December 19, 2024
24 min
The anime's story centers on Tsunehiro Sasaki, a university student with a large debt and is told by his doctor that he only has two years left to live. Living the rest of his days in depression, Tsunehiro one day gets chased by a debt collector and falls into the sea. He is rescued by Hana, a girl who loves fishing, and her fishing friends including Takaaki.
Hana urges Tsunehiro to experience fishing for the first time in his life and he starts to develop friendship with other fishing enthusiasts. Things start looking up for Tsunehiro as he starts working at the convenience store where Hana and Takaaki work, and he slowly gets hooked into fishing.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Takaaki Tsutsujimori
Kaito Ishikawa
Hana Ayukawa
Fairouz Ai
Tsunehiro Sasaki
Mutsuki Iwanaka
Haruka Tomatsu
Kozue Nishimori
Rio Tsuchiya
Yuuya Hirose
Hiroshi Tsuchida
Masashi Sugawara
85/100Depression, Healing, and fishing.Continue on AniListFall 2024 was filled with many amazing seasonal shows and each one of them blew me away, so much in fact I was actively looking to add shows I didn't think would be that good to my watch-list so I'd have something to get mad at for being bad(sometimes slop is fun),so I started watching a show about "fishing" of all things.
NegiPosi Angler, or Negative Positive Angler, wasn't the show I was looking for, it was so much more than I signed up for. Within the first 30 seconds this show is determined to ruin your perception of it as just another slice of life centered around a chosen topic, in this case fishing and a quirky little convenience store. What I thought was a cute, relaxing fishing show, immediately shifts to tackle themes of depression and tragedy, while unexpected, it creates one of the most compelling stories of the season through this story of healing.Our Protagonist, Tsunehiro Sasaki, is in my opinion the perfect lead for a show like this,Tsunehiro is introduced to us as meek , awkward and tragically depressing character, this isn't remedied by the fact that because of all this he's not the most likable protagonist. I personally love him,
I think I relate to him a bit too much in fact, but I've seen some people dislike him quite a bit and with good reason. He's frequently irresponsible, ungrateful and kind of a dick, I cant defend that but if your like me, you might see that as a good thing in a lead, and I think this part of him is a necessary evil for his growth as a character later in the season.
All the other characters are equally compelling, its an ensemble cast of quirky anglers , so if you don't vibe with Tsunehiro, I'm sure you'll love Takaaki,Hana and the rest. They're all endearing and funny in their own ways and work as the perfect foil to Tsunehiro depressing pessimism, despite its initial dark beginning this show is about joy and healing, which this cast executes flawlessly.Visually, the show isn't anything to write home about for the most part, stylistically its unique enough to stand out enough from the other shows this year,I particularly like how the main trio are draw in a a uniform enough style to fit the shows style, but unique enough to make them give off their own unique vibe. The show looks good but not enough for me to praise it too much. It looks adequate with a lot of strange cgi fish and water effects,Im not a CGI enjoyer, but I'm not a total hater, I dont think its bad enough cgi to turn a viewer off but its enough to make you think "oof, thats cgi alright" whenever you see it. While for the most part the show looks good, not great, every now and again it does something phenomenal. The from beautiful sunset fishing trips to the night time lights of Tokyo, the show knows when it really needs to kick itself into gear visually and does that to make some stunning scenes, that i plan to add to my shuffling list of desktop wallpaper images.
If you're unconvinced and dont mind spoilers, I think there was a mutual shock when everyone saw this scene weekly
Something about this show spoke to me on a personal level, both in its soothing parts and its depressing part, its nice scenes work to put a smile on your face and hope you forget the inevitable dread of the future for Tsunehiro. Pacing-wise I think this worked very well for a time, there is an episode or two in the middle that did kind of feel like almost like filler, which is weird for a show like this that is at the end of the day a Iyashikei slice of life, I think having a looming topic or story line that you want to have slowly add tension and tease the audience with works well unless you spend too long building it up or stop adding to it in a meaningful way, even if that pause is only only for half an episode or so. That said, I don't think there is a bad episode to this show, just weaker parts that could have been better to meet the rest of the highs this show has.
If your looking for a slice of life but with something deeper to it and this show slipped through the cracks of your seasonal watchlist among Fall's heavy hitters like DandaDan,Bluebox and 1/2 of the new Re:Zero Season, I cant recommend this enough, its unbelievably underrated.
