September 28, 2014
23 min
Magic is a product of neither legends nor fairy tales, but instead has become a technology of reality since a time unknown to people. Supernatural power became a technology systematized through magic, while magic became a technical skill. A "Supernatural Power User" became a "Magic Technician." Magic Technicians (in short, Magicians) are nurtured through Magic High Schools and Universities.
This is a story about:
Tatsuya, a defective elder brother low achiever.
Miyuki, a perfect, flawless younger sister high achiever.
After both siblings entered a Magic High School,
The stage of daily turbulence was unveiled—.
Tatsuya Shiba
Yuuichi Nakamura
Miyuki Shiba
Saori Hayami
Mayumi Saegusa
Kana Hanazawa
Erika Chiba
Yumi Uchiyama
Shizuku Kitayama
Yuiko Tatsumi
Honoka Mitsui
Sora Amamiya
Mizuki Shibata
Satomi Satou
Mari Watanabe
Marina Inoue
Mikihiko Yoshida
Atsushi Tamaru
Leonhart Saijou
Takuma Terashima
Masaki Ichijou
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Kyouko Fujibayashi
Shizuka Itou
Yakumo Kokonoe
Ryoutarou Okiayu
Sayaka Mibu
Haruka Tomatsu
Maya Yotsuba
Chiwa Saitou
Azusa Nakajou
Saki Ogasawara
Haruka Ono
Sakura Tange
Katsuto Juumonji
Junichi Suwabe
Kanon Chiyoda
Saori Oonishi
Eimi Akechi
Asuka Nishi
Suzune Ichihara
Mai Nakahara
Shinkurou Kichijouji
Ayumu Murase
Midori Sawaki
Gou Shinomiya
Hanzou Hattori
Ryouhei Kimura
Takeaki Kirihara
Tomokazu Sugita

Not available on crunchyroll

63/100An overpowered MC you'll actually enjoy watchingContinue on AniListAn interesting show that starts off well, but ultimately goes down-hill after it decides to ignore the mysteries and instead introduce a massive cast of one-dimensional characters.
Okay, it’s not as bad as that makes it sound. There are parts of the series that are seriously good, and I’d still definitely recommend it to people that liked anime like Zetsuen no Tempest or other magic/action shows with a lot of exposition.
The world building was really good, and succeeded in creating a intriguing society that had only fairly recently begun to harness magic as a form of science. There were some big mysteries in the air, such as ‘What is the story behind Tatsuya and Miyuki’s relationship? Why do no two people seem to have the same powers when magic is just a form of science? Why is most of the B set filled with kids who are just as talented (if not more so), than the kids in the A set? Why on earth do we never see any of their teachers? What on earth are the terrorists even after? And why is the military so incredibly incompetent that it places national security in the hands of a few teenage kids?’
Unfortunately most of the mysteries were unresolved by the end, which left the series hanging a bit and with an ‘unfinished’ feel. The last arc was by far the most confusing, everything was just thrown together and felt rushed. It was also a big shift in tone from the first two arcs, which were mainly centred in school and around school related activities.
The MC was probably the best part of the series (unlike his sister). A refreshing change – the overpoweredness in this case made the anime better instead of boring. It was actually fun this time to watch a really OP character instead of irritating, and I even found myself wanting to see more of him (which is rare, because normally I can’t stand characters who are that far above everyone else).
A lot of the side characters were interchangeable and forgettable but there were still some good ones: Erika, Mikihito, and Sayaka were developed decently. I couldn’t stand Miyuki. She was the worst part of the anime by far – in fact the only terrible part of the anime. It really did feel like she was only used as a plot device to show how awesome the MC is - which wasn’t even necessary because the anime did a perfectly good job of portraying his powers without her help. Seriously, literally every comment was somehow related to her brother. She didn’t exist outside of her brother complex, which sucked. She could have been an interesting character if she’d had a little more depth to her personality, or a little more character development. She’s supposedly overpowered, but if she is it wasn’t portrayed very well in the anime.
However, one bad character couldn’t ruin the anime altogether. The plot was fun. There was a lot of talking, but it was interesting. the fight scenes were nicely choreographed. The mystery was intriguing, and did leave me wanting to see what happened next (more in the beginning than the end). The competitions were entertaining, even if they weren’t particularly exciting. The art was lovely, the magic especially was well illustrated and is very pleasant to look at. The character designs were pretty, the backgrounds were gorgeous, and the sound was fine. All positives.
Overall, it was a decent anime. There were parts of it that were good, and parts there weren’t. there were parts I liked, and parts I didn’t. But I couldn’t call it a ‘bad’ anime; the positives did outweigh the negatives in the end.
