March 27, 2024
24 min
The third season of Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e.
The third semester kicks off in high gear with a special boot camp deep in the mountains. Forcibly separated into groups along grade and gender lines, the first, second and third years alike must work together to survive the rugged terrain. Even worse? The leader of the group that comes in last will be expelled. Can Class D make it back to campus intact, or is this where they finally say goodbye to one of their own?
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji
Shouya Chiba
Suzune Horikita
Akari Kitou
Honami Ichinose
Nao Touyama
Arisu Sakayanagi
Rina Hidaka
Kei Karuizawa
Ayana Taketatsu
Airi Sakura
Mao Ichimichi
Kakeru Ryuuen
Masaaki Mizunaka
Sae Chabashira
Rina Satou
Kikyou Kushida
Yurika Kubo
Hiyori Shiina
Rie Takahashi
Rokusuke Kouenji
Toshiki Iwasawa
Manabu Horikita
Yuuichirou Umehara
Maya Satou
Haruka Hasebe
Yuiko Tatsumi
Yousuke Hirata
Ryouta Oosaka
Mio Ibuki
Mikako Komatsu
Chiaki Matsushita
Masumi Tazawa
Ken Sudou
Eiji Takeuchi
Albert Yamada
Rikiya Koyama
Akane Tachibana
Konomi Kohara
Masumi Kamuro
Ayane Sakura
Mei-Yu Wang
Amisa Sakuragi
Chie Hoshinomiya
Hisako Kanemoto
Nazuna Asahina
Sora Amamiya
Miyabi Nagumo
Souma Saitou

Not available on crunchyroll
80/100It's not perfect, but it kept me glued to the screen 3 seasons in a rowContinue on AniList
This review will mostly focus on the third season of _Classroom of the Elite_, but all of the positives, negatives, and everything in between pertaining to the season is applicable to Seasons 1 and 2 of the series. ***
Classroom of the Elite is one of the most polarizing series that came out recently. On one hand, it's a unique thriller mystery set in a high school setting where the main goal is to outwit each other based on the school’s specific ranking system. Each character gets its place to shine and witness their wit of controlling and evading the crowd unfolding through the viewers eyes. As the series progresses, the wits and deception for each other have increased with a lot more risk but with very high reward, all in the name of an interesting ego boost of adolescence. On the other hand, the entire premise is incredibly absurd and too convenient, to the point where everything seemed out of reach for a pretty grounded series. Another aspect to look at is how this show treats its characters. You can say on one end that these characters are just pawns of our main character, Ayanokouji. That's why they act the way they do as one-noted, obey-driven characters that can get interesting in certain sequences, but at the same time, the show tries too hard at convincing us that they're well-rounded characters by showing mundane daily things and their personal interests, but it didn't really work as much as the series tries itself to. The world in the series is rather interesting and makes you wonder how and why it led up to this, but at the same time, it's been a constant ego-driven, selfishly set up, corrupt, and unethical school that keeps telling you something is changing on the inside without any proof to show. 3 seasons in, and the show is basically doing what season 1 started: a repetitive quest of confusion that's concluded by outwits but with no huge consequences. ***
There are a lot of things to like about this show, but it's undeniable that the negatives about it outweigh the positives, and yet, just like you and me, you still watch this series up until its third season and are massively enjoying it despite the fact that the series has gotten too repetitive. What could be the reason for it? Is it because we're unconsciously connected with these characters despite their being mostly one-noted or something else?. The reason for us, the viewers, to be attached to this series way more than we expected is the genre this anime is attached to, and that is mystery thrillers. These types of anime aren't exactly common, and they're mostly plagued by the same problems Classroom of the Elite has, but the satisfaction you get when the mystery is unfolded is undeniably entertaining. You'll get to forgive the flaws of the series just to get that adrenaline shot of a thrilling moment, the unhidable grin as the opponent team gets to have huge karma over their betrayal sequences, and a silent applause inside your head once the characters let the viewers know how they'd coordinate the entire scheme to an impressive extent, which you find it hard to get tired of. ***
The third season of Classroom of the Elite is no different from the two seasons prior, whether from its strengths and weaknesses, but what carried the show over its three-season run is how entertainingly watchable it is, a feat that's not at grasp with most anime, which this series is holding firmly on to its grasp three seasons in and more strength to hold onto it for at least a couple more potential future seasons. ***
84/100Los inicios del Harem de KiyotakaContinue on AniList- Genio Natural contra el Falso Genio
Si bien no soy el más fan de esta serie, le pillé el gustillo desde la segunda temporada a pesar de que la adaptación no es que sea la mejor que pudo tener, sigo disfrutándola cada vez más, me incita a leer la novela porque en ocasiones se siente que faltan cosas por contar o las dicen muy por encima sin mencionar la leyenda de la AYANOCONDA.En términos generales la serie igual, es decir en cuanto a historia me flipa todo el universo por así decirlo de COTE que en esta temporada tuvimos unos momentos que para mí destacaron de todo el primer año (desarrollo más adelante), al igual que el lore sigue siendo muy bueno, la animación sigue teniendo bajones y subidones que ya no me sorprende aunque por suerte como dije antes los momentos importantes si los hacen bien a mi parecer pero lo de la animación ya hasta me hace gracia cuando lo estoy viendo y me doy cuenta de ello. Este frame de Ichinose cuando lo vi me hizo tanta gracia que creo que no lo olvidaré... Gracias Lerche.
