August 30, 2019
90 min
A video game-loving shut-in, Satou Kazuma's life should've ended when he was hit by a truck, but through a twist of fate, he ends up reincarnating in another world--and dragging the troublemaking goddess, Aqua, the wildly dorky mage, Megumin, and the unrelentingly delusional lady knight, Darkness, with him.
Now, the Crimson Demon village that Megumin and Yunyun are from is facing a threat that could mean its ending. Kazuma and his gang follow Yunyun, who returns to the Crimson Demon village intent on saving it... when they are faced with their greatest threat yet! What will become of the unremarkable adventurer Kazuma's life in another world?!
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Rie Takahashi
Kazuma Satou
Jun Fukushima
Sora Amamiya
Ai Kayano
Aki Toyosaki
Yui Horie
Maria Naganawa
Masakazu Nishida
Sayuri Hara
Akeno Watanabe
Kaori Nazuka
Tetsu Inada
Mamiko Noto
Miyu Tomita
Sayumi Suzushiro
Hiroki Takahashi
Miki Hase
Yoshiki Nakajima
Mitsuhiro Sakamaki
Tsuguo Mogami
Hiroo Sasaki
Rikuya Yasuda
Shouto Kashii
Hitomi Nabatame
70/100The gang is back for another glorious adventure.Continue on AniListCopied from my letterboxd account which you can find here .
I actually review all the anime movies I watch there cause sometimes they don't hit the character limit to post here or because I'm too self conscious. As well as reviews on other movies (if that's your jam although those reviews are mainly shitposts).
I've been a fan of the series pretty much since the first season aired back in 2016. At the time it was a pretty fun spin on the whole isekai genre that was just beginning to take over modern anime and it stood out pretty well. Stood out so well in fact that its one of the 2 (3 if we wanna count Re:creators) isekai anime's that I can say I genuinely enjoy and remember fondly. Hell I was able to get through about 75% of the show on a rewatch before going out to see the movie and while it's not a show I think I'm gonna rewatch soon I still enjoyed my time with these four lovable assholes. So what were my expectations as a fan of the anime? Mostly just the same formula with new experiences.
That's what I got with Konosuba's break onto the big screen. Legend of Crimson still is able to capture that same charm that the series held back when it was still airing. Kazuma is still scum, Aqua is still a stubborn airhead, Megumin still wants to marrying a pile of C4, and Darkness is still well, Darkness. The band of endearing idiots still have that same chemistry and ways to get under each others skin that made the show such a blast to watch. Not that I was worried, but we haven't seen any continuation of the anime since early 2017 so i guess I was a bit apprehensive as an anime only.
The story this time takes place in Megumin's hometown, the village of the Crimson Demons and we get a lot more background on how Megumin and Yunyun grew up. Since we already got background information on every other major player of the series, made sense Megumin gets her time in the spotlight. I really liked the village. Every single inhabitant had that same over-the-top over the top energy that Megumin has and it made for a lot of really fun moments as we got to see just who exactly the crimson demons are. A lot of the jokes landed for me personally, but I'm not the hardest person to please when it comes to humour.
The thing that makes Konosuba stand out in terms of it's comedy is the jokes are always building on top of one another. The whole bit with the giant toads from early on in the first season had a lot of repercussions and set ups for a lot of jokes the rest of the season and beyond. This time around it felt like that whole component was absent. Again I liked the humour but it missed that special element that made a single event hit in a lot of different comedic ways. There were fun one-liners, reaction faces and gifs for days but those were trademark elements that keeps Konosuba perpetually talked about in most anime spaces and I don't mind these elements. They've existed since the beginning of the show and they didn't feel forced so it sits right with me.