So again, I would recommend it to fans of its respective genres. Just don’t expect to be blown away by its brilliance. XD
20/100An infuriatingly incompetent anime that tries for average, but manages to fall flat on its face at every turn.Continue on AniListEdit 2023: Leaving up for historical reasons, I don't fully agree with everything I said here anymore.
This review contains a minor spoiler in the fifth paragraph about the main characters abilities.
Irregular at Magic Highschool is probably the most infuriatingly incompetent anime I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Do not watch this. Just save yourself the pain and don't. Writing, story, characters, plot, animation, sound, every single part of this anime is mediocre to average, barely scraping an acceptable pass or failing entirely due to its sheer lack of trying.
Pretty much all that happens in the story is this, but three times: Some random terrorist organization with no clear or sensible motive that is set up as bad because they want to shoot people or whatever makes a stupid move to piss off the main character. Main character strolls in and kills or captures everyone without any difficulties because he is a god, end plot arc. Riveting stuff, truly. Not even kidding, this same plot happens three times, with very minor variations in scenario. And yet, the presentation of this story somehow still manages to be janky and weird even with how basic it is. I often found myself confused as to why I was even being shown something. Many scenes could simply be removed and nothing would change, due to being completely pointless or introduced in such a confusing way or way too early so that you forget about them by the time they are relevant. If the story wasn't already lacking anything compelling, the writing is something a tenth grader could write, causing actions that are meant to make me care more about the story or characters to fall completely flat.
Well, what if you want to watch for the characters? It's simple really, don't. Almost all of the characters, dare I say maybe even every single one, are forgettable and bland basic characters that have been boiled down to one or two simple personality traits, along with no character development throughout the entire runtime. None of the characters changed from episode one to the last episode in any meaningful way, they're all exactly the same. This is partly due to trying to handle too many characters, many got barely any screen time to the point where you almost forget they exist. The main character is the worst of them all, the writers were clearly trying so god damn hard to make him the most badass character ever, giving him way too many abilities, taking away his emotions so he seems cooler, and writing in a bunch of cheesy lines.
Interested in the lore and universe? Don't watch for that either. The backstory makes barely any sense when scrutinized, as no explanation is given for any of the presented history and it doesn't hold up much to common sense. The world is pretty much just modern day, even though it's eighty years in the future with magicians, plenty of what is shown could be made today or is made today, this problem being especially prevalent in the beginning of the anime. But don't even get me started on the magic system itself. Every time they introduce a new spell or element they try and explain how it works, great right? Except every single explanation in this godforsaken anime is a bunch of technobabble nonsense using made up words that are never clearly defined. It took me approximately fifteen episodes to even have an elementary grasp of the simplest and most vital of the terms they use to explain every other phenomenon. Even then it's only a rudimentary understanding that still leaves you with no actual comprehension if you stop for even two seconds to try and figure out how any of this magic actually works. This is a huge over-arching theme with the explanations in Irregular at Magic, is that every single one is missing some huge key point that fits it all together, but without this piece, it all is just nonsense babbling filling the time slot. This is never fixed in any of the twenty-six episodes.
Another huge problem is how there is never any tension in the plot, as every situation is dealt with by some new ability of the main character that we haven't seen until now. And every time it happens, every other character is shocked because it is some top secret military tech or some new tech created by the main character. They then give one of those infamous technobabble explanations that don't really help you understand anything at all then move on. What makes the lack of tension or stakes even worse is that the enemies they face are almost all idiots, especially in the first half of the anime. Anyone who is not on the side of the main cast instantly loses about fifty IQ points. As well as that, anything that is thrown at the main cast is handled with extreme ease. Guns, mechs, tanks, bombs, everything is dealt with as if it was a marble thrown by a toddler. What is even worse is that by the ending episodes it has devolved to the point where even if a character were to die it isn't a big deal because we can literally just regenerate them instantly. Where are the stakes at that point? The most egregious part, and I cannot stress this enough, is how over-powered the main character is. He has so much power he is on the level of a god. I cannot comprehend a situation in which he would ever be defeated, apart from possibly, maybe being sabotaged, somehow. What do you even do when your character is so powerful that there is not a single scenario I can foresee where he would ever be defeated? There are simply no stakes at all by the time you know the full extent of his powers. Even before he starts using the full extent, he can still bring down almost anyone he wishes while barely trying.
On top of all the other terrible factors, the animation is simple and basic, the absolute minimum that is acceptable to look at all decent. It only barely scrapes by as looking okay, with the barest of movements for characters to look alive, even at the peak moments of the story. They also made the terrible decision to employ 3D CG throughout some of the more difficult scenes, and while I can handle a little use of 3D in the right places, they go overboard here. There is some truly terrible CG, but the true sin is how they went and used it for a major portion of the final few episodes, making what I assume are meant to be formidable mechs and interesting fight scenes look laughable.
