February 5, 2021
High school student Kei Nagai is struck dead in a grisly traffic accident, but immediately revives to learn that he may not be like every other human. Instead, he may be a mysterious almost immortal being granted not only the powers of rejuvination but the abilities to see super-natural beings. Scared, he runs away, and is aided in his escape from society by his friend. Unfortunately for Kei, the manhunt is on and he will soon be caught within a conflict between mankind and others like him as they prepare to fight a new war based on terror.
(Source: Kodansha USA)
Includes 13 extra chapters.
- Nominated for the 7th annual Manga Taishou Award.
- Nominated for the Readers Award in the 18th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize.
- Nominated for the 38th Annual Kodansha Manga Awards in the Seinen category.
- Nominated for the 40th Kodansha Manga Awards in 2016 in the General category.
Kei Nagai
Izumi Shimomura
Yuu Tosaki
Kou Nakano
Kouji Tanaka
Ikuya Ogura
Ritsu Nagai
Jun Suzuki
Shinya Nakamura
Reiji Akiyama
Masumi Okuyama
Takeshi Kotobuki
Eriko Nagai
95/100Ajin: Who is the evil?Continue on AniList__• Sypnosis • __ Ajin: Demi-Human tells the story of Kei Nagai, who discovered that he had been one of the creatures everyone is talking about: The Ajins. "Ajins" first appeared 17 years ago in Africa. Upon their discovery, they were labeled as a threat to mankind, as they might use their powers for evil and were incapable of being destroyed. Since then, whenever an Ajin is found within society, they are to be arrested and taken into custody immediately. __Ajins are similar to humans, but they have two principal differences:__ 1: Ajins cannot die. Immortality is great right? Well, in Ajin that's far from great. Being an Ajin results in suffering in laboratories from the tortures of the lab researchers, so, their immortality is against them. And Ajins that haven't been found yet will have to be always hidden from society, not being able to leave a peaceful life as any other human being. 2: Ajins have a monster inside themselves Let me explain this part by an example: In Tokyo Ghoul (The most similar manga) the Ghouls have their weapons attached to they body, but in Ajin their true power relies in a body totally independent to the Ajins. So if the monster wants to not obey his master he can, and that is one of the cons of this, but when mastered, it can be a deadly weapon. But remember, enemies do have it too. __• Art Style •__ This is something I love about this manga: the art style. It sorts of reminds me to the manga "Gantz", an realistic type of art, but keeping the manga style, like in hair. It makes its job masterfully, as it's intended to give the manga a serious atmosphere. I personally don't bother about gore, but I'll warn you, this manga contains a LOT of it. Like every single fight has a gore scene in it. __• Characters •__ Ajin is one of those stories where you sometimes get to hate the main character, and others love it. The main character Kei Nagai is selfish, arrogant and sometimes even cruel. But he is also brave, intelligent and his tactics will make you always get excited about the (awesome) battle scenes. He makes friends, but he's also always losing them, almost like he dosen't really care that much of them. Yu Tosaki and her personal guard / secretary Izumi Shinomura are the "inspectors" who hunt Ajins, and that will be trying to catch our main character Kei Nagai in all ways possible after the incident when he is revealed to be an Ajin. However after a big plot twist I'm not revealing,these characters get a REALLY good character development and begin contributing more to the story, quite surprising there. Then we got the bad guys. The main and most important antagonist is Sato, and personally it's my all time favourite "bad-guy". He is always wearing a beret and also loves retro video games. But he is cruel. He is capable of killing everyone that gets in his way to get to his objective. What would you love someone like that you ask? You can and will discover on the journey that is reading this manga, but I'll say that personally, I like how he is not your stereotypical crazy minded antagonist, he always remains calm, he always dresses with a retro style, and he is always be unpredictable. The other bad guy is