September 26, 2015
24 min
Hachimitsu Private Academy was a revered and elite all-girls' boarding school on the outskirts of Tokyo...once upon a time. But with the new school year comes a revision to school policy: Boys are to be admitted into the student body for the first time ever. But on his first day at Hachimitsu, Kiyoshi Fujino discovers that he's one of only five boys enrolled at the school. Their numbers overwhelmed by the thousand girls in the student body, is it heaven or hell that awaits these five (un)fortunates?!.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Takehito Morokuzu
Katsuyuki Konishi
Kiyoshi Fujino
Hiroshi Kamiya
Jouji Nezu
Daisuke Namikawa
Reiji Andou
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Shingo Wakamoto
Kenichi Suzumura
Hana Midorikawa
Kana Hanazawa
Meiko Shiraki
Shizuka Itou
Mari Kurihara
Sayaka Oohara
Keiji Fujiwara
Chiyo Kurihara
Chinami Hashimoto
Anzu Yokoyama
You Taichi
Kate Takenomiya
Ami Koshimizu
Risa Bettou
Mitsuko Yokoyama
Mayumi Tanaka
Ami Nanase

75/100[PT/BR] A pura loucura que pode vir de uma simples piada de pinto.Continue on AniListEu gosto de piada de pinto, de verdade, por mais infantil que seja eu não consigo não rir. Eu gosto de piada de mãe, de verdade, por mais infantil que seja eu não consigo não rir se alguém falar "sua mãe aquela gorda". Por essas primeiras frases já da pra deduzir minhas opiniões e o que eu achei do humor de Kangoku Gakuen, mas se você não entendeu, me deixe explicar.
Kangoku Gakuen ou Prison School é um mangá que eu queria ler a tempos, eu sabia pouquíssimo sobre e achava que ia ser realmente algo ruim com as piadas mais fúteis que eu já vi, mas surpreendentemente eu acabei amando o estilo, os personagens e o clímax da história por mais estúpido que ele seja. O plot não é nada mais e nada menos do que um plot de hentai, você tem 5 adolescentes numa escola que era previamente uma escola apenas para garotas e por coincidência esses 5 adolescentes tinham sexo na cabeça 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana.
Em um plano de tentar espiar o banheiro das garotas de sua escola, os 5 bolaram um plano bom o suficiente para serem pegos. Mas, infelizmente ou felizmente, o protagonista Kiyoshi acabou sendo pego por ninguém mais e ninguém menos do que a única garota de sua sala que teve interesse em falar com o mesmo, a fofa e carinhosa Chiyo. Para a sorte dele, Chiyo não conseguiu perceber que era ele quem estava no banheiro e o confundiu com uma amiga. Os outros 4 acabaram sendo pegos no final das contas e logo depois Kiyoshi se juntou a eles e foram todos para a prisão da escola, e aí que começa os motivos por eu achar esse anime tão incrível.
As meninas que cuidam e supervisionam a prisão podem ser muito bem descrevidas como máquinas de tortura, os chutando e fazendo muitas outras coisas terríveis, mas o que é melhor pra cobrir cenas tão horríveis que nem essa do que um bom e velho fan service? Por mais que eu prefira muito mais as cenas de fan service do mangá, o anime não falha em mostrar a beleza das máquinas de tortura, múltiplas cenas podem ser simplesmente descrevidas como um quadro de museu.
No decorrer do anime o plano principal é o protagonista escapar junto com a ajuda de um amigo seu, o incrivelmente engraçado e de certa forma educado, Gakuto! Kiyoshi quer escapar por causa de um encontro com a Chiyo e Gakuto quer que Kiyoshi compre uma figure de um personagem que ele gosta. Mas é quando o plot é apresentado que os problemas aparecem, quero dizer, o único problema aparece.
O ritmo do anime é MUITO rápido, e eu entendo que eles precisavam fazer isso para poder adaptar todo o primeiro arco, já que a história não funcionaria se ele não fosse adaptado por completo. Por causa disso muitas piadas acabaram sendo jogadas no lixo. Mesmo que estrague parte da experiência que o mangá dá, é fácil de entender que também não teria como adaptar tudo em um ritmo bom e o anime continuar extremamente divertido de assistir, já que ficaria muito lento, então por mais que não seja a melhor decisão do mundo, adaptar tudo muito rápido acabou sendo a opção mais razoável.
