September 17, 2019
13 min
Because of a plane crash … starting today, we're spending the springtime of our lives on a desert island!! There's nothing here, so we have to make everything!! And eat everything!! (Ugh!) Check out our high-school-girl survival story of courage and knowledge. We're actually doing pretty well! We learn how to eat cicadas, how to build traps, a simple allergy test, how to eat hermit crabs, etc.
(Source: Kodansha USA)
Homare Onishima
Mao Ichimichi
Shion Kujou
Azumi Waki
Asuka Suzumori
Hiyori Kouno
Mutsu Amatani
Kiyono Yasuno
Jouichi Onishima
Akio Ootsuka

90/100(EN/PT) A funny story about 4 girls getting lost and learning how to survive alone.Continue on AniListReview em Português logo abaixo.
English Review:
Hey everyone. My name is Blaze9 and welcome to my quick review of ソウナンですか?(“Sounan Desu ka?”), also known as “Are You Lost?”. This is gonna be a spoiler-free review.
Sounan Desu Ka is a comedy anime, adapted from the original manga of Kentaro Okamoto and Riri Sagara, presented in twelve episodes of 13 minutes. It aired from July 2nd, 2019 to Sep 17th, 2019 and is also the first anime that I decided to watch on this season.
Now let’s talk a bit about the story and characters:
This is an anime about 4 girls that get involved in a plane crash and somehow survive. However, they find themselves lost in an island that looks deserted, and now, leaded by a girl named Homare (that conveniently has impressive survival knowledge), they must overcome their pride, understand their situation, work together and learn how to survive alone in this island.
Well, if you considerer only what I told on the previous paragraph, you might think it’s a very serious anime, but it actually isn’t. Now, the first reason why I picked this to watch was because I thought the premise was interesting. I mean, getting lost in an island surely gives some great margin for writing a story. If the author wanted, this could totally turn into a very serious story. Turns out this became of the most clean, educative and funny animes of the season. I don’t have any problem with that, and I think I could even call it an Iyashikei. The second reason was because I loved the art, haha.
But, there is a little bit of ecchi on it, mind you.
Now, I will give my notes on this anime, with some extra commentary:
Opening and Ending: 9/10 - Opening is great. Song is fun, the dynamics are pleasant and well animated. The ending is simpler but is also decent.
Soundtrack: 6/10 - It’s normal. It serves its purposes.
Animation: 9/10 – Not only it gives us beautiful, colorful scenarios, but you also don’t have those times where you think you’re watching a slide presentation. The comedic story also takes advantage of the animation for some scenes and provides some great moments.
Voice Acting: 8/10 – Voice acting is very professional, as expected.
What I would change: Sorry if I offend someone, but I think Homare is kinda boring. But it’s not because of the interpretation of anything. It’s just the nature of her character. If I could change something it would be her way of acting. Don’t get it wrong though, I liked Homare and I would never remove her of the story.
Well, I loved it. I have watched a decent number of anime to this point and Sounan Desu Ka gave me a fresh air I was not expecting from it. It gave me some of the best times of the week, despite my humor, and made me look forward to the Tuesdays. If you’re reading this and did not watch it yet, do it. There is a high chance you’re gonna like it.
Thank you very much for reading.
Review em Português:
Olá. Eu sou o Blaze9 e bem-vindos ao meu rápido review de ソウナンですか?(“Sounan Desu ka?”), também conhecido como “Are You Lost?” ou “Você Está Perdido?” em português. Este review não conterá nenhum tipo de spoiler.
Visão Geral:
Sounan Desu Ka é um anime de comédia, adaptado do mangá original de Kentaro Okamoto e Riri Sagara, apresentado em 12 episódios de 13 minutos cada. Foi ao ar de 2 de julho de 2019 a 17 de setembro de 2019, e também é o primeiro anime dessa temporada que eu decidi assistir.
Agora vamos falar um pouquinho sobre a história e os personagens:
Este é um anime sobre 4 garotas que se envolvem num acidente de avião, e de alguma forma sobrevivem. Porém, elas acabam perdidas numa ilha que aparenta estar deserta. E agora, lideradas por uma garota chamada Homare, as outras 3 meninas precisam superar seus orgulhos, entender sua situação, trabalhar juntas e aprender a sobreviver sozinhas nessa ilha.
