December 25, 2023
24 min
Konohoshi Umika is a high-schooler who is very bad at communicating with others. Feeling almost like an alien trapped on Earth with nowhere to belong, one day she meets a girl who claims to be an actual alien!
Umika Konohoshi
Yurie Funato
Yuu Akeuchi
Seria Fukagawa
Matataki Raimon
Shiki Aoki
Haruno Takaragi
Moe Nagamuta
Honami Konohoshi
Hina Youmiya
Akane Emihara
Natsumi Takamori
Kei Akizuki
Saho Shirasu
Michiru Yuugumo
Miku Itou
Saya Kagami
Yuuko Oono
Neon Teruya
Natsumi Kawaida

95/100Bonavvu! Mativuu! ^_^Continue on AniList--- The setup and storyline is pretty simple, a girl who longs to meet Aliens and go to outer space. I kept joking the first time I saw the first episode, she's like introvert version of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's not like the most interesting premise or set up, but hey as a Haruhi fan, I approve. Also I guess some yuri stuff going on here and there as well. Don't worry, just forehead play and I mean that literally. <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/GlhQIC6.jpg'> --- Umika dream of going to outer space is what sets up the story going forward. With her longing for Aliens, we get this random and mysterious girl named Yuu who as far as we know is a Alien. As far as I know, Umika probably has some kind of power like Haruhi, where she longed for Alien and managed to create one. The only difference is that she actually believers her. With her new Alien sidekick next to her, she eventually befriends other girls, especially our other two main girls, Haruno and Raimon. With all them together, they eventually form their research club for studying and creating rockets. <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/SsrKRLJ.gif'> --- __Dreams__ There are some who have dreams and goals that they want to accomplish and draws others in. And there are those who don't have any of their own but will make others dreams their own. And by which I mean, by helping someone else accomplish their dreams/goals. Just because it isn't yours, doesn't mean you can't be happy to see that person succeed. We have Umika and Raimon who both are two people on opposite side of the same coin. They are so similar but yet so different. <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/wmZowJY.jpg'> __Umika__ I'll just say, I don't exactly love the "introvert" type of characters but I do love those that wants to improve. Umika is a person who's really self-aware of her flaws and wants to get better. Even if you aren't the most capable leader, if you have a dream and be willing to adventure into the unknown of what the future holds... and having those who will support you, there is no greater feeling. A leader isn't someone who has everything figured out and always the greatest, but they are the one who's found a path they want to walk and be wiling to pave the way for others. Even if it's lonely since being a leader means you see what's ahead and no one might be in front of you... but having the confidence of those behind you is a wonderful feeling to have. <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/ZsFGEV9.png'> Sorry a little rant here lol <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span>Oh before you wonder, do Veemon hate introvert people? Well, honestly, I don't care for the whole "introvert" and "extrovert" stuff people always like bringing up. I like someone base on them as a person, not by these labels - I get it makes more sense in the context of anime but I keep it just that, in anime. I mean I have nothing against those who wants to label themselves as one or the other. I just hate it when people use that as a excuse just so they don't have to interact with others. It's good to want to improve yourself and better yourself. I'm not the most talkative person IRL but I've grown a lot. I wanted to improve on that and like Umika, I managed to do it, why I love her character. Since I've been there, I understand it's tough.</span></span> __Raimon__ Probably the most misunderstood character. I get she has the whole "Tsundere" trope along with just seem like a jerk. But I honestly have no issue with the way she is portrayed. She is more of a cynical person then anything else. This is to do more with her past. And she is really blunt with her words that have hurt others. She's also someone who wears their heart on their sleeve. But at the same time, hides her insecurities deep within. I feel like she gets too much hate, yes given she is pretty mean at times. And that's not a excuse to be a total jerk. But we can understand how she feels to be hated in the past for the things she loved. It's hard to just trust 3 random other girls who claims to enjoy something you love but go at it half hearted. I don't blame her for being upset when you want to try your best but the others are okay with just "participation" trophy. Seriously it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard off... Anyways, I think this was a nice change of past to have a more realistic character. Friendship is always just sunshine and happiness and that we can overcome our hardship with a few words. It's like building a rocket, it takes trails and errors. With friends it's the same thing, we will hurt them and be hurt by them. So, in defense of her, I thought she was a well written character and I personally enjoy