Em termos de animação, devo dizer que ela não é nada mediana, muitos frames são extremamente detalhados e de alguma forma eles conseguem adaptar o estilo do autor de um jeito bom, que não fica muito detalhado e que também não apaga os traços realistas que o estilo também possuí. Mas, essa animação boa também ajuda na hora das piadas? Eu tendo a acreditar que não, mas isso é grande culpa de como eu já tinha explicado antes, do ritmo. Ás vezes uma piada saía mais lenta ou mais rápida por causa da animação e com certeza me fez rir bem menos fezes que o mangá fez.
A trilha sonora de alguma forma acabou não me decepcionando, e era isso que os momentos épicos e ao mesmo tempo completamente estúpidos do mangá precisavam. Não deixavam as coisas dramáticas de mais e quando deixavam eu não considerei ruim pelo anime já ser uma comédia levada aos extremos. A dublagem é provavelmente uma das minhas partes favoritas dessa animação, já que contamos com o incrível Hiroshi Kamiya fazendo a voz do protagonista e outros dubladores talentosos na hora da comédia com um comedic timing tão bom que ás vezes até compensava a questão do ritmo.
Quanto mais você avança no plot, não tem como não gostar de pelo menos algum dos principais ou da relação de amizade que eles tem. Por exemplo, pessoalmente eu não gosto da máquina de tortura Hana, ela é grossa, mimada, infantil de um jeito estranho, e outras coisas desagradáveis. Mas eu amo a relação dela com o protagonista e eles dois tem um dos momentos mais surreais do anime, que se você já viu, deve saber que eu estou falando do mijo na garrafa. Eu consigo cheirar a testosterona daquela cena e do beijo forçado dos dois, enquanto eles estavam na situação mais estranha de todas, meu deus que episódio bom.
Mas agora, aquela pergunta que deve ser respondida mais do que qualquer outra, o mangá ou o anime? Com certeza o mangá, você tem arte melhor e que contribuí mais pra comédia e sem o ritmo rushado e acelerado do anime, além de mais arcos que ainda não foram adaptados para o anime e que eu tenho certeza que vão mudar sua opinião sobre alguns certos personagens.
Mesmo com suas falhas aqui e ali, Prison School continua sendo um dos animes que eu mais me diverti vendo, mas devo dizer que não é pra todos, o ecchi pesado pode ser de mais pra muitas pessoas e eu entendo completamente, mas se você ama dizer que a mãe do seu amigo é gorda que nem uma baleia, eu altamente recomendo ler o mangá ou ver o anime!
é capaz que eu tenha me divertido até de mais com o fato do protagonista ser extremamente parecido com o protagonista de persona 3
100/100Degeneracy at its peak, combined with a good story.Continue on AniList"Borderline experience" in its literal meaning is, what describes this anime best. The degeneracy is portrayed in such an exaggerated way that it feels like watching a parody of the whole “Ecchi” genre itself. Compared to other shows, where the ecchi aspect is often just an excuse for fanservice and more of a flair to the main premise, this one goes all the way in, until it hits the border of what can still be considered as ecchi.
It's like someone in the meeting room asked the question: “How can we make our male characters so degenerated, that it exceeds the usual cringe scale and reaches a point where it actually starts to get funny?” And boy, did they answer that question!Another fatal flaw of not only genre representatives is, that they replace the “red-string” analogy regarding the story with more of a “puzzle” approach. They don’t think about an original storyline but rather grab a random piece out of the puzzle box that contains scenarios from other shows that worked before (If I see one more festival/firework episode, I might throw up). But not in this one. They somehow manage to not only answer the upper question, but also combine that with a unique, logical and coherent story. The final episode was more entertaining than all festivals and fireworks I saw so far combined.
I admit, I might interpret to much into this, and you clearly have to endure the first “shock” that this anime has to offer to get used to the humor, but if your able to look beyond the superficial degeneracy, you might experience a level of entertainment at least I didn’t expect from the cover and the given genres.
Hachimitsu Academy, one of the strictest girls' academies in Tokyo, has decided to admit boys into their system. Kiyoshi Fujino is one of these new boys, but he discovers to his shock that he and his four friends—Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu, Shingo Wakamoto, Jouji "Joe" Nezu, and Reiji "Andre" Andou—are the only male students among 1,000 girls. The draconian laws that are still in place make the school even worse, which punishes even the most minor infractions with a stay in the school's prison. The five boys all commit to voyeurism in the school's bathing area with the lecherous philosophy of "all for one, one for all". Their capture and "arrest" by the Underground Student Council causes the five boys to receive an ultimatum: either stay a month in the school's Prison Block or be expelled. The boys are incarcerated in the Prison Block together and Kiyoshi is overwhelmed by the discovery that all the other boys are masochists that revel in the punishments handed to them by their attractive but vicious supervisors.
