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Aijou Rentaro tried and tried again, but after asking a hundred girls out on a date, he was rejected every single time. In desperation, he prays for guidance…only to be told by a god that his rejections were due to some cosmic error! Now the god is going to set things right by making sure that Aijou gets one hundred dates. Except, as things often do with gods, the dates come with a catch: one hundred girls are destined to be Aijou’s soulmate, and unless he returns their feelings each and every time, they’ll die in horrible accidents! Sure enough, girls start confessing their love to Aijou left and right. But how is he supposed to choose?! He doesn’t want to kill anyone! When he looks at each potential soulmate, it feels like a bolt of lightning. Can someone really love a hundred other people? This hilarious romantic comedy takes the harem concept to a wild extreme!
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)
Note: Won second place of Tsugimanga 2020 Award in the Manga Category
Karane Inda
Shizuka Yoshimoto
Nano Eiai
Hakari Hanazono
Rentarou Aijou
Kusuri Yakuzen
Hahari Hanazono
Aashii Kedarui
Mei Meido
Kurumi Haraga
Mimimi Utsukushisugi
Iku Sutou
Meme Kakure
Momoha Bonnouji
Nadeshiko Yamato
Momi Momiji
Yaku Yakuzen
Rin Baio
Yamame Yasashiki
Uto Nakaji
Chiyo Iin
Kishika Torotoro
Tama Nekonari
Mai Meido
Eira Kaho
90/100The harem to end all harems, amazing comedy, refreshing idea and lovely characters.Continue on AniListNow this is what I call a blessed manga. Little I expected when I randomly gave this a chance a few months ago that I would be starting a work that is blazing its way into my favorites list with its amazing comedy and a cast that I'm really, really, really, really, really in love with.
Meet Aijou Rentarou, a dude who so far has only met pain and heartbreaks when it comes to romance, but all of this changes when one day, the God of Love (who seems to be a big Ghibli fan) appears and tell him that he will meet not one, nor two, but a hundred soulmates during high school.
This meeting sets this hilarious story into motion. Our boy Chadtarou (he deserves to be called this way, trust me) is slowly meeting the characters forming his harem when fate makes them look at each other, making them "connect" and instantly fall in love, boy what a power.
So… what makes this manga good? Lots of things so far honestly, starting with something that makes it very refreshing and that is pretty much the slogan of this series: There are zero losing heroines. Whenever a new girl gets introduced and proceeds to fall in love with Rentarou, she becomes a part of a harem that our guy puts a ton of love into to the point that (eventually, depending on their personality) they are okay with the others being there and in love with him as well.
If the protagonist of this manga was the standard Mr. Generic McNoPersonality with zero reasons that anyone would love him other than the fact that he returned them the eraser that fell off the table during class, this work would fall apart quickly, but this is not our standard harem protagonist, this is Chadtarou, and if he doesn't become your husbando through the events of this manga I will be very upset. The amount of love he pours into each of the girls and the lengths he goes through to make them all happy is insane and makes him a character worth the appreciation the fanbase has towards him.
And of course, what would be of a harem without the girls? Here in The 100 Girlfriends who really, really, really, really, really love you we have everything to please everyone. You want a tsundere? Enjoy! The big tittied hot girl? Of course! The smart girl who thinks everything logically? A tactical decision! The girl who makes drugs and that is like freaking Doraemon with the inventions she comes out with, and that has two “forms”, a small hyperactive one and a hot scientist girl one… wait, what? Yeah, I said everything, included another surprise one that I want to keep secret for this review, if we don't get an alien waifu I will be disappointed. Oh, and we also have Shizuka Yoshimoto, everyone loves Shizuka Yoshimoto.
The insanity of this supernatural setting goes perfectly along with the comedy of the series, which is ridiculous and over the top, full of parodies, fourth wall breaking, and references to other works or real life companies, and due to Kusuri's inventions we also have our fair share of sci-fi elements with the weird stuff she comes out with and that she makes sure that everyone gets a taste of. The fact that all the girls know and interact with each other because Rentarou makes sure that they are aware of the harem going on also leads to lots of fun scenarios between them that are so enjoyable to watch. I also appreciate the fact that it's not all just laughs, with some more serious moments that truly show the feelings of the characters and that help develop the cast and make sure you like them even more.
For the mandatory comment about the art of the manga… really good honestly! The style and character designs are very appealing and the reactions they make add so, so much to the comedy, no complaints on that regard.
Now I guess I have to talk about the negative points of this manga… wait, none so far? Yep, being completely honest, 25 chapters into this manga and I'm loving everything about it, the execution of the setting and the characters are all pleasing me immensely and every chapter is a joy to read. There is one worry tho: I'm absolutely clueless about how the author behind this story is gonna pull off the setting once the cast grows to the uncontrolable amount that 30, 50, and hell, 100 girlfriends is eventually going to create, but seeing the quality of this manga so far I'm not too concerned and I'm sure that he will come out with something to properly give them all enough focus once that happens. Crossing fingers that I don't have to edit this review to prove relatively younger me wrong and instead just to raise it to the 100/100 score I would give it so far if it had more chapters.
