December 20, 2012
24 min
Everybody has had that stage in their life where they have thought themselves to be special, different from the masses of ordinary humans. They might go as far as seeing themselves capable of wielding mystical powers, or maybe even believe themselves to have descended from a fantasy realm. This "disease" is known as "chuunibyou" and is often the source of some of the most embarrassing moments of a person's life.
For Yuuta Togashi, the scars that his chuunibyou has left behind are still fresh. Having posed as the "Dark Flame Master" during his middle school years, he looks back at those times with extreme embarrassment, so much so that he decides to attend a high school far away where nobody will recognize him. Putting his dark history behind him, he longs to live a normal high school life.
Unfortunately, he hasn't escaped his past yet: enter Rikka Takanashi, Yuuta's new classmate and self-declared vessel of the "Wicked Eye." As this eccentric young girl crashes into Yuuta's life, his dream of an ordinary, chuunibyou-free life quickly crumbles away. In this hilarious and heartwarming story of a boy who just wants to leave his embarrassing memories behind, the delusions of old are far from a thing of the past.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
Rikka Takanashi
Maaya Uchida
Yuuta Togashi
Jun Fukuyama
Sanae Dekomori
Sumire Uesaka
Shinka Nibutani
Chinatsu Akasaki
Kumin Tsuyuri
Azumi Asakura
Makoto Isshiki
Souichirou Hoshi
Houchuu Ootsuka
Touka Takanashi
Eri Sendai
Kuzuha Togashi
Kaori Fukuhara
Yumeha Togashi
Mami Shitara
Togashi no Haha
Yuri Amano
Takanashi no Haha
Junko Iwao
Nanase Tsukumo
Kikuko Inoue
Takanashi no Sobo
Sumako Nomura
Takanashi no Sofu
Hiroshi Naka

Not available on crunchyroll
81/100A funny, colorful, cute, heartwarming , wonderful and romantic anime. A must watch for every anime fan!Continue on AniListChuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! ___A funny, colorful, cute, heartwarming , wonderful and romantic anime.___ __Synopsis:__ Togashi Yuuta had the Chuunibyou syndrome in the middle school, embarrassed from his past he tries to forget about this childish memories and live a life as a regular high school student. One day a girl named Takanashi Rikka climbed down the apartment balcony and met Yuuta. Rikka a girl with the same syndrom Yuuta had in the middle school, tries to bring back his personality as the "Dark Flame Master" . Yuuta was convinced that he have to keep his distance to Rikka, otherwise his classmates might find out about Yuutas embarrassing past. Unfortunately for him is Takanashi Rikka in the same school.
__Plot:__ The Story is something completely new. I've seen many romance and school anime but this one, is one of my favorites, there are many good romance & school anime but this story is based on the Chuunibyou syndrome and it continues hand in hand with the genres. There is so much variety and love in each episode. An ordinary boy meets an crazy and cute girl, which lives in her own world and gets pulled back little by little in this lifestyle, decorated with comedy and few colorful fantasy journeys and surprising little events. The story keeps your excitement and makes you smile the most time.
__Characters:__ Each character is individual, and this individuality makes it so varied. There was no such moment that I felt this character might appear too often or too less. Some of the characters have known each others before but each of them are ready for new things and new people. Rikka is the most outstanding character but this doesn't make you forget about the other protagonists. They're all connected to each others somehow and that is why I really like every character.
__Animation & Music__ This part is definitely one of the strongest effect it had on me. You can't enjoy a anime if the animators didn't put heart and soul in their work. The strong and different colors at the beginning just shocked me, I was so impressed they payed attention to the feeling of the scenes and chose the colors that would match the most. It is very detailed, even the background this devotion in everything makes it wonderful and a good anime worth to watch even without hearing but the sound is just as impressive. The opening and the ending is awesome, the background music in some scenes gave me goosebumps and I cant hear very good but I really enjoyed the animation and the music in harmony with the story.
___All in all, a very funny anime with highs and deeps and a must watch for every anime fan___ I really hope this review waked your interests in Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! This was my first review ever, and I'm not a native English speaker but I hope you all could understand what potential this anime has and how funny it is. If you have feedback to this review or some big mistakes you found just write me I would really appreciate that.
