June 23, 2021
24 min
Yuuki Hiroshi has just picked up Kiwame Quest, the realest VRMMO ever made. But this RPG is TOO lifelike; he can smell, taste, feel, and when he's hurt in it, his physical body is hurt too. Even worse, his abilities in this adventure suck as much as they do in daily life. This was supposed to be immersion, not reality. Consumed with winning, he swears he'll conquer this game—even if it kills him!
(Source: Funimation)
Note: The first episode received an online advance screening on March 31, 2021. Regular TV broadcast started on April 7, 2021
Reona Kisaragi
Ayana Taketatsu
Hiroshi Yuuki
Daiki Yamashita
Shiori Izawa
Fairouz Ai
Kaede Yuuki
Aoi Koga
Souichirou Kamui
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Haruki Ishiya
Shizuka Itou
Satoshi Hino
Katsuyuki Konishi
Gakuto Kajiwara
Jun Kasama
85/100Parody of Sword Art Online and other VR isekaiContinue on AniListComedy is subjective as they said, so just as any other comedy anime, it's all on preferences. I thoroughly enjoyed this a lot since I felt like the Winter 2021 lineup was lacking any real comedy anime. I mean there were shows that gave me a few laughs here and there, but none that were truly comedy.
Watching episode one of this I didn't really enjoyed it at first. The first half was slow, just your typical generic high school boy who meets a pretty girl and gets con into buying a crappy game. Well I don't blame him as I am too a sucker like him when it comes to a cute girl selling me something. As I myself have fallen for this trick by a cute girl before... so yes I can relate to him.
The anime really picks up in the second half when he enters into the game world. The first moment he got punched in the face and was dying, oh boy that part got me bursting out in laughter and everything from there on out was just entertaining as ever. I will say this, if you didn't enjoy episode 1 in the game world, then this is probably not your type of anime you will enjoy. Since I don't think the comedy really drift far from it's initial comedy. As it is a parody like that takes everything you expect and throw it out the door.The moment I knew I love this anime is the moment Alicia went full Yandere. Now to say I love everything about this anime would be a lie. Since I didn't love every single character. I didn't honestly care for Mizarisa at all. Though she does have some moments but most of the time I just didn't find her entertaining and without her, I would've still enjoy it.
For the parody that this anime present itself as, it did a very good job. So it's not one to be taken seriously or you'll wonder why you're watching this. As it takes a lot of the tropes and throws it out the door and it was hilarious. Since I personally not too big of a fan of OP main characters, so this was a nice change of pace.
Oh I gotta give a shoutout to the funniest character
Souichirou Kamui This guy walkthrough is probably the funniest thing ever lol... as a person who relies on walkthrough because I suck at gaming lol... I was laughing so hard at the points he was making since it does make sense. He killed it in every scene he was in.
Overall, this was a fun watch. It isn't for everyone and I understand that. If you enjoyed like the first couple episode, then you'll more then likely enjoy the rest. It does have some good message in there too. Like the whole point of improving yourself and not giving up. And if you want a more serious take on reality mixing with virtue reality, I point you to a complete opposite anime, Serial Experiment Lain, which is a masterpiece in my books.
Oh and the game console getting destroyed was a nice touch.
I'll never understand why people would go on review just to thumb down a review because they didn't like the anime. If you don't like it, just ignore the review. It's not like I'm attacking the anime, if I was sure go for it. I'm just stating what I enjoyed about it.
35/100A Bad Anime About a Bad GameContinue on AniListA Bad Anime About a Bad Game
So really quickly and briefly, the story is that the mc buys a shitty game which you should imagine like some sort of SAO-like stuff.
The game is bad because it's too real, you feel a little bit of pain and the NPC-s are too realistic, so there won't be a "chosen one system" that protects you.
This game is so hard that only one player was able to beat it and it's almost a completely dead game, there is only one other player that he meets and he's a fat alcoholic old man.
