March 28, 2020
24 min
Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder! From elves to succubi to cyclopes and more, the Yoruno Gloss reviewers are here to rate the red-light delights of all manner of monster girls...The only thing is, they can never agree on which species are the hottest!
(Source: Yen Press)
Miyu Tomita
Junji Majima
Yuusuke Kobayashi
Mao Ichimichi
Youko Hikasa
Natsumi Takamori
Makoto Koichi
Kaede Yuasa
Yuri Katou
Yuka Nukui
Death Abyss
Hiromi Igarashi
Momoyo Koyama
Hibiku Yamamura
Mari Hino
Rei Matsuzaki
Karin Isobe
Runa Narumi
Chie Matsuura
Shiori Izawa
Satomi Kobashi
Mariko Honda
Kyou Yaoya
Marie Miyake
Ayaka Shimizu
Yui Otagiri

Not available on crunchyroll

82/100Es interesante, no es para todo el mundo, es 100% sexual, donde se describen los burdeles de un mundo de fantasía.Continue on AniListIshuzoku Reviewers
Es interesante, no es para todo el mundo, es 100% sexual, donde se describen los burdeles de un mundo de fantasía.
Si ya eres un adulto y tienes una experiencia medianamente buena en el tema sexual y sus muchos fetiches, esta serie te atrapara, ya que muestra de una manera inocente superficialmente pero con un trasfondo mucho menos inocente y mas erótico como seria visitar burdeles (en mi país: prostíbulos) en un mundo de fantasía donde gracias a sus múltiples razas como hadas, demonios, ángeles, elfos, humanos, hombres bestia, y un sinfín de mostros, se crea un ambiente de fantasías sexuales las cuales definitivamente no se podrían realizar en el mundo real pero que dejan entrever que la imaginación no tiene límites.Historia: 7/10
Hay que reconocerlo no hay historia, solo son un grupo de caballeros de distintas razas que van y visitan burdeles y hacen reseñas de los mismos, no hay una historia como tal solo eso reseñas, sin embargo la forma en como cada uno de los personajes expresa su experiencia en cada una de las reseñas que realizan después de haber estado en un burdel es un enfoque muy interesante, ya que se aprecia claramente las diferencias entre las razas y como cada una de ellas percibe el sexo de manera distinta, la verdad este argumento me engancho, el hecho de ver como lo que para unos había sido normal o una mala experiencia, para otros fue la mejor experiencia y tenían una reseña a la altura de la misma fue algo muy interesante, personalmente no había visto nunca un anime así y incito a ver los 12 capítulos de corrido, insisto fue muy interesante.Características de los personajes: 7/10
Los personajes como tal no se desarrollan a profundidad, todo se centra es en describir las sensaciones y preferencias referente al sexo en cada una de las razas, por tal motivo no se profundiza en la historia ni personalidad de ninguno de los personajes, sin embargo, sus tendencias sexuales sí que están bien definidas.Animación y arte: 9/10
Personalmente este si me gustó mucho es de calidad agrada la vista y se tubo que hacer esfuerzo en la misma para poder mostrar un alto grado de erotismo y realmente se logró, no está a la altura de otras obras de arte como podría ser “Kimetsu no Yaiba”, sin embargo si fue muy bueno.Disfrute: 10/10
Me la goce a plenitud el tema es diferente, te atrapa prende la bombilla de la curiosidad y cumple su cometido entretener y de que manera.En general: 8/10
Me gusto y si me preguntan si la recomendaría definitivamente si, pero si me preguntan si la volvería a ver, no estaría entre las primeras series para repetir, la verdad soy muy exigente con respecto a las series que me gusta volver a ver después de pasados unos años, pero en definitiva si la recomiendo y me pareció de lo más interesante que he visto este año.Pockeyramune919
85/100While not a masterpiece, Interspecies Reviewers showcases the heights a pornographic show can be capable of.Continue on AniList__WARNING: This Review Contains NSFW Images. __ In my Ring x Mama review, I stated that “I don’t review porn.”
