October 7, 2012
15 min
A slice of life of high school girls in the early summer. Shiozaki Haruno is a 17-year-old girl who loves her motor cycle, HONDA's Giorno. She lives in remote highlands and longs for a vivid life in a city.
Encounters with people staying at Haruno's parents' boardinghouse encourage her to step forward to her dream.
Cynthia B. Rogers
Yuu Kobayashi
Rie Maezono
Eri Kitamura
Sayo Kaburagi
Saori Hayami
Haruno Shiozaki
Saori Gotou
Anri Bessho
Sayuri Yahagi
Haruno Haha
Aya Hisakawa
Megumi Ogata
Yoshi Moto
Takayuki Sugou
Yuuko Gibu
Haruno Chichi
Satoshi Hino

Not available on crunchyroll
30/100One Off is just that: A one-off Honda advertisement that is way too eager to indulge in fanservice and is just bad.Continue on AniList(This is actually a re-post of an old review I wrote on MAL on November 14th, 2012. I have no idea why I never posted it here until now)
Look, I like Junichi Sato. I really do, despite the fact that I've only been exposed to a few of his works, and Tamayura happens to be one of my favorites from him. However...I can't believe I watched this piece of trash! It's a good thing it's only four fifteen-minute long episodes like the original Tamayura OVAs were, and whaddaya know! This is supposed to be a car advertisement, like how Hokago no Pleiades is! Ugh, I can't believe I wasted my time on this dumb OVA. It's such a shame, as this could have been a lot better, and the issues it tackled could have been handled more appropriately. This anime is sponsored by Honda Motors...but how do they start off? By bashing bicycles and introducing characters who are such blatant stereotypes that you can tell just from looking at them for a few seconds that you've seen this type of character before somewhere! A lot of people give Tamayura a lot of flak for supposedly being a K-On rip off, which I don't think is true. Heck, if there's a show haters should be calling a K-On rip-off, it's One Off!
The story's nothing special. Basically it's about a girl named Haruno who envies her friends for having dreams and ambitions they want to pursue and thinks she'll never be able to leave the rural town she lives in. Her jobs mostly consist of helping her parents at their restaurant and collecting eggs from chickens. All of a sudden, out appears this random, badly voiced Australian named Cynthia (who I swear to God is a rip-off of Cynthia from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Look at their character designs! I'm not even kidding!) who does nothing but shout bad English and shove her cleavage into people's faces. You may think me saying that Haruno's life changes after that might be great, me, it's not.
Is it just me, or is the animation for this anime really blurry? The backgrounds look a lot more faded than crisp, like it was done by someone who couldn't afford money to buy glasses. Not only that, the movement that's there isn't very fluid. But ugh, I need to get this out, I HATE the character designs! Cynthia because she looks like a rip-off of Cynthia from Pokemon, which should be fairly obvious, but the girls' designs I don't like they look too much like rip-offs of other characters (I swear, Sayo looks almost EXACTLY like Tsuruko from AnoHana, right down to her seiyuu, who does the voice of Tsuruko as well!), two: I hate how the camera pans over the characters' legs in what is clearly meant to be a sexualized veneer! Then again, the characters' proportions, especially around their legs, look really off. It always makes it look like the top part of the leg, above the knee, is longer than the lower part of the leg, below the knee. You can tell just from looking at the promotional pictures alone that their legs are too odd-looking, and their only purpose is for the camera to creepily leer over them. I wish anime would stop over exaggerating female body parts and actually respect realistic human anatomy already! It's driving me up the wall! The only remotely good thing about this show is the music. I definitely liked the opening theme, as it's nice and soothing, and the ending themes are nice too, even though they're both a little dull. The rest of the, dull. Nothing ground-breaking or bad. Just...dull. I honestly don't remember. The soundtrack in itself is pretty bland and forgettable. I honestly don't remember one spec of it.
Ugh, the characters. I won't lie, these have to be the most blatant and most shallow stereotypes I've ever seen. None of the characters are properly or appropriately developed, they follow their assigned gimmick way too much, the very little pieces of personality they do have are obviously ripped off from characters from other anime I've seen before, and they're overall shallow and uninteresting. This is made worse by the absolutely abysmal voice acting! Haruno's seiyuu is trying way too hard, and that blue haired girl just refused to shut her freaking mouth! I wanted to mute the audio every time that stupid, annoying as hell blueberry head opened her mouth! All she did as scream and moan about not having a motorbike and squealing over how hot Cynthia is! Someone cut this character out of the show already! She's too much of a rip-off of Ritsu from K-On! The other characters are just bland and uninteresting. Cynthia has to be the worst Australian portrayal I've ever seen. I've never met an Australian before, but none I know talk in such bad English as she did, and none I know go around showing off their boobs (AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN WEAR A FREAKING BRA!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?) to teenage girls! What especially appalled me is that even though she's clearly not right in the head, everyone suddenly likes her! WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE DO TO GET THEM TO LIKE HER?!? Show her boobs, of course! Oh God, even the characters' reactions to Cynthia are inappropriate and unrealistic! If I saw a woman like her showing off her boobs, I'd call the police and get her arrested for public indecency, especially since she's doing this with teenage girls! It appalls me how anime characters love downplaying the flaws of a clearly problematic character and make them into a straight up object of desire for everyone! That must be why the trope Draco In Leather Pants exists. Hell, if anything, I consider Cynthia to be the very in-show embodiment of this trope!...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!
The rest of the show is just bad, bland, and downright boring. Even the supposed moral of the story is shallow and dumb, even cheesy because of the way it's executed. Everything else is just bad. The way the characters react to certain events: bad and unrealistic. All the coincidences: totally contrived and convoluted. The characters' voices: UGH MAKE THEM STOP TALKING! The whole girls riding motorbikes in the future. I can't see that. But from what I'm hearing, car sales are decreasing in parts of the world, so I guess it was to be expected that advertising companies would go to drastic measures to sell a product. But can we do it in a way that doesn't involve churning out stereotypes and beating dead horses PLEASE? I took a college class called Effects of Media on Children and one of my assignments involved analyzing how advertisements rely on gender stereotypes to sell a product and how they affect people of all ages. This is NOT a proper way to advertise a product. Just watch this to consider buying a motorbike or kill time. Other than that, give it a miss. It's dumb, contrived, and really not worth your time.
TV SHORT AdventureYama no Susume
TV SHORT AdventureSounan desu ka?
ANIME ComedyLong Riders!
OVA Slice of LifeHeya Camp△: Sauna to Gohan to Sanrin Bike
ANIME ComedyHinako Note
- (3.05/5)
Ended inOctober 7, 2012
Main Studio TYO Animations
Favorited by 22 Users