There was one major element that really held me back from really digging the movie, the eye catcher. Now in the series proper there's this title card and one of the characters going "KO-NO-SU-BA" to grab you back from presumably an ad break or as a way to end a bit and change gears to something else the story is going to do. It works in the series because of the nature of how an aired show works. However for the first half of the movie this bit happens maybe 5-7 times and it feels like a lazy way to make something else happen. If it were just a jump cut to another scene (which it largely is) or a fade out transition it would be more apparent. The space that it does occupy is used to continue a joke for a few more chuckles or some funny performance by any of the seiyuu with the pronunciation of the series and its varied enough that it doesn't get stale, but being stale isn't the point here. The audience in a movie setting isn't walking away from an ad break or whatever other reason this exists in the series that keeps it from ripping you away from the viewing experience. Instead it's a cheap way to distract the movie as the film moves from scene A to Scene B. In a movie setting these aggressive jump cuts just mess up continuity or rob a well thought out way to connect all these separate moments. Thankfully around the halfway point this stops as the story kicks into full gear and there's not really a good moment to insert this bit in, which only makes it stick out more in my mind so why include it at all? Thankfully this is my only real gripe about the movie and it only exists for a total of like 10 seconds of the run time. But it's 10 seconds that pulled me ruthlessly out of the experience at multiple times during the run time of the film
I do want to point out Kazuma a bit. While the eye catcher was shattering, Kazuma has a bit of a different problem. Now in the series it's not a secret: he's not a good person. Well he's not a bad person per se, but a lot of his negative actions are definitely fueled by someone else pushing first or him going on a some ego trip or some dumb misunderstanding, whatever. My point is there's usually something you could point at and go "ok, well there's the reasoning for why Kazuma did X thing". He's just kind of too much in the movie. He's always been a pervert in the series I mean, dude's like 17 years old. As a once 17 year old dude, hormones be crazy and he's surrounded by a lot of women he views as attractive. There's enough motivation for his whole lewd persona and is constantly ostracized in the most ridiculous and public ways for that persona, thus making good comedy. Without getting into spoilers on specifics it feels like he's very close to crossing a lot more lines than I personally was comfortable with. You could make an argument on his motivations, but it came off as a bit much when he had more uhh, rapey inclinations. It was never overbearing but it was a bit too close to fetishizing his actions with the ways it was portrayed which is very much not ok. Granted a lot of anime toe that line but it's never an excuse for this weird bit of voyeurism that is seemingly inescapable in the medium.
Part of me wants to touch on the animation but I can't seem to find a lot of information on the staffing for this project to do anything besides speculation. The bits I can touch on however is that the primary studio that produced the movie changed hands from the series that did the series, Studio DEEN to Studio J.C. . Not that I have anything against J.C. staff I have seen a few series by them I thought were well animated but when it come to anime recently they cut maybe a few too many corners and tumble a bit, at least in recent years. Not shaming, animation is fucking hard and the Japanese animation industry eats animators and shits out anime, makes sense people cut corners where they can But J.C. staff cut maybe a few too many corners with production in recent times. Food Wars exists primarily on still shots, zooms, pans and mouth flaps and One Punch Man S2 was a hard step down from it prior season in terms of quality. Just examples that have stuck with me. Thankfully they didn't cut enough corners that I noticed with the film which has me relieved. The small details that enhance the memeing of Konosuba were given more love and the rest of the movie flows well with quality one would expect with a sequel movie to a series. The only thing I was a bit let down on is Megumins explosions. I was really looking forwards to seeing them in a wonderfully animated fashion and for the most part they looked good but I was more hopeful that they would be more "special" for lack of a better term. They definitely looked better than in the series and were spruced up enough to notice that difference but they left me with an underwhelming taste in my mouth.
A weird thing that stuck out was never actually in the film but in the credits. There were a lot of credits out to a lot of different animation studios. The credits were all in Japanese and while I am learning Japanese I'm definitely not at the level to be able to pick out why these studios were credited. Could be these studios helped in a way or just a simple shout out (not that, that would make sense but work with me here) again, it didn't break anything for me in the movie I just thought it was an interesting bit that caught my eye in the credits and am curious as to why they were there.
At the end of the day I enjoy the antics of this collection of assholes and the crazy shit they find themselves in and the film is more of that. Konosuba's got a potent formula at it's disposal and I'm a simple guy. The cast is fun, laughable, endearing in the right ways (with the exception of kazuma for a bit in the movie) all it needs is more circumstances to put them in and I don't think it can go wrong.