This more or less marks the end to this review, this manga is seriously good and I'm crazy in love with it. When the resident Kaguyafag that I am, who has been shilling that work for close to 5 years already is looking forward to this work weekly as much as Kaguya-sama, you know that something great is going on here. I hope this review convinced you to give this manga a chance, chances are you won't regret it!
50/100The Manga That I Used To Really, Really, Really, Really, Really LoveContinue on AniList__Spoilers:__ The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You is a manga about a boy who catches girlfriends like ash catches pokemon except for the fact that he does it way better than ash ever could. When I started reading this, I thought "huh this is an interesting idea" and it was… for some time. My thoughts on this manga went from " This is so funny and good" to "This is ok". So today let me tell you why 100 gf went from a must read to an just an ok manga for me.
__What made it good:__ When 100 gf started off having many aspects to it. The comedy, the serious moments and the cuteness (The ecchi was there too but it wasn't that focused on and it was mostly kept for special chapters). And tbf It pulled all of them off quite well too. Everything up till the rescue arc was perfectly done. You can nitpick things here and there but for me this time period was the peak for 100 gf. The best moments came from this time period. It was wonderful time to be a 100 gf. But I started to notice that the manga that I used to love before kinda started to fall from greatness.
__Comedy:__ For me 100 gf didn't just straight go from good to meh but it slowly fell in it. You know those aspects that I talked about before? Well… they are still here but they are somewhat different. The main thing for me is the balance. It seemed like everything was in balance before. The cuteness, the comedy and the seriousness. But rn it seems as that comedy now takes the main focus. While I understand this is technically a "gag" manga. Not everything can be a joke, You can't just keep throwing jokes in the readers face and expect them to laugh. Ok, If the jokes are unique and funny then fine but it feels as tho they are the same joke but in different skins. Like the fourth wall jokes or them blushing while grinding their teeth, they started as kinda funny then the author started doing them so much that it lost it's charm. Like why try to tell a actual joke, when someone can just say "the author is stupid", "this manga makes so no sense" and other fourth wall breaks joke and just move on. I mean some jokes can be funny. I am not saying they aren't but when you are overexposed to joke after joke after joke, the good joke doesn't hit that hard because it's mixed in with these other jokes.
__Cuteness:__ The Cuteness just came naturally but now it's just "hey guys looks shizuka is cute isn't it" "she is so cute" etc etc. The cuteness came from characters but now they aren't characters they are just types of girls. Their goofiness is upped so much that it just feels wrong. Like ofc shizuka is cute but when you make it into a gag. What am I supposed to feel? I don't feel the scene is cute since you are trying to force the idea by telling me that the scene is cute. I don't feel like laughing because it's not really funny when the whole joke is that "wow look she is cute". So what am I supposed to feel? I don't like the idea of them mixing the two things because it just makes them both look weaker.
__"Seriousness"__: Ofc the rescue arc is the most serious arc in the manga and it's also the most well received. The current "serious" arcs don't really work imo because they feel too goofy. Like I get it, It's a gag manga but just take the comedy out for 1 sec for a "serious" scene please. Like there was this time where karane lost her memory and the message was basically that rentarou will love his girlfriends for the way they are. But how am I supposed to feel anything in this chapter when the previous chapter was unnecessary ecchi (which has increased a lot for some reason) and even in the current chapter they are doing stuff like gathering their energy. Ik that rescue arc had some goofy things about them too but… 1. They were more grounded in reality so didn't feel that out of place, like ofc the rich family is gonna have these high tech stuff and 2. There are reasons on why they were there instead of just "haha funny". Example being the lying chair machine served a purpose of showing that rentarou loves him girlfriends to the mother. What purpose does the dragon ball thing serve? And please god don't get me started on the hair arc. That shit was a disaster. The best modern "serious" ch was ch 60 since it developed Iku's character nicely and there weren't any out of place moments.
__Some Last Words:__ Was 100 gf always mid? Was I delusional? No no no no no… that can't be right. Ye, 100 gf was good. And yes, my entire point is that a gag manga is too goofy and I stand by it. Just lower the goofiness and maybe I will give it a try again… or don't. If other people enjoy it, who am I to judge? Maybe, It's just time for me to read some better manga.