Audio work is also barely passable. The opening is extremely average and nothing new or special at all, and the background music often just sounds like a bunch of crap being mashed together. Need it to sound techy? Add in a bunch of annoying computer-sounding bleeps. Sports event? Add in some whistles or something who cares even at this point. There was never once a piece of music or sound work that actually stood out at all. It was all just passing.
The entirety of Irregular at Magic Highschool is the definition of aiming for a passing grade and not going any further. If you stripped the entire anime down to the most bare-bones form, then fleshed it out with good content, it would be fine. But that isn't saying much as, instead, we are dealing with this trash heap. Everything combines to create a boring, generic, brainless piece of nonsense. There is not a single thing I can find to praise. Save yourself the time, and watch something better.
30/100let this anime burn in hellContinue on AniListWarning This review may contain spoilers.
First impressions, so we got an underdog story in the world where magic and science have fused into one. So this sounds interesting enough what could possibly go wrong?
Story, 3/10
In a world where magic and science come together. Where a massive world war took place Which was not going to show you because that might be too complex to show and care about good storytelling, How about instead we show you the adventures of a two siblings a brother named Tatsuya and his sister Miyuki going through magic high school, Which for some reason has a caste system in place. That puts you in different classes depending on your magical ability instead of your actual skill or talent you may have. Basically what happens is are sibling duo take this test with the Little sister ending up in top classes known as the bloom with her older brother Tatsuya who is the main character being put in the weed cast. Who surprisingly possesses skills and knowledge that reach way higher levels than 99% of his classmates even those who are bloom class are nothing more than mere pebbles when compared to him.
So basically this try's to be some sort of underdog story that also trying to do a critic of some of the negatives of human society. Which on paper sounds like a good idea. But it falls apart when your main character is overpowered as all fuck and your content is about as shallow as a kiddie pool, Like why would you have a caste system in a magic high school where everyone comes from powerful magical family’s or have skills way above the average joe. So any student that would be going to this school have already proven that there a cut above everyone else and also if the goals of these schools are to train new magicians as weapons and etc then why wouldn’t they just go like full Meritocracy and just have the students compete against one another in various fields to find the best students and those who performed well get awarded and have certain privileges, that would have been better and far more effective for training the next generations of magicians. Instead of my magical ability better than yours reee so I going to be a one Dimensional asshole towards you.
And to top it all off add in a whole cluster fuck of overused tropes and clichés from light novels In Till it becomes an unbelievable cringe-fest of epic proportions. But if you want to know the story contains I am happy to tell you. The story from about 5-6 episodes is about this school class system bullshit which at face value was kind of interesting and thought-provoking when I first watched it when I was first getting into anime.But when I stepped back and actually thought about it.I realized that the conflict is shallow. And that basically the same thing for every theme this show try's to do.
At face value it all good and Dandy But when you look back and think about it.You start seeing these big holes in logic But back to the story. The rest of the story basically just, terrorist Attucks, school torments and a bunch of random shit that just isn't interesting or has any tension to it.Especially Because the main character can pretty much kill any threat in an in a split second without much effort. But To make my point more clear there is one scene where he gets shot straight in the heart and their blood everywhere. And I don't need to tell you that even if you live past a gunshot to the heart which is pretty much is unlikely to happen. You would basically die from blood loss if you didn't get to the hospital in time. What happens is that his sister gets rid of one of the limiters that holding his power back and he gets back up no problem at all even with the blood loss and during the end, he just goes full This is a featured article. Click here for more information. Page semi-protected Listen to this article Jesus-kun mode and blows up an entire naval fleet in a few seconds so in honesty this show story has failed in almost every aspect it done. Calling it generic as an insult would probably be the understatement of the century. Even for an anime based on a light novel, it's horrid. it’s almost like this series just wants to test the waters to see how little effort people you have to put into your series while at the same time making tons of money from your bottom of the barrel trash.
The only positive I can actually list is that I think the setting is interesting. With how the magic works, the magic families and there politics and the how modern science and magic has become to this one thing. Like the idea of magic and technology merging into this one thing is really interning idea and the whole idea of these magic clans, governments, or other terrorist factions battling each over to get a leg up over one another. That makes the world and the politics feel way more organic and gives the series some actual depth if they actuality focused on it. But even that can't save face fully when it doesn't go in as deep as it should as what this series is adapted is mostly focusing on school bullshit and when it comes to the magic system they throw so much techno babe at you. That it really hard to get a proper footing when you’re trying to wrap your head around this magic system. What would have been really cool is that instead of this high school bullshit, they could have turned this series into some epic global political thriller with various organizations trying to one-up each other similar to darker than black. That would have been cooler and way better than what we got.Characters, 3/10
The main character Tatsuya is bland as toast with no emotions because his family literally took his emotions away except for slight protective feeling for his little sister, basicity his family turned him into a sociopath. Which could have been interesting if they were using his character exploring and talking about the inhumanity of such individuals or what makes them tick and guides their moral compass. That would have been cool and deep, but no all we get is another soulless self-insert who kind of a nice-ish guy despite his sociopath "testacy’s". At least the show took the time to explain why it happened, But even the reasoning behind it was stupid. Basically, the main character had his emotions taken away from him Because from what is shown so far is that his family thought he would turn ageist the clan and kill them all of them because he was very powerful even as a young boy. And I guess if you’re a young child that is basicity a ticking time bomb of magical power and emotions then it would make sense why his family would want to try to get that under control or at least prevent the possibility to him losing control of his power and going themo nuclear on everyone asses.