86/100Cheers, to Kazuma's popular phase. The long awaited return to Konosuba is here.Continue on AniListSplashing into purified water on the big screen, Kazuma and co. are back. This film details a trip to Megumin and Yunyun's hometown with some insight on how they both turned out so strange. The movie implies small plot bits have occurred in-between the end of season 2 and the beginning of the film; nothing major except that again the party find themselves in debt. Ignoring that, they set out to Megumin's hometown fearing that it is in danger.
There are plenty of concerns to have with JC Staff animating the film based on the deplorable animation in the majority of One Punch Man season 2 and the extremely limited animation in the newest season of Food Wars. Fortunately, JC Staff drew a bombastic flick that keeps up with the quality the series has maintained on TV. The explosions are large, the spell-casting is colorful, and the characters fluidly move. The climax is epic and made me shiver. Image quality only lacks when characters are closer to the background in scenes.
The comedy is enjoyable just like in the show with a mix between quick quips, situational irony, and references to ridiculous history that will have you reminiscing on seasons 1 and 2. Megumin is charming and humorous, Darkness is her typical masochistic self, Aqua... is not prominent in the film. In showcasing Megumin, the writing steps back from Aqua and she plays as more of a generic side character.
The movie had the theater in a riot of laughter very early on starting with why the crew decide to go visit Crimson Demon Village. Throughout the rest of the film, Kazuma is featured heavily for better or worse. The movie has a few scenes that left me praying that none of the theater staff were poking in to take a look at what was going on. Kazuma, unfortunately, acts on both sides of these perhaps too risque scenes, and goes maybe a tad too far on his offense. A couple uncomfortable moments aside, Kazuma is as hilarious as ever. Stupid and clever. Perverted and chivalrous. Lucky and unlucky.
The journey reveals many details about Megumin and Yunyun's early life. We get to learn about their families, their school, their friends, what they write home about, and even some of the difficult decisions they've had to make. If Megumin wasn't your favorite yet, there's a decent chance she will be by the time the film ends, and maybe you'll find some respect for Yunyun as well.
I'm very hopeful and eager for a season 3 because it's clear a lot of passion went into this film. If you enjoy the series, you'll enjoy this movie.
84/100All which makes KonoSuba joyous odd comedic ride in a movie that never dulls and is always so full of life and energyContinue on AniListThat was simply a wonderful watch from start to finish. It was beyond good to see all of these lovable dorks animated again in their full glory. Just watching them get into trouble or somehow bringing it to them without even trying, and straight-up not be up to anything good. I didn't realize how much I had missed KonoSuba before I watched this movie and had an absolute blast. It was truly worthwhile, and gosh, I am still waiting for that much-needed sequel. But studio J.C Staff no doubt knocked this one out of the park and blew my mind apart since I didn't think they had it in them to deliver this kind of exquisite quality and pure passion once more. I almost forget J.C Staff was good back in the day. I hope this is a sign of them rising up even more from the ashes. Toaru Railgun's third season that is airing as of 2020 Spring season looks quite beautiful and is far better on the eyes. But, there are many other shows they missed the mark with, or you just don't feel the overflowing sense of passion like this movie.
For one, how about Shokugeki no Slideshow: Powerpoint edition— or maybe they are using Google slides nowadays. Who knows? I don't wanna find it out either. I was initially going to just write my thoughts on a completed post. But that was a wall of text which would look so bizarre, so I decided to just do a full review and include my honest feelings here instead. I have a lot of stuff I wanna get off my chest and share laughter and joy about, so let's just get to all that snazzy stuff. The incredible explosive shipping teases and moments we got. Megumin's fans especially are really gonna love this movie. There is never a dull moment with the quirky-dorky group of Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness. It had everything that made you love KonoSuba and much more elevated to all kinds of higher levels with outstanding production value. I absolutely had such a great laugh watching this, and man was the comedy over-the-top odd as always, but so damn charming and just natural fitting our cast's personalities. I had a blast to see them all interact again and give us an extremely good time while they are at it.