One year later, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to my porn review.
I suppose it's inevitable that I'd find myself reviewing porn again after stating that I wouldn't. I enjoy porn. Even if I felt like, in general, the favored aesthetic traits of porn didn't lend themselves well to my review style, I'd still encounter pornographic material and might even feel like reviewing it.
I was intrigued once I saw that a fantasy manga about adventurers reviewing brothels was going to be adapted. The PV looked right up my alley. I thought it would be just a fun, if not gratifying, distraction. I thought it would be a lewd Monster Musume and nothing else. Little did I know that Interspecies Reviewers would go on to be my gold standard in terms of ecchi.
Interspecies Reviewers has made a surprisingly big splash. I said that it was "probably" porn because it isn't categorized as hentai, it's categorized as ecchi. For the readers who aren't as in the know in terms of anime/manga terms, allow me to explain. Hentai is, simply put, pornographic anime/manga. It generally depicts penetration and shows genitalia (well, as much of it as you can show in a country where depictions of genitalia are censored). Hentai, due to its explicit nature, isn't aired on television. Ecchi, by contrast, while highly suggestive in nature, isn't as explicit. They'll feature bare breasts and butts, but not show genetalia or actual sex. The closest analogy I can think of is hentai being hardcore porn while ecchi is softcore porn. The manga of Interspecies Reviewers is listed as an ecchi, as its quite suggestive, but the reviewers are never shwon having sex. Distributors and licensors thought the anime would follow suit. They were very, very wrong. While genitalia still isn't shown, the anime is a great deal more explicit than the manga. So much so that most of the Japanese stations that air it show a heavily-censored version. So much so that Tokyo MX and SUN cancelled their broadcasts while Funimation, Animelab, Wakanim, and Amazon all cancelled their western distribution of the show. Many people, either in protest or simply finding the show "the peak of culture" and a big meme, took it upon themselves to spam the show's ratings on Myanimelist, briefly making it the highest rated anime on the site.
Others are sick of the show due to how much they have to hear about it due how big of a meme the show is stated to be combined with the aforementioned rating bombing. The controversy and perception of the show are bigger than the show itself, overshadowing it and discouraging people from actually watching the show.
This is unfortunate because I don't only enjoy this show, but I see it more than a meme, I genuinely believe that Interspecies Reviewers is a good show and an example of what pornographic anime should aspire to be.
The plot is as simple as it gets: a local group of adventurers make it their mission to review all the various species-based brothels in town. That's pretty much it. And you know what, this simple plot addresses some problems I have with ecchi and hentai. The fact that they're going to brothels makes it so the sex doesn't feel tacked on; it's the very point of the show. Naturally, it also logically explains how the characters have so much sex. They're not casanovas, no, they're paying for their action.
Interspecies Reviewers is a comedy and it certainly got a few laughs out of me. Some of the jokes are so outlandishly lame in their crassness that I can't help but lose it. In the first episode, when Zel describes a harpy-like sex-worker, he proclaims, "Parakeet? More like gonna skeet!" It's so dumb that it wraps around to being funny. The anime also employs some pretty funny situational jokes. The episode featuring the horde of lillim was hilarious due to how said lilim put the reviewers through the ringer. I also loved a joke in which a virgin background character becomes a wizard upon his thirtieth birthday.
One of the great things about this show is its worldbuilding. The world of Interspecies Reviewers is highly developed for a kind-of hentai. It's clear that the mangaka put a lot of care into this world and saw it as more than a backdrop for the character's lewd activities. Here's a metaphor for those of you that are familiar with porn. The writer could have been content just showing the characters in the Fake Taxi. Instead, they go above and beyond by treating us to the entire city that the taxi drives in. Among other things, we learn about how magic roughly works, we learn about how the various species function in regards to biology, and we learn about the political system. The biological details are fleshed out in part due to the show's format in which each character visiting the brothel gives a detailed review of their experience. In light of this, it makes sense that details would need to be given to differentiate the reviews. While a large member might be advantageous for having sex with species of similar size to yourself, a downside is that you cannot bed with most fairies. Expounding on this point of the reviews necessitating detail, I enjoyed how the reviewers all have distinct personalities with likes and dislikes. It would be easy enough to have them equally love or hate the same thing, but for the sake of having varied reviews, they have differing tastes: one might love a particular brothel while another reviewer will hate it. Overall, I found myself surprised by how drawn I was to this world. I loved learning more about it and I can see the world of Interspecies Reviewers as great roleplaying fodder simply due to how surprisingly realized it feels. Read this if you want some examples of the details put into the show.
