September 1, 2018
108 min
Spring time in April and the last of the cherry blossoms are still in bloom. The usually aloof bookworm with no interest in others comes across a book in a hospital waiting room. Handwritten on the cover are the words: "Living with Dying." He soon discovers that it is a diary kept by his very popular and genuinely cheerful classmate, Sakura Yamauchi, who reveals to him that she is secretly suffering from a pancreatic illness and only has a limited time left. It is at this moment that she gains just one more person to share her secret.
Trying to maintain a normal life as much as possible, Sakura is determined to live her life to the fullest until the very last day. As her free spirit and unpredictable actions throw him for a loop, his heart begins to gradually change.
(Source: Aniplex USA)
Sakura Yamauchi
Haruki Shiga
Mahiro Takasugi
Kyoko Takimoto
Yukiyo Fujii
Issei Miyata
Jun Fukushima
Haruki no Haha
Atsuko Tanaka
Sakura no Haha
Emi Wakui
Yuuma Uchida
Haruki no Chichi
Shinichirou Miki
50/100It's charming but it is not well paced and has sub-par character development.Continue on AniListKimi no Suizou wo Tabetai, also known by the English title "I want to eat your pancreas", is a drama anime film with tragedy. It is about an outgoing girl who has a pancreatic illness which she has not told anyone except her family that she has this illness. A boy from her class stumbles upon her diary that she left in the hospital and she comes back to fetch the diary only to realise that he read it so she ends up telling him about her illness. Due to this secret knowledge of theirs that none of their classmates know about, they start to grow closer. Sakura Yamauchi, the girl with the pancreatic illness, notices that the boy is a bookworm and does not talk with anyone and does not have any friends so she feels she has some sort of duty to become friends with him and change him for the better. This all sounds good on paper, but it falls short due to the way this film was structured along with other things that this review will touch on. Some scenes felt out of place and did not add much too the film's main story.
The animation of this film was quite disappointing. It seems that this anime film didn't have much of a budget and a lot of the animation was quite lazy. This film was very much heavy in dialogue to make up for the still shots of animation that had a pan effect on the cinematography showing several still animated shots in one after another that conveyed the character's activities rather than animating their movements. This made the movie tell the story verbally rather than showing it to us and it felt very lazy. Due to this sequence of several still shots throughout the film, it felt very rushed in terms of pacing as it was evident they were trying to squeeze as much as they could into this film.
The soundtrack was not memorable and the opening theme was just shoved into the film in a distracting and "pushy" way. The voice actors did a good job though. No real complaints in that department.
Character development was okay. It could have been a lot better. I liked how they symbolised the unwillingness of opening up doors for friendship with the rejection of taking gum when offered by a classmate. I thought that added a nice little metaphorical touch to the anime film. Where this film lacks though is the reasoning with the actions of the cast in this film. I could not get fully emotionally invested in the relationship between the two main characters as their attitudes and emotions seemed to have a convenient "light switch" wherever it was convenient for the plot to do so. Yamauchi's best friend was a character in this film which was included just to add unnecessary drama to this anime film which could have been a bittersweet tale with more character development on the main characters' relationship but it decided to be more of a rivalry with attention and dictatorship of who Yamauchi should be friends with or the reasons as to why the other characters do not open up to the introverted boy.
I still found some enjoyment watching it as there were sweet moments that occurred in this anime film. It's just a shame that it was tainted by the poorly written aspects of this anime film.
I found this anime to be similar to another anime called Your Lie in April, particularly with the motivations, actions and relationships that are conveyed in both anime. I would suggest watching Your Lie in April instead of this if you have the patience of watching an anime series rather than a film. I cannot recommend this anime unless you find deep enjoyment watching growing friendships within characters that is interlaced with tragedy.
If you do end up watching this anime film, stay to the end of the film as there is a post-credit scene which does make the film a little bit better and adds a better conclusion to the ending before the credits roll.
93/100I Want to Eat Your Pancreas beautifully handles the heavy questions of knowing that one is dying and what living means.Continue on AniListAfter a long 2 month review hiatus, I'm finally back. Most probably didn't miss my meaningless opinions, yet unfortunately, I'm back to sharing them. Anyway, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. I've only seen the anime movie, so that's where all my opinions are coming from. If they're inconsistent with certain things that differ in the novel/live action movie, that's why. To be honest, I basically went into the movie blind. I only knew that one of the characters was dying and that was the main driving force behind the plot. It was a little bit of a strange feeling since, usually, I know a little of what's going on in the movie before I see it. But anyway, enough of that, on to the review.
