September 18, 2020
140 min
While writing other people’s emotions, she may have neglected her own. Violet Evergarden, the child soldier turned Auto Memory Doll, writes letters that evoke the words her clients can’t. But when a terminally ill boy requests her services for his family, her own feelings about love and loss resurface. Now she must confront her past and the death of the Major.
(Source: Funimation)
Violet Evergarden
Yui Ishikawa
Gilbert Bougainvillea
Daisuke Namikawa
Benedict Blue
Kouki Uchiyama
Cattleya Baudelaire
Aya Endou
Claudia Hodgins
Takehito Koyasu
Iris Cannary
Haruka Tomatsu
Dietfried Bougainvillea
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Erica Brown
Minori Chihara
Ann Magnolia
Kaori Mizuhashi
Clara Magnolia
Ayako Kawasumi
Daisy Magnolia
Sumire Morohoshi
Rina Satou
Hisako Kyouda
Megumi Matsumoto
Bougainvillea Toushu
Jouji Nakata
Yuris Chichi
Daichi Endou
Daisy Chichi
Mitsuru Miyamoto
Yuris Haha
Mayuno Yasokawa
Daisy Haha
Emi Shinohara
Rie Hikisaka
Aya Saitou
Yasuhiro Mamiya
93/100[SPOILERS AHEAD] Unexpectedly anger-inducing but redeemed itself at the endContinue on AniListTHIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS
"You don't need me anymore, so let's not meet" - when I heard that, my heart dropped like hers must've did.
Story: 10/10
I liked the direction. The movie started from the perspective of the great granddaughter of one of Violet's clients, who became entranced after reading the letters much treasured throughout the years. We're shown the cruel reality of dolls being put out of business by advancements in technology, namely the telephone. However, this did not deter our temporary protagonist from travelling to the post office where it all took place, which has been turned into a museum.The film jumped to Violet's perspective at this point, after a brief recap. She had just delivered a song of praise for the seas, in a ceremony so formal I was worried she might be indoctrinated back into the army.
Then just as suddenly, we're shown a flash of the life of a man on an unknown island. It looks post apocalyptic, I wasn't sure it was in the present. The hair and eyes of the male character looked familiar; where have I seen him before? You might already be able to guess his identity based on the trailer, but lots of questions arose. Why didn't he attempt to come back if he was alive? Did he lose his memory? Well, you'll have to watch to find out.
Character: 9/10
Yulice's (not sure the English spelling) story was also bittersweet, and I liked how Violet's professionalism and weight she put together in their promise helped her make up her mind on giving up on the Major. The regret she shown was very admirable to say the least, as she realised the impossibility to fulfill his final request during the storm. I was afraid that Violet will never get to know that he was actually happy for her, but thankfully Iris relayed that to her later on.Overall: 9.3/10
I can't express my feelings in words now. All in all, the whole framing was so great, everyone was crying throughout the movie. My only qualm is how much Gilbert was romanticized in the anime series, but he is actually a shallow piece of sh** (pardon my language) in the movie. Luckily his brother and our dear Hodgins managed to bring him to his senses, else it might've been a sad ending. For that, the only category I won't be rating 10 is Character.Afterthoughts
I am glad that it was a wholesome happy ending, and I don't think there will be a second season given how perfectly the story ended. There were 2 different light novels that I received as a bonus present during the screening that illustrates the life of Violet after the ending of the movie that concludes whatever questions you may have. Let's hope they'll be distributed in overseas screenings as well.kaiyosan
93/100[Contains Major Spoilers] 'Your voice is my guide'.Continue on AniList___CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS___ Note: I watched this film when it premiered in the cinema, therefore I am unable to provide exact quotes. However, what I’d like to discuss are the key points that really touched my heart.
__BACKGROUND__ In the anime, Violet Evergarden has grown from a human weapon to a writer who is able to convey the heart of her clients. However, even as the years had passed, she had never forgotten Gilbert and continues to hope for his return.
Therefore, although Violet has grown, she has never truly forgotten, nor is it right to assume that she had moved on. This film, moreover highlights Violet’s struggle with losing a loved one from war. However, we don’t see a resolution of accepting loss. Instead, we saw the fruits of her hope when Gilbert was revealed to be alive.
It is important to note that the film and the novel had done this reunion differently. I cannot measure which one is better. However, I did find this film’s new and original take quite satisfying and beautiful.
YURITH (A Subplot) Yurith is a young sick boy who commissioned Violet to write letters for his family; so that once he passes, she can deliver the letters to those he left behind. This kind of plot is quite common in Violet Evergarden, but it never failed to tug at my heart strings. The emotions in Yurith’s voice and his earnest love for his family was so real, that it hurts.
What really made me cry was the scene when he made a call to his best friend and apologised for pushing him away. Yurith’s voice cracked as if it took everything for him to even speak, but the love conveyed through that telephone call, speaking of friendships which surpasses once’s lifetime was so sincere and comforting.