called Koji Tanaka, he's an Ajin and the subordinate of Sato, who before was a delinquent and had been tortured before by Sato. As the second Ajin discovered in Japan, Tanaka was put into government custody. There, he became a living test subject for various Ajin experimentation by a secret medical facility not known to the public. After being saved by Sato he immediately became his partner. __• Story •__ The story behind Ajin begins simple and fast, but the more you advance into it, the story will start giving you big, if not enormous plot twists you will never see coming. Something I can reveal without spoiling too much is that the plot is NOT linear, and you may feel lost sometimes with scenarios changing as well as new back stories. Let's talk now about the maturity of the plot. This manga takes itself always serious, don't expect any comedy, besides the dark humour sometimes characters use. This manga contains dark thematics in it, and if you are careful when reading, you'll notice references to suicide, terrorism and corruption, in a sort of criticism to our society's nowadays morals. __• Conclusions •__ Ajin is a worth read for anyone, and a good alternative to any sci-fi/action fans that have liked other similar manga like Parasyte or Tokyo Ghoul to give some examples, so far as I've gotten to chapter 51 and there was not a single chapter I felt bored or dissapointed after reading. Let's hope it stays awesome until the end, and thanks to the mangaka, Sakurai Gamon, for this piece of art! Aetherys117
95/100Meilleur est le méchant, meilleur est le mangaContinue on AniListUn beau jour d'été , le lycéen Kei Nagai disparaît aux yeux de tous. Il n'est alors plus humain, il devient un Ajin. Adieu l'humain, bonjour le monstre terrifiant, le croque mitaine, la menace mondiale, l'être immortel.
Un beau jour d'été, Kei Nagai a disparu de la surface de la terre.
Commence alors une lutte sans merci pour le retrouver, autant médiatique que politique. Au cours de cette poursuite il rencontre un autre Ajin nommé Sato. De près, il ressemble à un vieil homme aux yeux rieurs avec un béret, un homme tout ce qu'il y a de plus gentil et ordinaire. Mais pourtant, cet homme va devenir son plus grand ennemi, car derrière sa façade d'homme simple se cache un véritable tacticien, un guerrier rompu à toutes formes de combats, une véritable menace inarétable !
Durant 17 volumes, on suit donc l'affrontement entre Nagai et Sato, et autant dire que c'est l'un des plus impressionnants que j'ai pu voir. Car au delà d'un affrontement physique et politique, voué à transformer la vision des Ajin dans la société moderne, c'est un véritable affrontement psychologique qui se joue en permanence dans chaque volume. Nagai se retrouve ici acculé à maintes reprises, perdant pied de nombreuses fois sans savoir comment déjouer les plans de son nemesis.
Comme disait Alfred Hitchcock "Meilleur est le méchant, meilleur est le film." Ajin maîtrise à la perfection ce concept d'antagoniste en nous offrant un personnage qu'on ne va pas simplement détester, mais qu'on va adorer détester.
Motivé par une simple envie de jeu, d'amusement enfantin, Sato détruit tout ce qu'il touche, maîtrise les capacités de régénération du Ajin avec un taux d'adaptation délirant. Et c'est justement cette course permanente contre la montre qui rend la lecture de ce manga haletante, nous empêchant presque de respirer. Les personnages qui rythment le show sont très bien caractérisés et offrent de nombreuses séquences mémorables en terme de ligne de dialogue comme d'affrontements épiques. Les réflexions apposées par le nouveau statut de Nagai sont somme toute intéressantes et questionnent à la fois la peur de l'autre comme ce que l'immortalité offre réellement à un humain.
Le trait du dessin évolue très rapidement pour trouver son style et son rythme de croisière et possèdent ses particularités bien à lui. Que ce soit cette façon singulière de dessiner le mouvement, en ne mettant que peu d'effets de vitesse sur les objets/personnage ce qui accentue l'effet d'inertie et dévoile des scènes à l'allure irréelle. Le niveau de détail des environnements urbains, des véhicules mais aussi des tenues d'interventions des unités fait émaner une sensation de toute puissance qui se retrouve trop peu dans ce genre d'œuvre, d'ordinaire.