her. <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/SX1UMU0.png'> __Haruno__ The type of people who's more of the "happy go lucky," but deep down is really insecure. She puts on this mask that hides how she truly feels afraid to lose anyone. Her relationship she builds all seems shallow and hollow. But despite all that, she seems like someone who truly wants to build genuine relationship. Something like how Hachiman wanted too, something genuine or real. She is more of the friend in the group who tries to keep the peace. The one who's willing to gather everyone but never the one to lead. This is to do more with her own insecurity that was brought up. I like her personality but I think she shines best when she's with Raimon. <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/zmXz45W.png'> __Yuu__ Last but not least, we have our own Alien. She is really that one person who truly just loves others and it's the exact opposite of our main girl. She is everything Umika wishes to be, outgoing and friendly. Someone who can converse with others with no problem at all. Despite her outgoing personality and friendliness, we have this girl who longs to go home. To wherever that is, wherever she came from... we don't know... unless we get season 2 or read the manga. There's not much to say about her. I don't mean she's bad or anything, she's just your upbeat and fun to have in the group character. Someone who can bring a smile to others. <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/PfOi6sa.png'> --- We shall see where this story will go, is Yuu a real Alien or not. Will they eventually reach outer space? And with the final episode concluding at the LIGHTHOUSE - we see when these two are together, the lighthouse finally started to shine again, which we know it's power by Yuu. And you know what lighthouse does? It guides ships to avoid collapsing into rocks. And I think that's the perfect example of this anime... they are trying to reach a almost impossible dream. But with each rocks, it's like stepping stone. We must take small steps and set some small goals to eventually achieve our bigger dream. Sometimes you want to just take a shortcut and reach the goal, but life isn't like that. It takes small goals and steps, which can be days, months or years to accomplished. And some dreams are like ships that failed and sank... <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/PEKb3C6.png'> But we have some ships that does eventually reach their destination and are rewarded... Speaking of ships... Seems like one set sail at the end of the series lol jk <img width='' src='https://i.imgur.com/Dmhebge.png'> --- Is Stardust truly a super well written and must watch, probably not, but this is base on a score of personal enjoyment. Regardless of what others say or think... I personally loved this show from start to finish.<center> And with that I wish you have a wonderful Holiday since as writing this it is currently Christmas</center>
85/100“Maybe, the place you belong to, your home, isn’t as far as you might think”Continue on AniListHoshikuzu Telepath: Longing for the Light Watching anime is a fun and joyful journey we walk along with. There are times when we walk along someone’s journey chasing their dreams, there are times we walk along someone’s love life, and there are also times we walk along someone’s adolescent growth. Along them, we laugh, we cheer, we anguish, we cry. Those feelings and experiences are what I am personally fond of in enjoying and exploring this medium.
Among those, there’s one recently aired show that made me feel so attached and loved so deeply to their main casts unlike any other in that season.
That is being Hoshikuzu Telepath.
૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა Cute girls building a rocket?!
Hoshikuzu Telepath (星屑テレパス, eng. Stardust Telepath) is a manga adaptation of the same title serialized in Houbunsha’s Manga Time Kirara written and illustrated by Rasuko Ōkuma. Directed by Kaori (Yuyushiki, Endro~!, Gotoubun no Hanayome ∬) at Studio Gokumi, HoshiTele centered around the helplessly shy first-year high schooler Umika Konohoshi and her adorably cheerful alien friend Yuu Akeuchi.
Set in high school, our girl Umika never felt accepted anywhere she’s been. Perhaps due to her shyness resulting in her unable to build proper communication with others, Umika never felt connected to anyone else, she never felt understood by anyone else. She’s lonely. Thus, she decided to go towards outer space to find an alien who maybe, just maybe, would understand her. For that purpose, she determined to build her rocket.
However, building a rocket isn’t your average easy quest. It needs a deep understanding and expertise in aerodynamics, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and aerospace engineering. Nonetheless talking about intergalactic travel-able rocket to find alien civilization. This is a lifetime quest for her, especially with her crippling shyness, she finds it difficult to reach others for help.
Then all of a sudden, just like a certain someone barges into the opening ceremony of the high school, with a loud and cheerful attitude, the adorably cheerful talkative alien, Yuu Akeuchi, barges into Umika’s daily life. Since that day, Umika’s life has never been the same again.
Yuu Akeuchi
૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა The sparkle and its shine, The bystander and its misunderstanding.
