September 21, 2022
24 min
Struggling with life and society, high school student Michio Kaga wanders about the Internet and lands on an odd website. The website, featuring a number of questions and a point-based system, allows one to create skills and abilities for a character. Upon completing his character, Kaga was transported to a game-like fantasy world and reborn as a strong man who can claim idol-level girls. Thus begins the cheat and harem legend of a reborn man!
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Shiori Mikami
Michio Kaga
Taku Yashiro
Shiori Izawa
Honoka Kuroki
Rina Honizumi
Mikako Izawa
Kenta Miyake

Not available on crunchyroll
15/100A Massive Waste Of Your TimeContinue on AniListIt's not often I write reviews. In fact, I've yet to publish one here. However, this show has managed to force me to write one as this has to be one of the worst shows that I've watched.
Now, there are plenty of shows in my completed list that people would consider "bad" or "trashy" but I generally find that these shows will usually have a couple of redeeming elements to them. With Isekai Harem, there is close to nothing good nor redeeming about this show. It's a vapid, shallow piece of media that after it's done, will leave the average person with nothing more than a few hours of their life now irreversibly lost.
The main character, Michio Kaga, is on the Internet when he finds a website that lets him create skills and abilities for a character. Upon completing his character, he's transported to another world where he is given the abilities that he chose. Once he wakes up in the new world he quickly starts hacking his way through various bandits raiding the village he's been placed in. One of the bandits is taken prisoner by the villagers and we quickly learn that captures are typically sold off as slaves. Michio then travels to a city with one of the villagers so they can sell the bandit and this is where he's introduced to a slave trader named Alan. After some persuading, Michio sets his sights on a slave named Roxanne. A wolf-kin girl who Alan is currently selling. Eventually, he raises funds to buy/own her and they start adventuring in the labyrinth in the city and later a different one that's located in a nearby city.
Now, anyone who has watched the show might be wondering why I've left the details out of how he gets the money and I've done that because in all honesty; it doesn't matter. It's trivial when you compare it to the overarching "plot" of this show. That being that once he's got her it's pretty much just Michio and Roxanne doing samey labyrinth combat in each episode and then going back home to bang.
And that is where my dislike for this show stems from. It has absolutely nothing to offer you. It's not fun, as they do almost the same thing for most of the episodes (bear in mind that this is only 12 episodes) and it's certainly not a show about the characters. The main people are Roxanne, a Stockholm syndrome slave whose main purpose is to have big boobs and constantly suck off (literally and figuratively) Michio. Michio meanwhile is as bland as white bread and has the personality of a horny, cardboard box. Yes, technically there's a second member of his harem, Sherry, who shows up for the last couple of episodes and is just another object for Michio to get off with. Oh, and this isn't even a decent harem show as the poster shows 5 girls and you'll only see the last 3 in a flash-forward moment, and at the very end where within the last few minutes of the last episode you're shown a montage of Michio going to different places to buy and then having sex with the girls. As for any insight into their characters well...errr... maybe in the sequel (haha)? Please note that as I write this there are still a couple of OVAs to come out but let's not kid ourselves thinking that they will be any better.
As for animation, I'm assuming most of the budget went into drawing Roxanne's tits jumping up and down during her and Michio's many love-making sessions. Saved by the labyrinth fights then right? As if, hope you enjoy cheap and stiff looking animation with the same enemies used repeatedly. Not like any of the fights had any kind of stakes whatsoever.
Overall, your time is better off watching so many other things. I soldiered on through this slop purely because I had convinced myself that there would be some kind of payoff to make the whole thing worth it. Nope. I wasted my time and hopefully, anyone reading this will take my advice and not watch this show.
I give Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo (Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World) a 15/100
10/100A disaster in every wayContinue on AniListIsekai Meikyuu de Harem wo is the ecchi anime series this season that might as well be a hentai. This show is the opposite of what I felt when watching Shuumatsu no Harem, with that anime I was expecting some kind of dumpster fire that I would not enjoy watching it, but after seeing the plot and finding it interesting I could not do more than to think “this series would be better without sex”. This series is the opposite, when I saw the plot I thought “add more sex, this is painful to watch” because I honestly came to this series expecting uncensored anime tiddies and I got that delivered, but everything else just falls completely flat on its feet.
Michio is fun to watch for all the wrong reasons you can think, he isn’t your usual isekai MC that is a goody-two shoes that will help everyone and not kill, however the things he feels when he kills is really contradictory. Take for example in episode 3, he goes in a witch hunt for bandits for the sake of getting money to buy a slave (Roxanne) and when he finds them he merciless kills them without hesitation in the most edgy scene this series has, he didn’t bother to check if these guys got a bounty for their heads he just killed them, which makes you think he is more morally grey and that is disposed to kill in order to get the things he wants. What’s the problem with this? Easy, in later episodes he says that he would have doubted in killing kobolds for their humanoid appearance if he had seen them when he was less experienced… is this guy really telling me that he is bothered to kill mobs in dungeons for their humanoid appearance but had no problem whatsoever killing actual humans? Specially because one of the first things he did when he appeared in that world was kinda decapitating a bandit. Damn, way to go in your weird thinking ways Michio.