Also, you can easily die in-game and if you do, your expensive console breaks in real life.
What can you expect if you decide to watch this anime regardless of me telling me not to? Well, the mc pees and shits himself while screaming like a massive pussy and keeps saying how shit this game is but then proceeds to play it regardless.
It could be annoying, especially seeing how flat the story is.
The main character won't evolve at all, he is going to be super weak and going to scream till the end. (He's gonna get a little stronger in the final episode but it won't matter at all)
If something interesting happens (like the super speed at ep 7) they won't even mention it after that at will do nothing with that OP ability.
What makes the anime slightly watchable? You may ask about the "good stuff" in this anime because it's not all bad, after all, I could finish it at least.
Some of the side characters are petty good.
Also, there is a cool side to our main character, he was a really good runner before (of course) he fell and peed himself on an important running tournament, and we get a cool 2 seconds of that running speed showing in the game.
And to be honest, that's about it, for me, it was a waste of time but I can't deny that I enjoyed like 3 or 4 episodes out of the 12, and the fact that I could finish it makes it automatically not one of the worst ones.
My overall opinion and rating Well, I didn't like it but have witnessed much worse stuff that would make this anime a masterpiece in comparison.
The story was the most disappointing thing I saw in an anime in a long time, they wouldn't even want to go for the basic "at least make the mc op" cliche.
The potential love interests (like Reona) were just there for fan service, couldn't give any more than that to the anime.
Of course, you should bear in mind that this anime is a comedy therefore they won't take everything seriously.
So I would give this anime a 35/100, it was very weak but if you really want to, it's watchable for the first time.
yes please :)If you agree, please drop a follow on my AniList profile, and have a nice day!
59/100Full Dive: almost, but not quiteContinue on AniListINTRO Let me start off by saying that I still don’t understand why this show, of all things, got such a reaction from me. I’ve somehow taken more notes for this show than I have for the ones I genuinely liked this season, to the point where halfway through part of my experience was just jotting down my reaction to each new episode. It wasn’t even with the intention to make this review, I just found it fun to think about it. So, after thinking way too much about a slightly above average anime, let’s begin. Warning for incredibly minor spoilers, so minor that they don’t even spoil the first episode.
SUMMARY Full Dive is about Hiroshi Yuki, a high school boy who blames his problems on everything and everyone except himself. He starts off the series as someone who’s just a few bad days away from becoming a shut-in, often bullied by his peers and getting no sympathy from his one friend or his teachers. He used to be into track and sports in general, but seemingly got burnt out from it and now is spiraling into a slight depression from realizing that this is it, this is all life is.
And so he dives head first into an obsession with full dive RPGs, in part to avoid his problems and in part to live out the good and happy life that he thinks he can no longer get in reality.
One day he stumbles into a shop when trying to find the newest installment of his favorite video game series, but ends up buying a different game instead. A grindier, harsher, more realistic game than any game he’s ever played before. Problem here is that with his terrible luck, he may have ruined his first playthrough immediately after starting, and for plot reasons can’t reset the game.
IS IT WORTH IT? Honestly? That’s a loaded question.
With a heavy heart, I must tell you the problem with Full Dive: it sucks. It’s a parody of parodies, half of its jokes are jabs about an idiotic situation that makes little sense, the protagonist is really unlikable half of the time, every single female character has one or two personality traits, and we’ve got sexual harassment as a recurring joke (I’ll explain this later, but it’s probably not what you think.) But I look at all the crappy parts of Full Dive, at how obvious it is that it’s not good, and all that does is make me more confused as to why I liked it despite all that.
Full Dive has good moments. It has some incredible moments in its story and progression, some heart wrenching scenes and some touching character growth. There is ten out of ten material stuck inside the swaths of a four out of ten show. It is absolutely terrible sometimes, but it also manages to be amazing at others. The level of quality is really inconsistent, but it hits some great highs.
