February 6, 2010
A strange virus is making its way around the globe, causing its victims to commit suicide–and becoming a lethal pandemic in less than a week. Now a group of Tokyo teens who have survived the outbreak are wondering why they are still alive.
(Source: Kodansha USA)
Taisuke Kanou
Nami Kusunoki
Yuta Takizawa
Megumi Ochiai
Hirose Yuichi
Katsumata Shigeki
Yura Takumi
Carl Adler
Aoi Tezuka
Asou Hideo
Yukie Tezuka
Youko Kanou
Jun Tezuka
Morio Kenichirou
James McPherson
Kanon Mitachi
Gou Okada
Kyouko Amamiya
70/100Alive The Final Evolution is quite the experience.Continue on AniListAlive The Final Evolution is quite the experience. In a world where MMC's best friend is discount Saskue who gets Friendzoned by Discount Sakura, who gets convinced by Discount Orichimaru to join him in hopes for more power. Truly a unique experience. The story is set in modern century Earth, a random shooting stars decided to crash land(?) onto planet earth. Certain people seem to now have Evolved and gained superpowers. Not everyone who was affected by the shooting star became evolved though. They were unable to contain it and committed suicide. So a mass suicide went across the world. Our hero however cares for none of this shit and has only 1 job. To rescue discount Saskue from the clutches of Discount Orichimaru.
The series is split into 2 parts. The 2nd half is set after a timeskip which starts with an amnesia arc. And like many amnesia arcs its just doesn't connect. I found the story to be intriguing but also a bit complicated. I think which was a bit of a nice touch tbh. It had just the right amount of unknown ending aside (which I will get to). Alot of the characters powers also are never really explained. It feels less majestic more the author couldn't think of a reason that made sense. Nonetheless though the author combined with his nice art was able to give some insane panels and nice double page spreads.
The characters are without a doubt its strong point. Now i do think Discount Saskue was a weak villain. Characterization wise that is. He was simply someone who was literally upset over being friendzone. That was his entire thing. Thats it. Yes there was deeper meaning but honestly that's pretty much the core of his entire reasoning. NOW. Discount Voldemort on the other hand was just taking it by the storm. Every step was truly vicious. I like the fact that he wasn't stupid and was ahead of the MMC. Like he actually acted like a smart villain instead of just some random that manically laughs. Discount Voldemort is definitely one of the more entertaining villains I have seen so far... mostly. The main character is also very likeable. He actually doesn't resemble naruto as much as he resembles the MMC from Kekkaishi. Even his like Off duty job is similar kinda hilarious. Regardless the side characters are also very entertaining. Almost all of them have there own purpose. They are kinda selfish in a way people are. and it really gave them their own personality. I didn't like the FMC's character development though. She was a good character but she was really lacking in the 2nd half. I didn't like how the author developed her character. Made her less of her own person.
Fanservice was a bit of an issue for this series. Now i love naked women. I love half naked women. But this series did not need either. Now this is a minor issue considering that the author didn't really add them in serious moments but rather moments that were already light hearted. But it just kinda pulled the heroines down for me. Overall though its a minor issue considering the author didn't over do it.
Action was somewhat of a unique bag though. It was good but at the same time i wasn't good enough kind of. Now what i liked about the action is that the characters die. They die and they don't come back. Giving real weight and tension to the fights. Actually giving the MMC a run of his money. Now its not as flash as naruto or one piece its more like Psyren just better written. Also they never explain some of the characters powers. It feels less like the author was giving us the option to think rather it felt like he couldn't think of one that would make sense. So despite the fact that the action maybe a couple steps below the real great ones i mentioned i think with the death inclusion the tension kinda cranks up to 11 sort of bridging that gap.
There is also a psychological aspect to the series. Whether or not death is a curse or a blessing. Who decided the rain means sad? and though the introduction to these are fantastically presented. I think the author just never truly expanded this. Never used it to its full potential. I did enjoy this aspect however i do think this is something people have already been asked. So unless your tired of this i don't think you will like it either.
The first half of this series was really good. Discount Saskue was kinda fun. I liked the MMC and how he approached people on his travels. Who joined and what not. When i think about the first half is really more like an adventure than an action series and the really wrote it well. the 2nd arc though good and answers many questions ( and leaves some) it just didn't bring itself to the quality of the first half
TLDR: Manga was fantastic in the first half. But some minor speed bumps in every aspect except art. The 2nd half some moderate speed bumps in story and characters but everything else remained pretty much minor. 7/10. Also It was drawn by the same author/artist as Noragami. however Alive's author is different.
MANGA ActionSaigo no Saiyuuki
MANGA ActionNano Hazard
MANGA ActionMob Psycho 100
- (3.65/5)
Ended inFebruary 6, 2010
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