September 22, 2020
24 min
Introverted Hina Tsurugi is trying to adjust to her new school since moving from the countryside. And in spite of her unease around sea life, classmate Yuuki Kuroiwa somehow convinces her to join the Breakwater Fishing Club. She wants to be open to these new friends and experiences, but some of them are as strange as the fish they’re supposed to hook. Is she biting off more than she can chew?
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Makoto Oono
Satomi Akesaka
Yuuki Kuroiwa
Yuu Sasahara
Hina Tsurugi
Kanon Takao
Natsumi Hodaka
Natsumi Kawaida
Sayaka Kotani
Ami Koshimizu
Natsumi no Haha
Risa Hayamizu
Hina no Haha
Chiwa Saitou
Shigematsu Akai
Shigeru Chiba
Hina no Chichi
Hiroaki Tajiri
Kenshirou Usuki

90/100A relaxing show about the joy of discovering a new passion that unfortunately went under the radar due to its premise.Continue on AniListHoukago Teibou Nisshi/ Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater is a show that'd alienate most people due to its premise, but beneath that lies a wholesome and comforting show about discovering fishing as a passion and a journey in discovering and absorbing oneself in such a passion. Fishing is used as a vehicle to explore what it means to be passionate among the entire cast, with presentation being more subtle. Unfortunately, this means the show's appeal as well as its misfortune of airing during COVID-19 - being particularly hit hard and being pushed an entire season down the line - actively hurt the series. Don't let this fool you, as there's quite a bit to appreciate here, and especially if you have a background with fishing.
Much of the series' appeal comes from how well researched the fishing is - bait, common fishing tactics, adjusting said tactics for different species of fish and there's even an episode where the entire cast go and get fishing equipment depending on their builds - another episode has an extended segment where all of them have to learn how to swim in case an emergency happens. It's this attention to basic details that makes this series so refreshing to watch, with even something as subtle as how fish behave around different kinds of lure or even just not touching certain fish - in this show's case, a stonefish - with your bare hands (which sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many even experienced fishermen make such a basic mistake). This also extends to how to dissect fish safely
The series follows a semi-episodic structure involving the four main leads going out and fishing, with enough variety in what they're trying to fish to keep the show's content interesting - there's even an episode where characters don't fish up fish at all, which was refreshing. Character progression is linked mainly to the main characters' abilities to fish, with Hina in particular as the show's central character being at the focus of this; introduced as a wide-eyed, extremely naive teenage girl who can't tell left from right with what she wants to do in school (let alone in fishing) she grows from a rather empty high schooler craving a passion in her life to a genuinely passionate fisherman, who actively seeks out fishing. This is shown through various scenes - ranging from her actively researching about fish she wants to catch, looking up techniques and ever so slowly overcoming her squeamishness as the series goes on. For all intents and purposes, the narrative is centered around Hina and her growing passion for fishing, subtly showing her changing demeanor as the series goes on.
The other characters and their love for fishing is all explored as the series goes on, and their dynamics; this ranges from Makoto mentioning fishing as an outlet for her otherwise withdrawn personality - which contrasts greatly with her inability to swim and Natsumi's interactions and recurring friendship with Hina, acting as a catalyst for Hina's increased interest in fishing as well as various interactions when not fishing (ranging from sewing to studying) that help establish their relationship with each other (which is also handled very naturally, like two old friends actually would interact with each other). Last but not least, there's Yuuki, the introverted and hands off leader of the group whose apparent apathy is a mask to conceal her genuine love for fishing, acting as the rational head of the group and guiding them while handling her job as student council president. While these are basic character traits, it's the chemistry between the group that made them so endearing. However, a noteworthy flaw can be argued to be the comedy - certain gags considering how several characters straight up look well underage appear inappropriate, and these jokes are concentrated early into the show, potentially making it difficult for some viewers to continue watching. Much of the humor I did enjoy though, with a particular mention being a fishing session that involved interacting with a very curious heron, the entire cast wandering around in the mud to look for clams with hilarity ensuing and interactions with Sayaka, the club advisor.
