a bunch a girls with problems which the main character solves using his dick.
Except in this case the problems that come up wasn't always an external problem sometimes it was more a of an internal thing Which made the confits slightly interesting and I did want to see where they would go with example of one of the drama or problem I found interesting was
when the character Homura who is a male sekirei stating to get attaced to are main character and before you think that is a one of those characters finding out about there sexual orientation it's nothing like That because it's reveled that hormura has a unique biology in the sense that he can't actually control what gender he is or his power to a certain extent.
And it's not the fact he falling for a dude or Turing into a women because of his body reaction to the main character that's the main cause of his problem
it's apart of it but what really bothers him is the fact he has no control over his own destiny and is pretty much a play thing to the winds of fate which he tries to fight against.
Which I thought was pretty interesting idea even though afterwards when the problem was fixed they kind of played it off for gags which got less funny every time they brought it up like how meny times you you have to show that hormura is slightly embarrassed because he having homo lust for the main character.The after we get though about 2/3 of the story.
We finally get into more off this battle tournament and more focus on the history of the sekirei.So the actual tournament it's self isn't bad as far as tournament arcs are considered.
Because in this point in time main character actually has more of a reason to why he wants to win because before he just wanted to win in order to be with musubi.
But now he wants to use the prize to revive all the sekirei that has fulling at this tournament and reverse some of the damage it has caused on others around him and also keep it out of hands which could lead to the death of most of humanity.
Which is kinda a generic reason but it's better than not taking this thing seriously which he was doing before and it doesn't follow the usual main character fights everyone with his team and beats everyone and wins.
It's more along the lines of he unofficially won because of events outside his control and people just kinda went with it and to be honest if the tournament keeped on and continued on officially to its ending pretty sure the main character would have lost most of his team and might of won by the skin of his teeth.
the action all right and there enough background and side plot to make the battles have more impact not just in the case of who wins the gets the ultimate prize but also from a character perspective as well which was good to have.Now just before the continent with the characters and what not I would like to mention that the history of the sekirei was slightly interesting and is another reason why I call this the Everyman of battle harems.
Because it's reviled that sekirei have been on are planet before of corse in yee olden times and that the ashikabi are people who are descended from sekirei and human breeding with each other.
Which is why I think this is the Everyman because any one could be a ashikabi from a rich politician to a homeless man because as long as they have sekirel blood in them they are able to be in this battle tournament.
Of course one problem I do have is that they don't really explain much about where the sekirei come from because the information we are given is that they came from outer space and that there are ships full of sekirei that are possibly underground waiting to be found again.
So my question is what are they and who made them because they look and act Human and they are can also breed with humans without much difficulty.
Are they are race that similar to humans and they found are planet on accident or where they made by some other alien race for god knows what and where sent here to mate with the local population.
Guess we never will know but that just was a little nit pick I wanted to bring up.So I guess my pros are that's slightly better written than some harems story's out there and it's doesn't try to over stay it's welcome.
It's not amazing like golden boy or high school dxd story wise but it's not a harem I would forget in a week I would probably forget it in a year.I think my cons are is that some of the drama the story brings up becomes pointless at times and brought up for gags after they solve the problem.
Which I didn't like because it took some of the inpact out of those problems.
Like for example what I meanion before with Homura when his problem started to become a run on gag which is didn't like to much.Characters 6/10
The main character minato is another on of those bland harem protagonist that are a dime a dozen.
He just the nice guy who though the events of the series becomes slightly more manly and take charge of the situations he is in.
I kinda which that he wasn't like this because some of the other side characters have a more distinct personally and are more extreme in there beliefs and morals I just wish he wasn't just the nice guy that every likes and some people dislike because of his somewhat fence attitude.Side characters are probably slightly more interesting but most of them are still the usual tipcle character you find in most story's but I give credit they didn't feel like cardboard cutouts because there as enough characterzion to make them stand out slightly but enough for me to say of that's him/her personality
Some characters that where slightly better written and had more of a personality that's its bothered me less than usual.
One example of this is Hayato Mikogami a character when we fist meet him comes of as a extremely childish rich person who pursues his wims and interests with no thoughts to who it will effect what's so ever and also thinks this tournament is a a game.
As a series continues on we find at that even though he is rich and all the freedom in the world it doesn't take away the fact that he is very lonely and has no one who really understands him but that all changed when he meet the sekirei and now he isn't lonely because he has people who accept him for who is and nothing more.Interestingly enough a lot of the other major players in this tournament have that similar dynamic where they come off as assholes but though the interactions with there sekirei this isn't exactly the case.
While on the topic of the sekirei I think the relationships that sekirei have with there ashikabi are slightly interesting because it's pretty much a mix of best friend, lover, or just loyal servant even though I feel that the relationships themselves kinda progress way to fast like there are even some ashikabi who are dating there sekirei with plans are marrying them in the future even if they known each other for about a month or two.
But the reason for that could be that ashikabi and sekirei have a spiritual bond which allows the understand each other in a deep way I guess.Art, 6/10
Artwork is decent most of the time except for a few panels that look a little un focused or panels that look amazing.
The backgrounds look alright although when there doing there fight scenes and shit gets destroyed the background dose a ver sub par job at show casing the level of destruction that going on around them.The fight scenes themselves are alight but the fights don't really flow every well and most of the battles are son using the special attack to finish the fights instead of basic hand to hand combat which we do get but its only every now and then.
I like the characters designs for some of the characters,
Most of them are the sekirei character designs which look very nice and are easy on my eyes.Enjoyment, 5/10
When I first watched the anime and read the manga of this.
I liked it quite a bit it's was a show to me that I would watch every now and then to pass the time if I was bored or wanted a quick chuckle.
Now a days it's still has that effect to an extent but it isn't the series I would go back to every now and then for enjoyment it's become more a once in a blue moon enjoyment for me. I will probably won't ever read it again unless I feel like taking a trip down memory lane.
As far what I enjoyed about it Well I liked the fights and I thought the story as entertaining enough even if it was basic as fuck and every dated by today's standards.Character interactions where slightly more engaging than I thought they would be.
So I guess I enjoyed this manga for slightly going over the expectations I had for it.Overall, 6/10
So if your a person who enjoys harem and people fighting I would recommend you give this manga a shot.
It's not as good is high school dxd, golden boy or Rosario vampire but it ten times better than most generic battle harems with school and teenagers.
It's a good time passer.If your not into harem or you want something with a bit more serious stay away
But it's not like anyone pays attention to what I say anyway so why do a bother.If you want a good tournament battle and not getting it here probably go watch or read any of the fate stay night series or the dark tournament arc from yu yu hakusho.
MANGA ActionChange 123
MANGA ActionManyuu Hikenchou
MANGA ActionSeikon no Qwaser
MANGA ComedySora no Otoshimono
MANGA ComedyHigh School DxD
MANGA ActionOmamori Himari
- (3.5/5)
Ended inAugust 21, 2015
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