I also love the show for how many kinks were explored: tentacles, slime, yiff, futanari, and egg-laying are a few off the top of my head. While it does have its downsides as I'll get into shortly, the premise pulls through here as well. It makes sense to go to a diverse array of establishments; it's their goal, after all. Fantasy elements also play a role in the amount of topics touched upon. Interspecies Reviewers is a wonderful example of how hentai can help people explore and fall in love with sexual acts/partners that they wouldn't be able to in real life. Going into Interspecies Reviewers, I'm sure you'll be thinking
Don't worry, it will.
I'd also like to state that I found Interspecies Reviewers surprisingly body-positive. Part of this is the varied cast of sex-workers intersecting with the varied tastes of the reviewers. Everyone has a time to shine, no matter their appearance, showing that no matter what you look like, someone will find you beautiful. Given that this is also a comedy, it would have been so easy to just make fun of certain characters, but in giving them sex scenes, they're deemed as important and sexy as more conventionally attractive characters. For example, Stunk finds neither the mature Mitsue Onoda nor the plus-sized Buburara attractive, but they're still given their moment for the viewers and/or characters that do find them attractive.
The music generally isn't amazing, but it gets the job done and the opening and ending are both quite catchy.
And I can't write a review about this unusually graphic ecchi without briefly touching upon the sex scenes. They are, in a word, exquisite. As I said before, while no genitalia is (directly) displayed, penetration is definitely hinted at. To give you a sense of how graphic this show can be while technically not showing any naughty bits, entire scenes of episode three are blacked out in the censored version. So, as far as "action" goes, Interspecies Reviewers delivers. The art style is great, with each character being pleasing to the eye. The animation is top-notch as well, featuring the most luscious breasts I've seen animated. Let's just say that I found this show quite gratifying.
This should go without saying, but for the love of God, don't watch it censored.
I'd be being disingenuous if I stated that Interspecies Reviewers was the pinnacle of erotica and didn't contain any questionable details. Unfortunately, Interspecies Reviews can be Problematic™. It's definitely not as bad as some other hentai and the problematic elements don't erase the good of the show, but they're still there and still leave me feeling squicky. First of all, there's the very premise of the show itself and how objectifying it is. I didn't even think of it as being problematic until someone explained it to me. To me, the premise was fine. The women in the show were willingly and happily selling a service and the interspecies reviewers were simply reviewing said service. It was like Yelp; just relaying thoughts about the business experience.
But it wasn’t.
They're not rating the various brothels based on the brothels in-and-of-themselves, they're specifically rating the species of the brothels, which, if we take "species" to be pretty analogous with "race," presents some pretty gross implications.
Even if I could ignore this as "looking too deeply into it," we then have Interspecies Reviewers’ favorite "joke" in terms of frequency: Stunk repeatedly making advances on Meidri despite her adamant, violent rejections. I'm so done with this anime trope; at best it annoys me and at worst it leaves me supremely uncomfortable. Women being hit on by creeps isn't funny and all it served to do was make Stunk my least-favorite cast member. At the very least, Interspecies Reviewers respects Meidri enough to not make her inexplicably fall in love with Stunk. If it's any solace, Meidri getting her comeuppance and absolutely beating the shit out of Stunk (and the rest of the gang when they similiarly fuck up) is hilarious.