Much praise can be given to Doga Koba for the work they've done on the show's production values, with consistently look great - the backgrounds are absolutely beautiful, with hand-drawn illustrations being backed up by light but fitting use of CGI that enhance the relaxed and comforting appeal of the series. No particular bit of animation lacked fluidity as far as I can recall, with movement being smooth and easy to look at - a particular note is that all of the various creatures caught by the cast are hand-drawn with no cut corners in animating movements for the fishes themselves, which in the hands of a lesser studio could have easily been done completely in cheap CG. Water looks easy on the eyes, and the soundtrack and sound design never feels off or out of place, fitting the overall tone of the series. Of particular mention are the songs for the OP and ED, which are fairly catchy.
In conclusion, Houkago Teibou Nisshi is a show that appears to have gone under the radar - partially due to COVID-19 but also due to some gags in the first few episodes that may have scared some viewers off. This masks an otherwise excellent series, and I do recommend it highly, especially to those that enjoy stories about the joy of discovering a new passion or about fishing.
Thank you for reading.
80/100Houkago Teibou Nisshi Review! (THIS REVIEW WAS WRITTEN IN PORTUGUESE)Continue on AniListSobre:
Houkago Teibou Nisshi é um anime que estreou em 2020, produzido pelo estúdio Doga kobo. É um anime Slice of Life, com garotas fofas e uma temática bem inusitada que é a pesca.
A primeira impressão que você deve ter sobre esse anime é que vai ser um anime repetitivo e tedioso, já que na ideia elas só vão pescar, mas quando você começa a assistir você percebe que não é bem assim.O anime não é simplesmente as garotas pescando sempre com a mesma vara e pegando peixes normais, conforme os episódios vão passando o anime te mostra diversas técnicas, equipamentos e até raças de peixes diferentes, tornando os episódios bem variados e diferentes um do outro, além de ser bem informativo para quem não sabe nada sobre pesca achando que é algo simples ou chato como jogar a vara e esperar o peixe fisgar.
A paleta de cores do anime é muito azulada e isso é uma ótima qualidade. O céu, o mar e o uniforme das garotas são todos azuis te dando a sensação máxima de um tema marítimo, sinceramente esse é o tipo de anime gostoso de se ver em um calor de verão.
Não bastando as diversas técnicas, equipamentos e peixes diferentes que o anime te mostra, ele ainda mostra o preparo do peixe ou fruto do mar que foi pescado, o preparo exige que você destripe e limpe o peixe ou fruto do mar, gerando cenas bem "nojentas" por assim dizer, resultando em diversas caretas e expressões exageradas que a protagonista faz, que por sinal são bem fofas.
Todas as personagens são fofas da sua própria maneira e se dão muito bem, sempre ajudando umas às outras com dicas e técnicas.
Hina tem 15 anos e está no 1º do ensino médio, como ela não sabe muito sobre pesca e tem muito medo de criaturas ela sempre acaba fazendo expressões de nojo ou medo que são super fofas.
Natsumi também tem 15 anos e está no 1º do ensino médio, ela é o tipo de garota que gosta tanto de fazer coisas ao livre que sempre fica bronzeada, ela não se importa de se sujar e mete a mão na massa.
Oono está no 2º ano do ensino médio e faz parte do conselho estudantil, é muito experiente em pesca. Ela é uma garota bem quieta que só fala quando é necessário, porém mesmo com bastante experiência a maneira como ela ensina é bem complicada já que ela se empolga e acaba falando bastante.
Kuroiwa é a presidente do clube e está no 3º ano do ensino médio, ela é bem folgada e adora persuadir os outros para que façam o que ela quer, no anime tem cenas onde ela fica com orelhas de raposas pra mostrar quando ela tem algum plano que beneficie ela sem fazer nada. Mesmo que às vezes ela não faça nada e só espera que os outros façam, ela é muito experiente na pesca e explica super bem de maneira bem fácil de entender.
Grande parte do episódios sempre acabam com um lindo pôr do sol, mostrando que elas passam a tarde toda pescando e se divertindo.
