November 11, 2022
121 min
The story follows Suzume, a 17-year-old girl from a quiet Kyushu town who meets a young man looking for a door. They find a door within ruins in the mountain, and Suzume opens it. Soon, more doors begin to open around Japan, bringing disasters from the other side. The film depicts Suzume's liberation and growth, as she closes the doors that are causing disaster.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Suzume Iwato
Nanoka Hara
Souta Munakata
Hokuto Matsumura
An Yamane
Tomoya Serizawa
Ryuunosuke Kamiki
An Yamane
Tamaki Iwato
Eri Fukatsu
Chika Amabe
Kotone Hanase
Rumi Ninomiya
Sairi Itou
Minoru Okabe
Shouta Sometani
Tsubame Iwato
Kana Hanazawa
Hitsujirou Munakata
Hakuou Matsumoto II

90/100Another Beautiful movie from Makoto Shinkai.Continue on AniList___ There's a few things i need to say before hand. First, i saw this movie in Japan theaters (which at the moment i think is the only place its out) so that means there are obviously no subtitles, the reason I'm here is to study Japanese so i do know some Japanese and i could understand about 85-90% of what was being said + the visuals i think i understood quite well, but I'm sure i missed a few things here and there. I am also a big fan of [Makoto Shinkai]( and the studio he directs so i might be a bit biased. This review will be mostly spoiler free meaning there will be slight spoiler like very general plot points and short characters descriptions but barely more than you get from the trailer if even any more. I think that's all to know before hand now for the review To me the enjoyment of the movie was split into 3 parts. The opening (20-30 minutes); early/middle (30-60 minutes); and the later middle/ending. I think the opening was very good and introduced things quite well but things did happen quite quickly compared to most of his previous films. There wasn't a ton of downtime in the begging of the the movie where as in [Weathering with you](, for example, its a pretty relaxed movie until about 2/3 into it. This movie starts the action in the first 10-15 minutes and then slows down a bit in the middle. This is neither good or bad necessarily, just depends on what you prefer. __Story - 8.5/10__ The general idea of the story (as you see a bit in the trailer) is there are these doors that burst out with this red cloud looking things and the main characters have to close them. There is of course a bit more to it than that but keeping it spoiler free that's all you need to know. I think this is quite an interesting and unique idea so i don't have any problems with it. I also think there are some very good plot turns that make me prefer the seconds have of the movie more than the first (the first isn't bad by any means, i just felt like things were better in the second half). I also like how they travel to different parts of Japan in the film, i think it is cool to get different visuals, especially with how good the animation is. And as someone who is in Japan and plans to travel its cool to see.
__Animation/Visuals - 10 __ Of course being a Makoto Shinkai film the animation and visuals will be spectacular. And they are. The are just as good or better than the previous films and you can tell they didn't spare any expense and really did the best they could. There wasn't any scenes are parts that i thought looked weird or felt off, everything was very smooth and fluid. During the relaxed parts of the movie where you just see a mundane, everyday objects and scenery, everything still looks amazing, and when the beautiful scenery came into screen, things looks absolutely amazing. The way this studio does color and lighting makes every scene look super good.
__Music/Sound - 9.5-10__ Another obvious one. The music and sound are also always on point on these movies. With [RADWIMPS]( doing the soundtrack again its a sure bet that its going to sound amazing. and sure enough it does. I think that the OST is amazing. The sound they make just fits so well into the world that Makoto Shinkai creates. I think it is just as good as the Your Name and Weathering with you soundtracks.
__Characters - 9__ The characters in this movie were very good. I really like the dynamic between the characters. I also think the way that the male lead get turned into a 3 legged chair makes for an interesting change in how the movie plays out. Without saying too much there is also a cat in the movie that plays and interesting role that i quite like. Seeing the characters and their relationships with each other change and grow throughout the movie is very satisfying by the end of it.
__Final Thoughts__ Not sure if this review makes sense, i find it hard to explain whats good and bad about a series without spoiling it but i like to keep it spoiler free. But either way i recommend anyone who likes Your Name, Weathering with you or and other Makoto Shinkai movie to watch. Its hard to say which movie i think is best because they are all so good. i think it just comes down to what plot point you prefer, but i will say with confidence it doesn't fall behind his other films. That's all i have, Thank you for your time.
90/100Shinkai ramps up the fantasy elements in this oneContinue on AniListSuzume is another film by Makoto Shinkai that emulates the motifs and themes of his previous works but this time has its fantasy elements taken to greater heights. The usual strengths of breathtaking aesthetics, surreal visual flares and stellar soundtracks by Radwimps are all found within this movie.
Visually spectacular, Shinkai does what he always does best showing displaying beautiful animation and background art in larger-than-life settings. A film that seems to be created within the frames of a canvas by a master painter.
Radwimp's usual contemporary rock soundtrack once again matches the fun adventurous energy that the protagonists go through in most of Shinkai's films. And this time they did an equally splendid job at matching the movie's heavier fantasy theme that really made it easy to immerse in its otherworldly setting.