35/100A generic comedy that fails at telling a compelling love story.Continue on AniListLove, Chunibyo & Other Delusions has our main protagonist, Yuuta Togashi (a former victim of chuunibyou), also known as "Dark Flame Master", attempt to overcome his embarrassing past and have a normal high school life. However, his plans are broken due to a "pact" forced unto him by the "Wicked Eye", otherwise known as Rikka Takanashi (another chunnibyou victim). The series explores the bizarre relationship between the eccentric girl and the boy running away from his past.
__Heavy Spoilers Ahead__ Story and Characters
Every single character in the series is flat, uninteresting, and exists mostly for comedy purposes. This is most notable in the supporting cast. Rikka is the only character that isn't entirely superficial and generic, which is sad considering how terrible her backstory was handled.
Alongside our main couple there are other members of the “Far Eastern Magic Nap Society.” Isshikik is Yuuta's best friend and likes girls. Nibutani is kind of a tsundure but not really, since there is no actual relationship tension between her and Yuuta. Kumin is naive and likes to take naps. Lastly, Sanae Dekomori, she is rich and is Yuuta's servant. There are only small amounts of dialogue which gives us any kind of backstory or insight into these characters.
Let's talk about our main protagonist, Yuuta. His only characteristic that differentiates him from any other generic rom-com is his earlier experience with chuunibyou. He used to act like he was some kind of warrior. Then there is nothing unique about him. He likes to help others, he is kind of awkward, he does decent at school, etc.
Other characters appear throughout the series, including Yuuta's family and Rikka's as well. There is not much to mention about Yuuta's family. Rikka's family is a complicated situation, her sister receives plenty of screen-time but we know little about her. She is a hardworking chef that somewhat cares for her sister (but takes the first opportunity to leave her and work elsewhere). Also she is kind of a yandere. She was the most interesting one out of all the characters in my opinion, simply because it was unclear what her motivations were. I didn't knew if she really cared for Rikka or it was mostly out of a sense of duty. However, this might be an issue on my side and not on the show. Then we have Rikka's grandparents, they are just there to create drama. Rikka's parents are another problem. Her mother is a mystery to the audience, she abandoned her child but later comes back for an "emotional moment". It feels out of place and poorly explained, there is no reason for this to happen, and if there is, why should the audience care?
Lastly, we have Rikka's father, his death is the cause for the chuunibyou. The audience is supposed to sympathize with Rikka and why she is so weird, the way Yuuta does. However, this is executed horribly. First, the lack of self awareness in Rikka makes her a delusional character, not really a troubled one. Furthermore, the reveal is done at such a slow pace (it takes various episodes for any development to occur after Rikka becomes "depressed" is what I mean), that either you see it coming a mile away, or you are confused as to what is happening in the last 4 episodes of the show. Lastly, the flashbacks are done so poorly I never felt like the relationship between Rikka and her father was strong enough to cause her to change so much (we do not even see the face of his father). Maybe an episode long flashback like it was done in Darling in the Franxx (a show with many problems, but the flashback episode was well done at least) would have helped. You may argue that the reason for her chuunibyou is meeting "Dark Flame Master" and falling in love with him and not completely because of her father's death. But she only sees him for like five minutes.
Also might I mention the scene where Kumin (best girl) becomes the "Wicked Eye" was just absurd.
Furthermore, the biggest problem with the series is its lack of a consistent message. Yuuta argues that Rikka's chuunibyou is very important for her personality and her mental health, as it relieves the pain of her father's death. Nibutani also explains how everyone has a little chuunibyou inside and it is unavoidable. However, nothing that happens in the show supports this idea (it doesn't matter if you agree with it or not). Rikka becomes friends with other classmates when she abandons her chuunibyou. Yuuta shows no signs of being worse off than when he was in middle school; he is responsible, friendly, and has no major flaws. Also, Nibutani drops out of the acting club because of the supposed "chuunibyou" in the rest of the members (she is also better off not acting like a weirdo, mainly because she is popular). Sanae is also fine after leaving behind her fantasies.
Another flaw that must not be overlooked, is the lack of character development in Sanae Dekomori. There are "emotional" scenes were she appears to be sad at Rikka not participating in their fantasies. However, she has no reason to be that way, unlike Rikka. This lack of motivation make these "emotional" scenes feel forced and fake.
I still appreciate that the relationship between Rikka and Yuuta went somewhere and we were given closure, unlike most rom-coms.