Next was when his family read his letters soon after he passes away. Watching the pained cries of his mother and the silent tears that his father can no longer hold as they read his letter;
‘I am glad to have been born your son.’ A simple yet warm statement, so kind and full of love.
‘To my younger brother, please be doted by our parents on my behalf.’ Yurith pushed his parents and younger brother away when he was sick. But secretly, he longed to be doted for. To be loved and to be cared for by his parents. But because of his condition, it was easier for him to push everyone away to make it easier to accept his fate. To pass on the love that was meant for him to his younger brother was so kind and so reassuring. It allows his parents to (somewhat) let go of him and focus their affections on their youngest. That although Yurith is gone, his love lives on, and his parents’ love for him can be manifested through his younger brother.
__GILBERT (main plot)__ The central plot revolves around Gilbert surviving the war after losing an eye and an arm. Gilbert lived in a far off island which gained independence after the war, working as a teacher. It was a peaceful life and none of his friends and family knew that he had survived. This is because Gilbert had ran away from his life due to the guilt and grief he felt by making Violet a weapon of war (which resulted her to lose her limbs).
In the novel, this was completely different. Many of Gilbert’s friends and family knew he was alive. I cannot accurately explain this myself, but I’d like to provide you with the criticism of u/lovingcrimson from Reddit which explained the ideas conveyed in the novel of who Gilbert is supposed to be. (I don’t believe they have seen this film yet prior to this statement. Their opinions seem to be based on the rough (and incomplete) summary provided by someone who had watched it).
__- Beginning of Quotation -__ Here's the novel's translators words:
The deal with novel!Gilbert is that he looks around at everything he has, everything that had been burdening him and killing him on the inside all his life, and decides to make use of it for Violet’s sake. He continues being family head and working in the army, amassing money and connections in order to have every means possible to protect Violet should anything happen to her. And as it turns out, he does end up having to use those means, more than once, but he will keep this up for as long as he needs to, because he lives for her now. That’s what makes him worth all the blood, sweat, tears, mental sanity and even body parts that she gave away for his sake: he pays it back. Every cent.
'This path KyoAni took also introduces plot holes. Without Gilberts protection, she had no one in the military ensuring that she wasn't reclaimed by them and used again as a weapon. As well, the honorable, worthy man for Violet was turned into a pathetic, hermit of a man deserving nothing more than the fate of dying alone in the place he fled to. KyoAni could've pulled this movie into a mega twist where Bert is both revealed as alive and that he had been behind the scenes all along, and then using the remainder of the movie to allow Violet and Bert to reconcile and come together culminating in the confession scene in the third novel chapter 6. It could've left it at that.
It would've been beautiful to have seen the movie centering around Bert's past/path before they reunited, showing Bert working hard at keeping Violet safe from the shadows while trying to reconcile his own feelings and guilt. Unburdened by having her at his side, he's able to grow from a frontlines soldier into a masterful tactician, both militarily and in the civilian world. Climbing ranks, building connections, obtaining wealth, not for himself but for her. Watching from the shadows - knowing his direct presence would hurt her growth - but ever keeping an invisible shield over her from forces inconceivable to someone only used to seeing the immediate physical surroundings as a battlefield. Unlike Bert, who was raised in a prestigious family with military heritage, Violet is/was unaware of the political, socioeconomic and strategic dangers. That was part of the beauty of their relationship, the canon reason he disappeared, and would've pulled it all together.'
__- End of Quotation -__ With that being said, although I do agree that the novel had honoured Gilbert’s character with much more depth, I do not think that the film had made an utter mockery of him. In the film, Gilbert ran way due to his grief and guilt.
_‘I wanted her to be able to be affectionate to cute things.’_ His hope for her was to allow her to grow as a normal child. To see the world and appreciate the beauty of life. But because he needed her in battle, he lives in resentment for sacrificing her youth for his benefit (or well, the benefit of the country). As a result, he wanted to socially die. To be perceived as dead believing that it was better for everyone. Although this plotline has constricted his ‘true and original’ character, it was still very real and raw. This does not indicate that Gilbert did not love Violet or that he was a terrible man. Rather, it conveys Gilbert as a man who struggles from the trauma he has experienced from war. The regret of surviving while watching people around him die in both factions of the war; it is very human to run away from this. That is why I cannot hate how KyoAni changed Gilbert’s character. It did not undermine who he is, nor is it a reflection that he is selfish.
Rather, Gilbert is a result of the guilt and burdens born from war.
However, although Gilbert attempted to run away from the life he left behind. He was never forgotten. Violet, unwaveringly believed that he was alive. Hodgins, although many years had passed, remembers Gilbert’s handwriting and sought to trace him down. Dietfried, his brother, was unable to let go of his memory. Going so far as to lie to Violet about Gilbert’s hat (claiming that it was his) so that Violet wouldn’t take it as her own memorabilia. Although Gilbert tried to run away from his grief, he was so deeply loved.