What makes this show shine, what makes me actually went my way to write about it, is their characters. Each one of the four main girls is so well-written that from that regional model rocket launch competition defeat at #09 to that hugging scene at #11 my tears continuously stream like a river without stopping. Man, that was one of the best experiences in consuming media for me.
Umika, the light, the star, the sparkle.
Umika Konohoshi
Watching Umika throughout the series gives us the experience of cheering someone who tries their best to overcome their weakness and flaws, sometimes we would go “Do your best, Umika!!”, sometimes we would go “Oh silly Umika”, and sometimes we would cry the river seeing Umika tries her best. Sure she would fall, sure she would crash, and sure she would lose their way. This is a journey after all. But, seeing Umika, despite all of her shyness, still stood up unsightly, I could never laugh at her. She tries her damn best after all.
Like, when she failed and stumbled at the competition speech so badly, yes she was down so badly at the time, but eventually she found her back, and she decided to, once again, stand up on her two feet, facing that failure. To understand her failure, Umika makes her way to watch the speech recording of her countless times. Even though it was so shameful, even it was so unsightly, she watched that recording again, and again, and again. She would never give up.
Yuu, the mood, the shine, the smile.
For Umika, Yuu is the answer to her lifelong wish of having someone who could understand her. By the whole Odekopathy (Stands for Odeko, おでこ, which means forehead, and Telepathy) thing, Yuu can understand Umika’s feelings. She’s that cheerful friend we all introverts looking for.
However, every person has their problem, even extroverts who would throw their smiles at everyone everywhere every time. Yuu is no exception. She was thrown out of nowhere to earth while having no recollection whatsoever about her home. She’s lonely. We can see that whenever the scene of the early lighthouse came. She must be feeling so homesick while having no clue how to get her way back home.
Henceforth, in the later episode, would reveal, how meaningful Umika’s lifetime quest is to Yuu. How that serious tone when Umika told her that someday they would go to Yuu’s planet by using the rocket they would build together saves her.
Haruno, the support, the selfless, the bystander.
Haruno Takaragi
Everyone has their problem, even those geniuses. Haruno was introduced as a support character, who went their way to support her friend’s dream from behind. She would be there to help everyone whenever they needed. She even gave her gramps’ lighthouse’s furnished basement for Yuu to live in.
She’s that one friend who would step back to observe the whole thing whenever the group is having some fun as if she’s an outsider. But, she’s okay with everything. Whatever the path her friends take, she would support them unconditionally. She would never hate anyone or anything.
However, the Matataki word “If you don’t have anything to hate, it also means you don’t have anything to love” struck Haruno like lightning. Later on, it was revealed that she was afraid of crushing someone’s dream by sharing the same dream because of things in the past. Devastating by that, Haruo thinks that if having a dream would crush someone’s dream, she would rather not have any dream at all.
Matataki, the helpless, the logic, the misunderstood.
Matataki Raimon
Now comes the troublesome girl. I’ve seen a lot of people hating her for the understandable reason. She’s blunt with her words, she says some mean things and her whole personality is kinda unbearable. But deep down there she’s a nice and caring person. It’s your usual tsundere type of girl.
As a character, she’s the polar opposite of Umika. She’s strict, logical, straight with the words, and unforgiving. But, as time progresses, we’ll see that in the very core of all things, despite their differences, Matataki and Umika share a lot of things. They longed for the place they belonged, they felt lonely, they were hard worker, and they were strong-willed.
Through her blunt words, the story of HoshiTele works well. She’s such a fundamental character in the development of Umika and Haruno as a character.
The sparkle and its shine, The bystander and its misunderstanding.
Thus with such deeply written characters, the four of them shape and affect each other in numerous ways. Umika and Yuu’s love, Umika and Matataki longing, Yuu and Matataki funny Manzai-like combi, Matataki and Haruno love-hate relationship. All of those interactions are entangling in such composition making the characters so enjoyable. Not to mention the pairing that is always welcomed in this kind of show.
૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა Oshima’s opening and how it encapsulates the soul.
As if emphasizing the charm of its characters, the opening sequence of the opening theme of HoshiTele by Oshima Katsuya tells pretty much about what HoshiTele was trying to tell.
The opening shows three of the four characters staying in dark places looking so gloomy as if they’re missing something. They long for something. This would be visualized with their hand reaching to the unreachable source of light. Haruno tries to reach the star which perhaps symbolizes the dream, Matataki tries to reach the outside light from her closed garage which perhaps symbolizes the understanding of others towards her and her interests, while Yuu tries to reach the lighthouse’s light which perhaps symbolizes the direction that she has been missing.