In my honest opinion, the first episode was a great intro to what you were getting into, both the good and the bad.
I cannot tell you it’s worth it, nor that it’s good enough to put your time in. Outside of a passing recommendation for those who were already interested in isekai (or isekai-adjacent shows) there isn’t much here to justify watching 12 episodes. But if you just want something to kill time with, and you don’t care about watching the best anime in existence, then this is a good show for you. At the very least, watching the first episode alone should be able to tell you if you’ll find it enjoyable. I do think the highs make it worth watching, but the first episode is good enough in setting things up.
THE BAD Hiroshi Yuki, otherwise known as Hiro, is a very unlikable character. And why is that? On paper, he’s pathetic to the point where you kinda feel bad for him. He’s almost given up on real life, living mostly to play his games even when they have long stopped being fun for him. There isn’t a single person in his life who’s willing to be kind to him outside of social politeness. He has no dreams and no hope for a good future, to the point that he refuses to think about a career. It is heavily implied that he doesn’t think he can attain happiness through real life anymore, that he’s messed things up too badly and that even outside of school he can no longer navigate the real world. That he’ll mess things up for himself, again and again, so it’s not worth trying.
And what is it that he did that caused everything to turn to shit, the catalyst to his depression? Why, peeing himself during a track tournament, of course!
This is technically a spoiler, but it’s also one of the worst parts of the show and I would’ve loved to have a warning before it happened, at least to know that things were taking a very bad turn. So, if you’re still reading this to know if it’s worth watching, this is the worst bit of the show.
One of my biggest criticisms of the early parts of this anime is that it does not know how to frame Hiro until much later. It doesn’t know if he’s a pathetic guy that doesn’t deserve sympathy and should be laughed and gawked at, it doesn’t know if Hiro is a victim of circumstance, it doesn’t know how to present him at all. Granted, it gets better at framing it’s protagonist later on, but this episode in particular is very rough because of it.
I don’t understand what the show wants its viewers to think about the central protagonist. Are we supposed to look at the set-up and feel bad for him, even if pissing his pants during track is quite funny out of context? Are we supposed to laugh at him anyway, become the bullies or the bystanders, as a way to recognize that we all can push someone into a sort of “trauma”? Is it just a comedy scene with a long set-up?
No matter how I look at it, I just don’t like how this was handled. Making this moment a joke really weakens his character growth, but it’s also such a dumb joke that I don’t find it funny even outside of it’s context. Comedy is subjective and all that good shit, but it seems like a lot of people think similarly to me. It’s a bad moment that makes you want to quit watching, the amalgamation of all the problems this show has, the worst of its worst. The story is damaged by its comedy, and the comedy is damaged by its story. There is no proper balance between the two. Out of everything that they could’ve used to pinpoint his social isolation, this is the least charitable one.
Now let’s move on to the Oh No It’s Problematic section of this review. A recurring joke in this show is that the manager of that video game store that started off this whole show, wants to get some of that teenage dick. Her name is Reona, she kinda starts off as waifu-bait, her personality is being a bimbo and having huge boobs, and she’s overall a bad female character.
Weirdly enough though, I didn’t find her as annoying as most waifu-bait characters. For one, she actually has a purpose in the story, she affects both the plot and Hiro’s life, she isn’t tied to him as if she’s just there to be part of his harem, and she very much acts like an individual. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still framed as part of his harem and most of the comedy that revolves around her is either about her having huge knockers or about being an idiot who’s worth is tied to having huge knockers, but she's alright outside of this one thing.
(This is just one of many shots that put a camera-breaking focus on Reona’s boobs.)
The joke is that Reona really wants to sell this shitty game to someone, so she flirts with Hiro until he distractedly buys the game, and later convinces him into not returning it by saying that if anyone could beat the game she would just fall in love right on the spot and would just have to marry that guy. And you know what happens when you get married, riiiiight?