Pero diría que en esta temporada quienes más destacaron fueron Horikita Suzune (Es tan prota como Kiyotaka), Arisu que después de 2 temporadas decidió mover ficha hacía la clase D (Ahora C) pero también cuento con otros 2 que el prota me los desarrolló para que ya reaccionen siendo ambos partidarios del "trabajo en equipo" y "Todos juntos podemos" así me refiero a Ichinose y Hirata que a pesar de ser el ex de Kei (También la desarrollaron pero gota a gota porque el plato fuerte llega al final) a Hirata seguía sin ubicarlo incluso cuando decían que él y Kushida eran de los más queridos en la clase y Kushida también la pusieron en su lugar aunque me dio un aire a "Estate quieta que si sigues jodiendo te echamos" después de intentar que expulsen al prota. Obviamente también progresó como humano nuestro protagonista que da gusto verlo interactuar con más compañeros aunque sigue sin gustarme esa inexpresividad de su rostro.
"¿Que esta parte de los personajes no va al final? Lo estoy comentando por encima pero es verdad, luego sigo con esto"
Ahora que lo repaso, me gustó más de lo que pensaba ya que no recordaría estos detalles de no haberlo disfrutado a pesar de que los primeros caps o mejor dicho el primer arco de esta season que aún sigo sin terminar de entender lo que hicieron con todo le tema del viaje escolar pero bueno lo principal era lo del nuevo presidente del consejo así que para destacarlos voy con mis momentos favoritos de la season (No en orden porque terminaría en mi debate interno y no recuerdo del todo en que orden ocurrieron XD)
- Momentos Kei x Kiyoka y...: Si bien es cierto no es solo uno sino varios momentos pequeños donde se ven estos momentos que tienen Kei y Kiyotaka como el de recordarle que la protegerá pase o lo que pase o cuando le entregan regalos en San Valentin y el White day pero claramente el mas bueno que a la vez cierra el primer año es la declaración de Kiyotaka que si bien se vio bonito él mismo aclara que es un experimento para aprender algo que nunca aprendería en la White Room de paso ver si siente algo y que rezará porque funcione pero eso no le quita la emoción a la escena sino que le agrega misterio por saber como resultará su experimento.
- La prueba de los votos (No recuerdo como se llamaba): Mi prueba favorita de todas las que tuvieron aún siendo la más simple diría que fue la que tuvo más tensión y movimientos de todas las clases porque era casi inevitable salvar a quien fuera sacado pero me encantó esa intensidad de cada clase viendo como arreglárselas para bien "Quien será expulsado" o "Como evitamos que expulsen a alguien" Arisu metiendo leña a la clase D manipulando al pringado de Yamauchi para que sacaran a Kiyotaka que a ella le salió bien porque bueno... Yamauchi fue expulsado y Kiyotaka salió hasta protegido por la clase A. Por parte de la clase B Ichinose casi cayendo en las garras del nuevo presidente estudiantil y Ryuuen que se quería ir pero al final sacaron a otra y la reacción de los expulsados me parece bestial.