As I mentioned this film is not much different in its motifs and themes from Shinkai's other films, especially when comparing it with Weathering with You and Your Name. Once again we experience Shinkai's artistic expression of the volatile, selfish, selfless, confusing and naive romance of youth intertwined with a disaster of a fantastical nature. Creating the dilemma of choosing between personal feelings between one versus preventing chaos and saving the lives of possibly millions.
For the more studied viewer of Shinkai's works, they would recognize the fantasy depictions of disaster in Shinkai's films are rooted in the anxieties of Japan's frequent encounters with natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Which makes his works way more well-received by the Japanese audience. In this film, however, this metaphor of natural disaster can not be more blatant and obvious; having the fantasy element of destruction is directly related to earthquakes.
What I love about Shinkai's work is how he incorporates these themes of romance and anxiety of natural disasters into a package of idealistic fantasy. From its art, motifs and plot they all speak more to the heart rather than the mind. And this plot of romance and heroism is nothing unique at all but Shinkai is the only director that I know that is able to deliver it in such a magical way that I really wish I can describe. If I have one criticism is that this magic is not as strong as I experienced when watching his previous films such as Your Name and Weathering with You which moved me to tears. This film however despite its failure to make me weep still manage to mesmerize me for the most part.
Suzume is a beautiful film that incorporates the same elements that make Shinkai's films so great. I as a Shinkai fan was definitely not blown away by anything new or groundbreaking but was still pleasantly treated with the same cinematic magic that Shinkai consistently incorporates into his works. Another beautiful and mesmerizing film that is definitely worth a watch, especially on the cinema screens.
89/100Another Spectacular Film from Director Makoto Shinkai even with the glaring similarities from its predecessors.Continue on AniListSuzume is another rollercoaster from Director Makoto Shinkai, while I found it enjoyable and didn’t regret spending money to see it in cinemas. I did notice how similar the film was to its predecessors that being, Your Name and Weathering With You. But before we get to that I would like to talk about the other parts of what made this film really good.
First, the animation is of course marvelous. Comix Wave never really had any issues with making some of the most beautiful set pieces and scenes, especially in this one with its more fantasy elements compared to Shinkai’s more grounded works.
Character Designs still look the same, with it looking sorta out of place with the rest of the backgrounds but it has a charm to it in these films.
The Music is great, that’s it. It’s RADWIMPS what do you expect? There are more instrumental pieces here and fewer vocals but that’s because the animation itself is already just that good. I think I’m gonna be listening to the Main Theme on repeat for the next coming months.
Now the Story and Characters, the plot is about a girl and a chair going around Japan trying to prevent a crisis from occurring in Japan. Wait, I feel like I’ve heard this before hmm… welp anyways. The Story is simple when you look at it but it had a theme with closure like it's a film about closing doors which really gives some added meaning and context to the film.
totally didn't get this from a Reddit post.There are some stakes with the action and plot that is thrilling at the least. It’s sort of a road-trip movie with the fact it ventures throughout Japan visiting landmarks and such. We even see some places from previous films shown off again, mostly Tokyo since that’s basically in every film Shinkai’s made.
I think this is the most original concept Shinkai has had for a film involving doors, and it was very fun seeing what did it all mean throughout the story.
The Characters are good enough vessels to guide us through the world, Suzume and the Chair dude are fun leading characters with some memorable supporting ones. Each serves some part in the story whether they’ll be taking the leads from location to location or just showing the world around them. (Serizawa is a candidate for best homie for a Shinkai film ngl)
If there's one nitpick I have it's with the relationship between Suzume and the Souta and the subsequent romance they had., it felt rushed since Suzume literally just met this person and then turned into a chair within an hour or so meeting them, and already decides he's the love of her life just a day later At least with Your Name and Tenki No Ko, you can understand it since they spent a lot of time with each other than the 2 - 3 days Suzume did.
Ok, time for what I said about it being similar to its predecessor films from Makoto Shinkai even though I have been mentioning it throughout the review but oh well. It basically follows the same formula or structure as those films except the guy is the one in trouble now instead of previous ones where it was Mitsuha or Hina. I can’t go into further detail about how similar it is without spoiling the whole movie. So here is another spoiler section:
The basic formula of Shinkai's films is basically, a girl and guy meet, the girl and guy face some supernatural thing, and they get used to dealing with the supernatural thing until the midpoint in the movie one of them either dies or gets sacrificed to. And the rest of the movie is just the other lead trying to save them. It's not a bad formula per se since it has been used to make two of my favorite anime films from him but I would like things to get more mixed up than it the guy character being the one to be saved this time.
All in all, Suzume was an enjoyable film, with some of RADWIMPS' best works since Tenki No Ko. While I did notice similarities with the formula. It was a formula that served two and now three of the best Anime movies I’ve seen of this generation.So yeah it was good.
MOVIE DramaKimi no Na wa.
MOVIE DramaTenki no Ko
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ANIME DramaViolet Evergarden
- (4.1/5)
Ended inNovember 11, 2022
Main Studio CoMix Wave
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 5,178 Users
Hashtag #すずめの戸締まり