J.C Staff were going all-in and made us really realize again in a spectacular manner why we just can't get enough of KonoSuba like ever. Megumin and at last YunYun had a pivotal role in this movie. We went to their Crimson Demon village, where they were born and raised. Hence tons of character exploration background, life, and family friends were dished out to us, which made use grow even a stronger bond with them. Suffice to say, if you previously disliked any of them, this movie might've changed that for you like damn big time. All kinds of Megumin-like characters were on screen and others just as quirky and over-the-top as her lovable self. It was about damn time, but we got lots of comedic, wholesome, and adorable Megumin x Kazuma moments as well. The fans are gonna love that. Yunyun was finally not shafted to the side at the end of it all and had lots of moments to shine and kick some major butt. That final scene for one with Megumin and Yunyun's very explosive teamwork was terrific, and the animation was so stunning.
Kazuma had lots of experiences in this movie. He'd rather forget, I am sure, and many scarred him for life. My boi almost got ridden by a gang of female orcs who have not seen male flesh in a very long time. Gosh, that whole moment was so damn hilarious and Kazuma voice actress, Jun Fukushima is killing it big time as ever. This was by far his most flexible, strongest, and enjoyable work yet from KonoSuba. Kazuma shined every damn time he was on screen with this sassy, bold, confident, and outright funny, charismatic personality with no regard for how he looks to others. Kazuma is the embodiment of not giving a shit and just yells out all his bottled feelings or what he wants to say at the moment without getting embarrassed. Aqua and Darkness took a step back, but still had lots of moments in the movie that would make you laugh or adore these two sights for sore eyes. Megumin had the most focus out of them all. Rie Takashi was killing it just like anyone else with her voice filled with so much energy, emotions. That you knew she loved and truly missed being Megumin. When it came to the production value as already hinted at multiple times, it was simply scrumptious, and the sakuga was absolutely fluid.
Sheesh, you should've seen Kazuma's hands moving with such precise motions. I am sure fellow fans know what I am talking about. It's a very iconic moment, after all. Every moment of the movie, even a minor scene looked full of life and didn't seem dull or cheap. Although the movie had derps, that might just be Studio J.C Staff trying to emulate and paying some homage to Deen's quirky art. Yes, they totally killed it. Expect to see an insurmountable amount of weird facial expressions that will have you busting a gut without letting up. The soundtrack was great, hyped up the right moment, increased the comedic value even higher to really strike you. I also loved the outro song, which had our beautiful main female trio singing in union and separation. It was such a lovely and soothing song to end the movie on a pleasant note. I got a bit teary-eyed by the end, not even gonna try to sugarcoat it. I truly missed KonoSuba from the bottom of my heart, so this movie was a dream-come-true moment for me. Btw, I love how in the movie chomesukeI almost every scene to add to the fluff and wholesome vibes, it's such a simple gimmick, but it simply so damn effective, and hence I adored the amount of Chomesuke we got in the movie.
If you are feeling bored or need to laugh at your heart's content, break out some snacks, and sit back and watch this joyous KonoSuba movie. It will not leave you dissatisfied if you want everything that makes KonoSuba so popular and beloved packed in an hour and half of the pure utter entertainment without letting up for a moment or even a single dull moment. Fair warning it might have your side hurting a lot by the end as a cause of laughing way too much.I've said it a lot of times already, but I just loved and enjoyed this movie so much. I will tell you, however, if you're not caught up to the anime, this will spoil the events of volume 5, so just be sure about that before you decide to watch it. Now I need a new season of KonoSuba, and everything will be damn peachy.
TV SHORT ComedyIsekai Quartet
ANIME ComedyHataraku Maou-sama!
ANIME ActionSentouin, Hakenshimasu!
MOVIE AdventureSlayers Movie
MOVIE AdventureSlayers RETURN
MOVIE AdventureSlayers Gorgeous
- (4.15/5)
Ended inAugust 30, 2019
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
Favorited by 5,124 Users
Hashtag #このすば