June 29, 2013
24 min
Youto Yokodera is always thinking about his carnal desires, but no one acknowledges him as a pervert. He learns about a cat statue that supposedly grants wishes. The boy goes to pray that he will be able to express his lustful thoughts whenever and wherever he wants. At the statue, Youto encounters Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi, a girl from his high school with her own wish—that she would not display her real intentions so readily.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi
Yui Ogura
Azusa Azuki
Kaori Ishihara
Tsukushi Tsutsukakushi
Yukari Tamura
Youto Yokodera
Yuuki Kaji
Emanuela Pollarola
Tsukasa Tsutsukakushi
Harumi Sakurai
Minami Takahashi
Azusa no Haha
Aki Toyosaki
Mai Maimaki
Yuka Takakura
Aya Suzaki
Hirofumi Nojima

Not available on crunchyroll
91/100Kantoku's magnum opus in animation formContinue on AniList"No one likes to see a girl cry, no matter who she is." - Yokodera
The quote above sums up the entire tone of the whole show. It's genuine and fun to its very core. Like Hentai Ouji, anime comedies that rely heavily on moe or cute girls as their driving force are overly contrived of tired old gags that aren't truly funny and come across as annoying than anything else. However, some shows are exceptions to this, and Hentai Ouji is one of these and is by far the best one to come out in the last year or two.
From the beginning, the plot is already quite over the top. You have a boy who can't help but be perverted because he loves girls so much, and he finds a cat statue that somehow grants wishes to people near it. Where did it come from? Why does it grant wishes? We don't know. Quite frankly, they don't bother explaining why it's here, but to the show's credit, they are at least aware of how silly the premise is, and the way the show is set up makes it completely obvious. It does go to a serious plot arc near the last episodes. Still, at best, the pacing isn't terrible and provides some decent development to the characters, especially with our three main leads, Tsukiko, Yokodera, and Tsukushi. One other thing that sets this back involves Yokodera and Tsukushi. He tricks her into thinking that he's a younger brother to himself, which somehow fools her easily without hesitation. Even with how silly everything in the anime is, this was easily eye-rolling material if someone were to buy into this.
Now let's talk about the most significant strong point in the show: The characters. From time to time, we don't often get harem anime with protagonists, especially those that are perverted, that aren't spineless wimps or don't express their perverted fantasies openly like the true perverts they are. Luckily, recent harem shows in the past year or two have realized this and fixed this long-overdue mistake, and Hentai Ouji's protagonist Yokodera is one of the more vital aspects of the show. Voiced by Yuki Kaji, who is no stranger to perverted roles, Yokodera brings so much of the show's charm front and center from his honesty and the way he is written as a pervert who is likable within his primary trait. Most writers can't pull it off perfectly, but the writers for Hentai Ouji are an exception.
So how do the girls fair in the character department? Are they all clichéd stereotypes? Yes. However, given in the context of the show's charm, these stereotypes are forgiven because of the sheer sincerity of the characters' motivations. Tsukiko provides excellent humor in a deadpan tone throughout most of the show, which is a shame since the seiyuu Yui Ogura who plays her, is better when she's putting more emotion into her performance than when she is playing a dandere. Azuki Azusa may seem like your typical tsundere character. She quickly becomes more than just her alleged stereotype later on. Then we have Tsukiko's big sister Tsukushi who is the least interesting. Still, she does have some excellent needed humor involving her and her sister wanting to marry her, which is just as strange as it sounds but then again, this show is silly in and of itself, so it's a nice bonus.
The animation is relatively standard anime fare with nothing unique or exciting, but the art design of the characters is something to behold. It is nicely done moe girls that don't seem as bloated with so many smooth or jagged lines around the characters that make it suitable for poorly trained eyes. The original character designer Kantoku is very talented in what he does, and it would be a shame not to let him have any more Anime deals soon.
Voice acting is very well done to give all characters their own given charisma. Yui Ogura is fantastic in how she manages to pull off the dandere role and Tsukiko's original outgoing personality. Kaori Ishihara is easily the best one out of the rest simply because she pulls off the loud mouth tsundere without making Azusa Azuki grating or unpleasant from an audio perspective. I've already mentioned Yuki Kaji before, and he's as eccentric and delightful as ever in yet another perverted triumph of a performance. The rest are exemplary in their way but nothing special to discuss.
The opening and ending songs are very catchy and pleasant to listen. Nothing in terms of complex or experimental rhythm, but they're lovely J-Pop songs that are there to capture the essence of the show's pleasant comedic tone.
It would be considered unprofessional for a reviewer to recommend a show purely based on fun and entertainment simply because people appreciate different types of comedy or entertainment. With the growing hate of moe shows in recent years, there's no doubt that many people won't bother checking this out after looking at the posters or screenshots. I appreciate shows like Hentai Ouji that rely on entertainment regarding my taste in entertainment. Still, at the same time, you come out of it with a sense of gratitude and pleasure rather than the feeling of regret or gain nothing from experience like most shows with moe traits. If you're open-minded enough to subject yourself to cute girls for 12 episodes, rest assured that you will most likely come out of this show feeling good and accomplished without feeling any form of regret watching it.
90/100The Greatest Anime Ever MadeContinue on AniListToday I will be talking about a show that hit me different and was quite an unique and interesting watch to me. I initially saw this show because the title "The "Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat" is very fucking funny to me . What I initially watched as a joke has now became a show that I have seen 3 times and look back on fondly ( it is still kinda a joke though lol lol ). Come child, let me tell you why.