- Manipulación a Ichinose y Hirata: Los pongo juntos porque en base les hicieron lo mismo y Kiyotaka los trató de forma similar ¿a que me refiero? Bueno, estuvo con ellos en su estado más bajo para conocer su pasado y terminar de hundirlos él antes de que exploten con cualquier otra confrontación. Ichinose durante la prueba de votos y Hirata después de la misma (Así de fuerte pego esta prueba).
- Enfrentamiento de Arisu y Kiyotaka: Esta pelea nos la venden desde la temporada pasada y durante toda esta temporada como el evento principal que si bien es cierto me gustó mucho porque que mejor manera de enfrentar a los verdaderos lideres de clase que usando a sus compañeros como peones en juegos aleatorios para cerrar con una partida de ajedrez que madre mía esa velocidad de pensamiento al que llegaron pero lamentablemente perdió Kiyotaka (Por culpa del director de mrda pero perdió) que si bien me frustra a pesar de que me encanta Arisu pero ganar de esa forma en un enfrentamiento tan interesante aún así me gustó ese cariño que le tiene a Kiyotaka a pesar de ser su rival y que a ojos de ellos todo esto de las competiciones entre clases es solo un juego.
- Reconciliación de los hermanos Horikita: Este conflicto desde el principio de la serie finalmente cierra con Manabu graduándose con logros como ser presidente estudiantil de la escuela más prestigiosa de Japón (Fuente: Yo LOL) en la clase A y con Suzune acabando con esa obsesión que tenía de ser como su hermano, en momento perfectamente pudieron haberse besado pero son hermanos y esto no es Oshi No Ko... Disfruté mucho de este momento y también me gusto el detalle de que en el op del cap 13 saliera Suzune con el cabello cortado.
Personajes que me molaron
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 3 temporadas y sigo sin poder decir su nombre sin tartamudear, aquél que mueve lo hilos, hizo amigos en su propia clase y en otras que me gusta las relaciones que llegó a tener hasta ahora desde su grupo de estudio, Hiyori con la que comparte gustos en lectura, sus rivales que son Arisu, Ichinose y Ryuuen a su vez que compiten se lleva bien con cada uno, se hizo amigo hasta el presidente del consejo que está en 3ero y demás que ya no recuerdo. La cereza del pastel es su relación con Kei que ya subió de nivel cerrando con eso el primer año.
Suzune Horikita: Si bien es cierto hasta la temporada pasada no me gustaba del todo Horikita por esa actitud tan obsesiva con ascender de clase a la vez que trataba fatal pero por suerte Kiyotaka tuvo la paciencia de tratarla hasta que este año saca su potencial que a su vez cierra ese problema con su hermano. Buena herramienta
Arisu Sakayanagi: Mi favorita de la serie con ese rollo princesa, durante esta temporada hizo todo lo que no la vimos hacer en las 2 primeras, prácticamente durante los 12 primeros caps estuvo haciendo algo directa o indirectamente y eso muestra lo que puede llegar a hacer con solo su inteligencia. Leí por algún lado sobre el día antes de su enfrentamiento que se contó en la novela sobre su emoción por el enfrentamiento y sus sentimientos hacia Kiyotaka.... ¿¡No pudieron adaptar eso pero si su ilustración el pijama!? Entiendo que 5 vol de novela en 13 es algo que nose ni como hicieron pero igual me hubiera gustado ver ese lado de ella.
Honami Ichinose: Ya se va notando que le trae ganas a Kiyotaka pero para su mala suerte este ya tiene novia así que ya se verá como se desarrolla eso pero se entiende sus sentimientos porque este mismo estuvo con ella en sus momento dificiles y lo sigue estando así que haber como acaba. "Esperando PVP de Ichinose y Kei"
Kei Karuizawa: Nino en la clase de Elite, como ya dije varias veces ella aparece por ratos de poco en poco se encuentra con el prota pero esos momentos eran suficientes para saber que estos 2 ya son "cercanos" de tal forma que ya conversar o se encuentran para más que solo seguir indicaciones y ese momento final que tuvo con Kiyotaka me gustó aunque lo esperaba de otra forma pero no me quejo.