40/100A drama that isn't a dramaContinue on AniList╔════════════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ════════════╗ REVIEW Negative Positive Angler ╚════════════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ════════════╝ 。・゚゚・Story/Genre : Negative Positive Angler is an anime that largely fails in its role as a DRAMA and further accentuates its role as a peach anime throughout the series to perfection. I'm convinced that this anime didn't need either a story about a terminally ill guy or the slightest DRAMA, especially when the latter is non-existent in 80% of the anime. When you watch Negative Positive Angler, you find yourself watching a peachy anime and easily forgetting that you're basically supposed to be experiencing something darker. Where the anime falters enormously is in the realism of its universe, despite a rather lecherous starting plot, I remind you that it still tries to commit suicide in the first 5 seconds... The anime remains extremely kind and good-natured throughout the series, and the characters to whom Tsunehiro owes money are rather sympathetic characters, which I find rather stupid. Excuse the term, but someone you borrow money from and don't pay back, who's into gambling, is never going to have that kind of personality, and I don't think some people would hesitate to take advantage of it if they did.
Then Tsunehiro gets all his debt paid by a guy he's just met? Okay, I see that in this story everyone is generous and ready to help anyone they meet on the street. Anyway, all that to say that the story, despite being set in our world, doesn't even manage to have a coherent universe.
After that, nothing about Tsunehiro's illness until episode 10. So the first drama aspect arrives for 3 episodes, a simple drama that works quite well in itself, but it really feels like this anime wasn't meant to be a drama from the start. Even the ending, in the end, is rushed and uninteresting, and in the end we'll remember the fishing parties more than a feeling of attachment to the characters in the face of a desperate situation.
。・゚゚・Characters : The characters in this anime are trashy on the whole, you may find them sympathetic but you won't love them to the point where you become attached to them or that they leave a lasting impression on you after the anime has aired.
The anime tries to create a minimum of development to give them a bit of life, but in the end it remains rather secondary to the plot, and some characters could simply be removed from the story.Hana is basically the fishing specialist and won't really have any interest other than that during the anime.
Kozue might as well not exist at all, as this character serves no purpose like Fujishiro or any of the other characters on the convenience store team.*Speaking of the group as a whole, the group's atmosphere isn't crazy either, I really find that the guy sometimes has nothing to do here, and that the characters have virtually no interaction outside of simple work acquaintances, except of course the relationship between *Tsunehiro and Takaaki.
。・゚゚・Art/Song Visuel: The anime is frankly very bland, and for an anime that's supposed to make the main characters want to live again, it's sincerely lacking in color.
It's not ugly, but it's very basic.
As for the music, none of it stood out for me, and the opening is really bad, with 90% of its scenes copied and pasted from episode 1.。・゚゚・Conclusion : In conclusion, this anime categorizes itself as DRAMA without actually being one. I recommend the anime for fishing enthusiasts looking for an anime developed around the activity, but if you're looking for a touching story about a guy at the end of his life, you can move on. Plenty of other anime tackle this subject far better than Negative Positive Angler.
**Thank you for reading my review, I hope you enjoyed it, but I still invite you to watch the series to form your own opinion :)** Matheusmiranda96
60/100O Sonho de um Homem RidículoContinue on AniListO que se pode esperar da relação entre uma pessoa à espera de uma iminente morte e alguém com uma longa vida pela frente mas que já morreu em seu íntimo?
Sasaki Tsunehiro é um estudante universitário dono de uma assombrosa dívida contraída com agiotas que o leva a sofrer constantes ameaças pela falta de pagamento. Como se já não bastasse, Tsunehiro recebe a temerosa notícia de que possui pouco mais de dois anos de vida devido há uma doença terminal.
Ao decidir viver o resto de seus dias de maneira negligente, o protagonista é tomado por uma onda de negativismo, intensificada pela constante depressão. E, em certo dia, perseguido por cobradores, cai no mar. Quando já desistente, e aceitando o provável destino, Tsunehiro é resgatado por um grupo de pescadores.
Os acontecimentos que se seguia tornariam a vida do rapaz em algo completamente diferente do experimentado até então. Um grupo curioso de amigos, para não dizer excêntrico, fanáticos por pescaria e que trabalham juntos, encabeçados pelas figuras de Tsutsujimori Takaaki e Ayukawa Hana.
A história narra a conturbada vida de Hiro (como foi chamado por Takaaki) tendo que lidar com dívidas, doenças e pesca.