Animation and Sound
This series definitely has impressive visuals, sound editing, and cinematography. All of these aspects are obviously above average. There were some scenes that looked beautiful and every frame of animation was smooth and looked decent, I never felt like they were "cutting corners" in the animation department. My favorite scene was in the bridge were Sanae confronts Yuuta and RIkka (after RIkka abandoned her delusions) and there is a clash of mental states represented through lightning and colors. The scene were Nibutani takes a crying Sanae out to the hall was pretty impressive as well. The symbolism and imagery used to represent the horizon was pretty well done in my opinion.
The opening and ending were always nice to watch.
The voice acting was nothing impressive, but I didn't felt like I was bothered by the voices either. The music was forgettable and generic. However, the use of sound effects and visual gags was done expertly. I laughed (a lot) at the duck hunt gag were Rikka finds Yuuta's "naughty" magazines.
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions is a generic rom-com with a solid first half and with impressive visuals, but is hurt by its lack of self-awareness (in Rikka mainly), absence of character development, nonsensical message, horrible ending, and terrible backstories.
I really wanted to like this series. After finishing episode 6 I felt like this series would be one of my favorite, However, it failed to deliver any kind of compelling character drama and its comedy soon became stale. This coupled by its contradicting message regarding delusions, made for a show that felt like a pain to watch. It had a lot going for it: cute girls, funny character interactions, and a unique enough premise. But the creators were not able to develop it correctly and now it is just a show that sounded perfect in paper, but is forgettable (at best) in reality.
I know a lot of people enjoyed this show, and I am not here to take away your happiness. I am just here to express my opinions on a show. If anyone would like to discuss (respectfully) anything that I mentioned in my review or their own opinion on the show, feel free to mention me in a forum post.
92/100(FRANÇAIS) Une histoire chaleureuse et joyeuse parfumée d'animations géniales et de personnages réels.Continue on AniListChūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!, une ode à la jeunesse.
Bon là question est pourquoi se renfermer sur les pensées des autres quand la plus belle chose est d'être soi-même. Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai! est pour moi une aventure rythmique, remplie de moments peut-être « cheesy » ou un peu farfelus mais globalement c'est un anime qui est un must-watch pour tous les gens selon moi. Cet anime me fait souvenir des moments de jeunesse, de liberté intellectuelle et de quêtes à la recherche de soi. Ça me fait également manquer mes jours heureux du primaire, où tout semblait être si simple, ou il n'y avait pas de barrière à nos personnalités et ou tout le monde semblait unique. Je suis content d'avoir regardé et je vous suggère de même de regarder cet anime qui permet de rire, pleurer et juste faire sortir un bout de nostalgie dans vous. Peut-être qu'avec mon œil trop analytique certains jugeront que ma critique ne fait qu'utiliser des mots pour rien dire, mais je ne sais pas quoi dire vraiment. C'est juste réussi comme œuvre et mérite sa reconnaissance qui prône une vitalité enfantine et ce bout de jeunesse qui restera parmi nous à jamais. C'est cute, joyeux et émotif. C'est impossible qu'aucun sourire ne fera surface à votre écoute. Ensuite, tout ce qui est visuel est parfaitement bien créé, de manière à créé une ambience merveilleuse et une sentiment de bien-être qui me fait immerser encore plus dans l'histoire. Les détails sont géniaux et je remercie les créateurs de cette esthétique tout à fait remarquable. Finalement, les personnages en tant qu'eux ne sont pas vides, au contraires ils bouillonnent de vivacité et heureusement de ressemblances parmi certains d'entre nous. Cette histoire chaleureuse permet de nous rendre compte comment on est tous pareils, mais tous si différents en même temps. Mes personnage préférés sont les deux protagonistes car ils sont simplement bien réels (pour moi en tout cas). Le passé est quelque chose qui ne peut simplement pas s'effacer et j'apprécie réellement comment leur développement physiologique s'effectue au courant des épisodes. On peut voir les montagnes russes d'émotions, de pensées, de gêne et d'affection qui se bousculent et pourtant mènent toujours à un précis résultat d'une beauté admirable. Tout ce brouhaha se résulte par quelque chose de beau, et c'est ça être humain. ____
ANIME ComedyHi Score Girl
ANIME ActionKyoukai no Kanata
- (3.75/5)
Ended inDecember 20, 2012
Main Studio Kyoto Animation
Trending Level 2
Favorited by 7,689 Users