Obviamente hubieron más personajes que destacaron a su manera en sus momentos como Kushida, Hirata, Ryuuen o hasta Yamauchi pero creo que lo dejaré con estos que para mí me robaron la atención. Con esto termino la review que si bien a mí en lo personal me gusta más que la segunda pero no quita que ambas tengan sus cosas buenas y malas pero me voy contento con el cierre el primer año. Espero que para cuando adapten lo que sigue yo esté al día con las novelas pero bueno.... Seguimos con la tradición pero no se porque lo sigo haciendo mención sobre el gif monogatari fuera de contexto pero bueno, como siempre todo lo que escribí aquí es reflejo de lo que sentí viéndolo ¿Por qué? No sé LOL. Si llegaste a leerte toda la review hasta este punto.... ESTÁS BIEN?
- Genio Natural contra el Falso Genio
49/100bruh..................Continue on AniList“Same shit, different day” sums up my overall thoughts on this season of Classroom of the Elite. I will never expect more from this series ever again, because, after years of this anime, it still does the same crap over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Recapping the plot, the school year is almost up and the classes have more exams to do. It has been 7 years now since season 1. I have made up my mind about this series more clearly. COTE is a series that has good ideas, but they are executed in really underwhelming ways. There is a lot of buildup for these dumb exams they're taking(ie people talking to each other)for multiple episodes, but when the exams happen, it's anticlimactic and boring. There is just no conflict or sense of consequence, it's just people talking to each other about what they plan on doing. It’s so mind-numbing.
It also…..ugh… im sorry CAN WE STOP WITH THESE STUPID EPISODE TITLES? Not only are they pointless and fake deep but they have nothing and i mean nothing to do with the episode itself
Also, the whole high school gimmick dictating these students' lives starts to get tiresome. Because the anime never really convinces me to care about any of them. There are too many goddamn people in the show to keep up with. And even if that is the point, these characters are ridiculously hollow and boring to see on screen.
The antagonist this season is basically Ayanakoji: Part 2, but with more emotions, I didn’t hate her, just the characters around her. Horikita couldn't save this season because despite warming up to others. She tries negotiating with people who hate her, which is just dumb. I appreciate the plot with her brother, but the anime does little to no justice, no sense of artistic direction, or enhancing it from its source material. It felt like I was watching a history documentary at 12 am on a Wednesday. I completely fell asleep on the episode that concluded her character arc, because surprise surprise, it was painfully boring.And the anime still does that bullshit where it takes itself way too seriously. Some of the most dramatic moments in this show are super immature and dumb. For example in this season, a girl has a mental breakdown over a hairclip she stole in middle school. Lol im not joking. Then you have the main antagonist in this season who goes around spreading unconfirmed rumors, just for Ayanakoji to go tell the teacher to make her stop. What the hell, I thought this was high school, not kindergarten. This right here is the “mind games” you are in store for with Classroom of the Elite.
One quote that sums up my frustration with this anime is when one character,Green haired short dude, is talking about his past in middle school dealing with bullies. He says that him dealing with them is like “seeing the darkest depths of the human psyche”. Wow…. I just can’t. Serial killers? parasitic politicians? domestic abusers? suicidal people? trauma victims? and the mentally ill? Yea fuck 'em all, truly the darkest and most depraved of the human psyche come from a bunch of bullies in middle school. This is the most r/im14andthisisdeep thing possibly ever. I mean yea I get it, school bullies are pretty ruthless, but the “greatest depths of human darkness”? Give me a fucking break, writers.Such an ignorant and closeminded representation of how humanity works.