What Makes This Show Special To Me? I want you to look and think about all the female leads in popular romance anime in this day and age.
The Female leads in romance anime/manga are usually very perfect. Yes, I know I am being hypocritical here because well they are not fully perfect and most of them do have some flaws which makes them human, but I could argue that these flaws are usually very trivial or can actually make them more cute.
There is nothing wrong with that, after all it is a romance . They are gonna be characters who are attractive or perfect. I know there are some romances where the characters are flawed ( for eg. Tsunderes if that counts). But I am going to say that the number of these shows are relatively less compared to the perfect/attractive types.
**So, What Makes This Show So Special?** If you ask me that question, I would say the reason I find this show to be interesting and unique is because it has characters who have major flaws in personality and not one or two of them. no no no. All Of Them.
It doesn't shy away from showing their bad sides and it has quite good and interesting writing that I liked a lot. Lastly, despite being a romance ecchi anime ( if ecchi or lolis put you off then I won't recommend this to you lol ) it manages to portray themes like Self-Acceptance and Family quite well.Facades And Self-Acceptance Façade :- a deceptive outward appearance.
I am sure all of us have lived / are living under some kind of facades. Maybe we regretted it or still continue to do so. The first arc of the anime has two characters who are living in facades themselves i.e. These two.
**Yokodera ( Our Male Lead )** gives his facades to **Azusa Azuki ( the girl )** who actually wants a façade. Now call me an overanalyzing anime reviewer man but I think there is a nice lesson on façade and self acceptance here. Yokodera learns that the lack of his façade of pretending to be not be a pervert was actually helping him. He learns that during the lack of it everyone in his class started to hate him for his actions and he himself couldn't do as much perverted stuff as he used to ( lol ) . **What he thought was a part of himself that he needed to get rid of was actually was he needed the most. ** While Yokodera learns that his façade was actually necessary for him, Azusa learns that her façade was actually ***hurting her instead of helping her***. After being teased and bullied in her past, she thought she must became this incredible and powerful person so that it would not occur again. ( I can relate because I too have been bullied and teased for a short period of 10 years of my life ) . When in reality, she just had to accept herself and be willing to open up to others and be more honest about her own feelings.
` On a side-note, I personally can relate. I had spent my school life with people who constantly teased and ridiculed me for anything I did. I had shut myself and didn't share anything or open up to anyone. It was only after a long time of talking to people in college and understanding myself that I realized that people are not judging everything I did / said and I can actually talk about myself with other people in my life `
** Family** I would say the main theme running across the show is Family, it's effects and it's importance which leads us to the discussion of **Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi** ( Our Female Lead ) and her family. Let us dive in.
`Me Thinking ( Yes, I changed my race three times while thinking )` Tsutsukakushi had been fighting with her sister for quite some time which was what lead her to make that wish to the cat god. Having lost her mother in a young age and living separated from her father, she places a really high value on family which was the reason that when she lost her sister's "respect" ( not really ), she was willing to go to such lengths to get her back. ( Also the reason why she didn't care about getting her emotions back as she had already got what she wanted i.e. her sister ). There was also another arc which highlights this aspect of her character really well. That is arc of the storm. What was once a silly wish made on a whim ended up almost destroying her home. The arc also thought her the difference between Yokodera and family. That is despite her feelings of wanting to convert Yokodera into her family, that is simply not possible because in the end of the day he is not and he has his own home. Yokodera explained her to that he wishes that instead of spending every minute of the day together, he prefers some distance because that way things can be more exciting when they meet up and also that they should spend more time together in each other's homes too. Now, I know his speech is very unconventional but It comes from a place of honesty and sincerity which is why I love the way he handled this situation i.e. not by being a epic anime protagonist giving a life changing speech but rather just expressing his feelings. I do love this couple a lot.
Lastly, the final arc of the anime is just very heart-warming and sweet. 10/10. Peak Fiction. Loved it. Small Tsutsukakushi is very Kawaii.
**Random Thoughts And Conclusion** This is section is just random shit that came to my mind ( just like all my reviews tbh ). I would like to explain the "characters who have major flaws in personality" point from before. Tsutsukakushi is a girl who has no emotion . Something which is so integral to making a girl "cute" despite that she wished to continue to march forward with her dream of becoming a pre-school teacher and shows a lot of love and respect for her loved ones. ( A similar trend can be seen for the rest of the characters, though they don't get as much time as the main two ) I love this approach because people in real life are not "Black" or "White", all of them have good and bad sides to them. I am glad this show treated it's characters with this approach and it is one of the reasons I look at it fondly. I didn't like the ed during my first watch but on subsequent re-watches I have grown to appreciate it. Very cute, princess-type vibe from this song showing our cute Tsutsukakushi dancing with her emotion-filled form showing the contrast of character between the two of them despite feeling and doing the same thing. It is very kawaii and epic.And that's it folks, The review is over. So is this show the greatest anime ever made? No, it is not. The show is filled with some questionable ecchi moments and some tropes and clichés you might see in a typical romance harem anime ( though personally I don't mind ) which take the show's ratings down.
I wrote that title to bait people into reading this review because unfortunately despite it's good characters and interesting drama, not many people have seen it and this being the anime I have re-watched the most, that makes me sad :(. I will end this review by saying, I wish upon the cat god that if you do decide to watch or re-watch this show, you have a excellent time and have a wonderful day my friend :)
ANIME DramaKokoro Connect
ANIME ComedySora no Otoshimono
- (3.4/5)
Ended inJune 29, 2013
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
Trending Level 2
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