You also have him later in the series after witnessing a guy he literally just met 5 seconds ago dying in the labyrinth, he starts thinking about how his death could happen in any time. Has he ever stopped to think that that guy not only was alone but also doesn’t have half of the classes Michio for any reason whatsoever has, and that’s ignoring Michio having access to magic and that very strong sword he got at the beginning? Some time after that, we have a scene where he almost dies, which tries to demonstrate that he is also in danger, but the problem with that scene is that he wasn’t even close to dying, the very reason why he was almost hit was because he was overthinking in stuff that was completely unrelated to what was happening just right in front of him, he basically one-shots them right after he comes back to reality, so he isn’t in danger whatsoever, even if you ignore the obvious plot armor that comes from being the main character. It really makes me laugh, but not because it is funny.
There isn’t much to talk about the other characters, after all, they aren’t really developed in any way. Roxanne is just a sexy walking Google search engine who every time that Michio asks something about the world she will just answer him, she has no personality whatsoever, and she is also there to say only good stuff about Michio whenever he does something and have sex with him. Aside from her, I can really only remember Alan, who is just a slave seller, and Sherry (another slave), who we barely saw at the last two episodes.
Speaking of other girls, the series very clearly tries to advertise the other girls that Michio will get in the series, there is a clear problem with that, and is that it is basically false advertisement. Not only the opening but also promotional images have Michio with another 5 girls, but not only does it takes up to episode 11 for him to even get the second girl, we won’t ever have hopes of seeing the other girls unless the studio does another season or for any reason they decide to show them in the specials that are coming out in a couple of months. This is probably the least harem harem series I have witnessed, I know that the harem is actually built in the novels, but it definitely isn’t even close in the anime, so I really don’t get the point of showing them, the ending is far more indicative of what the show is actually about since it is full of Roxanne.
Even when the main plots are the labyrinth and how Michio and his crew go there, there really isn’t any variety to it, we saw like 4-5 kind of monsters across the whole thing, and the fight scenes were completely dull due to the fact that Michio most of the time one-shotted them, I’m not expecting some kind of super fleshed out fight and that will last the entire episode, no, I’m just saying that basically all of them are completely anti-climatic, the only one that basically wasn’t was the one where Michio found a bunch of trees in a room he couldn’t get out if he didn’t beat all of them that happened pretty early in the series, so that was probably the best fight in the labyrinth. Something I also questioned myself was “where are the other people that explore these labyrinths?”, because for the first couple of episodes there really wasn’t anyone around them, however, once Michio and Roxanne reached Quratar, they finally found other people inside them, and you could see them even if in the background, yet their presence was basically null since we never see they cross paths with them despite going to the same places, the only time that happened was the bit I mentioned above about the guy that immediately died after meeting our MCs.
Unless you see Roxanne and think she will make it to the top of your waifu list, I really don’t know why you would watch this, because if you are expecting a harem then you should save your time and go to read the novel, or even just go elsewhere and watch a harem series that actually introduces its characters.
Thank you for reading.
69/100How to [Blank] Your [Blank]Continue on AniListThe most promising anime of the 2022 ecchi anime season turned into… an exercise in utter tedium punctuated by some admittedly well-animated sex-scenes but the kind of which were by the latter half almost like watching your parents have sex. That’s not to say our protagonists weren’t young, virile and buxom (the latter of which obviously pertaining to our beast-warrior waifu Roxanne) but being “genki” will only get you so far as far as a full-length anime adaptation is concerned. Truthfully, so much of the series felt like getting your dick hard to something purposefully titillating on the outskirts only for you to left stroking a semi for twenty-ish minutes until you realized you should have just been beating your meat to something more direct and obvious. The literal labyrinth to be sure is a chore, it made a video game out of a video game synopsis but made it suck because you're not even playing it. And sure, Roxanne makes for a suitably sexy suitor but ultimately she’s left carrying twelve whole episodes on her own, despite this series being explicitly titled a ‘Harem’. And therin lies the biggest crime of this series, it’s literally (in English) Harem In the Labyrinth of Another World… but in any other anime even the most benign of borderline ecchi isekai nonsense it would at least feature two or three girls in semi-starring roles. But not here, oh no, instead we’re strung along for a full season of 12 episodes on the assumption of a harem but only given so much in a ludicrously forced flash-forward that equals exactly nothing in the totality of the anime and an equally truncated and forced epilogue that turns the perspective harem into a laughable montage of sex-workers rather than characters. If it weren’t for the attention to detail this anime put into its sex-scenes this would be an all-time worst ecchi anime, and if it weren’t for the nipples, it would be an absolute joke of an adaptation. As it stands it’s kind of okay but painfully boring between the scenes of semi-engaging action and semi-engaging semis. Everything about the titular dungeon's sucks, it's a literal slog from begiining to end and feels like playing the worst kind of dungeon crawler game that Japan can spew out but dang if there isn't something endeaing about the girls. If there’s ever an anime more in need of a second season to redeem the losses of their inaugural year it’s _this _one, but I doubt we’ll ever see the day. “ROXANNE, you don't have to put on that red light... ROXANNE you don't have to sell your body to the night..." My final score is a 69/100 but bare in mind I give a 10 point bonus to any anime with uncensored nipples, so this might as well be a 5 out of 10 for all the normies out there...
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