Regardless of the choices he made in war. Regardless of his cowardice and guilt, they all loved him and this finally reaches him when Violet wrote her last letter to him.
_‘When you told me ‘I love you’, I realised that I wanted to say it back.’_ Violet loves Gilbert. She chose to become a Doll and grew to become a person who aims to understand the feelings of others because of the love that Gilbert had given her. Violet wanted to understand Gilbert’s love, which had lead her to become who she is today. Therefore, although the film did not take the same route as the book, the effect that Gilbert had on her was still, very much, just the same. That because of him, she desired to become more than just a human weapon. Because of him, she wanted to know ‘love’.
__‘Your voice is my guide.’__ When Gilbert read this last part of the letter and the song, Michishirube / みちしるべ by 茅原実里 came on, I cried. It was so fitting. All the emotions I was keeping inside came rolling out and I was filled with the bittersweet tenderness of love. Gilbert’s voice was never just an order for Violet. It was her guide and protector. It shaped her to become who she is now.
Regardless of everything I have done, _‘still…I love you. I want you by my side.’_ ‘I love you.’ ‘Aishiteru’. 愛してる. To love someone so deeply, immeasurably, sincerely. When Gilbert finally expresses the desires of his heart, Violet was unable to express herself, ‘I…Major…’. She repeatedly utters this as she cries, her fist clenched as she tried to will herself to speak, completely overwhelmed by Gilbert’s declaration. Moreover, Gilbert acknowledges that it may be selfish of him to still want her by his side. That after using her and running away, deep in his heart, he wanted her desperately.
I thought this scene was so beautiful. It was so sweet and heartfelt. And most importantly, it was so wonderfully raw. What makes Violet Evergarden so charming is its ability to express honest emotions. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry in this film. But how can I not when the emotions punches right through your soul?
I really enjoyed this film even if it took a different approach from the novel. The scenes were beautiful, the music fits in so well, and the conveyance of emotion was well done. I am satisfied.
83/100Spoiler free review of the long awaited conclusion.Continue on AniListViolet Evergarden The Movie(2020) Kyoto Animation's first work in a long time, following the horrendous attack that took place last year.
I was lucky enough to be able to see this on 10/12/20 in my local theaters.
As a general thought, this movie served well enough as a closure to its massively successful prequel.Story - 8/10 ~~~I'd like to think that I'm crazy lenient for giving this category as high as I did. I did not think the story was any more special/different from the prequel. It's mostly the same as what you'd get from watching the original.
The only difference is the conclusion, and also the main reason of why I think I'm crazy. The conclusion
(very important clarification. I don't mean the end as in the legit last shot of the movie, I meant the moments leading up to it, meaning ~30mins before the end.) SUCKED.It was mostly a waste of a time and threw away a very cool underlying narrative the show might have been trying to build over the course of the movie. Otherwise it's a pretty standard Violet Evergarden-esque story. Which is to say, very good.
Characters - 7/10 This score looks more likely to me. I'm still on the fence on whether it was the characters that sucked or the ending that sucked. I chose to go with the former here where everything fell apart near the end.
The whole movie was great as a whole, but character motivations were somewhat lost in the final act with many decisions leaving you confused as to why they would do that.
Sound - 8/10 Really love the sound in this show. OST/BGM came on at the right times, were pleasant to listen to. Many atmospheric sounds.
Only complain was that it got loud out of nowhere sometimes (2 times?)
Animation - 10/10 It's KyoAni. What more do I gotta say.
The rain and water animation towards the end of the show were impeccable and more than on par with Kotonoha no Niwa's.
Direction - 9/10 Tempted to give this a 10 since I'm a total newb when it comes to recognizing directional talent.
Character (re)introductions were done superbly well, there's use of the classic emphasis, but not overdone like in the KNY movie and a very nice past/present type of storytelling as well, albeit cliché.
It is a well directed movie that won't ever bore you, despite it being a really slow burn SoL.
Overall I liked this movie. The ending got me feeling all types of ehhhh but everything else was good.
The only other thing I'll mention is, and try not to let this affect your viewing experience, but pay close attention to the distance all the characters are apart from each other while speaking. It was funny as heck.
I still don't know what score to give it though as I totally suck at giving movie scores due to my low count so why not you tell me what I should give it based on what I said.
ANIME DramaAo Haru Ride
MOVIE DramaKoe no Katachi
MOVIE DramaKimi no Na wa.
MOVIE DramaTenki no Ko
- (4.35/5)
Ended inSeptember 18, 2020
Main Studio Kyoto Animation
Favorited by 6,562 Users
Hashtag #ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン #VIOLETEVERGARDEN