Haruno, Matataki, and Yuu longing for something in the dark toned environment.
Then we were shown Umika so full of lighting around her. Yet, she’s been looking for something outside the window, perhaps towards the outer space in the sky. She’s so full of light but stays in her house. Longing or something as if even if she’s full of motivation and positiveness, she’s unable to reach anyone due to her ultimate shyness which entrapped her from the outside.
Umika, full of light, trapped in her house longing for something.
Through an unexpected blast, Umika finds her house ripping apart, with zero gravity making her float and fly, Umika finds herself floating unstablely until someone holds her hand, and that someone is Yuu. This is tells about the meeting between Umika and Yuu.
Umika and Yuu meet and hold each other.
The same happens with Haruno and Matataki. In the middle of the turmoils, Haruno finds goggles belonging to someone she’s familiar with while Matataki, the owner, floats in front of her. This sequence sums up the drama part between Haruno and Matataki which ends with Haruno giving back Matataki goggles.
Haruno and Matataki accepts and recognizes each other.
This whole chaotic cutesy floating and jumping sequence is the whole ups and downs between the four in the span of 12 episodes summed up. All of those until they finally landed on the firm ground which was in front of the lighthouse. Those symbolize that after many ups and downs along the road, at the end of the show, they are finally able to find a firm place to step on. A firm foundation to make a journey fulfilling their dream. While having a lighthouse to show and guide them the way.
They go up and down, until eventually finds a firm ground to step on.
Truly one of my favorite opening sequences this year.
Simple yet so meaningful.૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა Afterwords.
And with that, my review of Hoshikuzu Telepath comes to end.
Nice _odekocatch_
Sincerely hope that more people will pick this show up because its characters are so great. Its fun, they have some cute chibi to lift the mood and comedy. The whole odekopathy gimmick is also so adorable. Have I mention they also invented new language for Yuu as an alien? ITS SOO CUTTEEE!! 8/10!!!
Gosh, please give HoshiTele a try.
See you later, Bonnavuu~that’s all folks!
૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა senseianimeanarchy
60/100Started watching it because I thought Umika's ombre hair was cuteContinue on AniListEveryone starts watching particular anime for various reasons, but this might be my strangest reason yet. A picture of Hoshikuzu Telepath popped up when I was playing Kusogaki's seasonal anime game and as someone who often dyes her own hair, I was like 'wow, her hair is CUTE.' The purple ombre TOUCHED MY HEART. Let's be real: I don't really need much of any reason to start an anime.
So I started watching the show (despite not finishing the shows I always have on my rouster). I enjoy the collaborative style of the characters and the emphasis on science, building, growing confidence in learning unfamilar topics and presenting in front of people. However, I don't think this show is particularly unique or awe inspiring. It didn't hit hard in the feels as A Place Further than the Universe or provide quite as unique point of views as Houkago Saikoro Club.
For me: as a woman with science degrees- I was in a position to relate to the experiences of these girls more so than some others. I remember practicing for my poster conferences and double checking my analyses and trying to navigate the sharp curve of those with experience and me gaining experience, so I related to many of those preparation and competition scenes. If I didn't have the background that I do, I may have been more likely to tune in and out as my brain gets bored. I wish they had cultivated the rush for them needing and wanting to win the competitions a bit more so that I would be more invested in their success.
I kept forgetting that Akeuchi is an alien and I'm sure if that's good or not. She came off as just very quirky and a great support to her shy friend more so than an other wordly being. I know that her being an alien was just meant as a catalyst to start Umika on her rocket building journey of making friends, gaining confidence, and working towards a goal, but it just felt a bit random. By the time they next brought up the fact that she was an alien, I'd have forgotten.
Overall, I wouldn't necessarily recommend this show to others unless they had run through my fav slice-of-life shows, but I don't regret the easy watching vibes. This was a lazy afternoon anime for me to just sit and relax in front of the TV. Hoshikuzu Telepath was a good palate cleanser for the season, but it wasn't my favorite bite of the meal.
I apologize for the very lackluster and awkward review. I have much more experience with watching anime and ranting about them over the phone while driving for hours in comparison to well worded reviews that strangers may read. Thanks for spending a few seconds over here with me and have fun watching more anime!
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- (3.5/5)
Ended inDecember 25, 2023
Main Studio Studio Gokumi
Favorited by 410 Users
Hashtag #星テレ