__Irl pic of me remembering the good old days:__ 0r1h1m3
91/100A story about a virgin turning into a sigma male virgin...Continue on AniListSynopsis:
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Love You is an interesting manga and it is most certainly very unique in the aspect of the harem or romance genre due the fact that every girl wins. If you thought the title was being ironic it was not, this manga's main premise is genuinely about our main protagonist Rentaro Aijou getting a 100 girlfriends, why have one when you can have a 100 right?What I liked:
The story is not like your ordinary manga as I previously mentioned, to give a clear picture of what it is like we can say its a manga that would come to be if quintessential quintuplets and gintama were to merge. But wouldn't that cause clashing ideas and become an utter clusterfuck? No. Its legit a mockery of harem anime and by mockery I mean the chiche troupes presented in harem are redone in a hilariously parodical manner whilst also having several heartwarming and cute scenes with each girl presented till now. Also like the girls are really hot and there are 2 milfs too + a tsundere like what more does your dick need man? The show also includes references and easter eggs to several other works, from kuroko no basket to dragon ball, which is also presented in a hilarious way so it was most certainly interesting to see a story such as this to incorporate such references.What I disliked:
The fucking 12th girl, jesus I hated the 12th girl so much I dropped the rating by 10 grades and I'm sure no sensible human unless they are from alabama would condone to such a girl. (To go into a bit more context of what I'm trying to tell you about this girl the next few sentences will be spoilers so click spoiler if you don't mind being spoiled)Ok lemme tell you why tf I hate her, she is as u guessed it his fucking relative, thankfully not his sister but his cousin. Now don't get me wrong I am very cultured in the Hentai aspect of incest and I enjoy it a lot, but the difference being those girls are hot this girl looks like a fucking nerdy kid, want to know why BECAUSE SHE IS A FUCKING KID, she's in elementary school. Now listen if u think a 17 year old dating a 12 year old is fine get yourself a fucking therapist before you go to prison man, I can handle incest and I was expecting incest but I was not expecting this kind of incestStory(10/10):
I feel the story here isn't anything out of the ordinary, it is a high school harem and it doesn't try to drift from that, rather it embraces this faulty aspect and turns it into an amazing skit of comedy. The characters play a main part in the comedic aspect no doubt, but I think the setting presented by the author to make each character shine is pure genius. Another thing that I was greatly impressed by this manga was how they handled the 'tsundere' troupe.(Minor spoiler here but it's not huge and its worth reading so if you wish to click the spoiler icon)
Karane Inda our tsundere in this story can be made out as typically just another tsundere and thats because she is, but at the same time in a few of the later chapters the author goes into a more in-depth analysis of why she is a tsundere and how does her personality effect her. We can see her thoughts as indicating that she wishes to expresses her love by saying 'I love you' but is unable to do so because of this existence called the 'tsundere energy'. In that arc she loses her tsundere abilites and doesn't want them back till everyone convinces her that the tsundere is part of her or something along those lines. The point is the development of a tsundere in such detail is something I have never ever seen in anime or manga and I think what the author did here was most certainly impressive and wholesome.Characters(9/10):
Inda Karane: Tsundere, cute, dominant and can give a nice footjob. (10/10)
Hanazono Hakari: Goudere, hot, big titties, could give a nice boobjob and she's always horny. (10/10)
Hanazono Hahari: Goudere v2.0, hot, colossal titties, milf, experienced and she's also always horny (you thought she was hakari's older sis did you? it's her mom). (10/10)
Yoshimoto Shizuka: Dandere, cute af, seems loli but is legal, talks using audiobook lines and don't fucking lewd her istg she's the sweetest. (10/10)
Eiai Nano: Kuudere, beautiful, perfect sized tits, amazingly curvy body, android personality but also cute at times and she's best girl. (10/10)
Yakuzen Kusuri: Bakadere, cute/hot(has 2 forms), she is addicted to drugs, she has numerous drugs which are similar to doraemon gadgets and she could give you a drug to make your cock bigger. (10/10)
Haraga Kurumi: Tsundere when she is hungry and Deredere when she is eating, always hungry, likes food, she would eat your cock out and give you the best fucking blowjob ever, also she wears a hoodie + headphones. (10/10)
Meido Mei: No specific dere but she is very submissive, rainbow colored eyes, maid and she is cute asf. (10/10)
Sutou Iku: Bakadere, Tomboy, flat, baseball club captain so she fit also she is a massive fucking masochist. (10/10)
Utsukushisugi Mimimi: Himedere, hardworking, astonishingly beautiful/elegant and her booooooobs are niceee. (10/10)
Kakure Meme: Shundere, she uses misdirection like kuroko to avoid people(I am not fucking kidding she actually does), it is said that she is the most beautiful girl in the school but people are unable to see as she covers her face under her huge hair bangs and it is also said that her boobs are reallly big, probably the biggest in the series.(10/10)
Yamato Nadeshiko(Miss Naddy): Deredere, she pretends to be American, has big boobs and dresses like a cowgirl and you know what that means, she is probably innately skilled in the arts of the sexual intercourse position pertaining to cowgirl. (10/10)
Lin Chiyo: No, No, No fuck off, worst girl, his cousin, a child, not cute or hot, whiny and weird. (0/10)Artwork(8/10):
The artwork in this manga was light and not very detailed however, it still allowed a clear picture of the comedic element being presented to be felt so all and all it was pretty good.
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