En effet, les soldats sont souvent de simples chair à canon, souvent mis en scène sans grande prétentions et ne servant qu'à se faire détruire pour accentuer la puissance des protagonistes en action. Comme si le fantastique et les unités militaires n'étaient pas faite pour s'entendre...
Et pourtant, Ajin met le projecteur sur ces figures de l'ombre et leur offre de véritables moments de gloire, où chaque seconde est rythmé par les coup de feu et les bruits de bottes.
Jamais donc un manga ne m'aura offert un antagoniste aussi impressionnant et une lecture aussi nerveuse et passionnée, au point où j'en aurai presque pu mourir d'asphyxie.
100/100Why Ajin is an underrated gem (also known as my attempt at showing you what a great manga this is).Continue on AniListThe thing that impresses me the most is how completely underrated this manga is.
Maybe the anime adaptation didn't do that much in its favor, but oh well. It is what it is.
The amount of stunning art, intense character depth and stellar pacing are only some of the aspects that contribute to build the foundations of this manga, making it better than many mainstream stories of the same genre.
It's well structured to the point where I don't think I will ever read a (slightly cartoonish) military thriller as well constructed as this masterpiece.
I will preface this review by saying a couple of things that I feel are worth noting. The first one is that this manga is considerably graphic and for the sake of theming, I will be presenting some pictures. Nothing too heavy will be shown, but I feel like a disclaimer is in order. Secondly, there will be some minor spoilers for the plot as a whole, so be on the lookout for that. And lastly, this is my first review of any kind of story, so I'll try my best to keep it concise and cohesive. Hopefully I don't fail miserably.
But what makes this manga so great in my eyes? To answer that, I'll sum out some of the plot points that sold it for me. So, let's start from the beginning.
Well, kind of. It's just a showcase of the first few chapters in order to not spoil anything major.
Our protagonist is Kei Nagai, a seemingly normal student who is working hard to become a doctor in his adult life. However, his initial plans are disrupted when, as he is crossing the street, he is run over by a truck and dies.
"Whoa, what? The main character just dies in the first chapter?"
Well, yeah. Yes and no, really.
Because when he wakes up unharmed after a seemingly fatal car accident, he understands something very important, information that will alter the entire course of his life from that point on.
But to understand how that is possible and what all this means, I'm gonna have to go back a little bit.
Earlier in the chapter, some context is given to the reader, where we learn about a new and rare species. Ajin were first discovered as super soldiers in Africa, where they were labeled as "divine warriors". And no matter what happens to them in any sort of combat, they do not die.
The government tried to hide their existance, but something as important as the discovery of an immortal variant to humans could not be concealed from the public eye for long. Shortly thereafter, a brief period of generalized panic ensued, as the general public did not understand the causes or the consequences for this, be it evolution, a series of mutations or even the results of alien intervention.
Since they're highly dangerous beings because of their immortality, the government has put up rewards for people to capture and turn in Ajin in exchange for status and money. What happens after they're reported and captured is not widely known, but the reader gets a glimpse of what it consists of in the manga's very first page.
The general consensus is that, even if Ajin are human-like, they cannot be considered as humans and are not treated as such by society.
And the only way to distinguish them from humans is by death. After all, nobody should be able to do anything after they die. So, if a fatal event happens to someone and they can walk away afterwards, that only means one thing.
And maybe you can connect the dots and understand where I'm going with this one.
Kei Nagai is an Ajin.
After he wakes up from his death, Nagai fears that he will be reported to the authorities and used for government dissection and experimentation. To avoid that, he seeks refuge from society with the help of a friend, Kaito.
As he stumbles to evade any type of external human contact as to avoid the danger of getting caught, Nagai and Kaito run away with a motorcycle, as helicopters, police forces and even special organizations are on the run to find and capture him.
They come close to getting caught a couple of times by different people, but manage to escape due to Nagai's recently-discovered abilities of an Ajin. And through that, we get a glimpse as to what his special powers entail in actual life-threatening situations (well, at least for the humans involved).
Soon after that, we find out that there are a lot more Ajin (and a lot more to them as well) amidst mankind.