Bom, se levarmos em conta só o que eu disse no parágrafo anterior, você pode pensar que é um anime bem sério, mas na verdade não é. O primeiro motivo pelo qual eu peguei esse anime pra assistir é porque a premissa me pareceu interessante. Se perder numa ilha dá uma margem bem interessante pra escrever uma história. Se fosse a vontade do autor, isso poderia ter virado uma história super séria. Mas acontece que esse na verdade foi um dos animes mais limpos, educativos e engraçados da temporada. Por mim tudo bem, e eu acho até que posso chamá-lo de Iyashikei. O segundo motivo foi porque eu adorei a arte, haha.
Mas só pra constar, tem ecchi.
Agora irei dar minhas notas para este anime, juntamente com alguns comentários extras:
Abertura e Encerramento: 9/10 – A abertura é ótima. A música é divertida, as dinâmicas são bem agradáveis e bem animadas. O encerramento é mais simples, mas também é bem feito.
Trilha sonora: 6/10 – É normal. Serve ao seu propósito.
Animação: 9/10 – Não apenas o anime nos apresenta lindos e coloridos cenários como também não têm nenhum momento daqueles que fica parecendo uma apresentação de PowerPoint. A história cômica também tira proveito da animação pra algumas cenas, criando alguns momentos bem legais.
Atuação de Voz: 8/10 – A atuação e interpretação são bem profissionais, exatamente como esperado.
O que eu mudaria: Desculpe se eu ofender alguém, mas eu acho que a Homare é meio chatinha. Mas não é por causa da interpretação nem nada. É por causa da natureza da personagem. Se eu pudesse mudar algo, seria a forma dela de agir. Mas não entenda errado, eu gosto da Homare e jamais a removeria da história.
Bom, eu adorei esse anime. Posso dizer que já assisti um número interessante de animes, e Sounan Desu Ka me fez sentir um ar fresco que eu não esperava dele. Me deu algumas risadas ótimas, levantou meu humor quando eu estava aborrecido e me fez ficar ancioso pelas terças-feiras. Se você está lendo este review e ainda não assistiu, assista. Tenho certeza que você vai gostar.
Muito obrigado por ler este meu pequeno review.
40/100Untreaded territory in the anime industry that fell short.Continue on AniListSounan Desu ka? takes the very unoriginal general concept of "what if you got stranded on a deserted island?" and applies it to the anime industry, where it's actually something somewhat original (if there's more survival anime that came out before this, let me know and I'll eat my hat). However, as original of a concept as it may be, it still falls short as an anime series.
The story is the only decent category, followed by the music. It's not something every anime does, and I have to give it some credit for that. It's a concept that's been done worse by others, but it's also been done far, far better. Adding school girls to the mix will only get you so far.
The art is lackluster and even bad at some points. Maybe I've been spoiled by KyoAni and other big-budget studios, but a lot of animation feels lifeless, robotic, and choppy. Character designs are about as bland as unflavored gelatin and the background scenery isn't anything to write home about.
As I said previously, the music is alright. It's more memorable than most anime, but not anything I'd go out of my way to listen to outside the anime.
The characters are stupid and fall victim to almost every stereotype in anime. There was a moment about six episodes in where it felt like one character was about to have some character development, and then there was nothing to follow through afterwards. There's really not much to see here besides "girls are the cutest when they're almost retarded".
Overall, Sounan Desu ka? was just barely on the border between being bad enough to drop, and decent enough to keep watching. The first couple of episodes really made me want to drop it, but I decided to keep watching and was not really rewarded for my time. The first one or two episodes are a very good indicator as to if you'll like the rest of this.
There really is no ending. Two girls spit bird poop water into each other's asses and then there's a ten second very ambiguous clip that solves nothing and gives no solid ending. You are not missing anything by dropping this show if you do not enjoy it at any point.
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- (3.15/5)
Ended inSeptember 17, 2019
Main Studio Ezo’la
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 386 Users
Hashtag #ソウナンですか #SNDSK