In regard to the music in I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, I really enjoyed what I heard. There wasn't anything that I thought was incredibly distinct to push it to amazing status, but it was certainly not a bad soundtrack. The opening and ending songs by Sumika were the true highlights of the movie, musically speaking, though I'll have to express my partiality towards the ending, Shunkashuutou. I have to mention that the voice acting was also very good, especially Sakura's voice actor, Lynn. Everyone else was solid too, but she really stood out from the rest, even if it was because her character was the most emotive of the cast.
Visually, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is gorgeous. I mean, all you have to is take one look at any screenshot, wallpaper, or whatever else there is and you'll be able to tell.
There is so much beauty in the artwork of this movie that it's almost overwhelming, even if it isn't as beautiful as something like Garden of Words or Your Name (Which I consider to be the most beautiful movies I've ever seen). It's weird though, I've seen a lot of complaints about how bad the animation is, which puzzles me a bit, because I never noticed any bad animation per se. Maybe there were certain moments where the animation was a little more jagged than it could have been, but there was never a moment in the movie where I actively noticed any bad animation. I think that it could have been better animated, but the complaints about poor animation seem somewhat unfounded if you ask me.
I'm not even going to bother picking my favorite character, since it's so obvious who I'd pick.
Sakura just dominates the movie with her personality and charm, even if, by her own admittance, it is an act sometimes. I believe the characters of this movie won't get as much appreciation as they deserve for being so realistically deep and layered. While I mean the main two characters, even the side characters aren't particularly one dimensional either, though I have to wonder if the light novel expands upon them more than the anime movie does. The main two's lack of one dimensionality really elevates I Want to Eat Your Pancreas to a much higher level and this is displayed through the main couple's relationship and interactions. And that is the main draw to watch I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. If nothing else, just their relationship makes it a worthy watch, though some may find the energetic, popular girl x the loner, bookish guy to be a tired trope. And I'll be honest, this probably won't be a breath of fresh air for you in regards to that. But what it is is a display of two people finding exactly what they need in each other, despite how impossibly different they are. It's a really heartwarming relationship to be quite honest with you, even if it's destined to come to end at some point.
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas didn't make me cry, but it did make me feel a deep sadness for these characters, because I had grown so attached to them over the course of the movie. I don't want to go into too much detail on such things, since that would go deep into spoiler territory, but suffice it to say that even when you're expecting something bad, it's still hard to accept when that bad thing inevitably comes about, and in this case, it is a bittersweet pill to swallow.
There's not a lot of depth to I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, at least, depth in the traditional sense. Instead, there's a lot of emotional and personal nuance in this movie, which was really interesting to see play out. These days, we're used to these grand works with many characters, each as deep as a puddle. But I Want to Eat Your Pancreas goes in the opposite direction and it pays off in a big way. A more personal way. A more relatable way.
89/100This is not a romance story. This is a story about life.Continue on AniListThis is a really good movie and I really recommend this to everyone. What follows may contain spoiler so stop here if you don't want to be spoiled.
Lets see... first I'll state that this come from someone who see the movie as the first media without reading both the original novel and the manga adaptation beforehand. Second is that this is purely just a personal opinion of me so you might think otherwise than what I thought about it.
So, this is not a romance. It is more than that. As stated by the girl that their relationship is weird. It's not that of a lovers, nor a friends. It's more than that. They complete each other, but not in romantic ways. Both are polar opposite yet they're attract each other. This is a story about life.
At the early the MC's social state is like that of a blank paper. He didn't actively socializing with someone. Not that he's an anti-social that oppose the relation with others. He just thought that he's a boring person in people's eyes so it's a nuisance for him to be with others. That is until the girl came into his life. He had nothing against the girl so he just went with her flow which gradually change him. The paper got filled as the girl dragged him. The indicator of his change is his interaction with the gum guy. How he didn't say anything at the start to simply brushed off the gum guy statement and lastly accepted his gum at the final moment to show that he's more open now.
Now about the girl's death. It was unexpected yet expected at the same time. At the very start of the movie was shown the girl's families and friends mourning so her death was not a surprise. As the story goes the author want us to think about her sickness that lead her to her death bed, which also applies to the MC. He knows that it won't be long until the last time he bid farewell to her due to her sickness and when that time comes he's already prepared for it. Til her death is so sudden to shocked him for 10 days. I think the way the author ends her life wasn't meant to simply shocked his audience, but also to shocked the MC as he knows sooner or later they had to part ways, but not in this way. As he finally cope with her death he went to her house to realize how important she is in his life and how he also someone important in her life before it ends.
So there you have it. I won't say much about the girl as it will be clouded with bias. I'm giving this score 9/10 tho i'm really bad at judging. I'm not a proper reviewer and this is my very first time reviewing a movie so it's really whacky and going here and there aimlessly.
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