Música e trilha sonora:
A Opening e Ending do anime não são algo tão espetacular, não é algo que vai ficar na sua mente por um bom tempo, mas mesmo assim elas são super gostosas de se ouvir nem dá vontade de pulá-las. Sobre a trilha sonora; ela se encaixa perfeitamente com as situações e dentre todas, as melhores que eu acho são:
Houkago Teibou Nisshi é um ótimo anime, que soube muito bem como trabalhar essa temática de pescaria, mostrando a grande diversidade desse esporte. O anime consegue agradar tanto o público que não conhece, como o público que já sabe algumas coisas sobre pesca, é muito informativo e explicativo. É aquele tipo de anime bem único e difícil de se achar por aí.
E ver a protagonista conseguindo pescar algo com sucesso é muito satisfatório e divertido.
Obrigado por ler :D
70/100I recommend Houkago Teibou Nisshi for slice of life enthusiasts that like a mature tone.Continue on AniList
- Houkago Teibou Nisshi Analysis - This analysis contains no major spoilers
First impressions are all about how worthwhile a show is and if one should watch it. While it may seem like just another CGDCT's anime, nevertheless the twist of fishing really surprised me in how different everything felt. The daily life of a club about fishing is the perfect setting for this type of slice-of-life.
"The twist of fishing really surprised me in how different everything felt"
Made by Doga Koba, they are known for multiple anime, but are notably known for slice-of-life. The many examples include, New Game, Maoujou de Oyasumi, Yuru Yuri, Gabriel DropOut, Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san, Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!, and Himouto! Umaru-chan. When it comes to comfy daily lives of anime girls there aren't many better studios out there for the job.
"When it comes to comfy daily lives of anime girls there aren't many better studios out there for the job"
The style of slice of life that Houkago Teibou Nisshi goes for is more mature and slow than most may enjoy. It's not the witty fast line slice of life or very eventful really. Doga Koba has this style down pat and even makes something as dull looking as fishing enjoyable while also going into depth about different types of fishing.
"More mature and slow than most may enjoy"
It starts off with the introduction to our protagonist Hina Tsurugi who moved to the countryside with her family. In a seaside town she'll be transferred to a new school, she's quite nervous being in this new environment. Hina's personality is typical of the genre being kind with a cheery demeanor. She originally wanted to join the arts and crafts club due to her passion for all things associated with it, however Hina is suckered into joining the Breakwater Fishing club after antics with the clubs president, Yuuki Kuroiwa. It's difficult for Hina at first because she has a fear of large fish, which becomes a running gag throughout the show. It's a fun introduction, nothing mind blowing innovative though. Hina is fun to follow around and the setting in a small seaside town is unique! The teaching of fishing was really cool too.
"Hina has a fear of large fish, which becomes a running gag throughout the show"
The rest of the cast is just as likeable as Hina, and over time she becomes more comfortable with the club and those in it. Yuuki Kuroiwa's aloof demeanor comes off as nonchalant with things around her, despite this she care deeply about her club and those in it. Makoto Oono is the most reliable member in the club when it comes to fishing. She's able to clean fish well, cook, and overall very knowledgeable about fish. Natsumi Hodaka is the typical childhood friend, she likes to tease Hina and looks like a tomboy but in actuality is very good student much to Hina's surprise and very supportive of Hina's growth as a fan of fishing. It's a small but comfy club with each episode focusing on the life of fishing with friends!
" Natsumi's very supportive of Hina's growth as a fan of fishing "
The best time to watch Houkago Teibou Nisshi is after being burnt out on seasonal anime. These type of down to earth anime hit new levels of comfort when you're burnt out. One of the helping factors being the comedy which was surprisingly funny at times, mostly because the characters sold it really well. As an anime the calm tone mixed harmoniously with the comedy. I recommend Houkago Teibou Nisshi for slice of life enthusiasts that like a mature tone.
"The comedy which was surprisingly funny at times"
ANIME ComedyYuru Camp△
TV SHORT AdventureYama no Susume
ANIME Slice of LifeNon Non Biyori
ANIME ComedyRifle Is Beautiful
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ANIME ComedyKoisuru Asteroid
ANIME ComedyHoukago Saikoro Club
ANIME ComedyLong Riders!
- (3.55/5)
Ended inSeptember 22, 2020
Main Studio Doga Kobo
Favorited by 323 Users
Hashtag #TEIBO