O cerne do enredo encontra-se na figura de pessoas, de alguma forma, perdidas em suas questões pessoais. O gerente da loja, por exemplo, enfrenta um divórcio doloroso. Entre as desajeitadas tentativas de reaproximação com o filho percebemos a dor que um casamento desfeito impõe.
Quantas vezes o homem trocou a família pelo vicio na pesca? Quantos encontros com explícito descontentamento? E agora, mergulhado de remorso, tem de encarar os fatos como o de não ter o crescimento do próprio filho diante de seus olhos.
O que vale mais, um enorme peixe ou a transição de infância para adolescência do filho? Parece óbvia a resposta, ainda que o gerente Machida a tenha encontrada de forma tardia.
Com estas reflexões o show apresenta cada um dos personagens.
No entanto, a principal relação, justamente a que me referia no início deste texto, é a confusa amizade de Hiro com Takaaki. Tsunehiro, que viveu a vida imerso em mágoas, carregando a angústia da morte, cada vez mais próxima, decide encarar a vida de maneira diferente. Apoiando-se nos novos amigos, o jovem busca uma forma de alegria e conforto.
Em contrapartida, Takaaki, no auge de seu vigor e juventude, leva a vida como uma uma falsa aparência. Frustrado pela morte do irmão, e carregando um enorme fardo de culpa, tem em seus dias nada mais que uma tentativa de sobrevivência. Não seria, agora, o antigo hábito de pescar a fuga da realidade?
Por isso torno a questionar. Entre o desespero da morte e a angústia da vida o que sobra?
O conto O Sonho de um Homem Ridículo, de Dostoievisk, nos apresenta, de forma bastante alegórica, as narrações acerca de um cidadão desprezado. Tomado como ridículo pelos outros, o personagem central abraça esta sina e decide viver de igual maneira.Desprezado por todos, como também por si próprio, o agora entitulado Homem Ridículo caminha pelas frias ruas de São Petersburgo refletindo na insignificância de viver. O que seria a felicidade, o amor e a alegria de estar vivo? Tais coisas já não mais importavam àquele homem.
Certo de que a resposta que buscava seria alcançada no suicídio, o Ridículo, em uma tristonha e solitária noite, aquelas com um aspecto perfeito para tomar o óbito, encontra com uma garota perdida suplicante por ajuda. Sequer o desespero da inocente seria suficiente para tocar seu coração que de pronto a rejeita, retornando para o lar.
Uma vez que chegara ao apartamento, com uma arma em mãos, o remorso aperta o peito. Tomado por um profundo sono, o homem sonha que atira no próprio coração. E, logo após, vê-se a ser levado por uma misteriosa criatura até um local parecido com a Terra.
As semelhanças eram, ao mesmo tempo, poucas e muitas. O lugar era igual, com a exceção de ser perfeito. Sem doenças, guerras, mortes, intrigas.
Próximo ao fim do sonho, aquele Ridículo presencia os instantes de decadência. De uma terra perfeita à perdição que nem a mais temerosa guerra seria capaz de construir.
Tomado pela dor de ver a destruição do que era perfeito, o homem desperta. Não apenas do sono, desperta para si.
Dostoevski, através da narrativa fantástica, descreve como perdemos tempo com as coisas banais e ridículas. O estado original do homem, da felicidade e complitude, não reside na queda. Antes, no momento anterior a ela.
Somente quando o desespero da vida do Homem Ridículo deu lugar à transcendência foi, então, que as aflições e amarguras puderam ser suprimidas.
Como poderia o homem chamar-se de humano se viver alheio ao amor, a caridade, a contemplação e ao convívio com os próximos? Como encontrar valor em si próprio se a indiferença para com a dor dos outros for maior?
Voltando ao show. Ambos, Takaaki e Hiro, só encontraram significado, e por consequência um motivo para viver, quando ambos perocuparam-se com o outro. Como poderia ajudar Takaaki sem sequer buscar tratamento médico antes? E Takaaki, como poderia ensinar a Hiro o prazer de estar vivo se também o fora sepultado com o próprio irmão?
Somente o transcedente encontrado no amar o próximo é capaz de dar sentido à vida. De forma, por vezes dramática, outras vezes humorada, o show tenta expor tal reflexão.
"Havendo amor pode-se viver, mesmo sem felicidade. Até na aflição a vida é boa. É bom viver no mundo, ainda que se viva seja lá como for."
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- (3.65/5)
Ended inDecember 19, 2024
Main Studio NUT
Trending Level 2
Favorited by 377 Users
Hashtag #ネガグラ