But the logic and reasoning behind it still fall apart, when you consider if he no emotions. That would means his mind is mostly running on a logos based thought process correct, ok So what would actually happen if it became logical to turn around and kill his entire clan in order to reach a certain goal and he has no emotions and dosnt even have a bound with 99% of his family because of what they did to him and also the fact they treat him like dog shit, (even though he is handsome, smart, owns a very successful business on the side and is highly trained in various combat skills.)
Bottom line is that his clan are imbecile because if they thought taking his emotions away would make him easy to control and he never turns ageist them despite how they treat him they are dead wrong. Because of there such a thing as psychopaths/ sociopath who in laymen terms have every little emotions or empathy for others at all and have no problem killing people at all. and even though Tatsuya isn’t really malicious in most of his actions. You cant forget the fact that in this series alone he has killed a lot of people with zero fucks given, grated most of the time it was in self-defense or he was protecting his sister, but who to say he won’t turn around and do the same thing to his family. Also if he has no emotions then why the fuck does he actually invest time In combat training or anything for that matter. Because he would have to have some sort of motivation or passion to do that. Which he doesn't because he's a robot that will never become a real boy.Also his younger sister Miyuki has to be by far the most annoying character in the whole show. Even more annoying than the one-dimensional assholes that populate the show like flies. She is basically then the only thing the Main character has a slight emotional attachment to and for some reason she has a brother complex. Which doesn't really make much sense because we find out that in the past even she treated him like shit in till awhile ago. Plus he has been an emotionless robot for most of his life. So Whatever speck of humanity that was in him is already long gone. I mean she would probably have a deeper relationship with a teddy bear than her robot of a brother.
The side characters are pretty much hollow shells with no personality or anything interesting about them. They are basically just so one note. There like background characters. Because every time I watch this show I have to remind myself that these characters actually exist. And when they talk about themselves or some sort of backstory. Its like for me who the fuck are you again.
Art, 7/10
The animation was good, backgrounds are kind of average.
It has some very bright colors which help add to the magic ability’s that go on in the series It has some of the c.g.i Animation and considering japan tack record for CGI in anime this is quite imperative that it looks nice and doesn't clash with the 2d animation The art style of generic as fuck.The characters design look so plain and hollow. It basically a copy and paste from most light novel series.Sound, 5/10
The op and ending songs I don't give a fuck about in the lest. the ost is ok as a whole. Nothing really good or bad about it. But I think it's ok to check it out. The ost was done by Taku Iwasaki who has done the ost for soul taker and black butler for example. When it comes to voice acting I felt everyone did an ok job distaste how bad this series is and the dialog is dry as toast.Enjoyment, 2/10
Enjoyment or lack of enjoyment, in this case, I found nothing really enjoyable about this show. I found it a very soulless watch. it is one of worse shows I have watched in my life And I would put this show in my top ten worse anime I have watched list. I am pretty sure I would have enjoyed this show more if there was personally or spirit put behind it, because of the world and some of the elements this show was slightly interesting. But it's hard to care when it every clear that the people to did this show had a gun pointed at their head.Overall,3/10
There is no way in hell I would recommend this to anyone under any circumstances. Even my worse enemy's I wouldn't show this trash to them. If your new to anime don't waste your time on this show, Because you’re going to look back and realize your wasted time. And that you could have watched someone else that you probably would have enjoyed ten times better than this. My advice just pretends this doesn't exist, Hell even madhouse who did the anime for this pretends it doesn't exist as well. The only reason I can see people watching this is that the music is passable and the visuals look very nice. Because story and characters are pretty much non-existent.
If you like the ideas this series has your better of watching failed knight, a certain magical index or strike the blood.
ANIME ActionAssassins Pride
ANIME DramaGrisaia no Kajitsu
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ANIME ActionMahou Sensou
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ONA ActionQuanzhi Fashi
- (3.5/5)
Ended inSeptember 28, 2014
Main Studio MADHOUSE
Trending Level 5
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Hashtag #MAHOUKA