87/100Prison school is the death note of comedies because of it's thrill-inducing arcs whether they be ecchi or not.Continue on AniListPrison School is the death note of comedies with a hint of romance. Each arc in the anime is filled with thrill, and whenever the thrill dies down, comedy replaces it. Those two genres aren't the only ones involved though. Ecchi is littered throughout the anime and is active in nearly every scene from the camera angles to the situations. I watched the anime on Crunchyroll so it was censored, but if it wasn't, it would be bordering the upper limit of ecchi. In fact, this was the original reason I had ever even heard of prison school. However, the ecchi in this anime is outshined, literally, and figuratively by its other elements. Whenever I rate an anime, I consider five different categories: music/sound, visuals, characters, story, and ending. The reason I separate the ending from the story is that the ending of an anime or season of an anime can make or break it; take death note for example. The first category is music/sound. Sounds are the background of anime, even more so than the music. Sound doesn't make or break an anime unless it's outstandingly good or bad. For Prison School, the sound was perfectly fine. As for the music, I didn't really notice the background music, which isn't a bad thing, and I liked the opening. The ending wasn't as good as the opening to me, but it wasn't bad by any means. The second category is visuals. The visuals in this anime aren't phenomenal, but they are good. The expressions of the characters are perfect, and I never found anything lacking. The only reason they don't stand at the head of the pack is that anime that aren't action-related don't have the opportunity to outdo their counterparts. The third category is characters, and the characters in prison school are awful. Awful in their values, but fantastic otherwise. There are five main characters, and Gakuto is the most developed of the bunch with Kiyoshi right behind. Kiyoshi seems to be the least perverted of the bunch, but that doesn't mean much. The main interest of his personality is his battle between perversion and self-control. This takes place throughout the season and is never really solved, but it doesn't need to be. For the first season, the choice to take its characters without any seriousness was the right decision. Gakuto is the best character in this anime. He's the brain of the bunch, and his knowledge of history is an interesting quirk. The reason he's the best character is because of the extremes that he goes to when trying to accomplish his goals. From absolutely embarrassing himself in the computer room to shaving his head to a classic military look, he'll do practically anything for the sake of his personal goals. I used the word personal for a reason. Gakuto isn't a selfless person, and this troubles him in the second arc during Shingo's antics. He chooses to save face, not in spite of Kiyoshi's wishes, instead of standing with Kiyoshi, and this grates on him until it breaks him. He breaks his limited-edition figure to save his friends, and he tells everyone about his collaboration.
Moving on from Gakuto, we have Shingo. Shingo doesn't have any interesting quirks, but he seems to just fit right into the group. We see a little of his personality within his dates with Anzu and his betrayal of and return to the group, but we don't get any more than that.
Andre is the fourth member, and his only personality is being the embodiment of masochism. Because he is the bridge between Shingo and Joe and the rest of the group, he has an important place in it. Joe is the last member of the group, and his quirk is his obsession with ants. Joe wouldn't be an interesting character if the anting scene didn't take place. Because of this scene, however, a conflict was developed in Joe, and it made him interesting.
I won't go into too much detail about the female characters, but they don't change the rating. I find most of them to be well developed and all necessary. I do think that Mari and Hana need something. It makes sense for Mari and Meiko to be obsessed with student council work, but I haven't yet seen a reason for Hana being there or her other interests. Mari is also lacking somewhat in the personality department. The chairman isn't very interesting, but his quirks don't get tiresome. The fourth category is story, and the story in this anime is near without flaws. From the thrilling escape plans to the well-executed comedy scenes, this anime's story shines. The only flaw within the story might be Gakuto's choice to poop his pants instead of just farting, but there could be arguments against that.
Other than the comedy, ecchi, and thrilling scenes of the anime, there is also the bromance that took place, which filled the emotional section of the brain. The final category is ending, and the ending of this season was perfect. The satisfying escape of the characters, the reveal of Gakuto's potential partner, and the imprisonment of the USC by the OSC left only one need untouched: a second season.
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ANIME ComedyIshuzoku Reviewers
- (3.65/5)
Ended inSeptember 26, 2015
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
Trending Level 5
Favorited by 4,220 Users
Hashtag #プリズン