Ok so I ripped this anime a new one, so I guess I’ll talk about the best episode in this entire franchise. Episode 8. What can I say? I enjoyed it a good bit actually. Only because of the concept. Instead of having these stupid and complicated exams to test the students….wits?This time, it's a popularity poll to determine which student should be expelled from each class. And things I was asking the series to do, it did! A simple yet effective concept? A sense of consequence resulting in tensions rising? A shocking revelation that wasn’t calculated by Ayanakoji-sama? And I can't believe it! An actual exam that seems to simulate the harsh and cutthroat reality awaiting these students after they graduate? Nooooooo wayyyyyyyyyyyy! My prayers have been answered.I guess God was on a budget though, because the rest of the show was like overdosing on melatonin.I legit don’t even remember what happened in like 80 percent of the season, not because I didn’t pay attention, but I just did not care at all. Even when I get invested, there are just some really stupid and convenient plot moments that just take me out of the show. The ending is absolute ass. Someone literally hacks into the final exam and cheats, but Ayanakoji just doesn't care to tell the staff. And the last two episodes were an absolute snoresville. Sure it ties loose ends with Horikita and her brother, but its executed in the stalest way imaginable. Also, it teases some new things like Ayanakoji’s past but fool me once, shame on you. It did this exact same thing in the last season, teasing his past and that basically was not developed until the last two episodes of this season. Just get on with it already.
So after three seasons with Kiyotaka, do I like him as an MC? Not really. I'm still sick of his lack of a personality, I'm sick of him coming up with solutions out of nowhere and ruining any tension. I'm sick of how many times he talks about how he is the best at whatever but doesn’t try too hard because it would be boring(not like the anime wasn’t boring enough already). I'm sick of how the show just makes him this Messiah who just solves everyone’s problem conditionally, I’m sick of how everyone just likes him despite how boring he is. I don’t like any of his interactions because as seen from the past two seasons, his interactions and connections mean nothing to him……but hear me out. He actually developed a little. Don’t get your hopes up, I did say a little but I am concerned with how he’ll play out. The anime caught me off guard for moments, because it felt like at times Ayanakoji cared about someone, saying he would protect them, buying them presents, and whatnot. I wasn’t convinced with these moments because I felt like the anime was bullshitting me for that“aha gotcha moment i actually dont care” plot twist that he did in both seasons.But this time around, Ayanakoji wanted to feel more of these moments, not for some prize or intel, but to at least understand more of these emotions. This is a commendable angle that I'm sure the anime will just disregard in later seasons.And there was one time I related to him. The facial expression Ayanakoji makes is the same facial expression I made while watching this anime.ART/ANIMATION-
The anime still looks very bland and boring with subpar animation and direction. Its like, why even bother being an anime when you don’t take advantage of the endless artistic choices that can be made in the realm of animation? At this point, COTE could just be a live-action show, even then, the actors would be able to show more emotions than the multitude of characters in this anime who make one facial expression and nothing else.One notable shot in this anime was when two people were playing chess, and their hands were so obviously CGI. It looked like crap, to be honest. It reminded me of the CGI hands Kakegurui had back in 2017. And then my mind wandered off and thought, if COTE had the same visual flair and lavish artistic direction that Kakegurui had, it would be really good. Im not asking for this anime to be a style over substance type of thing, or give the characters kookie faces; I just want the anime to dooooooo soooomthing that justifies its existence.MUSIC-
And the soundtrack isn’t intense yet bland now. This time, its intense and annoying. It repeats that bass drop creepy track literally every time a character speaks now, and there was one track that sounded like something from Death Note. It was this over-the-top choir opera ballad. But it was so on the nose that I just laughed every time I heard it. I guess the anime was really feelin itself trying to channel all the Light Yogami vibes, but I doubt this anime has the balls to kill people. I mean we all know that life in anime just ends when you leave high school.ENJOYMENT-
So as you can tell…I enjoyed this anime a lot and I think it is a really good one. As much as I wanna say “I'm too old for this shit”. I can’t. Season 1 of COTE aired when I was in my senior year of high school, so I thought I was the perfect target audience for it. But I found it mediocre. Then more and more seasons started coming out of the same crap. What makes this season hard to rate is how good it is compared to season 2. I barely remember the first two seasons, but I remember even less from season 3 which I just finished a day ago. All I remember is this season having more bullshit than the first two. It goes back to that internet argument on if forgettable is worse than bad since bad is more memorable. In my opinion no. That time you broke your leg is more memorable than that time you got a paper cut, but would I rather get a paper cut than break my leg again? Yes. Real talk though, I still think episode 8 is the best out of the three seasons, but the other 12 episodes of pure boredom/frustration/sleeping/head shaking do not make it worth the time.
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- (3.95/5)
Ended inMarch 27, 2024
Main Studio Lerche
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