These bits of grossness don't ruin the show for me, but they absolutely factor into my perception of it and my willingness to recommend it. They prove that, while the show is good, it still falls into objectifying trappings which many people aren't comfortable with. Simply put, while Interspecies Reviewers is good as far as ecchi/hentai go, it's grounded in some of the genre's shortcomings. Still, a lot of the time, I had glowing praise of the show and a few missteps (even one fundamental enough as the very premise) didn't change that.
Unfortunately, my glowing praise doesn't extend to the final two episodes. In general, something just seemed lacking with them. They felt less energetic than the episodes that preceded them and in general, they just felt phoned-in. The last episode didn't have a proper sex scene in its first half and the second half felt like a glorified recap (though the brief bit with Elza was nice). Maybe I had high expectations from the cliffhanger of episode nine which ultimately went nowhere. Don't get me wrong, the episodes were funny enough and I enjoyed getting more worldbuilding, but the sexual aspect was noticeably lacking. I guess I wanted the series to end on a bang, but it was more a fizzle, unfortunately, leaving the show's peak at episode three. It wouldn't be so bad if I thought this show would get a second season. The final episodes aren't terrible, but they're nothing to write home about. They're another example of the show being pretty good, but not amazing.
So with that in mind, what do I think of the show? Do I think it's the best anime of all time? No, not at all. While there are many things I like, there are fundamental aspects of the show that don't sit right with me. Even if there weren't, the last stretch somewhat flounders and if I'm being perfectly honest, the series peaks at about episode three before dipping and plateauing. Tapping into the show's humor, I'd say it blows its load too early. Even assuming all of these gripes were remedied, it still wouldn't have enough story to warrant the GOAT label, in my opinion.
But I still really enjoyed this show, more than I thought I would. I often hear people describe this show as "not having any right being this good." And I get the sentiment; given the quality of most hentai and ecchi, it would be easy enough for this show to coast by. It could have given us some eye-candy and have called it a day. But Interspecies Reviewers does a lot more and it creates a new standard for me. Sexual shows should have a right to be this good, if not better, and we shouldn't settle for less.
40/100Why Interspecies Reviewers Is Just OkContinue on AniListAs a fan of ecchi and of monster girls I got really excited when I first heard of the concept of Interspecies Reviewers. A bunch of bros going around sleeping with different species in different brothels that sounded cool and fun but i was massively disappointed. One aspect that really disappointed me especially after hearing some of the rave reviews of the show was the comedy, while this is very subjective I found it hard to sit through the episodes especially since the most they would get out of me is a slight chuckle which made the show very boring. I found myself sitting there with a straight face bored out of my mind trying to find some enjoyment in the comedy. Because without the comedy it just turns into not hentai which is what i would rather watch then sitting through the 12 episodes of the show. I originally dropped the show after watching 8 episodes but i heard the last few are great but they are as boring as the 8 i sat through originally. Another one of the weak aspects for me is the main cast while i could see them as bros that was it besides that they were flat uninteresting characters who seemed to screw up the main point of the show which was their reviews of the brothels now i don't expect some deep psychological dive on the characters i just wish there was something enjoyable about watching them i felt like watching paint dry would have been better when it came to characters. This could be due to not finding the show funny despite its best attempts to do so. Its disappointing the concept in itself isn't bad the show is just boring despite them changing up what they do with the different brothels. It feels as though it becomes a slog to sit through i would rather watch SAO again than sit through those episodes. What hurts the most is i wanted to enjoy the show but i just couldn't know matter how hard i tried to enjoy it. The one "saving grace" of the show for me is the monster girls the design was great the animation was great. One other thing i will praise it for is the censorship they were very creative in how they did what they did i found that impressive in itself i do wish some shows followed that example of being creative in ways to get around censorship. Oh course the ecchi elements were great as well since the whole show borders on being hentai both these aspects aren't enough for me to get actual enjoyment out of this show. This is my first review of a show and probably my only I had to make this just cause it seems like i am the odd man out when it comes to enjoyment of this show. While i personally didn't get enjoyment out of this show i have seen in the reviews that a lot of people did personally i wish i did as well.
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Ended inMarch 28, 2020
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