Hiro is both interested and very afraid. I originally thought this moment was really funny, because she does convince Hiro to take the shitty game and it’s hilarious when he realizes he got swindled by being too horny. But then the joke keeps going. And you come to the unfortunate realization that Reona wasn’t kidding.
There’s quite a few moments where some inappropriate touching happens, and while at first he’s flustered but very interested, it goes on to a point where he would really like it if she stopped. She doesn’t stop, but they eventually become friends and become more comfortable with each other. It’s alright for the most part but whenever this joke comes up it basically plays out like he’s being sexually harassed by an adult and it’s funny because he’s a dude getting sexually harassed by a woman. Oh ho ho! What a novel concept!
On the one hand, sexual harassment as a recurring joke was always going to make me uncomfortable even if it was funny. On the other, it’s just a cheap joke and is one of the worst bits of comedy the show has to offer.
So my main gripe is that it’s bad comedy that justifies the sexual harassment that’s going on as some good ol’ fun between two semi-friends (ignore the age gap, please, I beg you.)
THE GOOD You know, I really would’ve liked it if this show was bad and that was it. It’d be so much easier to have dropped it, to just move on with my life, if it was shitty and with no good qualities. Enough with that negativity though, let’s talk about what works.
The extreme realism of KQ isn’t just a gimmick to get people to watch Full Dive. It also doesn’t exist as a solely comedic element of the show. By all accounts, the reason why Hiro hates this game isn’t because it’s worse than real life--it’s because it reminds him too much of it.
The realistic fantasy proves that he’s pathetic, that if he lived in a fantasy world rather than his own that he would not be the awesome protagonist that everyone fawns over. He isn’t strong or cool, he often makes things worse for the NPCs. His own belief that nothing is his fault is actually what is making his experience crap.
Within the world of KQ, he has come to the realization that he is shitty. That he’s the main reason why his own life is shitty. He always stays in his comfort zone, completely quits on things if it’s even slightly hard, and most of all treats other people terribly. He’s a scared kid that lashes out, but he’s also a teenager who’s had a relatively good life and yet completely shut down when things got even remotely difficult.
He is depressed, though it’s so obscured by comedy at his expense that it’s hard to tell it’s not just the set-up of a joke. He’s the main reason why he’s slowly turning into a shut-in. He makes the active choice to be closed-off, to let himself go too far when he gets angry, and to treat people terribly when they annoy him even slightly. Worse of all, he’s convinced for a while that it’s not his fault when he faces the consequences of his own actions. He thinks life is just set up against him, that he had no choice in the matter and can’t make things better for himself.
(It’s a bit hard to tell here, but he’s looking at the track practice.)
I think Hiro’s character development is the main reason why I like this anime. He comes to realize that even though things are shitty, he can be an active participant in his own life, that he has control of his actions and behavior. He doesn’t immediately change, it’s really gradual and even though there’s a moment where it hits him, he had already started acting differently even before that moment. The way he deals with this realization is oddly realistic.
The reason why this works is because it’s not immediately obvious that he has a shitty personality, or even that he’s depressed. While he starts off as pretty unlikable, he’s still relatable and while his behavior is exaggerated for the sake of comedy, he still comes off as an average dude just living his life, a bit lonely but still alright. The nuance of his character is not immediately noticeable, so when it does develop into what it is, you kinda see yourself in him even if you don’t want to.
CONCLUSION Full Dive is actually really interesting as a character study, but the comedy has the unfortunate effect of derailing the plot half of the time. While it’s worth watching as a low-stakes show that doesn’t require much thought, it’s not any better or worse than most anime. It is, however, better than the average isekai, and it’s good at being trash. I like it, despite my gripes with this show, and I recommend it as something to kill some time with.
I hate that I realized this, but they actually got the guy that voices Kirito to voice one of the characters. And wouldn’t you know, it’s this guy! One of the best moments of watching this show was realizing this and just laughing to myself, in part because I hate that I recognized him and in part because him?! HIM??!!
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