Hopefully I managed to catch your eye with this "free sample" of what the actual story has to offer.
Now for some personal commentary about the biggest strengths this work of art has, in my opinion. Just a second disclaimer, though: there will be a fair amount of SPOILERS from here on out, so I definitely do not recommend reading beyond this point if you have not read the manga in its entirety. So, consider this your spoiler warning.
Pretty much me retelling some plot points and how they add to this manga's quality overall.
It's incredibly fascinating to see Nagai and Satou's long game of chess from start to finish.
The first play is an especially notable move by Satou, by kidnapping Nagai's sister and immediately releasing her to a hospital after he inevitably shows up to their base to rescue her. After that, Satou apologises profusely to him and states that "it was the only way to get him to where they were". This is the start of Satou's double-cross.
After observing his behavior, he decides that Nagai is still holding on to his humanity with too strong of a grip, so Satou turns him in to the authorities to make him experience the government experimentation firsthand. He does that by pretending that their base was found out and using his IBM as a sniper to knock Kei out with a tranquilizer shot. After he was captured and severely tortured by the government laboratory, that created a pretense for Satou to "rescue" Nagai and reinforce the concept that humanity will only destroy the Ajin. But that did not go as planned.
Eventually, their morals diverge while they're escaping and Nagai kills Satou on instinct. This causes Satou to show his true colors in a demonstration of just how much of a psychopathic terrorist he is. From then on, the protagonist/antagonist relationship is finally forged.
The duality between Nagai's team (led by him, a sociopath) and Satou's team (led by him, a psychopath) plays in turns, which is all the more fitting with Satou's way of thinking about his revolution plan. Nagai's plan is to prevent Satou from dominating Japan's government through terrorist bombings and consequently causing a huge amount of casualties.
Satou's plan is...
What is Satou's plan? I mean, his "plan" is to bring the downfall of the current status quo in order to favor his own idea of a government. But what does that entail for him? What does he gain from it?
It's shown time and time again that he gets personal enjoyment out of fighting and killing humans, sure. But in his mind, doing that is a game just like any other. There's even some comparisons between games like baseball or even retro games like Pac-Man. But you can only play the same game for so long before it starts to get boring.
And that happens a few times in the story, when he completely changes his course of action throughout the waves of his plan in order to seek his twisted idea of "excitement". It fits inside what the character is supposed to be and it happens on the right moments to induce suspense to the reader.
It all climaxes when he gets bored of the entire plan altogether and decides to emigrate to the rest of the world and figure out some new games to play. However, Nagai finally reaches him right before he is able to do that, and their final confrontation in this moment is the chess game's checkmate.
Hopefully this wasn't too convoluted thus far. Time to wrap it up, then!
Overall, Satou is an incredibly well written villain. Everything he does is so erratic in a shockingly cohesive way that you just can't predict what will happen at any given point. Every one of his individual moves in combat is impulsive and out of a wish to fight against the odds and beat the disadvantage (even if he created the disadvantage himself in the first place). It's the perfect cartoonish psychopath to go against our slightly sociopathic protagonist.
Nagai serves as the perfect counterpoint. He does not particularly care for humanity as a whole, but even though his lack of emotional investment on others is frequently mentioned as one of the centers of his train of thought, that is often overshadowed by the strength of his personal values. So much so that even after the conclusion of the main plot, Nagai (now under a special witness protection program provided by the government he helped defend) still wishes to get back into his education and become a doctor in order to save people.
They're a perfect fit for the metaphor of two sides of the same coin, and it works very well to build some massive suspense in the story's progression.
It's also worth noting that the side characters are so deeply explored that they all feel like they could be protagonists of their own spin-offs, it's that good. The only reason I won't go in-depth into them one by one is that this review would become unfathomably big if I did. So this remark is in honor of everyone that stood on the sidelines to help Nagai or even Satou in their respective plans.
Overall, this manga is absolutely fantastic and suceeded to overcome any expectations that I had going in.
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- (4/5)
Ended inFebruary 5, 2021
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